The Cum Dump

It is an honour to be chosen during the horny season in our town. Every weekend is a blast.

I am 14 and live in a small remote town where there’s only 15 girls aged between 12 and 16, but there are 40+ boys aged between 12 and 16.

As you can imagine living in such a small town with so many boys and very few girls, it gets very competitive, and years ago it used to get quite violent during the horny season, so they came up with a solution, a solution we girls actually enjoy and look forward to every weekend.

Every Saturday night all the boys and girls aged between 12 and 16 head to the cottage, it’s out of the way and was given to us by the town mayor, we use it to throw a party every Saturday night, and we can do anything there, including drink and smoke if we want too, but the main reason we go is for the sex.

The parties we have are just like any other teen party you can imagine, lots of loud music, dancing, craziness, and drinking, but with one huge difference.

Every Friday before the end of school us girls gather and one of us is randomly selected to be that week’s “Cum Dump”.

What that means for the girl is they get to spend all night on a very comfy bed, right in the middle of the dance floor, she is naked all night, and whenever a boy gets horny, he can go up to her and dump his load in any way he wants.

He can have her suck his cock, jerk him off, fuck her up the ass or just do normal sex, the “Cum Dump” is there to keep the boys happy and make sure everyone has a good time.

It has worked for the last 4 years and I have been the “Cum Dump” quite a few times, I was 12 when I first had the honour, and it was the best night of my life.

We’re not whores or sluts, as kids from other towns would call us, we are just girls who like having sex, having fun, and helping to maintain peace and order.

Of course the other girls can have sex at the party as well, if they choose, there’s no rules against that. The Cum Dump is just there to ensure no boy is rejected and can empty his balls if he needs to do so.

I think if every town did this then the world would be a much better place.