The House

Rumours had been going round the town for years about the big empty house on the edge of town, some people said it was haunted, some said it was home to aliens, others said nothing about the building, the house had been empty for years squatters had got in but were soon evicted,  people had tried growing weed their but had been caught and sent to prison, the only activity that took place at the empty ten bedroom house was from some homeless people who sometimes slept there, local kids who played in there and courting couples looking for a quiet place to have some fun. Sixteen year old Steve was one of the towns troublesome boys who hung around the park drinking cheap booze and smoking dope. Steve had a plan to brew his own booze and with the help of his best mate Martin decided to use the attic of the old house to use as the place to brew the booze and after a little bit of work had set up a distillery and started the brewing process, after awhile the first of the booze was ready both Steve and Martin sampled the first batch and found it was good tasting but a bit strong, the two boys spent a couple of hours drinking the booze, the night they sampled the booze twelve year old Kayla was in the house and from cracks in the floor saw Steve and Martin drinking, she knew better than to grass the boys up, Kayla was about to creep out the house as quietly as she could so the boys would not know she was there and had discovered their secret when Steve stood up and started to undo his jeans, Kayla stopped where she was and watched Steve and after a minute was looking at Steve who was stood with his jeans wide open and his hairy dick out and in full view of Kayla who liked what she was seeing, Kayla moved back when Steve started to wee, after Steve had finished and went out of sight Martin took his place and Kayla was soon looking at his hairy dick, when Martin had finished his wee Kayla crept out of the house thinking to herself two big hairy dicks in one night. The next night Steve was on his own in the attic unaware that Kayla was watching him through a crack in the wall, Kayla was hoping to see the two dicks again but it was just Steve, after drinking some of the beer Steve stood up and started undoing his jeans, Kayla thought to herself yes nice as Steve pulled his dick out giving Kayla a better view than the night before, after he had finished having his wee Steve stood where he was with his dick still out, Kayla carried on watching and smiled when she saw Steve’s dick twitch and grow till it was sticking up like a flagpole she judged it to be about eight inches, Steve started to stroke his erect dick still unaware that he was being watched by a twelve year old smiling Kayla, after a few minutes Steve’s knees bent and he shot his cum in four long spurts Kayla could hardly believe what she had just seen, Steve moved out of sight and Kayla left, Kayla walked home feeling very happy at what she had just seen.