Taking measurements of a 13 year old girl

One day, a mother and her daughter came to our tailor shop.


I am a 16 year old male, above average in looks and an average student in class. I have no siblings. My father runs a tailor shop, we get enough money to satisfy our daily needs. Since my fathers runs a tailor shop, I somewhat know that to stitch clothes (not expert though). I usually take the measurements of every customer.

One day, a mother and her daughter came to our shop, the mother wanted a Blouse for her daughter (for those who don’t know what a Blouse means it’s a top usually wore under a Indian dress – Saree)
She was wearing a thick t-shirt so I asked her to remove it, she hesitated saying that she has nothing inside but, eventually we convinced her to remove her t-shirt. She has standing topless, she has tiny breasts I asked her to come near to me and began making her measurements – chest, waist, arm length and shoulder hole. I pressed lightly her breasts, felt very good.

The mother was impressed about how detailed we took her measurements so, she took a piece of cloth from her bag and asked us to sew night pants for the girl. So, I happily ask the girl to come nearer and ask to remove her pants (The pant wasn’t thick, I just wanted to her pussy)
She stood there naked, covering her pussy with her hands, I took and hands and placed it backside and started taking her measurements, she was fully nude, I was getting hornier and hornier. Took her measurements and she was good to go.

One of the best days of my life. Her name was Safura if anyone is wondering.

This is Liebert, Signing off.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅