The diary of a snow slut

Snow slut – definition by “urban dictionary” –

A girl who wears skimpy clothes during the winter months, even though it is freezing.

Part 1.

Kira’s diary:


I was not the prettiest among the girls at school in my senior year, but I always attracted the most attention from the boys, and I loved that.

I am a snow slut. Ever since I was in school, I have always worn skimpy clothes. I walked on the school campus, in shorts and a tight top, even in the middle of January in the snow. Everyone turned heads to look at me when I walked by.

I do that now too. I never dress in warm clothes in winter. The cold prickles my exposed skin, I shiver, sometimes I sneeze, but I like that. You should see me, guys, when I am walking on the street in ripped denim shorts with the hole practically on the butt, when the temperature is in the low of -22° C. The chilly air cools my ass and my legs. My feet are in sneakers or in high heel stilettos. My chest and upper torso are in the short denim jacket without buttons. My large boobs are practically bare, opened to the chill. My nipples are just barely covered with the narrow black bra.

I wear a fur hat and mittens and a scarf, more for the outfit ensemble than for warmth. Although I admit, it helps to have at least one part of my body covered with a warm garment.

I work in the office. I wear a blouse and a skirt. I rarely put anything else on top when going outside. When it is too cold for going out in a tank top, I put a sweater or a fur coat over a blouse. But I always show bare legs, even in -22° C ( -7° Fahrenheit degrees). I don’t wear tights or stalkings, like other women. I like my legs to be bare.

People always react funny when they see me, walking on a street in winter. They ask me why I dressed like that. What can I answer to them? I always reply, “I just like the cold! That’s the way I am.”

The truth is, I like to show myself. Especially I like to expose my legs and feet. Legs are my best part. I enjoy the ave and attention which I am getting when showing them properly. That means in the snow in winter.

I did not mind going out in winter. I liked skating. I went on the ice rink and skated, just in my undies and pink top. My skin was exposed to the cold, belly and back and legs and all. The boys who went on that ice rink adored me. They whistled and applauded me every time I appeared. I took off my jacket and put my skates on. Then I skated on the ice rink, just in a bikini and undies, with the cold air and the snow around.


2 Years before

I walked back from the ice rink, in the early spring. I went through the back alley in the woods, to cut my path home. The snow crunched under my sneakers. It was not too cold, so I did not wear the coat that day. I was dressed just in my undies and tight white top. I felt mildly cold, but it was not too bad.

Two boys stood behind the tree, busy smoking their cigarettes. It was fancy during those days among high school boys to run from the house, hide somewhere and smoke.

The name of one boy was Rick. I did not know the name of the other boy.

“Look,” said one of the boys, “Isn’t this Kira Winters, the Snow Queen of our neighborhood.”

“Hi, Kira,” said the other boy, “fancy to have a cigarette with us?”

“No, boys,” I replied, smiling, “I am not into smoking. Smoking is bad.”

“Really,” said one of them. “What are you into, sports girl? Are you into kissing?”

“Maybe,” I said. “It depends how good you kiss.”

“Oh, I am sure I kiss all right,” grinned the first boy. “Will you go with us, I’ll show you how I can kiss.”

“Oh, that great,” I said, smiling, and I approached him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips passionately.

The boy grabbed me, rather violently, and kissed tight on my lips. Then his hands went down to my butt and grabbed my buttocks. I tried to push him away. But he held his strong arms around my waist. “Come on, Kira, let’s go with me to the back,” he said. I remember I whimpered something in a feeble attempt to protest. But I had horny hormones too. I was full of them. I felt excited. I allowed him to lead me away from the alley, into the snow, behind the trees. I followed him further into the woods until we found a very secluded spot.

There he grabbed and groped me more. I hugged him and kissed him passionately on his thin lips. We went like that for a while. His hands slid all the way through my back, from the neck down to my buttocks. He pulled my undies down from my hips. There was nothing else to cover my cunny down there.

I moaned softly and slowly sat down on the snow in front of him. My naked butt felt the cold snow. I giggled and pulled him down on his coat. I lay back on the snow, feeling ice cold with my bare skin. The shiver went through my body and I moaned loudly. He sat down on top of me, and slowly unzipped his pants. I saw his large cock pulled from his zipper in front of me. I gasped and touched it with my hands. It was hard and warm to touch. I stroked it with my hands, while he touched my naked breasts with his hands. He bent down, twisted my nipples, then kissed and bit them with his teeth a little.

I lay on my back, with my bare skin in the snow. It was a cool and prickly sensation. I loved that in the beginning. But soon the cold on my skin has become uncomfortable and then unbearable. I started screaming and tried to stand up from the snow. But the boy pinned me down with his weight. He took his cock and penetrated into my hot vagina. I screamed, and I jerked, as he thrust it deep into me, every trust went deeper than before. I felt my orgasm was coming, with the wild overload of all my senses, despite the cold of the snow in which I was washed. I screamed aloud. He cum too, and he pulled his cock out just in time before that. His warm sperm fountainhead from its end on me. I gasped and turned away as some dops spilled up in my face.

The boy stood up, and slowly zipped his pants. Then he buttoned his coat. He was shocked and proud of himself. He panted heavy.

I stood up too, a little unsteady and lightheaded. He supported me and helped me to stand up. We looked at each other, as in a big surprise.

“Wow!” I said, shaking the snow that stuck to my skin. “Wow! I never had it like that.”

“Wow,” he said. “That was fantastic. I never had it like that too. You are something amazing.”

I looked down on myself. “Oh, I am all covered with your sperm. Thanks for pulling it out, big boy.”

He gave me his handkerchief to wipe it out.


How has it started?

It started when I was an adolescent girl, about 16. I felt horny. I felt desire. But no men looked at me. I was not the prettiest in my class. I was just a horny teen girl with braids and pimples. I felt bound by the school rules and the rules of my strict parents at home.

I often ran into the woods behind my house, where I felt free. I walked in the snow, touching the trees. Suddenly, I felt an urgent desire to relieve myself. I pulled the sweatpants and panties down. Then I just sat down, butt-naked in the snow. I gasped, it was so cold. But it was pleasant at the same time. I put my fingers on my small teen clit and touched it, massaging it gently. I loved that feeling.

I twisted my fingers, inserted them in my tight cunny. I moved them in and out. I massaged inside it until the pleasure grew up in me. I masturbated till the orgasmed. After that, I sat and cried, from pleasure and from the shame that I did that. I took a lump of the snow and pressed it to my clit. It was cold, but it sent a shock through my body. I screamed aloud and felt another orgasm, with all my body trembling.

Since then, I did that a lot. I ran into the wood, sat with my butt in the snow, and masturbated. Sometimes with my fingers, sometimes with the sex toy which I bought in the local sex store secretly. Somehow cold helped me to relieve my feelings. The sensation of cold on my butt was extreme. Like the feeling of pain and pleasure at the same time. I got used to that quickly and could not live a single day without it.

One day, my parents noticed me sneaking out of the house. They did not know what I was up to, but they grounded me in my room. I paced around my room impatiently, desperate to get out of the house and have my clit masturbated. My adolescent hormones made me wild. I climbed from the 2nd-floor window and ran into the woods, just in my undies and slippers. It was awfully cold. But I was used to the cold by that time. I went to my secret hiding spot. I pulled down my undies and sat in the snow. I put my fingers on my clit and started masturbating. I even closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw some men walking to that spot. They saw me too and stared at me. They froze for a moment, then whistled and walked toward me. I can relate to their surprise. Imagine that you are walking in the woods in winter and see a teen girl sitting in the snow, almost naked, and masturbating with her fingers deep in her vagina. What would you think?

I was scared. I ran like crazy from them, deeper into the wood. Then I lost my slippers and I ran barefoot. I came home from the woods an hour later, nearly frozen, breathing heavy and panting from exhaustion. My feet and toes were completely frozen and numb. I climbed up and sneaked back into my room through the window.

Luckily, my parents watched a movie below on the big screen TV with the loud sound and they did not hear me climbing. I went into the bathroom and stood for 10 minutes with my frozen feet in hot water until I started feeling anything.