Teen sex slaves

When i was 14, my step mom sold me of to her boss along with my sister

Hi. I am angel. I have my sister who is one year older to me. My dad after marrying second time passed away. Leaving me with our step mom. God. Why?.
Last year when I turned 14, my mom took me and my sister to a huge banglow in the outskirts of City. There was a small private party going on of around 10 guys, one of whom was the boss of mom. They made me cut birthday cake and i was very excited. They forced me and my sister to drink juice which tasted funny. In some time both of us were in a hallucinated state. Some stuff was mixed in the juice. It made us feel very hot especially in our pussy.

Suresh, the boss, asked us to remove or dresses and my mom immediately removed it making us completely naked. I was then forced to suck the cock of Suresh and my sister was made to suck another guy. Slowly all 10 men face both of us.
Then they made some auction and both of us were sold to 2 persons each. The highest bidder got to take our virgin pussy and the second highest got to take our virgin ass. Both of us were crying in pain but no one cared. Some even laughed seeing our plight. More drugs were given to us to control our pain.

When they were done, the other men started fucking us. For the entire night we were used in all 3 holes by all the men multiple times. Entire body was bruised and full of blood.

For the next 10 days both me and my sister were in home trying to come back. Mom told us that since our dad did not leave any money, this was the only way to survive and make money. Finally when we recovered completely, we were taken to boss again.
There were 8 men that day and without drugs were fucked. We understood that nothing can be done and agreed to it.

For past 1 year Suresh is using us to get his business clients. We are living a lavish life. Sorry no.. mom is living a lavish life. We are living life of slaves… Teen Sex slaves.

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