Summer School

Me, and my friends decided to take Summer School just to hang out together, since we missed each other a whole year.

The best part of Summer School was they had no dress code, so we can wear whatever we want. It was hot too, so we didn’t wear much, but we’re not talking about bikinis or anything.

It’s okay, because the boys didn’t really sign up, so we all got the same teacher, and studied in the same class. We still had to keep Social Distance, so we weren’t close enough to pass notes, and whenever you got out your phone, the teacher made you put it up.

Then, school let out, and we went in the restroom to talk about clothes. That led to bragging about how much we’d grown, and pointing out how they fit, now that we’re starting to have figures.

April was the bustiest, she said she was up to C cups, and we believed her. They kinda looked a little too big on a 12 year old, but we knew she’d grow into them. Like her mom, she’s petite too, but she doesn’t look quite as top heavy now.

“Go ahead,” she stuck her thumbs in the straps on her sun dress, and picked them up in her bar, so we both poked one, and giggled. That was it, we’re not lesbians, we’re just really good friends, but she’s the one that started busting out in 5th grade, so it’s hard not to notice.

The boys sure noticed too, but through her bra, they weren’t that soft. I thought they would be softer, just feeling my own modest B cups, but Jennifer didn’t grow out. She grew up, so she was almost as tall as the boys. That made her look even skinnier, like a model, so I was more jealous of her than April’s future back problems. she was already starting to slouch.

I guess I’m the average one, but it’s okay. I’m used to being the middle child, and they don’t make fun of me for being plain Jane. We’re not mean girls, even in middle school, we’re not the ones looking for things to poke fun at, and hurt other girl’s feelings, but we all heard it.

Jennifer got called “Beanstalk,” since she grew so tall, so fast. Like Jack and the Bean Stalk, while April got called Gazongas, which was so mean. She cried a few times, they teased her so bad. Nobody called me anything, which was the worst of all. I mean, I didn’t want to be teased, mercilessly but I don’t like being invisible, neither.

My brother calls me clingy, and needy. I guess that’s why I thought of taking summer school together, so we could hang out at school together just like old times. It wasn’t just like old times, though. We weren’t little girls any more, and they didn’t have a playground at the middle school.

Finally, the janitor knocked on the door, and yelled “I have to clean this out, girls.” So, we giggled, and left. He dropped his mop, and looked right at April on the way by. Even turning his head to follow her, reaching out for the mop handle, and missed before he propped open the door, and rolled the bucket in.

“What a perv!” Jennifer turned back, and skipped to catch up. Easy on those long legs. “Are you all right?”

“I don’t know,” April’s face was real red, and she took a deep breath. “Huh! I guess I’ll get used to it, but I don’t know how mom does it.”

“Well, she’s got your dad to chase off guys looking.”

“Yeah, but when he’s not around. They still look, and I caught a boy in my yard. Trying to look in the window.”

“What did you do?”

“Just told him to leave, or I’d call the cops.”

“So, he ran?” Jen shook her head. “Front yard or back yard?”

“Front yard, but on the side, over by the dumpers.”

“Did he have his pants down?” I guessed he was back there, so he could. You know, hide behind the trash, and recycling?

“Ew, no.”

“Nerds, hey nerdy girls.” We just kept walking, over by the fence, but the boys ran along the outside. “What are you doing in school, it’s summer.”

“We knoOow!” I put my head down, but then Jen ran across in front of me, so I looked up. “What are you doing around the middle school?”

“What’s it to you?”

“You don’t look like middle school boys.”

“Well, you don’t look like middle school girls.”

“Yeah, look at the fun bags on that one.”

“HEY!” I got in front of April, but like I said, she’s petite. I’m not exactly plus size, but she could hide behind me, easy.

“I think she wants to fight.”

Finally I looked up, and they were mean boys, but teen boys, and a lot of them. “5, 6, and 7.” Wow, I thought girls traveled in packs. Yeah, because pervs like that janitor man can’t grab you, and drag you off to the janitor closet without the other 2 screaming, and calling the cops.

So what do they do? Gang up in even bigger packs, so there’s more then 2 for each of us.

“Maybe she wants to take us all on.”

“You stole that from Heavy Metal!”

“See, told you they’re nerds.”

“Uh!” I shook my head, “You just quoted a 70s cartoon, as if we wouldn’t notice, to prove that we’re nerds, nerd.”

“Yeah nerd.” Two of the other boys pushed him back and forth.

“Guys, guys.” Jeni put her hands up. “At least you’re picking on someone your own size?” The nerdy one, the one that could quote Heavy Metal word for word, he didn’t look like a nerdy little guy. I’m pretty sure if he didn’t want them pushing him around, he didn’t have to let them.

“Like you?” He moved the one Jen was standing up to (Across the fence, so she could run, and get away, easy. She runs all the time, so she’s really good at it.)

She scoffed, and backed up, because he was even taller then her. I mean, they all were, but standing behind her like that. It was easy to see how wide his shoulders really are, and his thick arms bulging out his shirt. He’s real deep voiced too, and he likes Heavy Metal.

I bet it’s not just the music either. They got boobs in it, bare boobs, and there’s even a part where a topless lady walks through the dark, and runs into a man, hands first. So, he feels her boobs, and they look about as big as Aprils, only on a full grown woman, with pubes, and everything.

“Uh!” I looked up, from the chain link right in front of me, and forgot how I even got there. When Jen backed up, I just walked forward like a zombie, but he looked even huger, and smelled sweaty. “I’m Jane.”


“Dude, I think she likes you.”

“Shut the fuck up, man.”

“Huh, Den?” I giggled. He had hair, on his head, I mean. So, he couldn’t say the line. No hair, mh big!

Ting! Jen leaned up against the fence, careful not to catch her arm on the points sticking up. “Hey,” She smiled at a boy, who blushed, and shook his head. Struck mute by her beauty. Ok yeah, and she’s not just almost tall enough to be a model, she’s easily pretty enough too. “You’re kinda cute.”

She waggled her eyebrows, and that always made us laugh. You know how The Rock does the 1 eyebrow, and that’s his signature look? Well, Jen does one eyebrow, then the other, so they waggle back and forth like a seesaw, and it’s funny, but it’s getting hot out here, and it’s not just me.

“Guys?” April just shook her head, back and forth at us.

“Well,” they lined up again, “Which one do you like?” Me, and Jen split up, and Den followed me to the end of the line. The other boys got out of the way of him, because he’s so large, and intimidating. They don’t want to get in his way.

Must be nice, I mean I don’t want to be a boy, or get a sex change or anything. I’m not even jealous, but you have to respect a man that big. It’s like parking on the train tracks. Even if you’re like a big old school bus, an International, you better get out of the way, because a freight train will just flatten you like you’re nothing.

“I don’t know,” April finally walked up the middle. I don’t know what Jen sees in that boy on the end. He’s got to be the shortest, maybe that it? Oh, they just lined up according to size. Did they plan that, or did they just line up, when me, and Jen picked the biggest, and the smallest. “Huh, I can’t see who’s got the biggest dick.”

“Up!” My jaw dropped, and Jen busted out laughing. The boys looked just as surprised as us.

“You’re a size queen?”

“Yeah,” she did that pullet show again, where she sticks her thumbs in the shoulder straps, and lifts them up. “Of course, the biggest tits get the biggest dicks, right?”

“Guys.” Den’s deep voice turned everyone’s attention to him, and now I’m jealous. Imagine that, being able to get all eyes on you, with a word. That’s one powerful Voice, like Muad’Dib powerful. All right, I’m a nerd. That doesn’t make the other 2 nerds, too.

“Maybe we should take off.”

“Maybe we should come with you.” I held on to his shirt sleeve.

“Yeah,” Jen reached over the fence, and bent down to take her boy’s hand. “Come on,” she held it up, so he had to follow her, to the end of the fence. There was another one in the corner, but this one didn’t go all the way to the tall one, bye the road.

“Where we going?” She pulled him around the end, and the other boys followed, but she had the lead, so she took it.

“Over here.” That turned out to be the concession trailer over by the track and field. They had PE, but we missed it last year, of course. they still had a track around a field, with goals and goal posts on either end. So, the boys could play Football, when the girls weren’t playing soccer, but now it was abandoned.

Pretty much, somebody broke into the concession stand, and smashed up the cash register, but they didn’t leave any money on the floor. “Uh!”

Den picked me up, from behind, and set me up on the counter. So, I could climb in, and unlock the door from the inside. They didn’t break the windows, and pull down the metal screens. They took the board off by the hinges, so the counter was wide open, and the floor was wet. It must have rained in without the board up, to keep it out.

“Huh, you’re so strong.” He came up first, as soon as I opened the door. So, I felt up his arms, and slipped his shirt sleeves up to squeeze them. “Huh, big, and strong.”

“Well, the second biggest.” April pointed. “All right, boys, line up.”

“Not you.” Jen turned her her boy around. “Don’t look at her.” She flipped the side of her hair back off her shoulder, and stepped down. Out of her shoes, so she wasn’t that much taller. “You think I’m pretty?” He nodded, but I was just happy to feel Den’s thumbs.

He just rested his heavy hands on my hips, but his thumbs felt up, and down my hip-bones through my dress. “Jane?”

“Hm?” I looked up, but he was already bent down, and his eyes turned sideways, so I closed mine, and then he kissed me.

“Just drop your pants, and take your tops off. Too.”

“You going to take off that dress?”

“Shut up.”


“SHUT IT!” She stomped, and jiggled. Den hugged me with 1 arm, which was plenty, so we could turn, and watch April work the room.

Tryouts, I guess. Me, and Jen had the boys we wanted, and Jen took the chair over in the corner. To sit her little boy in her lap. I mean, don’t get the wrong idea, he was probably 14. Like the rest of the freshman, that came by the middle school to make fun of the nerds taking summer school, but he just looked little.

Compared to the rest of them, I’m sure he was just a late bloomer, and not a little little boy. She’s not like a child molester.

“Huh!” April slipped the dress off her shoulders, and it’s low cut in the back. So there’s no buttons, or zippers, she can just slip it off, and pull it down over her bra. “Since we got a show.” She looked back, and forth at us, and then I noticed her posture.

Ever since she busted out, she started slouching out in public. As if she wanted to curl up around them, and hide them. There’s such a thing as too much attention, but me, and Jen had seen her in her bra before. Over at her house, so she could show off her new summer outfits, but it was just us girls. So, she just stood up like she always did, when it was just us girls.

“Let go,” they stopped slowly stroking in a line, “better yet.” She looked back and forth along the line of boys. 5 boys lined up against the steam tables. “Hold your hands behind you. Your own hands, so I can see what you got.” They nodded, standing up at attention, but ever since she pushed her top down, she stood up. Shoulders back, so her bra hung out, and held them up for all 5 of them to see.

“Nm!” Jen’s boy closed his eyes, and squeezed them tight. Holding his breath, and shivering, but then I saw her hand cum up from between his legs, and rub his tummy. She smiled, a dirty smile and leaned over to whisper something in his ear. He nodded, blinked, and shook his head. Panting breathlessly.

She rubbed him off in his pants, while no one was looking.

“Snh,” Den leaned over to smell my hair, and then he touched my hip. This time with his fingers, and his deep voice rumbled against my shoulder. ‘i love your hips.’ I looked up, and he nodded. Looking right in my eyes, and smiling sincerely. ‘you’ve got the best hips.’

“Uh,” I looked around, then turned around. April was standing between 2 boys, and holding there balls in both hands. Brushing their arms with her bra cups.

“Not bad,” As much as I was enjoying the show. Not so much the other 5 boys, but April coming out of her shell, and feeling confident enough to stand up to boys, 5 at a time.

“I think we can do better.” She moved over, and looked up.

“Oh, no.” I hugged him. “Don’t even think about it. You can have any other boy you want, but this one’s mine.”

He laughed, and I just out my ear up to his chest, to hear his heavy breaths. His deep heart beating, and his firm muscle against my face.

I bet he was just like me once, only a boy. A book worm, and a wall flower, until puberty hit him hard. “I love your muscles. Huh, I don’t like a man with too many muscles.”

He laughed, “Tell us about it, Janet.”

“Uh!” He gets me, he gets all my jokes! Even my best friends don’t get all my jokes. “You seen Rocky Horror?”

“Of course, you ever seen it in the theater?”

“It’s R rated, but we have do a copy of it, on VHS.” There’s a little documentary about the live show, the Musical, and the stuff the crowds do watching it in theaters, too.

“Well, you haven’t really experienced it, until you seen it in the theater.”

“I know.”

“I guess you’ll do.” He looked up, so I turned to look over my shoulder, and April had her dress hiked up to drop her panties.

“Hey, his dick isn’t as big as mine!” The boy on the other end, closest to me even turned to show her, and I looked away from his bare butt. His pants down around his ankles, so he had to hobble around.

“Huh, yeah.” She kicked her panties off, and backed up to the counter. “I’m gonna start small, and work my way up.”

“Well, let me help you up.”

“No me,” they practically tripped over their pants trying to get to her, but while he was distracted. I felt down Den’s back, and found his butt was rock hard, like the rest of him.

“Boys, boys.” She looked over at me, and tried The Voice. “No need to fight over me.” I giggled, and Den chuckled against me.

“Huh!” I looked up, and picked his wallet out of his pocket.

“Hey,” he reached back, and I flipped it open, ducking out the door. Over by the bleachers he caught up, while I looked at his ID card.

Lewis, Dennis O.

DOB: 9Apr02.


“Find anything interesting?”

“Yeah,” I gave it back. “You’re nineteen.”

“Yeah, you?”

“Thirteen, but I don’t have a driver license to prove it.” Okay, almost 13. Come on, he was hanging out at the middle school, with a bunch of freshmen boys, so he knew I was young, and he even pointed out how April doesn’t look like a middle school girl.

“AH!” Her head hung out the open counter, and her tits rolled up, so I could see the lines underneath them. Oh, duh. No wonder she went up 2 whole bra sizes in a year. I bet her mom’s are fake now, too.

“You want to take me to see Rocky Horror some time? You know, you can probably sneak me in the back.” I pulled his hand around, to put it on my bottom. “Is it true what they call you your first time, you see it in the theater?”

He just smiled, leaned over and kissed me. I bit my lip, but in case you don’t know, we’re called Virgins. Not for long, though.

Not that I even want to be a big slut like April’s turning into. What did she expect would happen? Getting a boob job in middle school. Of course she got sexual harassed, but I guess she’s getting what she wanted all along.

Gang banged, but I’ve got all the man I need right here. “Until then, let’s go under the bleachers.

“All right.” He got a rubber out, right away.

“Good thinking,” I got my dress undone, and pulled it off over my head.

“Child bearing hips.”

“Put the rubber on quick. I’m not ready to get pregnant yet.”

“No, but when you do.” He grinned, then looked down. Dropping the wrapper.

“Oh.” Maybe he was compensating for something. I shook my head, maybe it just looks little, because he’s so big. Like those fake balloons on April’s petite body. I bet she’s going to be a porno star, or a stripper at least.

Oh well, I love his body, and then I remember what she said. She’d start small, and work her way up?

“Hey,” Jen came over, holding her little boyfriend’s hand. “Holy, hihihn!” She bit her lip, and shook her head, when she saw the rubber rolled halfway down.

“There room for 2 more?” Her boy toy picked her hand up, to show off his new girlfriend.

“Yeah, you need a rubber?” Den pulled another one out his pocket, and flipped it over like a ninja star. Of course, he had nothing to be ashamed of, with a under-developed boy like him.

“Huh!” he picked it up, and giggled like a school girl. “I can’t believe I got you, you of all people! You’re the prettiest girl in the whole school!”

“I know.” But I felt Den’s hands on my hips again. Behind me, pulling me back, and slipping my panties down off my butt. “Huh!” She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her grin, watching me sit down in his lap.

“Uh!” I reached down between our legs, and scooted to feel around with the rubbery head. “Can you spread your legs a little more?” So I could get down between his thick thighs, and my knees scraped in the hard dry dirt, but then I sat down. “Uh!”

He let go of my hips, and his fingers felt up my body. His fingertips brushed over my ribs, then he plucked the sides of my bra, so he could wedge his fingers in. My soft breasts bulging out between his fingertips, rough strong fingertips, feeling around for my nipples.

“Smuip!” Jen pushed his hip aside, and wiped her lips, glancing over at us fucking, then turned back to the hard little wiener sticking up.

“Uh!” My eyes rolled up, and I let my lids back down, feeling the rubbery tip roll around against the tight ring stretching, and slipping with a squeak I could almost hear. “Ihn!” I stuck my arms up, under his, and unhooked my bra. Bending over on my knees, he slipped out, and I think a little skin came out with him.

“Huh, pop it.” I Clenched my teeth, and braced myself. Shaking my head, when he joysticked it around, but finally, he broke it, and held onto my shoulders. Rubbing my neck with his thumbs gently, while spanking me hard with his hips, and muscular thighs.

“UHnfgh!” My tummy fluttered, and sucked all the air out of my lungs. “GNH! Hihn!” My face stuck to the dirt, and I smelled it, puffing with my breath. “Huh god!” then, he was on top of me, pressing up against me, his elbows up beside my shoulders so he didn’t crush me, but he slipped up. Wet with my juices, he caught on something, and I tried to push out like I was taking a dump, but he was so heavy, it just slipped in, stretching my butthole wide open.

“Huh! You’re even tighter up front.”

I just nodded, and enjoyed the strange sensation. After the painful penetration, then mind blowing orgasm, this. This was nice? I guess, somehow gentle, and intimate, without the overpowering feelings of regular baby making sex, but I almost regret being so young. Too young to marry him, pump me full of babies, and seeing how I carry them with my hips.

Nobody really ever noticed my hips before, not even my best friends, let alone complimented me on them. “Huh!”

“IHN!” He slipped out, so I puckered, and kissed at nothing. then, i felt something greasy on my leg. he pulled my shoulder, rolled me over, and started beating off on my panting tummy, but before it stopped, he shot some on my chest, my neck, and I just closed my eyes before he got to my face.

“Huh!” I just lay there, breathing, and feeling until the dirt against my back started bothering me.

Jen came over, buttoning her top, and held out her hand. “Here,” she helped me up, and I looked around for the boys. Just us, and the light shining between the bleachers was too bright to see out.

“Hahuhn! I guess he more than makes up for it, fucking you like that!”

“Huh, yeah. What about your.” I didn’t say little “Boyfriend.”

“Oh, he’ll get bigger.” She waved it off.

“What grade is he in?”

“Oh, 8th grade, he’s 13. Your’s?”

I nodded.

“Oh, come on. He can’t be in 8th grade.”

“I didn’t ask him,” I didn’t see any student ID, “So I guess he’s a freshman.” Yeah, in College.

“Well, you better.” She pointed around at the dirt stuck to my sweat, and the other fluids “Get cleaned up as best you can.”

“Uh Jen?” I tried brushing it off my breast, where it made mud with his cum. “I think I saw a roll of towels back in the portable, and maybe you can see if they have some water?”

“Yeah,” she saluted, or shaded her eyes, and looked out between the bleachers. “Looks like Aprils wrapping up her tryout for the gangbang girl.”

“What’s that?”

“She hasn’t showed you?” I shook my head. “Just this series on the internet.”

“Sounds like a porno.”

“Yeah, a lot of pornos like that. Don’t let the name fool you, it’s usually 2 girls getting gangbanged like that.”

“Yeah, well she’s got like 5 years to practice.”

“Yeah, and grow into those implants.” She finished buckling her shoes, so she could go off, and get me some damp towels to take a cat bath with.

April came back with her, her clothes on, and pulled up her bra cups with both thumbs. “So how’d you make out?”

“Well,” I wiped up the bloody grit first. “Number one, and number two.”

“You mean?”

“Yeah, after he broke in the front, he broke in the back.”



“Uh, well how did you take on 5 guys at once without one of them making a delivery in the rear?”

“I didn’t, they took turns.”

“And what about rubbers, they all use rubbers?”

“Yeah,” Jen told her, “We both used rubbers.”

“No? I don’t need them, because I’m on birth control.”

“Oh,” me and Jen just looked at each other, and decided not to say anything.


“Nothing?” It just stands to reason that if her dad is going to get her a boob job at 11, he’s probably going to get her on birth control at the same time.

“Well,” Jen finally stopped biting her lip, “Aren’t you a little worried about STIs?”

“OMG!” She covered her mouth. “You don’t think they’re infected?”

“5 guys. Hanging out at the middle school, to hit on tween, and barely teen girls?” I nodded. “Chances are, yeah. Pretty good. We better walk you over to the clinic, and get you tested.”

“Huh, yeah. How could I be so stupid?”

“Oh, don’t blame yourself. Me, and Jen would have done the exact same thing if we’re in that situation.”

“You were right there, and you didn’t even try to stop me?”

“No? You’re having too much fun.”

“Yeah,” Jen laughed, “And you took the whole team so we could pick our own boyfriends.”

“You got the best one.” She told me.

“Yeah, I think I did, thanks.” Brains, and brawn, too!

“And what’s with you and little boys?”

“He’s not a little boy, he’s a year older.”

“Yeah, and like this big.” I held my hand up, about her shoulder height.

“Yeah, well you’re one to talk, after you took the biggest one.” She grinned, and winked. Since she saw it, and we all 3 got to see all 7 of them. So, she knows as well as I do, he wasn’t the most well endowed, he just made up for it.

“How big?”

“Big enough.” To get me pregnant, one day, I hoped. “He’s taking me out this weekend, to the movies.”

“Oh yeah? What one?”

“Rocky Horror.”

“You and your B movies, he’s right. You are a big nerd.”

“Yeah, well so is he. You know how Brooke tells all those dyke jokes to see who’s bi-curious?”

“Oh yeah, she’s a total carpet muncher.”

“Yeah, so Den.”

“Is it Den, or Dan?”

“Den. Let me finish?” The nodded, “So, he was like a nerdy little boy, but then he hit puberty, and got so huge.”

Jen coughed, “Steroids!”

“So then he called us nerds, just to see which one of us actually had a brain in our pretty little heads.”

“Uh!” Jen pushed me. “Like you’re pretty.”

“Exactly, so I have to be smart to make up for it.” Like she’s one to talk. We all know she’s a natural blonde, but she dyes her eyebrows, just to look more like Cara Delavigne. She’s just as fake as everyone else, I’m the only one that actually is myself.

They say that, just try to be yourself, but I just don’t try to be anyone else, and it finally payed off. Big time.

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