The boy next door

Me and me two sisters fuck the boy next door, and two of us ended up having his babies.

I’d like to share a story of a very fun night me and my sisters had with the boy from next door.

My name is Shannon, I was 13, my sisters, Jodie was 16 and Katie was 10, and the boy was Luke and he was 12 at the time.

We lived next door to each other and our dad and his mom were both single and they were pretty much alcoholics, they went out to the pub every day at 11am and never came home until 2 or 3am in the morning, and all they did was drink, and they had drunk sex as well, we could always hear them fucking when they got home.

Me, my sisters and Luke always hung out in each other’s houses, on this night we were at his house because our dad had forgot to put money on the electric meter and the power went off, it was 10pm and it was dark outside, when the power went off we were plunged in to complete darkness, so we all rushed round to Luke’s, it was funny because we were all in our pyjamas at the time and it was pouring with rain outside, we all got soaked just running across to his house.

So, we were in the living room all squashed on the sofa with a blanket over us all, watching TV, Katie and I fell asleep and then we got woken up by some loud music suddenly playing on the TV, it was about midnight, we looked around and Jodie and Luke had vanished, we couldn’t find them downstairs so we went upstairs to look for them.

As we got to the top of the landing we could hear moaning and groaning sounds, at first we thought our parents had come home and were fucking, we both quietly giggled and then sneaked in to Luke’s bedroom, we quickly realised out parents hadn’t come home, because Jodie and Luke were on his bed, they were both totally naked and they were the ones who were fucking.

We entered the bedroom just moments before they’d finished, Luke was on top of Jodie with his head between her big boobs, and his ass was bouncing up and down like crazy, both of them moaning and groaning sexually, and then Luke groaned extremely loudly and he stopped moving his ass up and down, he had just ejaculated inside my sister.

“What are you doing?” I asked, I knew what they were doing, both of us did, I just asked due to the shock of seeing them actually doing it.

“What does it look like.” Replied Jodie.

Luke lifted himself up off of Jodie and his cock popped out of her pussy, Katie noticed it and made a big deal about it, “Is that is dick? – I can see his dick…” she announced, pointing at it and nudging me on the arm, “…Look! – His dick.” She added.

“I know, I can see it.” I replied, then she ran over to the bed and just stared at his dick, she was fascinated by it, I walked over to the bed where Jodie’s head was, “Did you just have sex?” I asked her.

“Yeah.” She replied, blowing a droplet of sweat off the tip of her nose, “It was really good.” She said.

“Did it hurt?” I asked, then I heard Katie asking Luke if she could touch his dick, he said yes and then opened his legs and she just reached out without hesitation and started touching and rubbing it, Jodie just laughed at her, “So did it hurt?” I asked again.

“A little. But not that much. Do you want to try it?” she replied, then she sat up and looked at Luke, “Will you fuck Shannon, Luke?” she asked him.

Luke looked happy when she asked him, “Yeah – if she wants too.” He said.

“Do you want to fuck him? – You’ll really like it, I promise.” She said to me.

I was really nervous and I started blushing and went very shy, I wanted to try it but couldn’t get the words out to say yes, then Katie butted in, “Can I do it? – I’ll do it…” she said, and then she climbed up on to his bed, pushed Jodie aside, pulled off her nighty and panties quicker than I’d ever seen anyone get undressed before in my life, and she laid on her back naked, “..Let me do it.” She said.

Jodie laughed at her, “No, you’re too young. It’ll probably hurt you more than us.” She said, but Luke was eager and he quickly got on top of her, “I can do it.” He said enthusiastically.

As he laid on top of her with her short arms and legs wrapped around him, they were rubbing their bodies together and he was kissing her, it looked very funny and made me and Jodie laugh, then we saw Luke’s dick get long and hard again, he reached down and pushed it in to Katie’s hairless little pussy crack and started to thrust repeatedly.

We could see Katie’s pussy being squashed inwards as he pushed his hard tip against it, then it suddenly vanished in to her pussy and she screamed really loudly, he’d penetrated her hole, and he quickly started bouncing his ass up and down, pumping his dick in and out of her pussy at a hundred miles per hour.

Katie was screaming with pain and moaning with pleasure at the same time, “Argh – Ungh – Ung – Ouch – Argh – Ungh.” And she started to cry as he fucked her with his long hard 12 year old dick, a few minutes later he ejaculated in to her and when he lifted himself up and pulled his dick out of her hole, it had a small amount of Katie’s virgin blood on it.

She was still crying a little so Jodie picked her up and cuddled her, “I told you it would hurt, didn’t I.” she said to her, comforting her, but she quickly calmed down, Jodie called her a “Silly-Billy” which made her giggle and after about 10 minutes she was fine and smiling again.

“Can I fuck you now?” asked Luke, looking at me and playing with his dick in his hand.

I was still nervous but there was no way I was going to be the only one not to try it, especially after my little sister Katie did it, if she can do it, so can I, “Yeah, alright.” I said, I took off my pyjamas and panties and laid myself down on the bed.

Luke got on top of me and I put my arms and legs around him and just like he did with Katie, we rubbed out bodies together clumsily until he got another erection, when he thrust it in the crack of my pussy it felt weird, I could feel how hard is dick was and feel it pressing hard against my virginity, I felt my hymen stretching inward and I kept getting short sharp pains in my pussy.

When it happened, when his dick finally tore through my hymen, I felt a sudden sharp excruciating pain, “Argh!” I screamed, and I could feel his hard shaft sliding in to my body, it felt like I’d just eaten a big meal and I full up.

As he rapidly thrust his dick in and out of me, it tingled my senses and I lost my breath, it made my entire body buzz with pleasure, it was still painful but damn it felt good, I thought it was weird when he began to bite my nipples, but that just intensified the pleasure somehow, it was like I was happy, excited and scared all at once and I could hear the sloppy sound my soaking wet pussy made every time he pushed his dick inside me.

Then something happened to his dick, in an instant it felt completely different, it had got thicker and then it wasn’t, thicker again, and then it wasn’t, his dick was swelling up against my inner walls because it was shooting out his sperm, I could actually feel his seed filling up my pussy and my head went all fuzzy.

It was over, everything had stopped, and all I could do was smile, I smiled so widely my cheeks hurt.

Luke got off of me and he collapse on to his back catching his breath, having fucked all three of us, he was completely shagged out and exhausted.

“So, how was it?” asked Jodie, brushing back my hair off my forehead.

“Yeah. Good.” I replied, I was still catching my own breath.

Having lost our virginities, we were all really hyper and eager for more, so we spent the rest of night taking turns with Luke’s dick and it was the greatest night I can remember.

In the morning we went home and Katie almost dropped us right in it with our dad and Luke’s mom, when dad woke up and came downstairs, Katie ran over and jumped up in to his arms as she always did, “Morning, Daddy. Luke fucked me with his dick last night.” She said.

Jodie and I couldn’t believe that she just blabbed it out like that and we were preparing ourselves for a slap.

Luckily dad and Luke’s mom didn’t seem to care, or they didn’t believe us, dad just put Katie down and said, “That’s nice, sweetheart. Be good for your sisters, we’re off out.” And once again they left for the pub to do more drinking.

Luke came over that night and we had another all night fuck fest.

He got Jodie and I pregnant about 4 months later, I had a son, his name is Jack and Jodie and a daughter she named Leanne they’re both 7 now, we haven’t told them they share the same dad though.

Jodie and I kind of share Luke now, we do have threesomes every now and then but mostly he just swaps between us every couple of days, which we’re fine with.

Katie, turned in to a bit of a dick slut and she just fucks any boy that’s willing to have her, I’m very surprised she hasn’t got pregnant yet though, lucky her.