Swallows & Amazons – Part 4

The amount of sex goes up a gear and Titty gets raped

Both John and Susan were too exhausted to have a further liaison that night. Neither of them understood why the other was so tired, but it did give them time to recover, John from his session with Mrs Dixon, and Susan from her double session with the charcoal men. Titty did climb across the tent and got into bed with Susan, and began sucking on her breasts and nipples, but Susan was unresponsive even to this, and to Titty inserting two fingers into her cunt. She thought it strange that Susan should still be so wet and she smelt slightly funny. Titty smelt and licked her fingers, but could not work out what the smell was, or the odd white stuff coming out of her sister’s opening. She cuddled up to Susan, and fell asleep with her fingers wedged inside her sister.

Both John and Susan were up before Titty, and they had a quick swim in the lake to wash away the distinctive smells of sweat, love juices and dried semen. Susan had woken up having had some very vivid sexy dreams of her pussy being filled with a big cock filling her up with spunk before another man came along and did the same. She had found Titty in bed with her with her hand between her legs, which probably explained why she’d had such dreams.

John and Susan splashed each other, and lay on a towel on the small strip of sand by the Swallow drying in the warm sunshine. After a few minutes John rolled over on top of Susan giving her a passionate kiss, and pulled down her costume so he could suck on her firm tits while rubbing his stiff cock against her pussy. The long sleep had refreshed him, and he was randy as hell. They were completely exposed to the sight of any passing boat, but decided it was too early for this to be a problem of someone spying on them.

Susan hooked her fingers into John’s waistband, and pulled his trunks down. John sat up, and grabbed hold of the shoulder straps of Susan’s one-piece costume, and peeled this down and off. They were now completely naked on the beach in plain sight of anyone passing but they didn’t care. John rolled back on top of Susan, and she wrapped her legs and arms around him holding him tight.
They both just lay there entwined as the thoughts of yesterday flashed in their heads.

They both started to talk at the same time before John said Susan could talk first.

“I have something to confess” started Susan as she went into a brief summary of the events that happened while he was away in the forest.
“I’ve got something to say as well” John said, still lying on top of Susan, looking into her eyes. He then related what had happened when he had gone to Mrs Dixon’s shop.

They both had listened silently, taking in what had happened, and not asking questions before Susan finally spoke.

“John. You have taken me to a new level of sensations which I never knew existed. You were my first, and I love you for ever. I think we have both changed, but I am always here for you. I will never be jealous if you go with someone else, and I hope you will feel the same way about me as long as we can find time to be together when ever we can”.

John’s reply was shorter, and thankfully he was able to skip the bit about who was his first fuck which would have been shocking to Susan even in her new level of lust. Susan then went on.

“I love you John, and I don’t think we need to forgive each other as we know things like this will happen to us now. I want us both to be happy, and we both know what that means.” to which John nodded, and kissed Susan tenderly.

“Now John” Susan continued. “I am super horny now, and I want your cock. I want that fucking hard cock that you used to fuck Mrs Dixon inside me. I want you to fuck me hard and shoot your cum inside me”

John had listened to Susan’s story of being double penetrated by the two men, and was incredibly turned on by the thought, and would have loved to have seen it, and be involved if it happened again. He didn’t care what had happened to her he wanted to fuck the cunt that had been fucked by a strange man. It made him lust after Susan even more.

John slid back slightly, and rammed home his dick deep into Susan’s wet and willing pussy. It slipped in easily, but even after the punishment she had received, she was still as tight as ever. Enveloping John’s cock with her warm wet flesh. She clamped her legs round his back, drawing him in as deep as he could go, and they both abandoned themselves to their lust.

They didn’t change positions or do any licking or sucking, they just rutted away on the exposed beach without a care both holding each other tightly simply just fucking.

John was becoming a stud with keeping up a pace that was just enough to cause Susan to reach her peak, but slow enough so that he didn’t blow his load too soon. They carried on like this for what seemed like an age. Their breathing and mutual moaning increasing all the time as the minutes ticked by. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen, then twenty. Susan was moaning loudly now as she orgasmed a number of times. The sight and sound of Susan cumming was a huge turn on for John. He was also proud of himself, and wanted Susan to enjoy everything they did, but he couldn’t last any longer. Looking down on Susan, with a fierce voice and a look of intense concentration he said.

“Susan I’m going to cum. I love you. Take all I have. Take all of my spunk inside you you fucking beautiful woman” and with that he emptied the contents of his ball sacs into Susan in a series of massive jets of semen directly into her womb.

Over the next few minutes they came down from their sexual high, John pulled back they both looked as his deflating penis flopped out of Susan. He rolled off to one side and they both sat up looking out onto the lake taking in the warmth of the sun’s rays as they recovered.

Thankfully no boats had come past so no one had seen them which they thought was lucky, but they had completely forgotten that there was someone else on the small island, and that person had heard them and followed them down to the beach and had been watching them from the bushes higher up on the bank.

Titty had seen and heard everything, from them stripping off, and the confessions to their sexual adventures in town, and in the tent with the charcoal burners. Then she had heard them talking dirty, and then she could see them having sex. All twenty minutes of fucking until she had heard John talk about him cumming inside Susan, and seeing his spent cock pulling out of being inside her sister. She was about to creep back to the camp when the bank gave way under her, and she tumbled down onto the sand a few feet away from the naked couple.

John and Susan shot up at the sound behind them, and tried to cover themselves with their hands, but without much success. Titty stared open mouthed at them seeing John naked, with his cock showing, and Susan standing there with one hand covering her pussy, and her other arm across her chest covering her breasts. What she couldn’t hide was the spunk dribbling down her legs which Titty could see, and it was then that she knew what the white stuff was that she had licked from her fingers last night that had come out of Susan’s pussy.

“Titty! How long have you been there?” said Susan
“Err, well. Long enough to see and hear everything I guess” she replied
“Errr I don’t think it is something we can hide anymore” added John as he stopped covering himself, and let his cock dangle free “I’m sure you know all this from your school sex education classes.”
“Well yes, but I’ve only seen pictures, nothing in real life” Titty replied
“It’s so wonderful Titty” Susan gushed moving her hands away while gesturing allowing Titty to see her completely naked again, which caused her to become confused as she looked at both of them standing there without shame.
“I hope one day you can experience it too. It’s just the best thing ever having sex. Once you start you can’t stop. I’m sorry we kept it a secret, but I hope you understand”
“It’s fine” said Titty “You both seemed to be enjoying it immensely, and I hope I can sometime soon”
“You won’t regret it Titty” finished Susan “Now let’s go back to camp and have some breakfast I’m starving” and with that Susan and John splashed themselves with water quickly to wash off the smells of sex, and picked up their swimming costumes and climbed up the bank and back to camp.

After they had got dressed and had breakfast, they discussed their plan for capturing the Amazon, but eventually the conversation turned back to what had happened.

“Was it all true about what happened in town John? And what happened to you at the charcoal burners Susan?” asked Titty “I’ve always been told to be careful of strange people trying to take advantage in a certain way, but thanks for sacrificing yourself to save me”
“You’re quite right Titty” said Susan “But John is so loving and gentle, and he has always given me as much pleasure as I’ve given him, and yes I did it with those men to save you, but in a strange way I sort of liked it after a while, but not the same way as with John”
“Yes I saw you the first time in the tent. You must have had at least four orgasms” said Titty
“You saw us in the tent? We thought you were asleep. Were you counting Susan’s orgasms then?” joked John
“Yes, and they were big ones, just like what Susan gave to me…… Errr Oh! I don’t think I should have said that”

This was another shock to John, and it came out about what had happened a couple of days earlier when Titty fell off the boat and how Susan helped her get dry.

“I never knew you were like that” said John rubbing his face with his hands. “But I’m glad Titty, you now know what sex is like, but I’m sure you’ll find it different with a man, but whoever you like, man or woman, love them all that you can.” he added with a sigh.
“Okay, we’ve got our whole lives to talk or act on this, but let’s change subject and get back to the Amazons”.

They talked some more about the plan, which was for John and Susan to sail off at sunset towards where the Amazons lived at the end of the lake and see what they could do. Titty was to stay behind, and guard the camp in case the Amazons sneaked in, and to set a light later to guide the other two back in the pitch black. So they made their preparations. Camouflaged clothing for John and Susan, along with some food and water, and for Titty where to set the light to guide them back later. They also sharpened some sticks as spears for Titty to make her feel safer while on her own.

For the rest of the day they went quickly. John did sail off for a while to see if he could talk to Captain Flint, but when he got close, a number if very unpleasant insults were shouted at him, and no matter how much John protested his innocence at the theft, he couldn’t get through so turned around back to camp.

John was rather upset when he got back, which took his mind off sex for a while, and he focussed his anger at being ready for the night-time adventure. He did apologise to the girls about being so grumpy, and said he would make it up to them. The stirring in his groin area betrayed to him what he was thinking about to ‘make it up to them’!

As the sun was slipping behind the hills above the lake, John and Susan untied the Swallow and set off for the end of the lake where they knew the Amazons kept their boat. The wind was coming from a good direction, and it didn’t take them long to get to where they thought it should be. The water was shallow, and full of reeds, but this helped the Walker children hide the Swallow. It did mean they would have to somehow get across to the house where Nancy and Peggy lived, and to the boathouse which they guessed would be nearby.

Rather than get their clothes wet, John and Susan didn’t have any qualms about stripping off so they could wade across from the hidden Swallow, holding their clothes above their heads until they reached the bank. They washed the mud off their feet and legs, and got dressed again. Knowing they were on a mission stopped them from having intimate relations there by the river, but John did sneak a look at Susan as she was dressing, watching her sexily pull her clothes on in the moonlight.

The sun was completely down now, and only the moonlight lit the way. They didn’t dare bring a torch or lantern, but Titty needed those anyway. Barefoot, they both climbed up a path towards the house, but stopped when they got to some bushes which lined the far end of a large lawn. They could see lights on downstairs in the house, and they skirted the edge of the lawn, keeping to the darkest areas afraid they might be seen, but their dark clothing was helping them stay hidden.

They crept up to the wall of the house and peered in to one of the windows. The room large, and was mostly dark, but there was a log fire burning, which John and Susan thought odd as it was such a warm evening. There was also one lamp that was on which gave out a dull orange sort of glow. As their eyes became accustomed to the low light, they could make out shapes of people. None of them were looking towards the window thankfully, but it was quite dark outside now. What John and Susan could see was not what they expected at all.

Inside the room there were four people all naked, which John assumed that was why there was a fire going. On a rug in front of the fire was a couple deep into love making. The woman was astride the man bouncing up and down on his stiff cock. They were oldish, probably as old as John and Susan’s parents, and they were seemingly oblivious to Nancy sitting in a chair a few feet away with her legs over Peggy’s shoulders, and was obviously being tongued out by her sister. The man on the floor had his arm outstretched, and was finger fucking Peggy furiously as the woman continued to impale herself on him.

John and Susan stood there wide eyed in astonishment at the sight. Nancy was holding Peggy’s hair, and was writhing in sexual ecstasy, and they could hear her shout out as an orgasm hit her and she threw her head from side to side as she mashed her sister’s face into her wet pussy. Susan did not know what to say, but as she had done something similar with Titty, she was not a shocked as she could have been, and was actually being turned on by the sight.

Both girls seemed to slump back, and turned to watch the older couple by the fire. They could see the man’s hand was wet from Peggy’s juices, and he smeared these down the side of the woman on top of him which seemed to make her bounce even faster. They could also see Peggy’s face was glistening in the lamp light from the juice she had slurped out of Nancy.

Suddenly Nancy got up out of the chair and said loudly that even John and Susan could hear.

“Right mum and dad, we’re going out or a bit, so don’t wait up, but be ready in bed for when we get back as I think I will need a damn good fucking you fucking dirty parents”.

The older couple turned to Nancy and Peggy, and smiled, and said that was fine and they would be ready whenever you want.

“Jesus Christ!” said Susan “That was fucking disgusting, but it also makes me fucking horny”.

The Walkers didn’t take any notice of the Amazons getting dressed and exiting the door. They were watching fascinated at the couple still going all out at their lovemaking. The shouts and moans could be heard through the window which were another turn on for those watching.

John grabbed Susan by the hand and dragged her away towards the bushes on the way back to the river which ran into the lake. They came to a manicured hedge which they hadn’t seen on the way up with an arch, which they stumbled through which had some lawn and flowerbeds and a hot house to one side. Susan wasn’t protesting or asking questions. She knew exactly what was the matter, and she was feeling the same way. John pulled her in through the door of the hothouse, and the warm, humid, steamy air hit them. There was just enough moonlight coming through the glass roof for them to see.

There was a mound of sacks in one corner, and John stripped off in no time flat, and lay down on these. He had just done this when Susan was on top of him already naked, and rubbing her already wet pussy hard against John’s rock hard cock.

“Stick it in me now John. I want to fuck you like the parents were fucking”.

With that she reached between her legs and grabbed John’s dick, and without any thought of foreplay, she lined it up with her cunt and let it slide into her. It was heavenly. Susan was rampantly horny, and began to bounce up and down, spreading her legs wide to allow John’s shaft to go as deep as it could go. Susan leaned forward onto her hands, and looking down between her legs watched herself rising up, letting the cock out of her until just the tip was inside, then ramming down to impale herself like she had seen in the room a few minutes earlier.

John was just a horny, and rose up to meet Susan as she dropped down. The pace was fast and frantic. They were both abandoned to pleasure, and the need for sexual satisfaction was overwhelming. The heat and steam in the hot house was coating their bodies in a fine mist of water, and mixed with the sweat they were generating was dripping off them.

Suddenly Susan threw her head back as her first orgasm rippled through her, sending a spray of sweat and water in a high arc before splashing down on her and John. He was grunting with the effort of fucking in the high humidity, and was breathing hard, but still Susan bounced and wriggled like a demon possessed. Even though John had fucked and cum into Susan earlier in the day, he had no problem, being a randy teenager, to give his all again to his sister He was holding her thighs as she fucked him rather than him fucking her earlier, and with one final effort he let go his liquid of love which jetted into Susan sending her into a leg shaking orgasm.

Susan collapsed onto John, and they lay there panting for air, as the water and sweat dripped off them, holding each other tight in the post coital come down.

They almost dropped off to sleep in the warm atmosphere and dark, when John suddenly pushed Susan off him and sat up.

“Oh Shit!” he said “Do you think the Amazons were going out to see if they could steal the Swallow and win the war?”
“Oh fuck” Susan replied “Titty is all on her own, and won’t have a clue what to do. We need to get back”

With that they picked up their clothes and without bothering to get dressed, scrambled back down the garden to the river, and across to where the Swallow was hidden. The water was cooling to them, and washed off the smells of sweat and sex before they climbed in, quickly getting dressed and started back to Wild Cat Island.

Soon after John and Susan had left the island, and there was still a bit of light, Titty had tidied-up the camp, and put more logs on the fire so it was burning fiercely, which made her feel more secure. She had never been so alone, but knew the others would need her help later when they wanted to get back to land.

She did a quick patrol around the island, and was a surprise when she heard in the distance two voices across the water. The sound was coming from near to Cormorant Island. The air had grown still since John and Susan had left, and Titty could hear what sounded like swearing, and banging as if something was being moved and dropped a few times. She kept hidden, and listened intently. Then she heard what sounded like some oars being put in the water, and after some more arguing and swearing, the swish of rowing as whatever boat it was moved off, and around the island.

Titty stayed still for quite a while longer listening out for anything more from the men or the boat, but couldn’t hear anything. She quietly sneaked back to the camp breathing a sigh of relief, and was trying to think of a way to tell this story to the other two as if she had been in a great adventure. She was so engrossed in her thoughts, she was completely taken by surprise when a strong arm grabbed her around the waist, and a hand clamped itself over her mouth to stop her screaming.

“What do we have here. A little girl all alone. We were looking for something, and we saw your camp fire and came to see if you know anything and if everything was alright.” said a deep male voice as he let go of Titty’s mouth
“Yes I’m fine thank you. No I haven’t seen anything unusual” said Titty getting her breathing under control from the shock. “My brother and sister will be back in a couple of hours.”
“Okay” said the other man “A couple of hours you say. What do you think mate? She has no idea who we are” he said to the other man holding Titty. It was not really a question, actually he seemed to be seeking agreement to a course of action, and he continued “I think we have plenty of time for play before we go back to town.”

The other man grabbed a rug from out of the tent and laid it down by the fire and came up to the man still holding Titty.

“What’s your name young lady?” he said
“Why should I tell you? What’s your names?” she replied angrily.
“We asked you first, and only want to be polite” said the man. Titty noted that he was not really being sincere.
“My name is Titania, but my friends and family call me Titty”. She continued to struggle in the other man’s arms.
“Titty you say. Well my name is Dick, and the man behind you is Todger.”

Titty knew he was lying but didn’t let on, but tried to keep remembering things about them in case she saw them later. They were not very clear in the firelight, but one had a scar down his face, and the other had very rough hands when he had it over her mouth. She was watching them carefully to see if she could see anymore. When the man holding her added.

“Titty my girl. You are pretty, but your name does not fit you at all.” and with that he let go of her waist, and grabbed the sides of her t-shirt, and in one movement it was up and over her head. “No bra yet for you” he added. “Titty by name, but not by nature Eh!”
“Please no!” wined Titty as she tried to cover herself.

Todger held her again around the waist and lifted her off the ground. The man called Dick standing in front of her now grabbed her skirt, and pulled this down. Then harshly pulled off her shoes and threw them to one side, and then stood up in front of her as she struggled.

“Got any boyfriends little lady?” said Dick
“I’ve got lots of boyfriends thank you” she whimpered
“Well I bet they have never done what we are going to do. Right Jim…I mean Todger we don’t get much of this in the slammer do we. Now hold her tight” added Dick which Titty noted his errors, but thought they’d had their fun and would let her go now.

Todger clamped his rough hand while Dick ran his hands down the sides of her body until he got to her white panties. He grabbed both sides of these and yanked them down and off, throwing them over to where he shoes were. She was now naked apart from her short white socks.

“You want to know why I’m called Dick, and he’s called Todger?” Titty shook her head.

Todger pulled her across to the rug by the fire, and pinned her down. To Titty’s horror, as she turned her head to one side as Todger tried to kiss her, she saw Dick having taken off most of his clothes, pulled down his underwear exposing a rampant erect penis.

Todger and Dick swapped places, and Titty was pinned again, but his time by a naked man, pressing his erection against her belly, while Todger stripped himself, exposing his stiff cock as well.

Titty knew about sex, and had watched a lot in the last few days, and she now knew she was in real trouble. She had no chance of escape from two men, and she knew she was going to be made to have sex herself now. She was resigned to her fate, and hoped it would be over quickly. She was to be disappointed!

Dick held Titty’s arms above her head as he kissed her neck, and then down her chest to her flat chest where he sucked and licked her nipples until they became erect. Todger then came over and held her arms as Dick went lower, kissing Titty’s tummy button, and then down to her almost hairless slit. She tilted her head forward and gasped as she saw Dick stick his tongue where only Susan had ever been. He was more harsh and urgent in his rasping tonguing of her pussy. She tried not to show any emotion, but she could not stop from wriggling to this oral assault on her cunt, and could not stop her juices from starting to flow.

Dick continued his licking for a few minutes until Titty was writhing in sensual feelings. She still tried to stifle these, but her body would not respond to her orders.

“God you taste sweet my lovely” Dick said as he finally came up for air. “Do you want to try some?”

With this he reversed the course he took earlier, and licking and kissing and sucking his way up Titty’s body until he reached her face. She tried to turn away, but Dick grabbed her chin in one of his his big hands, and kiss her on her lips before forcing his tongue into her mouth. Dick thought it was probably the first time she had ever experienced this kind of attention, little knowing about her lovemaking with Susan. She thought of what Susan and John had said to her only that afternoon about experiencing having sex with a man. She prayed they were right, and she hoped Susan would save her like she did with the charcoal burners, but realised it was never going to happen. She was resigned to her fate, and hoped she would enjoy it as her brother and sister had said. She never imagined that their talk about experiencing a man inside her one day would actually come true that same day!

“I think we are ready to begin” snarled Dick “Your turn in a little while Todger, but now I’ve done all the hard work getting her lubed-up, I’m claiming my prize”.

Titty tried not to think about it, but knew what he really meant. She was about to be fucked.

Dick sat back onto his knees, while Todger continued to hold Titty by the arms. He was smiling at the sight of the defenceless girl and his mate about to take her. Dick reached down with one hand and rubbed Titty’s pussy, and smeared the juices onto the shaft of his cock. With a silent nod, as if he was satisfied it was fully coated, he leaned forward. With his glistening hand he reached down again, and with his thumb and forefinger he pushed them into Titty’s wet opening, but not too deep, before he opened them out, splaying her open hole. With his other hand he took his cock in hand and pushed it against the opening.

Titty had been stretched slightly by Susan during their lovemaking, and she had accidentally broken her hymen, but nothing could prepare her for what was happening now.

Dick edged forward, and the head of his cock pushed against the opening. Titty thought it would never fit, but with all of the juices, and the fact that Dick’s cock was not wide, but was quite long, after a couple of nudges, a penis head popped into the young girl for the first time. She thought it would hurt more than it did as Dick slid deeper inside her until she was completely plugged.

Dick leaned forward onto his hands, and closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of the tightest cunt he had ever had the pleasure to fuck. His cock was being pressed from all sides by the warm wet flesh of Titty’s vagina. She could feel him inside her. It was a feeling difficult to describe. It was completely different from a hairbrush handle. It was wide, and filled every part of her, and for some strange reason, was not totally unpleasant. She was thankful that Dick was being gentle with her.

Dick started to thrust inside and out. Titty’s legs spread wide, and her feet, still with her short white socks on, waving in the air as she was fucked. The feeling was mind-blowing. Todger reached down and began to play with her nipples as his colleague pounded away. Soon Dick knew he was in trouble. The sensations in his cock and groin were building very quickly, and he knew he would not be able to hold back. With a loud groan, he began to ejaculate into the girl. Warm wads of gloopy cum fired out of him, jetting against Titty’s insides which she could feel as if she was being hit by a hose of water, but this was sperm and semen filling up her insides. Dick continued to thrust into her for a while longer as he came down from his high, the sounds of his fucking becoming more and more sloppy as his male fluids began to leak out onto the rug.

“Leave me alone you beast” spat Titty in shock at what had just happened.
“Beast am I? Well let’s see what a beast usually does shall we?” said Dick before adding “Well Jim…..errr…. Todger, time for you to have some of this meat”
“Don’t mind if I do my friend” responded Todger as they changed positions.

He flipped her over onto her hands and knees, and without any pause, rubbed his cock against her soaking hole, before ramming home. He took his time from then on, pumping in and out at a slow pace to take in the sensations. He reached round Titty’s waist and with his hands on her hips, he began to hump her like a dog. After a few minutes his hands slid round further, and clamped them on her small breasts and began tweaking her nipples.

Titty was gasping for air as she was fucked from behind. Her face and chest were reddening from the punishment she was receiving, and she was puffing with the effort, juices and wads of cum were dribbling down her legs. But in a funny way, she was starting to enjoy it like Susan said. The feeling of being filled inside with a warm soft (but also hard) meaty weapon was something she never knew could be so sexy as Todger continued his lustful coupling.

Dick who was watching, began to feel a stirring in his balls and cock. The sight of the girl being pounded was a real turn on. With a semi erect cock, he moved round in front of Titty, and grabbing her by the hair, pulled her face up to his, and he French kissed her hard, forcing his tongue into her mouth, and to his surprise, found the girl was returning the kiss. This thought made him rock hard again, and taking his cock in his other hand, forced Titty’s lips against his manhood before ordering her to suck on it like a lollipop. He didn’t need to threaten her. She willingly just opened her mouth and took it in.

Titty was now completely skewered. One man fucking her like an animal, and the other sticking his slippery sex organ into her mouth and down her throat while she sucked as she had been told. She was overcome with passion, and didn’t care about her situation. She was liking it!

The cock in her mouth was warm, covered in drying cum and juices, and leaking salty pre-cum into her mouth. She could see the man was enjoying it, and in a perverse way wanted to make him happy. The minutes ticked by. Both men were now breathing hard as they continued their fucking.

Todger had been fucking Titty now for over ten minutes, and was nearing the end. Dick was enjoying every second of Titty’s oral attention, and even though he had only cum a little while ago, he was also ready to blow.

Suddenly Titty’s body tensed, squeezing Todger’s cock as she orgasmed, her body shaking from head to toe. She also at that moment gave a massive suck on Dick’s cock, making a vacuum with her mouth, engorging it with more blood, and sending him over the edge.

Not quite sure what to expect Titty continued to suck, thinking she was doing something right as the man was groaning in pleasure, and was unprepared for her mouth and throat to be filled with his spunk. At the same moment, Todger let fly with his cum load sending his seed deep into the girl, splashing his sperm against her cervix, sending her into another leg shaking orgasm. This caused Titty to pull away from Dick, still with cum in her mouth. She needed to breath hard, but knew she would choke if she did, so therefore she decided to swallow the warm liquid. It was a strange texture, but not unpleasant to taste.

Both men now sat back to get their breath back, and to admire what they had done.

“Thank you young lady” said Todger “I will never forget this, as I’m sure you won’t either.”
“Right Jim……err…..Todger lets get back to town before anyone comes. We’ve got things to do tomorrow. We can come back again for …… the other thing we can’t find another day, but we have to be at that shop later tomorrow to get our usual payment” said Dick.
“What do we do with her?” said Todger looking in Titty’s direction.
“Leave her here. If we kidnap or hurt her, it’ll bring the cops here from miles around, and we’ll have to leave, just when things are looking up for us.” he looked Titty in the eyes next “but if you decide to tell anyone about what happened here, we will be back, and do lots of nasty things to you and your family ok?”

Titty nodded, but all of these conversations and information were being filed away in Titty’s head for her to remember later. She just lay there on the damp rug in the firelight still completely naked as the two men threw on their clothes and made off to their boat. She almost fell asleep for a second, but was woken by the sound of rustling bushes as the Amazons stepped into the light.

They rushed over to Titty, and held her tight, wrapping her in a blanket.

“Titty” Nancy said “You were so brave, we saw what happened at the end, but didn’t have any weapons to help you. We wouldn’t have been strong enough for those two brutes”.
“We’ll find a way to get back at them” added Peggy “We will forget about the stupid war with you, and join forces to defeat the common enemy”.

About thirty minutes later, John and Susan came back, rushing into camp, and on seeing the Amazons holding Titty, demanded that they let her go, thinking they had done something to her.

“No John” said Titty “I’m fine, the Amazons were helping me. We have new enemies now, so sit down and I will tell you what I can remember.”

With that she told them about the men searching Cormorant Island, before coming to camp, and doing things to her. She didn’t go into all the details, but everyone got the idea of what happened, which made them all angry at the thugs, and they planned how to get revenge. John and Susan were worried in case Titty had been made pregnant, but they hoped not after Susan had talked to her about when she had last had a period.

After Susan had put Titty to bed, the others sat by the fire for a while making more plans, and the Amazons talked about what they had seen, and were oddly surprised when they said that they thought Titty was enjoying what was happening, just like the other night when she was watching John and Susan, Peggy blurted out. This was shocking for Susan and John that they had been watched by both their sister and by the Amazons.

“I knew someone was out there when I came out of the tent” said Susan “I don’t know why, but I could feel eyes watching me”
“It didn’t hold you back though did it?” responded Nancy “I think you like the thought of being watched” she added, thinking about her stretching while naked in the open air, before going to John’s tent for a fucking.

“We can deal with things like that later” said John trying to conceal his embarrassment, but secretly being turned on by the thought “What we need to do is get some rest before our new war tomorrow. We will meet you at the town pier at 10 o’clock and see what we can do to spoil those men’s day”.

With that the Amazons got up, and they all shook hands to seal the deal, and as confirmation of the serious action they were going to take, they then sailed away home.

John went to his tent, and tried to get to sleep, as he knew it would be a long day tomorrow. Susan went to her tent, and cuddled up to Titty to give her reassurance that all was well, and that her big sister was there to protect her from now on.

Tomorrow was going to be busy and full of adventure.

End of Part 4.

Final chapter to follow soon.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅