The Cam

Tracy was a very intelligent sixteen year school girl who had agreed to take part in a homework club when students who were struggling with their school work could at a given time be touch with Tracy on a one to one cam session so that they could get some help with their school work, everything went well and after the first couple of months students who used the service said that Tracy was very good and had helped them a lot. One evening when Colin who was two years younger than what Tracy was was due a lesson with Tracy and when he logged on Tracy explained that she was having problems with her computer but would carry on and hoped all went well, a few minutes after starting the lesson the computer cut out but after a short while came back on, Tracy told Colin that some times the connection was totally lost and if that happened while she was with him she would book another slot for him, the compute cut out twice more but came back after a short time, it then cut out again but after a short while came back, Colin could see and hear Tracy perfectly well, Tracy was shouting ” the fucking thing has gone again” Colin said ” I can see and hear you” Tracy shouted mum I got no picture or sound I will have to rebook him, Colin got his phone ready to phone Tracy but stopped when stood and started to undo her blouse, Colin put his phone down and watched as Tracy took her blouse off and when she unclipped her bra and took it off Colin stared at Tracy’s naked ample boobs as they fell into view, Colin thought I like as Tracy undid her skirt and let it fall to the floor and after fucking her skirt up onto her bed using her foot she walked out of camera view, Colin thought this is very cool hurry up back and after waiting five minutes thought where you been when a naked Tracy walked back into camera shot, Colin could clearly see Tracy’s love tube and when she started to gently rub it Colin thought better than a porn film and watched as Tracy rubbed her love tube and when she slid her fingers inside her love tube and started to masturbate Colin could not believe his eyes and sat watching noticing that Tracy’s nipples were very erect as he watched and after ten minutes when Tracy’s knees bent forward and she groaned as she gushed Colin thought brilliant, Tracy walked out of camera shot again, after a few minutes Colin heard some one say ” I will have a look see if I can get it fixed” then Colin saw Tracy’s sister Jane who was in his class at school appear in front of the screen, Colin saw that Jane was wearing a dressing gown and as she was looking at the keyboard Colin saw the gown open slightly he watched as it opened a bit more then a bit more and when it opened showing her boobs Colin thought show number two I hope, after ten minutes Jane shouted out get get it started and stood up as she did Colin got a clear view of her love tube, Jane shouted out I will pull the plug out the wall, then said ” I will give him compensation and let the hunky sod fuck me” seconds after that the screen went blank, Colin switched his own computer off thinking I am going to get compo. Jane looked at Tracy and said ” if he did not see and hear all that then we wasted our time, hope that he never recorded any of it but good if he did.