The Commune – Part 1

Dawn was walking down the street not believing that at the age of sixteen years old she was homeless, her parents had warned her on many an occasion about her drinking and of smoking dope they had also warned her about her violent streak, the last straw came when Dawn was meant to be looking after her twelve year old brother Tony when they went out and came home to find her drunk unable to stand, In the morning there had been a big row in which Dawn slapped her mum, Dawns dad reacted and told Dawn to get out the house and never come back, Dawn had stormed out the house slamming the door. Later in the evening Dawn tried to get back in the house but bother her mum and dad were adamant that she was not going to live there anymore, none of her so called friends would let her stop at their places. Now Dawn was homeless had no money and just the clothes she wore, it was cold and she was hungry, Dawn headed to the commune  on the edge of town where she had got drugs from, she knew they would let her stay there, after banging and kicking on the main door for half a hour it was opened, Dawn explained her situation to the guy who opened the door, he took her to the commune leader who after explaining the few rules told Dawn she could stay and would bed down in the top room, Dawn went up to the top room and found it was like a dormitory with about mattresses on the floor, Dawn was told which bed would be hers when she went to it she saw Keven who was her age and had lived next door her and his brother Mark who was her brothers age om mattresses near her bed. Keven greeted Dawn telling her he wondered how long it would be before she got thrown out, Dawn saw a old class mate of hers walk topless through the room Keven told Dawn people hid nothing and walked round naked they fuck in the open anything can happen but if you stole or acted violent you were out, Keven asked her if she was hungry and when Dawn said that she was Keven told Mark to go get some food, Mark went and was surprised to see he was naked she smiled at his little bum as he walked through the room, and twenty minutes later when he returned Dawn saw he had an erection, after eating the food that Mark brought Dawn went to look around she found a room that was the bathroom with lots of naked people in there she saw her former class mate laying naked on the floor being pounded by a guy old enough to be her dad, Dawn returned to her bed sat down she saw Keven get out from under his blankets and stand up and like his brother was naked Dawn saw his seven inch hairy dick hanging down, Keven walked through the room naked and out of the room Dawn saw Gary who was a couple of years younger than what she was, walking across the room completely naked his dick fully erect at about six inches, Gary asked Dawn if she was joining the commune and when Dawn told him she was he said cool and walked away , Dawn took her shoes off looked around saw lots of people who were naked or semi naked and thought what the fuck and took her top off letting her naked boobs fall free she then removed her jeans and put them with her top under her mattress and got under the blanket, she then saw Keven walking through the room and smiled when she saw he had a nine inch erection, Keven got under his blanket, after awhile the room was quiet apart from some groaning Dawn looked at Keven smiled Keven rolled out from under his blanket lifted Dawns and slid under it and started rubbing Dawns boobs then licking them after a short while Keven sat up and pulled Dawns panties down and off then after a minute was sliding his erection into Dawns waiting love tube pushing in deep and hard making Dawn groan out with pleasure, Dawn saw Mark stood beside her mattresses and realised the blanket was night off and he could see everything but she did not care the pounding she was getting was good and she was enjoying it,  Mark knelt down and started to rub Dawns boobs then started to suck her nipples, Dawn did not stop him she was really enjoying the attention her body was getting, Dawn then saw Gary  kneeling beside her and soon he was sucking on her one boob while Mark sucked on the other, then after a few minutes Dawn climaxed soon after Keven said “move” both Gary and Mark lifted their heads and Keven squirted his cum up Dawns body some hit her face, she saw Keven stand up and move to one side then saw Gary move between her legs then felt his dick sliding into her love tube, Gary started to thrust away while Mark carried on sucking and rubbing Dawns boobs. after a few minutes Dawn was groaning again as Gary thrust into her and after five minute she climaxed again then felt Gary’s cum splatter her body after a few minutes the three boys had left Dawn who just lay  on her mattress before getting up and walking naked through the room to the bathroom area and slid into the very large sunken bath of water, Dawn lay there soaking in the nice warm water when she saw Tina a good friend of hers in the bath Dawn went over to her the two girls greeted each other and talked awhile, Tina told Dawn about the basement telling her it was a twenty four hour orgy then said come on I will show you, the two naked girls went down the stairs into the basement, Dawn was surprised to see gay lesbian and straight sex taking place, she thought to herself why did my parents not throw me out sooner and walked with Tina into the middle of the room.