The beginning – Part 2

This is a continuation of the story of how i met my wife. You might want to read the Beginning Part 1 first.

This is to all the critics out there, my spelling and grammar are not all that good so if that is going to bother you, don’t waste you time on this story, move along. As for the rest of you, I hope you enjoy it.

As I said in the first part of this story, Gail was an exhibitionist for an old man, Eric, and how she wanted him to be the one to take her virginity. We were trying to come up with a plan to have it happen but with both of us being so inexperienced we were having trouble. Gail sat on the steps a couple more times without panties flashing him hoping he would make the first move, but I think he was too shy and was also afraid because Gail was only 12. As the weather got a little cooler we started to sit in the house and I told Gail that she should just go to the bathroom and come out totally naked, she said she would but had to think of an excuse to be naked. I told her to again spill something on her and say she had to have a quick shower, then put her cloths in the wash or something. She said she liked that idea but before we could do it, Eric fell and fractured his ankle. It wasn’t a bad break but was going to keep him off his feet for 2 or 3 weeks. At the same time her parents divorce proceedings started and they got pretty dirty. Her parents had a small business, employing 1/2 a dozen men, they owned their own house as well as a mobile home in a trailer park on a lake and a few rental properties. Her moms friend, uncle Marty to Gail, and Gail were helping her mom get through it but the longer it went on it had a bad effect on Gail. She became depressed and didn’t want to do much of anything. I came over to her sisters everyday after school to help out with the kids so she could have a bit of a break. She didn’t want to go to the park so I would take the older boy, Cal, and go with him to the park so he could play in the play ground or just kick a ball around some. After 3 or 4 weeks Eric popped by a couple times but Gail wasn’t in the mood to play around and I think he noticed her distance and didn’t bother to come back. I was out kicking the ball around with Cal in the backyard, something I didn’t like to do because their yard had a slope toward the neighbors yard behind and his was even a greater slope down to his house. Gail’s sister said he wasn’t a very nice guy and to be careful not to go into his backyard or he would be pissed. Well I guess I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later and I kicked the ball to Cal, he missed it and down the hill it went right up against his back door with a noticeable thud. I grabbed Cal and rushed into the house before he could come out and told Gail what had happened. She said not to worry about it he would most likely just keep the ball and Cal had more. I took a peek out the back window and he was standing outside looking our way with an angry look on his face. I could see he was an older Italian man, looked like maybe in his late 60’s, short and had a pretty good beer belly but couldn’t make out much more. He picked the ball up and went into the house so I figured Gail was right and he would just keep the ball. I was just turning away from the window when I seen him come back out and start walking towards our house and he looked none to happy. I told Gail he was coming and asked her to pull her skirt up a little higher and undo a couple buttons on her blouse hoping that might defuse things. She didn’t have the chance to really think about it and did what I asked. We heard him stomp up onto the deck and pound on the door. Gail answered it and he started to yell something but stopped mid word as soon as he saw Gail and what she was wearing. He just stood there ogling her before he could say anything again, when he did he was a lot more civil and said that he had found the ball in his backyard and wanted to return it. When he handed it to her it slipped out of her hands and when she bent to pick it up he was getting an excellent view if her braless tits. He just stood there staring at them until she straightened up again. She said she was sorry the ball ended up in his backyard and thanked him for bring it back, he said it was no problem at all. I knew he was enjoying the view because I could see the outline of his hard cock in his pants. He left after a minute or two of awkward silence. I didn’t really want to bring up how much he seemed to enjoy what he saw because of the mood she had been in lately so I just let it drop. About a week later he showed up at the door with a brand new soccer ball for Cal to kick around. He said he used be involve with youth soccer and would teach Cal some moves. Cal was really excited so he and I went out back with Nic, that is his name, and played soccer for a while. He proved to be pretty agile for his age and had so much stamina even I had a hard time keeping up with him. Gail called Cal in for dinner so Nic and I just stood around and talked for a bit. He said he was 71, married with two kids, boy and girl, both married and living in Italy. He said at the time his wife was back there as well taking care of a sick relative. If she wasn’t back by May or June he would go back and join her. I asked if he would be going back for Christmas and he said yes for a couple weeks but then would come back. He then started asking me about Gail. He asked who she was and I told him she was Brenda’s little sister, he asked how old she was and I told him 12 and he said I was bull shitting him that she had to be 14 at the youngest, but I assured him she was only 12. He said wow that she had an awesome body for a 12 year old. He asked if she was my girlfriend and I said we were just friends, he said I had better ask her to go steady because with her beauty and body she would be snapped up by some guy in no time. He said if he was my age he would have asked her already because he wouldn’t want a piece like her slip through his fingers. At that time Gail called out to say dinner was ready so Nic left to go home and I went to eat. As I was sitting there eating I started to take a better look and her, although her face was drawn from the stress her parents were going though, she was extremely beautiful, with her long blonde hair, full lips and pale blue eyes. As she moved around the kitchen I took better note of her body which was really filling out, her tits were getting bigger all the time, her waist was slim, her ass was really getting nice and her legs were long, toned and still tanned some.. That night when I was at home I started to think about what Nic had said about me loosing her to someone else and decided to ask if she would like to go steady with me. The next day I was fit to be tied worrying about asking her and her saying no and laughing in my face, but I had to at least try. After I got to her sisters place I asked if she would go to the park, it was a nice fall day and I told her wanted to see how good Cal was getting at playing soccer. She said it might be nice to go out for a bit so we walked up to the park, we were sitting on the bench watching Cal play in the play ground. I got up the nerve to ask her, I was almost shitting myself but she leaned over and put her arms around my neck, said yes and gave be the biggest kiss we had so far and said she thought I was never going ask her. Man I was in heaven and just wanted to sit there and make out with her but there were other people there so it was out of the question. I just couldn’t believe how relieved I felt and I think maybe I had actually been worried all along about her meeting someone else. We walked back to her sisters house hand in hand enjoying our new relationship. A couple days later Nic showed up to play some more soccer with us and asked Gail to join us. To my surprise she said ok and we spent the next 1/2 hour kicking the ball around and I notice he was doing a lot of bumping into and grabbing Gail, or should I say groping her. She didn’t seem to mind and I was happy I didn’t have to get between them and cause some kind of scene. After she went into make dinner Nic said she was one hot girl and asked if I had asked her to go steady. I told him I had and that she said yes. He asked me if I had ever done anything sexual with her and lied and said I hadn’t yet. He said I was crazy and if he were me he would be all over her. I told him about what she was going through at home and I didn’t think it was the right time. Then he said well she sure didn’t seem to mind him feeling her tits and ass as we played and he was sure she knew he was feeling her on purpose. He asked if I had ever seen her naked and I said a couple of time but it was all innocent. I have to admit I was getting excited talking to him about her like this and the more excited I got the more I told him. I told him that she had flashed Eric her cunt and when I came into the house after he left, that I had put my fingers in her cunt and she came right away. I finally admitted to him that I had licked her and she sucked me, but it was only that one time. I told him that maybe she didn’t suck me again because I came so quickly and in her mouth. He said he would love to see her naked and have her lips wrapped around his cock. He then asked me why I hadn’t fucked her yet and if Eric had. I said no, she was still a virgin and that Eric had never tried. He said oh fuck, she’s a virgin?? I said yes and he said that if she ever showed him her cunt on purpose, he would fuck the ass off of her no questions asked. He said that when a woman shows a guy her cunt on purpose, she is asking him to fuck her and when it has happened to him, he has always fucked them and had never gotten any complaints. He said Eric is crazy not to fuck her after her showing him her cunt and that if she ever shows him, he will fuck her until the cows came home, with out a doubt. I was almost cumming in my pants listening to him talk about Gail like that and when she called me in for dinner I had to make a stop in the washroom to jerk off as I could just picture him on top of her pounding it into her until he filled her with his cum. When I went in for dinner I did make my stop to jerk off and then had dinner while I was looking at her body and seeing it from Nic’s eyes. I could see why he wanted her so bad looking at her from his perspective. A couple days later he came back to play with us again but Gail wasn’t up to it so we just kicked the ball around a bit and I could tell he was really disappointed that Gail didn’t come out. He then said he wanted to ask a big favor and asked if I would get Gail naked in the house and leave a curtain open a bit so he could get a peek at her, that he wanted to see her tits, ass and cunt really bad. Remember it was In the mid 60’s and there was no cameras or computers like there are now so the only wat to see a woman naked was live. I knew Gail wasn’t really in the mood but I was pretty sure if I asked her to she would for me, she had done it a few times when I had asked her lately. I told Nic I would see what I could do and if she would I would turn the back deck light on and off a couple time so he would know she was naked. I told him to be careful and to look in the kitchen window, that she would be walking around getting dinner and cleaning up. I went into the house and gave her a hug and kiss and when she responded positively I asked if she would mind waking around naked, it had been a while. She said ok but wasn’t in the mood to play around and I said no problem I just love watching her walk around naked. She went into the other room to take her cloths off and I adjusted the kitchen curtains so Nic would get a good view of her and then went and turned the light off and on a couple of time. She came back out and I was shocked to see that she was not only naked, but she had a pair of her sisters black, high heeled, knee high leather boots on, I almost came seeing her naked with them on and knowing Nic was seeing her as well. It made her ass stand out and made her already toned legs look out of this world. I couldn’t believe how nice and big her tits had gotten and I could see why she still didn’t wear a bra because they were still so firm. After a couple minutes I asked if I could at least have a kiss and went and stood close to the window so Nic could get a really good look at her. As we kissed I played with her ass and tits a bit, turned her and opened her legs a bit so he could get a close up look at her cunt. After a couple minutes of this she stopped me but stayed naked for at least another 10 minutes or longer as she worked around the kitchen. When she went to get dressed I again went into the washroom and jerked off. I could hardly wait to talk to Nic and find out what he saw and how much he liked it. For most guys my behavior must sound pretty sick but I have found through the net that there are a lot of guys that enjoy watching there wives or girlfriends show their naked bodies off to other men as well, so I don’t feel as bad now as I did back then. I almost ran to Gail’s sisters house the next day to talk to Nic and just after I got there he showed up. Gail’s mom had had a long day in court and that Marty couldn’t make it so Gail had taken the day off school to be with her mom and she was pretty upset. She said that the proceedings were finally over and the judge would be handing down he decision with in the next couple of days. Nic wanted her to come out and kick the ball around but when I told him what was going on and he said he understood. He said that his cock was still sore from jerking off all nigh and took me up onto the deck outside the window and showed me all the cum on the side of the house, there was a ton of it. He said that is the first time in many years that he came 3 times so close together, he said he was hard the first 2 times and was semi hard for the last one. He said I should have pushed her over the table and fucked the ass off of her because that it was what she was asking for. He again said if she ever walked around naked in front of him or even showed him her cunt on purpose like she did for Eric he wouldn’t take no from her and fuck her virgin or no virgin. He said that if I wanted to see her getting a good fucking, to talk her into showing him her cunt like she did for Eric. I said I would see what i could do but it would have to be after everything with her parents divorce settled down. It was only a week before he had to fly back to Italy so we made a pact that we would do it when he got back. It was only a week before Brenda would be on holidays so I knew there wasn’t going to be anything happening until after the holidays. The judge made his ruling on the next Monday and I think everyone but her dads new girlfriend was happy with his decision. Her mom got the house, the mobile home on the lake, a share of the profits from the business as well as child and spousal support, she also got custody of the kids. I think the last part was all that his new girlfriend really liked of the settlement as she wasn’t to fussy on the kids. They had also booked a trip down to a resort in Mexico for the 2 weeks over school break. It was suppose to be her parents, her uncle Marty and aunt Mary going. It was non-refundable so Marty said Gail should go with them in her dads place because she had been so supportive of her mom. Mom didn’t really like the idea because it was a clothing optional resort and Gail was so young. She called the resort and they said although they frown on it , there are a few parents that have brought their kids along so it wouldn’t be a problem. Mom still wasn’t keen on it but Marty talked her into it and Gail was ecstatic to be able to go to a resort. As for me it was going to be a LONG Christmas holiday waiting for her to get back and the babysitting to start again and to see what happens with her and Nic. I wasn’t going to tell her about what Nic said that if she showed him her cunt he would fuck her just in case she wouldn’t show him if I asked her to. She might not want him fucking her, she still wasn’t all that taken with him. I was going to get her to show him somehow because I wanted to see if he would really go through with it or if he was all talk. I was really hoping he wasn’t kidding because I wanted to see him fucking her hard and then maybe me finally getting my chance to fuck her. It was one of the longest 2 weeks I have ever had waiting to see what would happen……………

To be continued…………

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