The Estate

Patty is a sixteen year old black girl and with her family had just moved to a new house on a very run down council estate, most of the residents lived on benefits and were very poor. It was late as Patty walked towards where she now lived, as she walked she saw that lots of the houses had no curtains in the windows and she could see people inside the houses, Patty walked down the side alley as she did she saw sixteen year Steve in the house where he lived and smiled when she saw he was wearing just a pair of briefs Patty stopped to have a good look and her smile got broader when Steve put his thumbs in the waist band of his briefs and slid the down and stepped out of them standing naked his seven inch hairy dick on show, Patty was looking at the first white naked boy she had seen and loved the sight of the white dick, Patty stood watching as Steve walked around the room his dick swaying slightly as he walked, Steve stood still and Patty’s eyes went wide as Steve’s dick slowly grew and stood up erect, Patty was now looking at a naked white boy who had a nine inch erect dick and was loving it, Steve started to stroke his dick Patty watched in awe hardly believing that she was watching a naked white boy jerking and when she saw Steve’s knees bend and four spurts of cum shoot from his dick she gasped, Steve left the room he was in taking a towel with him, Patty carried on walking and saw a girl in a different house standing naked the girl had large boobs Patty thought to herself that her brother Marcus who was twelve would love to see this, Patty walked on looking in windows that had no curtains as she went and stopped when she saw a boy who was about seventeen naked his dick was solid about eight inches, Patty was disappointed when the boy put the light off, Patty walked on saw a couple more girls naked then she saw a boy pounding away into a girl both were about her age and both were naked Patty stood watching and after a short while saw the boy squirt his cum over the girls body, Patty walked on and soon arrived home where her fourteen year old sister was laying in her bed Patty told her that she had seen naked white boys saw a couple with a hard on and squirting spunk. Next night both Patty and her sister were stood watching the seventeen year old boy jerking while their twelve year old brother watched a naked sixteen year old white girl with big boobs walking around her room. Later the trio agreed it was going to be fun living on the estate.