The Interview pt. 3

  The Interview

Pt. 3



Rachel trembled from the panic seeping into her mind, as her owner talked of his wife and his love for her while he circled looking her over sizing her up. His voice was calming. After her eyes adjusted to the light after the blindfold was removed she could see that he was handsome, and that he did not look like a sick pervert. He had neatly combed black hair and stubble that was just long enough to be soft; he stood more than six feet tall and was dressed in dark blue sweats that had florescent stripes running the length of his legs and arms. It was obvious to Rachel that Dave spent time in the gym judging by the fullness of his shoulders, arms, and legs. She felt small, as he was over a head taller, his arms and legs were not only longer but bigger around as well. The baby fat she had gave her a nice shape; at five foot eight she weight only one thirty, he was lean looking not a bit of fat not even in his face and probably weighed one eighty maybe one ninety. Dave’s neck muscles were thick like the ones on his arms. Rachel surveyed Dave’s hunky body and tried to catch a glimpse of his penis but the bagginess of his sweats pants hid it from sight.


His voice drifted back to her ears and Rachel stopped looking around and listened; “We both played around on each other. I didn’t mind because my work kept me away for long periods at a time; it was okay as long as she was discreet, I just wanted her to be happy. When her whims carried her to other women I was more than just okay with it, I was kind of excited by it. Then it went south it seemed, simultaneously for both of us. I caught a case of the clap and body lice or ‘the crabs’ and one of Carol’s girlfriends tried a palimony suit. I got rid of my crabs and cured from my VD and Carol won her suit and then we discovered Leon’s rent-a-mate, so here we are you and I and soon my wife will have a wonderful time.”


Rachel’s mind drifted as Dave paused; she went back to when she signed the contract, and loan agreement, and then opened the accounts for her mother and brother. Then Leon transferred the funds, and then to her departure from Leon’s and the long quiet drive, not being able to see where she was going. She remembered fighting the urge to jump from the car as well as the overpowering desire to beg Starr to kiss her one last time. She remembered Starr’s advise ‘be ready to hit the deck running’ and then her mind filled with the thrilling memory of her and Starr making love after the auction, followed by her reminder that she has ‘sold the rights’ to her body and mind.


Rachel started to think that she was now with a very attractive and powerful looking male whom she was sure she was going to have sex with at some point ‘this…!’ evening, and it felt quite odd. She didn’t even kiss on the first date. A spark of lust stirred briefly in her belly, she felt her clitoris tighten, and then it all faded quickly, as her uncertainty crowded in. Still she found her eyes searching for the outline of his penis for just a clue to his size, but the bagginess of Dave’s sweats continued to conceal even the briefest of hints but not the longing growing inside her belly.


Rachel jumped as Dave put his hand on her shoulder asking, “Are you okay?”


Rachel replied in a weak and pensive voice, “I feel a little sick to my stomach, confused and I want to run for the door, but I also want to stay,” then smiled weakly trying to show some resolve to follow through.


“I can relate totally.” Dave paused a small smile came across his face and he went on, “I would be scared too if I didn’t know where I was, who I was with, or what was going to happen to me. I can assure you that I am not an ogre, but… ‘I am…!’ demanding and so is my wife. Don’t tell her I said this but I think sheee… is much more demanding than I… a lot more. Are you hungry?” Dave asked and pleasantly added, “I could do with a little something.”


“I’m not too hungry, but I could drink some soup and maybe some coffee, it would settle the butterflies flying around inside my stomach.” Rachel answered easier as she relaxed her guard some.


“Ah…a woman after my heart… soup and coffee. How about a small sandwich too?” Dave asked in a warming voice then tempted a cheese sandwich?”


Rachel’s eyes brightened as she thought of her favorite snack; a bowl of cream of mushroom soup and a plane cheese sandwich then she answered, “I could eat a sandwich and soup now that you mention it.”


“Good…follow me, the kitchen is this way. Just leave your bag for now we will come back for it.” Dave piped out then turned somber adding, “I have to say this right off; that door where you came in, is where you will leave and you can go any time weather we are here or not, just leave… we have a limo service that will quickly pick you up and take you back to Leon’s any time night or day. You can only go outside with an escort even to the fenced yards as the doors lock automatically and you will not have a key to get back in.”


“What about a house fire?” Rachel nervously asked.


“No worries in here you are safe from everything except a A-bomb.” Dave brayed and quietly adding, “I will get into all that later.”


“I see security, security, and security.” Rachel quipped, the pensiveness in her voice giving a sign to her uneasiness, and still she showed a weak smile.


“Yes, yes, and yes. You got that from Leon huh?” Dave queried warmly.


“Yea he is a funny acting man but he seems nice enough; but yet I am sure he is very demanding.” Rachel said quietly.


Dave laughed as he said, “He is a stickler for detail.” And somberly added, “That makes me feel safe using his services and you should too.”


The sheer size of the house became apparent as they walked down the hallway passing one set of stairs that went up and another set of stairs that went down and several doors some closed some open and still others ajar. Rachel’s mouth gaped as they entered a large dimly lit room with closed drapes; chairs, couches, and tables placed around the perimeter and the far wall was devoted to a huge home entertainment system. She stumbled as they turned into the kitchen and again she was stunned by the size of the kitchen. As she looked around the first thing to stand out were the real marble countertops that wrapped around the entire kitchen. She had seen marble countertops only once at the fudge shop she worked at for a few months. In gasping breaths Rachel observed, “There must be twenty cabinet doors and thirty drawers.” She stopped to catch her breath then fired a series of questions, “They look like real wood. Are they real wood? Is that a walk in pantry? Do you have a garden?”


“Yes that is a walk-in pantry and yes they are real wood and the marble is real too, and yes we have a garden with a gardener. Maybe Carol will let you work in it during the gardener’s day off.” Dave happily answered her questions and then detailed, “We both come from families with money but we didn’t become extravagant until I won the lottery. That big room is the meeting room and one of the game rooms, the living room is upstairs it isn’t as big. This is a three story house in the middle of a twenty acre lot.”


“It must take a full week just to vacuum the floors!” Rachel said in amazement.


“No actually you can keep them adequately maintained with just three days a month.” He quickly corrected.


“You mean a day here and a day there?” Rachel quizzed quippingly.


“No actually an hour or two every few days.” Dave corrected again. “Well… lets see you do your first chore make us some soup, sandwiches, and coffee.” He directed.


“Okay. Where is every thing?” Rachel asked still stunned by the magnitude of the house; the beauty and spaciousness of the kitchen, it was straight out of a magazine.


“I can show you now or you can start finding your way around for yourself.” Dave challenged and with a chuckle added, “I will give you a hint; the canned goods are in the pantry behind that door.” And he pointed.


Rachel began rummaging through the refrigerator and found some mushrooms, cheese, and mayonnaise, as well as tomatoes and fresh garlic. She thin sliced the mushrooms and garlic then started them cooking, and then found the soup and poured it in with a little milk. She looked up and asked, “I like my soup hot, salty, and with lots of pepper. How about you?”


“Well we found some pets we share in common; soup, sandwiches, and coffee. We even like the same ones the same way.” Dave noted, smiling pleasantly as he watched Rachel assemble the sandwiches and then asked, “How do you like your coffee?”


“I like it strong, hot, sweet and black.” Rachel replied firmly.


“I’ll tell you right now if you want to have your pets you will have to be good to my wife.” Dave cautioned.


“Huh?” Rachel exhaled with surprised.


“What?” Dave pressed smiling.


“It sounds so strange to hear a husband telling someone to do a good job of having sex with his ‘wife…!’” Rachel quipped humorously.


Oh…! Boy…! You are going to be doing a lot more than just having sex with my wife ‘A lot…! More’,” Dave paused and mused a bit a quiet twittering passed through his lips when he started to speak, “I haven’t thought about it for awhile but the first time I said that, it did feel kind of funny coming out. Trust me it will be a lot better for the both of us if you do the very best that you can do to keep Carol happy!”


The long comfortable silence was broken when Rachel chimed “Soup’s on!” and then happily noted, “I call this soul food. When I feel down or have a sickly headache this soup sets the world right again. Sometimes I just get a craving for a cheese sandwich.” She went silent while ladling the soup, handing the plate with the sandwich and spoon to Dave, and then added assuringly, “Both Starr and ol’ Leon said I was a fast study I’m going to try to be the best yet.”


“My wife Carol might let you eat this once in a while, but she is a health nut and worse yet she runs a health club and gym. We have a full gym down stairs. I will give you the nickel tour before I leave later this week, for now let’s down our snacks.” Dave remarked warmly.


They both munched away in silence, Rachel glancing furtively at Dave, he sounded almost friendly and Starr’s warning echoed, ‘Keep up your guard sometimes they will try to trap you and trip you up.’ Rachel continued casting long looks around the kitchen; she was amazed at the counter tops and storage space. The kitchen alone was half as big as her last house. They both slurped the last of their soup at the same time, and looked at each other contentedly. The silent gazing sent butterflies flurrying through her stomach again.


Then Dave opened a drawer and handed Rachel a small cell phone, a wireless headset, and charger saying, “Keep it with you all the time and charged up. You can’t call out on it except for emergencies, and if it rings for some reason don’t answer it. When we call, we will be put through to a voice ring and you will hear us call you by name, this is our wireless intercom. You see it has a belt clip as well as an elastic wrist band so you can wear it everywhere you go dressed or not wet or dry.”


“So do we have some coffee or do we start the tour?” Rachel posed then asked. “Does this have a speed dial for 911?”


“I’m good let’s start the tour.” Dave replied then explained, “Just press and hold nine it goes to a redundant alarm system connected to the Safe House Security Systems inc. and they will ring you back by name and ask you what’s wrong and dispatch the police, fire, or ambulance. Lets start down stairs.” Dave said casually as they started down the hall and to the stairs. At the bottom of the wide stairs and to the right was a door and to the left was another wide hallway at the end there were two more doors. Rachel’s heart was starting to pound as images of dungeons and dragons and torture raced through her mind. She was certain Dave could hear it as it pounded.


At the end he turned smiled and said, “This is not the dungeon even though I call it that,” ending with a little chuckle. Dave then swung the broad door open and turned on the lights and walked in with Rachel following close behind. His chuckle had eased her misgivings and put Rachel a little more at ease as she raced around him into the middle of the room and spun around and smiled back.


“I spent a year in a commercial gym and these look like the same machines, hell the only things missing are the weight racks and bars.” Rachel enthusiastically recounted.


“We do not do power lifting, Carol says it’s really only for body sculptors.” He paused then smiled at Rachel, “I assure you…you will feel like you have been power lifting when Carol starts your training program. I suppose you will think of this place as a torture chamber for the first few weeks…”


“Training program?” Rachel interjected then paused with a quizzical grimace on her face.


“Oh yes Carol is going to have you up to four miles a day on the treadmill and four miles a day on the elliptical there in the corner by the first week as well as doing something on all eight machines.” Dave explained and then cautioned, “Carol is… well let me say I have found it better to let her wear the pants and you will too. She can be very accommodating when she sees that an effort is being made to please.”


“Ole Leon did tell me I was going to be working harder than I ever have.” Rachel noted whimsically as she studied and touched all of the machines.


“I suggest that you start with the treadmill slowly, after I have left no more than two miles throughout the day. I had a little trouble adjusting to it, like me you might find that you are dizzy when you stop. Hell enough of the gym lets go look at the game room across the hall.”


They crossed the hall opening another wide door and switched on the lights, “My god a real pool table!” Rachel sang out as she ran her hand along the walnut sides.


“You play?” quizzed Dave.


“I use to in high school, the bowling alley had like six of them four smaller coin-ops and two full sized like this one.” Rachel said praisingly as she ran her hand along the rails then added, “I got to where I could make a few good shots in a row.” She was beaming, as she surveyed all the different extravagant woods in the expensive looking cues, and cue rack All the different gaming tables looked expensive, her uneasiness was melting faster and faster.


“We have other board games to play too. Come on let me show you where your room is.” He switched the lights off in both rooms and closed the doors and started back towards the stairs at the door he added, “Maybe we will play a few games of eight-ball. I warn you I only play for wagers, and I’m not as good as the table makes me look.”


As they walked down the hall Rachel looked at the swirling grain patterns in the wood paneling. When they stopped at another door Dave said, “This is your room you will stay in it on your off days or when we have visitors or other family members staying with us. During household functions you will dress in a maids uniform and ‘act…!’ accordingly.”


“I’m not sure how a maid is suppose to act.” Rachel informed.


“Carol will ‘train…!’ you.” Dave assured with a whimsical laugh and then informed Rachel, “We will have a few family functions while you are with us.”


“I want to do good I just…” Rachel was cut short.


“You’ve seen movies with maids in them haven’t you?” Dave interrupted and queried.


“Well yes…” She answered sounding puzzled.


“Well there isn’t much more to it except that a beautiful woman like you dressed as a maid well… really turns my wife on, it gets me hot too, so those nights she is going to be… lets just say very ‘amorous!’” Dave said licentiously as he looked down musing over a pleasant memory.


“I’m not beautiful.” Rachel said and pouted a little in disbelief.


“No. True you are not, not like a model in a magazine or painting.” Dave agreed and added, “but still in a down to earth way you are very beautiful, my wife really wants you. She told me to get you no mater what so I did.” Dave said as he smiled at Rachel continuing, “I could tell by her voice that she is attracted to you ‘hell!’ I find you ‘very…!’ attractive!”


“Thank you that put me more at ease.” Rachel replied blushing. She walked around the room pushed at the top of the bed, looked in the bathroom, closets and drawers then noted, “This is really nice better than my room at home.”


“I’m glad you like it. You know it doesn’t mater what Carol feels she is still going to haze the hell out of you till, as she puts it, ‘you pay your dues.’ I’m not suppose to tell you this but just do like she says, come back for more, and well… you’ll see.” Dave explained.


“And you? Do you want me?” Rachel asked in a low saucy voice.


Dave faced her, looked at her warmly, and reached for Rachel’s hair giving her a few tender strokes, saying warmly, “Definitely.” He paused as he looked at Rachel then went on, “but we still have work to do. Let’s go back upstairs go through a few of those rooms, then up to the top floor.”


“All this real wood paneling has me worried I don’t know the first thing about caring for it,” Rachel remarked as they climbed the stairs. She was trying to stay business like, but the gentle touch and warm smile and friendly quips concerning his wife ‘Carol’ Dave had melted the chilling doubts and fearful images of the dungeons, with their whips, and chains.


“Oh once a year we have professional cabinet finishers come in and refinish all the wood; the paneling, drawer fronts and cupboard doors, as well as all of the doors to the rooms. All you have to do is wipe them once a month with a dust rag.” Dave assured as they topped the stairs and added, “We have window washers, gardeners, that work outside and security guards that drive by at all hours and they check the alarms regularly.”


“Alarms? I suppose you have a panic room too.” Rachel added half jokingly.


“Yes all of downstairs is a panic room and there three others; the pantry for one and it has a ladder to the downstairs, the master bedroom with the bathroom for two, and the room at the end of this hall for three. If your pager goes off flashing 999 drop what you are doing and get to the nearest one of the four, and wait till Carol or I let you out, or if we are gone till the security team calls you and tells you it is all clear, they will unlock the door. I don’t mean to scare you but we were broken into once a long while back, and the good thing is they are still in jail.” Dave replied as a mater factly.


“I’m not worried there is going to be someone here at least most of the time.” Rachel said.


“Well Carol might be gone a lot during the day and maybe as long as a few days, and I will be gone for months at a time. When you are the only one here the curtains are to be closed they will close automatically in the late afternoon if they are open any way but keep them closed when we are not around. If you need to look out a window there is one upstairs, you do reali…”


“It’s okay. I know” Rachel interrupted Dave and then added, “I will be sequestered while I am here, that you two are the only people that I will be with.”


“Our guests will talk and you can be polite, but yes as far as contact with other people and the outside world… is a no, no.” Dave explained.


“Limited calls home and my letters will be read,” again Rachel recited and then asked, “Do you have a rule book that I can read with the dos and don’ts?”


“Yes in your office we are going there now. You will find what you need to know on your computer; from what we like to eat and when to what we like to wear. The house maintenance schedules are there as well as what you can do with any time you have to your self.” He paused for a moment then continued, “There is a lot you need to know that isn’t written so the more intuitive you are the more the blank spaces will be filled and just a bit of sincere obedience will go a long way in filling in the other gaps. Carol and I are both eager to see how well and how fast you learn.” He opened the door and turned the lights on picked up the calendar sized booklet on the desk handed it to Rachel shut the lights and door saying, “this has your pass words and introduction to your desktop as well as the schedules for the up and coming house functions. You will find them on your computer too.”


“This is ‘my…’ study?” Rachel asked noting quizzically, “I have my own desk and computer? Will I really have the time to use them?”


“Yes, yes, and as far as having the time to use the computer well that will depend on how well you perform your duties.” Dave authoritatively explained and after a deep breath continued, “For now while Carol is away and after I leave you will find in the desktop short cuts to each of the books you need to read. You can’t e-mail or visit chat rooms, but anything and everything else is okay. Your PC will be monitored you have no privacy” Dave explained and somberly added, and looked at Rachel as he pointed at the door across the hall, “That is my office and den. You only go in there when I am here and ask you to. I am not hiding anything in there I just don’t want anyone in there not even my wife, unless I say it is okay.”


“There is so much to know and learn.” Rachel said her voice sounding overwhelmed.


They walked down the hall and reached the next door Dave stopped and said, “This is Carol’s study.” Opened the door flicked the lights on and paused then said, “Rachel you ‘will!’ write your Mom and brother regularly then hand the letters to me or Carol for posting. We don’t want your mom to worry and writing a letter home will help when you get home sick.” Dave ordered warmly but assertively.


“Home sick?” She paused then her lower lip quivered slightly, “Oh… home sick…” Rachel’s voice trailed off and her eyes filled with tears. Her face flared red and her lips grew thin as she strained to keep from sobbing. Rachel’s fingers clawed at the tears welling in her eyes. The professional façade was swept away as reality flooded in.


Rachel’s new reality exploded in her mind; she wasn’t going home at the end of her shift, that she wasn’t going to see her mother for eighteen months unless she was deathly ill, or see her new girlfriend, or her brother. He was going to have to study without her help; she began to miss the squabbling over nothing with her brother, and mom’s close-minded arguments. She felt an achy trembling deep in her groin as she thought of this stranger mounting her or ordering her to perform some sexual act. Her mind flashed to the set with Starr and Greg and how she passed out, and then to the first time, she had sex and how quickly it ended. Her boyfriend Michael came as soon as the head of his penis touched her pubic hairs. His hot sperm squirted all over her belly and thighs as he jumped back from surprise then before it turned soft he thrust it inside tearing her hymen and then he went limp. She remembered how her mind filled with disappointment then anger at how unsatisfied she was “Is that all there is?” she remembered thinking.



Rachel’s musings were interrupted as Dave’s voice echoed into her ears, “Rachel? Rachel are you okay?” He asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice and remarked, “You looked like you were about to pass out, your eyes rolled back for a second.”


“Huh! Oh! Do all of the girls you get from Leon get this scared?” She asked pensively as the room spun.


“Yes they do if they didn’t we wouldn’t want them.” Dave warmly answered.


“I didn’t pass out?” Rachel queried, puzzled at how much thinking she did in the wink of an eye.


“No. So you are okay?” Dave pressed and then sincerely added, “We are both hoping that you are the good study Leon said you are.”


“Yea I’m fine this is all so new to me and I do want to work. I am starting to feel a little tired.” Rachel exasperatedly expressed.


“It is late. I want a bath before we hit the sack.” Dave anounced then ordered, “Go upstairs, start the water running in the tub, and set the temperature of the water to one hundred ten and the room temperature to one hundred fifteen. By the door to the bath you will see a LCD panel it is easy to use. Then in the bedroom the big chest of drawers in the far right top drawer you’ll find some pantaloons, they are all the same put on a pair and wait for me in the bathroom I will be up in a short while. Remember first the water, then the room, then find and put on the pantaloons. I know it sounds strange but there is something sensual about a woman dressed only in pantaloons.” Dave calmly directed then disappeared into his den.


Rachel’s heart was throbbing in her ears and her groin felt as though an electric wire was inside her prickling her clitoris causing it to tighten and ache. As she breathlessly climbed the stairs, her legs felt weak and rubbery. She was being overwhelmed by the desires to run a way and at the same time to obey his every whim. She felt her groin turning warm and opening, and her panties began to cling to her moistening vaginal lips as her sateen juices escaped onto her white panties and beads of sweat formed on her brow. Rachel was stunned again by the size of the bathroom and the floor to ceiling tile work. One whole wall had brightly colored washcloths, towels, and robes only, another wall had three sinks and yet another had two toilets, and next to them was a glass door to a huge shower with four showerheads. She discovered just like Dave said the LCD panel was by the door and clearly labeled; tub fill and temp. room temp. sauna temp. and timers for each. Rachel pushed the tub fill button and water started running right away and the temp. button started to blink so she pushed the up arrow till the screen read one hundred and ten then she set the room temp.


As Rachel entered the bedroom her name sounded out on her phone, “Rachel just drop all your cloths on the bed and throw your shoes down the laundry chute.”


She talked into it, “Okay. I see it.” And hesitantly she stripped throwing her shoes down the chute, piling her clothing on the bed, and walked to the top drawer on the right and opened it. Right away, she was overwhelmed by the sweet earthy scent of another woman; the scent of her sweat as well as her vaginal juices saturated the drawer. These were Carol’s… Rachel thought as she pulled a pair of white pantaloons out and started to put them on but instead she held them up and looked inside she could see circular stains radiating out from the crotch and stretching down the leggings then wrinkled them around her nose inhaling deeply the alluring scent. Rachel was shocked at her thoughts and remembered Starr’s cautioning, “A play toy is fun to play with and it is easy to play with,” she knew that this is how she must think. Rachel felt her own wetness sliding down the inside of her thighs as she thrilled to another woman’s scent and the images of suckling at her breasts and kissing her vaginal folds or being mounted by her in some way. Rachel drew a sharp breath and gripped her clitoris as she clearly remembered Greg’s orgasm while she manipulated his penis inside Starr while she suckled on Starr’s clitoris and how Greg’s penis surged and pushed against her chin, and then passing out briefly from the exhilaration as his semen oozed out over her fingers.


She slipped the pantaloons on and pulled them up tight and her genitals started tingling as she pressed the cloth to her loin. Rachel fought the urge to finger herself, as she smelled her own sexual heat mingling with Carol’s. Sweat started to run from her armpits and the beads grew on her forehead, Rachel’s nipples turned so hard they ached. The elastic waistband hung low on Rachel’s hips because the panties were two sizes too big. She marveled at the bathroom with its two toilets, the huge sunken tubs, sauna, and what looked like a massage table with its own water faucets, and hand held shower nozzle. The humid heat from the hot water filling the tub, and the heater was almost stifling. Rachel thought how daunting the task was to clean this place. Her heart leapt into her throat as a knock sounded on the door.


“Rachel, come out here.” Dave called through the door.


Shyly she stepped into the room; the chilly air made her nipples hard again and she kept them covered first with one hand then another. Again, an ache grew in her belly as she looked at Dave, but her self-consciousness tempered her arousal. Rachel’s skin was beet red from the heat in the bathroom and began to prickle with goose flesh from the chilly air.


He smiled as he stood in the door way and took a long look at Rachel’s partially clad body then rebuffed, “You left your phone on the bed.”


“Oh I’m sorry I thought…” She was cut short.


“You keep it with you every where and all ways.” Dave admonished sternly and then reminded, “Dressed or not wet or dry with you or on you.”


“Okay I will no matter what I am doing.” Rachel assured avoiding eye contact, as she felt uncomfortable. She knew he could smell her arousal and her fresh sweat even through his wife’s overpowering scent. She walked to the bed and picked up the phone thinking that he might attack her at any instant but no, he just stood by the foot of the bed watching just staring at her, she could feel his gaze burning through her.


“Okay, get me ready for my bath.” Dave directed softly an impish smile beamed from his face.


Rachel stood dazed and dizzy, heart pounding as she fixed the elastic band with the phone to her upper arm with a shaky hand then stumbled as she started to walk toward Dave.


“Shoes and socks first then the shirt. You do know… how to get undressed don’t you?” He asked in a sarcastic tone and smiled.


“Yes.” She piped coyly as the humor relieved her tension. As she knelt, down to untie his shoes Rachel glanced at his crotch and again as she pulled them off, and again as she took his shirt off looking for a hint as to his size. Dace’s pecs and abs were well defined, as were the muscles on his arms. Rachel felt her heart start to race as she surveyed his upper body. A little relief came over her when she thought he must be small because she couldn’t see, not even the briefest outlines of his penis just what looked like his scrotum. Dave hadn’t even started to get a hard on when she pushed her hand against the soft bulge of his scrotum when she untied the rope that held up his sweat pants. She was so surprised to see him wearing a very tight fitting speedo then it dawned on her that this was why she couldn’t catch an idea of the size of his penis.


Dave just watched Rachel intently after she pulled his pants down. Noting how surprised she looked to see him wearing a tight fitting speedo for underpants, and how she was gawking at the outline of his still flaccid penis. Rachel thought she saw is scrotum become larger; she could clearly see three outlines, Dave’s two testicles and the head of his bulging penis inside the speedo. Dave’s testicles were much bigger than any she had seen pictures of even bigger than Greg’s.


He stepped out of his pants then directed, “Rachel just pile my cloths on the chair you can take them to the laundry later.” he watched her gather them up then smiled broadly and added licentiously, “You forgot to take my speedo off.”


Rachel stopped for a short moment as her heart started pounding in her throat then slid his shoes under the chair laying his clothes on the chair and walked back. She slid her thumbs under the waistband and slid them down. Dave’s musky sweat scented smell overpowered Rachel as she exposed his long thick black pubic hairs causing her knees to shake briefly, and her eyes to half close, saliva gushed into her mouth, and her jaws to ached as if she had bitten a sour grape. As she pulled it past, his knees Rachel caught the scent of his pubic hairs and could see the fleshy gland at the end of the fat soft penis. The room spun as she started breathing in deeply; drinking in his manly scent with each breath. Rachel felt her warm cream melting into her hairs, and her womb expanding as if it were breathing. When she started to suck Dave’s penis into her mouth; the fingers of one hand entwined in her hair while the other swept his penis to the side.


“That’s my girl take deep breaths.” Dave purred as he held her face against his thigh keeping her nose buried in his pubic hairs adding, “We don’t use perfumes or deodorants. I love the smell of an aroused woman; the smell her panties after her juices have soaked into them and the smell of her sweat on her clothing.”


“Oh…! God…! You smell good!” Rachel gasped between breaths, and then looked up after several seconds a sated blissful smile on her face. “I don’t think I have ever smelled a man’s scent as arousing as you’res. I want to taste you, and feel your penis inside my mouth.” Rachel purred, as she looked up through her half closed eyes hugging Dave’s thighs and caressing his buttocks with her hands.


“Find your panties and hand them to me.” Dave asked softly adding, “I want to look at them and smell them and I want you to look at my penis and watch it grow.”


Rachel walked on her knees to the pile of clothing and rummaged through it till she found her panties and handed them to Dave her face turned a bright red, as she looked right at his penis. She was fixated on it; it seemed small except for the flared head and the thick, wide band of flesh that hugged the flared gland. It had already changed color to a darkening red and was swelling. Her whole body started to tingle as she listened to Dave’s deep breaths as he drank in her scent. Rachel’s mouth gaped as she watched his penis move as it started to grow. She slurped back a drool that slipped passed her lips. Her breath quickened as she watched watery drips start fall to the floor from his opening; and she felt her own creamy juices weeping down to her thighs.


“Oh Rachel you have a wonderfully fruity scent. I love the smell that an aroused woman gives her panties. Tell me what does it feel like when you get wet.” Dave playfully asked.


“I… ‘i…it’ felt like. This is hard to say.” Rachel stammered trying to find the words.


“Oh come on tell me please.” Dave prodded.


“Oh it feels like I am melting in side…” Her voice trailed off.


“What else do you feel when you get hot?” He impatiently pressed.


“Oh! God It feels like my womb is breathing… and my ie…I can feel my heart beating in my clitoris.” Rachel disclosed and a quick shiver raced through her body as she watched Dave holding her white panties to his nose and smelling at them loudly.


“Like now?” Dave asked in a dreamy tone.


“Yes! God yes!” Rachel answered gasping with her eyes still fixed on his nearly erect penis. The both of them sat quietly Dave drinking in Rachel’s scent and Rachel watching Dave’s penis swelling and starting to bob, as it turned harder. Dave’s penis was jutting away from his thighs much longer and bigger around now yet still arced down ward and had turned a deep reddish purple. Rachel was starting to tremble from excitement and fear, as Dave’s penis turned into a huge cock, a much bigger than she had thought and still growing. His precum had changed from watery drips to a thick creamy texture, and hung from the opening before falling to the floor.


“I love white cotton panties and oh…! You’ve made them so wet, your juices are thick and silky and smell so very sweet.” He passionately noted as he broke the silence.


“My…! God…! When I first looked at your penis I didn’t think it would get this big, it so hard.” Rachel said breathlessly and in a shaky voice added, “I think you will have to push it hard to put that thing inside me! It might even hurt me.” Rachel paused to catch her breath and then in a panicky voice asked, “You won’t hurt me with it will you?”


“No I won’t hurt you with him. You can take more than you think.” Dave assured softly and then playfully added, “I’ve seen how wet and open you get. At the right time I will just sliiide… him innnn.”


“When Michael and I had sex it really hurt when he entered me and his penis was a lot smaller than you’res is.” Rachel’s voice crackled with anxiety as her mind was stilled filled with uncertainty.


“He just entered you before you were ready. That is the main cause for a lot of women’s long term discomfort with sex.” Dave warmly explained his mild demeanor was easing Rachel’s anxiety. He was silent as he combed Rachel’s hair with his fingers and gently held her cheek to one thigh and pressed his penis to the other.


“What?” Rachel asked looking up when Dave broke the silence with a quiet chuckle her forehead had beads of sweat forming, “What is it that tickled you?”


“I want to hear you say cock go ahead call it a cock.” Dave asked softly and waited for an answer then teasingly prodded, “come on say it.”


“Caw… cu… Cock…!” Rachel stuttered surprised at how hard she found it to say the word when told to.


“Use it in a sentence.” Dave teased.


“I…I didn’t think your cu…cock would get this big.” Rachel said pensively as a bead of sweat ran from her forehead she could feel it sliding down her sides from her armpits.


“Say it again only louder.” Dave coaxed.


“Your cockah…! Has gotten bigger than I thought it could.” Rachel said with a fever in her voice ending with a slurp as she sucked back a drool.


“Take it into your mouth.” Dave directed in a whisper adding in a soft low voice, “Take my cock into your mouth and milk it with both of your hands.” He let out a loud moan as Rachel closed her mouth over his gland and milked his shaft with long slow strokes. Dave then added slowly assuringly, “We are going to make love into the morning hours. He won’t hurt you going in I will open you.” Dave paused as he stroked her long black hair then tenderly sang, “You’ll feel it as he slowly slips into you like a door opening inside you.”


She made quiet gurgling noises as she suckled swallowing his juices. Dave’s voice put her completely at ease. Rachel moaned as more and more of his creamy fluid filled her mouth coating her throat. Rachel lowered her head pushing Dave’s penis deep into the back of her throat causing her to retch and gag her head bobbed up with a twisted grimace on her face as she dry-heaved and coughed.


Then Dave pulled her back, as she went down for more, and calmly cautioned, “Take little bites at first so to speak.” And then he whispered. “Bathe me first.” as he bent down and kissed Rachel on the forehead he lifted her to her feet. As Rachel stood he pulled her pantaloons down and put his nose into her soaked shiny black pubic hairs breathing deeply as he quaffed her scent. Rachel trembled and bowled over and clenched her fists in Dave’s hair as he blew his hot breath across her clitoral hood.


“Oh that feels heavenly.” Rachel purred in a trembley voice.


“Oh Rachel your scent is so earthly yet fruity at the same time.” Dave warmly described as he marveled at her scent adding, “and you have some of the meatiest labia I’ve ever seen on a young woman. They are so red and so puffy and open and so very ready to be eaten I am going to feed on your juices tonight.” Rachel trembled as he spoke softly blowing his breath across her labia and taking slow deep breaths drinking in all of her scent he could.


Rachel spoke in a shaky voice, “You make that feel so wonderful it is making me have to pee!”


“Lets go get cleaned up; a nice hot bath in a hot bathroom.” Dave sang alluringly as he stood. He pulled Rachel’s body tightly to his with an arm around her waist and his free hand clutching her hair turning her face to his, leaned down, and kissed Rachel parting her lips with his fingertip. Soft cooing noises emanated from her throat as she closed her eyes and melted into his arms. She moaned from the long lingering kiss as Dave’s tongue slowly rolled around sensing every hidden corner of her mouth.


In a flash Rachel pulled away, “What have you done? I am burning up, and if I don’t get to the toilet quickly I will ruin your carpet!” Rachel declared loudly as she started for the bathroom with Dave on her heels.


“No wait I won’t be able to go with you in here!” Rachel’s voice crackled with discomfort but made a beeline for the pot.


“They did tell you that you couldn’t be potty shy didn’t they?” Dave asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice and staying right on her heels.


Rachel sat down and stared at the floor knowing that Dave was looking at her, “I won’t be able to go with you looking at me like that!” Rachel strongly affirmed.


Dave walked over to the sinks and turned one on at a slow run just enough to be heard as it whistled through the valve. The noise of the water coupled with Rachel’s urgency freed her flow. It turned from a tentative trickle to a torrential gush splashing into the bowl. As her flow slowed to a dribble Dave humorously remarked, “I guess you really had to go. You got to know Carol will not tolerate shyness of any kind.” Dave warned as he moved next to Rachel and cautioned, “If you stop doing something for Carol saying you have to take a leak you might find yourself wearing diapers and rubber panties for a week.”


“It’s just that this is the first time since I’ve grown that anyone has watched me pee.” Rachel embarrassedly admitted.


“Even in the gym?” Dave pried.


“First of all they were girls; we had open stalls and ‘they…’ weren’t really watching.” Rachel explained as she reached for the toilet paper.


“No don’t wipe!” Dave ordered as he reached between her legs and ran his two fingers through her wet pubic hairs causing her to shudder from the sudden surprise and urinated on Dave’s fingers. He put them into his mouth and sucked on them. Rachel just quietly sat there somewhat grossed out with her beet red face glowing.


“There see that wasn’t so hard.” He teased then noted, “You have a very strong tasting urine quite salty and strong smelling too.” as he quaffed his fingers Dave told Rachel, “We both drink each other’s urine some times. It isn’t bad for you in limited quantities.”


“I suppose you will make me drink it too?” Rachel’s nose wrinkled as she asked.


“No but it is a way to make some extra points. We never ask anyone to do something we wouldn’t do or haven’t done already.” Dave professed.


“Oh! That sounds perfectly horrid. How did you get started doing that?” Rachel asked as she grimaced emphasizing the word ‘that.’


“Carol spent time in a Tantric Love cult that followed the Karma Sutra tenets to the letter. Everyone in the group that Carol was in shared their vaginal and penile fluids as well as their sweat and saliva. I do not profess to understand any of it I just know that it makes Carol happy. Even you are going find yourself urinating uncontrollably at times when Carol starts fingering your clitoris and you’ll be better off to just let it flow.” Dave warmly related.


“How did Carol find that cult?” Rachel asked her disgust relenting.


“Who else good ole Leon’s Rent-a-Mate. Until you, she brought the highest bids. She made just over two million dollars in three years.”


“Huh I didn’t even look at their bids; the descriptions scared me off.” Rachel said.


“You were wise not to; all of them are very hard to finish the contracts.” Dave reported then dared, “You want to try a little taste?”


There was a long pause and Rachel answered hesitantly, “I…I guess… I guess so.”


“Oh good girl! I’ll just squat and pee between your legs and when I am almost done I’ll stand and give you the rest.” Dave described eagerly and then quickly squatted and started peeing.


“It feels so strange to have someone pissing between my legs! I suppose that you and Carol pee on each other often, and you want to pee on me don’t you?” Rachel pried.


“Yes we do and yes I do.” Dave quickly answered.


“It’s okay go ahead.” Rachel acquiesced calmly, surrendered to fulfilling his every whim. She was startled a little when his pee started splashing on her belly when he stood moving closer. Rachel took a hold of his penis and tenderly held against her neck under her chin and let the urine course its way between her breasts down her back and sides and between her legs as she moved the stream across her body. As the flow turned to a trickle, she placed it in her mouth and swallowed the last few squirts.


After a long pause Rachel droned, “That is still horrible and will take some getting use to.”


“Rachel your batting a hundred with me; but then Carol says I am far too easy for you girls to please. Carol’s over lookable whims are the point makers and of course eagerness to please goes without saying.” Dave detailed. When Dave stopped peeing, Rachel kept his penis in her mouth suckling on his gland massaging his scrotum, milking his shaft with one hand, and kneading his buttock with the other. “You know Rachel there really isn’t anything happening here that wouldn’t happen in a quote normal relationship.” Dave calmly assured as he cupped her face, stroked her hair, and added softly, “Juices are going to flow during good oral sex or any sex for that matter and mixed in with all the other glandular secretions is urine. Come give me a bath.”


“I know that you are right I just never thought of it in that sense before.” Rachel acknowledged as she stood and led Dave hand in hand toward the tub.


“Oh Rachel we are going to have a great time; Leon assured me that you were a fast study and you surprised Carol even; when it came time for you to give ole Starr and her co-star the working over that you did and at the end that sympathetic orgasm and fainting as your shimmering cream coursed down your thighs from your vaginal opening I swear I almost came myself right then.” Dave enthusiastically disclosed adding, “Carol and I did have one of our hottest bouts in a while after that show; but then we are still fairly active for a long time married couple…”


“My god it is stifling in here!” Rachel interrupted Dave from his musings.


“Ahhh… yes it is; it is just right for me. Carol likes it much more warmer and it is the same with her water.” Dave lovingly disclosed.


“Well do I wash you in the tub or sponge you off from the sink?” She asked her voice crackled as the tension started to sneak back in.


“Wrong on both counts.” He paused and then teased, “guess again.”


“Then it’s this funny looking table?” she offered with a puzzled look on her face as she ran her eyes over it.


“Right we jokingly call it an adult bassinette.” Dave disclosed and then directed, “Go ahead lift those long tubes until they click and then throw that switch.”


“It’s so hot!” Rachel exclaimed as she touched the table then proceeded to lift the tubes.


“It has it’s own heating elements that warms the table and the water, go ahead flip the switch.” Dave urged.


“Oh my god a fountain of steamy water.” Rachel excitedly exclaimed placing both hands on the table and as the water splashed over her arms, she licentiously gazed at Dave’s naked body and his large semi turgid penis. The impishness of Rachel’s smile betrayed the stone serious gaze in her eyes as she watched Dave walking towards the washing table. The sight of this naked muscular man walking with his penis swaying to his stride was causing Rachel’s passions to churn in her belly and her groin to ache. She wobbled a little as she stepped back and watched Dave climb onto the table. Rachel felt her muscles tightening behind her clitoris she could feel her labia swell and turn warm as she marveled at the size of his hairy scrotum. Rachel’s womb was filling with blood, sweat was running from her armpits as the sweltering hundred and ten-degree temperature of the bathroom took its toll. Rachel’s gaze was fixated on Dave’s penis as she struggled to catch her breath and wiped the sweat from her brow.


“The soap is in the blue squeeze bottle in the cabinet between the sinks.” Dave calmly directed. He rolled over on his side to watch her as she walked to the cabinet the pantaloons now soaked with her sweat and Bartholin fluids clung like a second skin to her body perfectly outlining the valley between her buttocks and round anus.


Half way to the sink she turned and beaming an impish smile asked, “Do you want these pantaloons?”


“Yes ah dooo!” He sang.


As Rachel turned away to peel them off Dave ordered, “No look at me as you take them off!” a quiet gasp escaped her as she surveyed his body and its’ nearly erect penis. A slight tremble washed across Rachel’s body as she slid her pantaloons to her feet and off. She rolled the waistband back to expose the soaked crotch. Dave took her hand and pulled Rachel closer as she handed him her pantaloons and pressed her hand holding the pantaloons to his nose. Rachel jumped and let out a loud gasp as Dave’s fingers slid between her legs from behind and started sliding over her mons and touching her clitoris as he inhaled deeply then let her go and ordered, “Okay wash me now face first.”


Rachel lathered up the body puff and as Dave closed his eyes and held the pantaloons to the side she started washing his face covering every bit of his skin then rinsed it before proceeding to lather the rest of his body. Rachel’s face turned hot and her clitoris started to tingle as she listened to Dave’s deep slaking breaths. She lathered each arm then covered his chest and stomach then skipped to Dave’s legs and feet. After covering his entire body with soap, she took both hands one holding the body puff and the other soapy and started scrubbing his scrotum and milking the fat shaft of his semi hard penis. Her breath became labored as his meat stiffened in her hands and she started taking long and fast strokes.


“Don’t make me cum so soon.” Dave warmly admonished and with a laugh added, “I think my cock is clean enough so rinse it and the rest of me off. She took the hand held showerhead and squeezed the trigger and a wide soft stream of hot water came out and a few seconds later the suds were gone. Dave rolled onto his stomach saying, “Now my back and hair. You can use the same soap on my hair.” After lathering his head and back Rachel impishly giggled as she started washing his scrotum again at the same time she washed his back and hair, a slight tremor swept through her as she encircled the base of his turgid penis then abruptly stopped and she rinsed the soap from Dave’s body.


“Oh my the heat is making me dizzy.” Rachel gasped as Dave sat up.


“You have a nice way of touching.” Dave complimented as he picked up the shower nozzle. “Your turn Rachel honey.” He declared and then said, “I want to watch you soap your self up and turn all that nice shiny black hair and milky brown skin to a soapy white.” Dave excitedly said while spraying Rachel down soaking her head to foot as he sniffed her sweaty pantaloons.


“The water is so hot!” Rachel gasped.


“Is it too hot?” Dave asked as he stopped spraying.


“No. I was just surprised.” Rachel claimed then asked, “Would you spray more on me?”


“I would be glad to!” Dave happily agreed and after several minutes directed, “Now close those eyes and get soapy.” He attentively watched as she obeyed then directed farther, “Now come here and let me wash your back.” As she neared her, steps warbled slightly until Dave touched her shoulder and led her to the end of the washing table. After bending her across it started scrubbing her back and then rinsed her off completely. “No stay bent over the table.” Dave warmly rebuffed as Rachel started to stand. She could hear him walking around stopping and starting and she jumped a little when he put his hand on the small of her back.


“Wha… What are you going? What do you want to do?” Rachel stammered as she asked her voice rife with anxiety.


“I want to fondle your privates.” Dave softly said then teasingly asked, “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”


“Ye…! Yes I would…!” Rachel nervously replied a staccatoed inhale and gasping sigh sounded when Dave’s hand slid to her anal cleft and down across her anus, she wriggled her buttocks as his hand swished across her hot wet mons. Rachel’s head bobbed up and she moaned softly as Dave’s palm rubbed over her clitoris. She hooked her right knee over the corner of the table moaning louder as she gripped the sides of the table tightly and pressing her forehead firmly into the padding as he started grinding her clitoris with his thumb and forefinger.


“There is a lot more than water making you so wet here.” Dave salaciously remarked as he started sliding his thumb along the sinewy clitoral shaft. Rachel moaned loudly and shuddered as his thumb reached its depth and curled behind her pelvis. Dave seductively asked, “Does this feel good?” and continued the soft, slow, and steady side to side motion with his thumb and forefinger, and with his free hand swept her left breast to the side and began squeezing her taut nipple.


“Oh yes…! Oh god yes…!” Rachel rapturously responded between gasping moans and with a feverish voice added, “My whole body is surging inside; I’ve never felt like this before!” Rachel’s moans turned into frantic gruntings and she gasped for her breath. She gripped the table tightly and it squeaked from her body’s weight as she pushed against it and pulled at it as her body began writhing. Dave amorously watched Rachel’s anus flexing in and out spasmodically while her orgasm coursed through her. Dave let out a few loud sighs when he felt a few strong gushes of urine squirt onto his hand. He kept his tender fondling up as Rachel’s breathing turned rhythmic and her body stopped writhing. Her muscles relaxed and her anal flexing slowed but her Bartholin juices kept oozing out and coating her mons and his hand with the creamy white gelatinous flow.


“Oh god that was heavenly!” Rachel sang her voice sounding as though she was still wrapped with orgasmic rapture and floating on a cloud. She grabbed her leg under the knee when it started to slip off the corner.


“Do you want me to stop?” Dave coyly asked while continuing his ministrations and teasingly remarked, “You know by the way your muscles are squeezing my thumb you are about to have another orgasm.”


“It feels like I have to pee!” Rachel panted and rocked her buttocks.


“You know what to do don’t you?” Dave teasingly asked as he stepped between her wide spread legs and moving in close parting her labia with the thumb still inside her. Rachel sighed loudly as a forceful gush of urine spewed out splashing on Dave’s penis, testicles, soaking his pubic hairs. He playfully remarked, “My I guess you did have to go!” and watched as Rachel’s urine washed her thick creamy juices from his hand and fingers. When her flow turned to a trickle, he began his ministrations to her genitalia and nipple.


“Oh god I feel like I am floating.” Rachel amorously related and as tension began to sound in her voice her, words turned to moans and gasps; as the table began to squeak again as she pressed her writhing body to it.


“Oh god baby that is sweet.” Dave quietly purred as he watched Rachel’s anus kiss at the air, he gave a sympathetic moan as her vaginal muscles gripped and squeezed his wriggling thumb. A warm soft glow washed across his face as Rachel’s body relaxed. A few sporadic twitches raced through Rachel’s limp body as Dave continued his ministrations; as slow and tender as when he first started them. 


“Oh…! God…!” Rachel cried out as her head popped up and her body started bucking into Dave’s hand. Her moanings turned into throaty groans, and raspy gasps as another climax raced around within Rachel’s body outlasting the first two. “Stop…! Stop…!” Rachel shouted breathlessly letting her leg slip to the floor and pulled away from Dave’s playful touching; moving to the side of the table away from Dave. Her face showed signs of exhaustion and puzzlement as she looked at him panting straining to catch her breath, but still had a weak smile on her face.


“Come here Rachel I’m not through yet.” Dave sexily sang as he walked around the table towards her. Her mouth gaped as she caught sight of his hard, fat, cock, and its crowning wet gland. A juicy glaze surrounded the slit and a think gelatinous tendril was sliding down the shaft along his distended urethra. Dave stopped walking when Rachel quickly shuffled around the other corner and patted the cushioned tabletop. A barely visible smile began to beam from her face when she relented her retreat and obediently moved closer to where Dave was now petting the table. “That’s my good girl.” Dave seductively sang.


“Oh god Dave!” Rachel breathlessly gasped as she neared adding with gusting breath, “I will surely die if I have another orgasm!”


“Nonsense!” Dave warmly rebuked adding in a seductively warm voice, “A strong healthy young woman like your self can cum all day long now hop up on the table and lay with your knee under you, feet over the side… That is a good girl make your knee wider and your feet farther apart… now arch you back no the other way… Perfect!” Dave stepped back and looked at Rachel’s Bartholin glazed mons with her shiny black pubic hairs melted together from her creamy juices and her bright red labia splayed wide. He slurped back a drool and swallowed as he watched her vaginal opening winking and her erect clitoris pulsing.


Rachel shuddered when Dave slid his hands along her belly and firmly squeezed her breasts moving to her nipples; she gasped and groaned loudly when Dave began suckling her clitoris and milking her nipples. The table began squeaking again when she started rocking her body and when he stood he gave a short thrust pushing the head of his penis onto Rachel’s clitoris. A loud squeak sounded as she jumped from the shock of the sudden contact.


“Ieee…! My god…!” Rachel yelled out as Dave’s wide gland slipped between her labia and vanished within the folds. She raised her body up on her hands and started pushing her buttocks down trying to get more of Dave’s meaty member into her vaginal canal, but he only allowed his helmet access. Dave used both of his hands to restrict the movement of her bobbing buttocks. Her face twisted into a tortured grimace and she began to make animalistic gruntings and groanings as another climax raged. The table’s creaking grew louder as Rachel’s body writhed her moaning turned into voiceless cries. Without the slightest warning she flipped onto her buttocks yelling, “Oh god…! Mount…! Me…! I want him in me…!” A loud wet sigh sounded as Dave’s thick shaft slowly slipped through her spasming vaginal sphincter, she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and reached under his arms to hold her head to his shoulder as she cried out lost in her passions. Rachel’s body soon went limp and Dave let her slip back to the tabletop and watched as her belly heaved to her greedy breaths and his very subtle thrusts. A few minutes later, he slowly withdrew his erect penis.


“Would like to soak in the hot tub for a while?” Dave asked after several minutes of silence.


“My god I had no idea sex could be so rapturous so exquisitely painful and still feel so wonderful!” Rachel amorously expressed then went quiet for a moment and then answered, “Yes that sounds good.” and slowly sat up and looked around the room adding, “I forgot where I was for a second.” Her face looked so soft and glowing as she lay back down.


Dave playfully countered, “I think it was a lot longer than a second.” And pulled her up and onto her feet. They both slid into the hot tub.


“I feel a chilly draft on my face.” Rachel exhaustedly noted.


“Yes you do the air-conditioner has started.” Dave softly informed her.


After several minutes Rachel broke the dreamy silence, “Oh my… My insides have finely settled down.” then took in a deep breath and sighed loudly as she exhaled. Dave just kissed her on the ear and gently held her in his arms as the two of them soaked in the steamy water.


“You want a drink of water?” Dave asked after giving her a firm hugging.


“That would be wonderful.” Rachel warmly responded and asked, “Where is it?”


“Just push the blue tile in the back row.” Dave lazily directed.


“Oh my god!” Rachel burst out in surprise as the lid popped open when she pushed it and then in amazement remarked, “And they’re cold too!” She twisted off the lid of the bottle in her hand took a long drink then spun around and faced Dave and with a mouth full of water kissed him coaxing his mouth open with a finger and then filled his mouth then handed him his own bottle. Rachel took another long drink as she watched Dave drinking from his bottle.


“That was a new trick on me.” Dave excitedly admitted while Rachel settled back down on her back on top of him he added, “I liked it I can’t wait to spring it on Carol.”


“I’m glad you liked it I just thought of it.” Rachel licentiously claimed and then seductively added, “I hope I can watch.” then she pulled Dave’s semi erect penis between her legs and started stroking it then with a voice full of curiosity remarked, “I thought a man’s penis turned soft after ejaculating.”


“They usually do.” He sleepily replied the hot water has had a calming effect on both of them.


“Well you’res is still sort of hard.” Rachel warmly observed as she playfully squeezed his gland.


“Well that is because I haven’t ejaculated yet.” Dave seductively answered and kissed her softly on the ear and neck and with a whisper said, “I wanted to wait until we were in bed.”


“My god… I don’t think I can have another orgasm.” Rachel exasperatedly admitted but kept her hold on Dave’s hardening penis.


“That’s okay I’m the only one that needs to.” Dave humorously pointed out bit and sucked Rachel’s neck leaving one huge hicky and then directed, “Come on lets get dried off and go to bed it is really late or early.” Dave kissed Rachel’s fanny cheek as she crawled out of the tub on all fours, and then ordered, “Wait I want to kiss those sweet vaginal lips.” As she waited, he spread her buttocks with his thumbs and kissed each of her labia and her bristling clitoris and lasciviously observed, “Your little button is still pulsing.”


“You keep doing that and I will give you a squirt.” Rachel saucily threatened and then surprised her self with a seductive giggle. As promised she gushed a long stream and bowed her head as she listened to Dave slurping and licking her urine.


“Grab a towel dry me then I’ll watch as you dry your self.” Dave directed as he caught his wind. His gaze was fixed on Rachel’s buttocks as it swayed to her stride. Her face was glowing when she turned around towel in hand. Dave could see a late day shadow showing on Rachel’s legs, as her black hair was getting longer. He stood there while she vigorously rubbed his body with the towel front to back top to bottom. She turned around slowly as she dried her self, looking into Dave’s eyes when facing him. Though the bathroom had cooled, they both still had sweat beading on their bodies as they walked into the cooler bedroom drinks in hand with Rachel leading the way.


“Rachel would you please wear this?” Dave warmly asked as he walked to the chest of drawers taking out a long and wrinkled t-shirt letting it drape down showing the full length.


“I would be glad to.” Rachel warmly replied and holding it to her nose she took a deep quaff and then quickly slipped it on and then in a deepening salacious voice asked, “Dave would you like to make me ga… ag… on that huge cock of you’res for a while before we lay down?”


A serious but warm look washed across his face as he looked at Rachel and then earnestly admitted, “I don’t know what that is all about but I do love to hear a woman gagging and coughing when I push my member deep into her throat and pull it out.” He paused and gazed longingly at Rachel and said, “Yes I would very much I’ll not hurt you.”


“I know you won’t.” Rachel warmly said then quietly asked looking into his eyes, “Do you want me on my back or my side or sitting up?”


“Lying on your side curled up on the bed with your head over the edge.” Dave directed as he pulled a knee stool from under the bed.


With a wide and longing look in her eyes Rachel said, “I want you to give me as much as I can take and more.” Then she sucked Dave’s cock into her mouth and made her self gag right away.


“Easy… Easy honey I like to tease the reflex for a while watching your body retch for a while.” Dave explained as he entangled his fingers with her hair pushing mouth onto his penis with his hand. Then he started rubbing his thick saliva into her anus and then reached between her legs and slipped his middle fingers into her rectum. Dave’s penis stifled her moaning as he worked them in and out reaching in as deeply as he could. A quiet gurgle sounded as he pushed deeper into her eager mouth touching the back of Rachel’s throat. Her panicked breath gusted through her flaring nostrils. Her body retched from a deeper thrust and her arm shot up and flailed in the air and she let out a bunch of loud coughs but Dave stifled them by keeping his cock in her throat. Rachel’s muffled gags filled the room as her body retched violently.


Rachel rolled onto her knees and dropped her face to the floor when Dave pulled out and let loose with a series of violent dry heaves followed by a few retching coughs but rolled back onto her side showing her willingness to endure more and when her breathing slowed he gave her throat few quick and deep thrust with his rigid cock going even deeper but Rachel’s throat would not take all of it. For nearly thirty minutes, Dave repeatedly gagged Rachel with his penis causing her to violently retch and heave; stopping only long enough to let her catch her breath and her retching to subside. He stopped and listened as Rachel slurped her thick saliva back into her mouth and swallowed it while she played with his preejaculate oozing from his bulging gland then pulled his hips to her face sliding it deep into her throat as she tried to push her nose into his pubic hairs. A retching heave caused her to spit it out and cough violently, the cough was followed by a long groaning heave.


“I love the taste of your cock.” Rachel breathlessly gasped.


“I’m really ready to cum!” Dave breathlessly announced as his thrusting stopped. Rachel sucked at his gland trying to get more of Dave’s preejaculate into her mouth and she held onto his shaft not letting him pull it out.


“You can cum in my mouth if you want to!” Rachel enticingly suggested when she did finely let him pull out.


“I do but not this time.” Dave warmly declined as he maneuvered Rachel onto her back and gave her a passionate kiss slathering his tongue all over the inside of her mouth and then added with a whisper after ending the kiss, “I want to spend my semen in your hot womb.” And then showered her face with several little kisses while sliding her into the middle of the bed. He stood and walked to the closet Rachel’s eyes stared fixedly as she studied his every move. He opened the door and pulled out a long hotdog shaped pillow.


“Here roll onto your stomach and put this under your hips.” He warmly directed after returning to the bedside and then added, “It will hold your buttocks at the perfect angle and giving my cock an unobstructed access to your vaginal opening.”


Rachel with a seductive smile on her face slowly took the pillow from his hand and in an even warm voice asked, “May we do it doggy style for a while first I would like to see what that feels like.” She got onto her hands and knees pulled the long t-shirt up and then lasciviously wriggled her buttocks at Dave.


“Oh…! A woman after my heart; yes my darling yes Rachel you bet we can.” Dave eagerly responded as he moved onto the bed and sidled behind her placing his hands on her hips and moving his hips back and forth.


“Dave that feels wonderful.” Cooed Rachel as Dave pressed his gland on to her distended clitoris and let it slide along her puffy red labia. With each pass over her genitalia Rachel’s creamy thick Bartholin fluids coated his penile hood and oozed down his meaty shaft and with a light push with his thumb Dave slid his flared gland into Rachel’s vaginal opening causing her body to shudder and a raspy sigh to sound from deep in her throat. Dave watched as he popped the head of his penis in and out and marveled at the copious amount of creamy juice clinging to the soft thick skin behind the hood. He watched it slip in deeper and deeper and Dave closed his eyes when Rachel’s body quaked her elbows buckled and her knees slipped out from under her. The two of them fell into a laying position.


“Uh…! God…! It’s in me…! It’s all the way in me…! Dave…! Oh god it is in me!” Rachel shouted as she bucked her buttocks into his subtle thrusts. Her body turned hot and became slippery with sweat as she shook her buttocks. Dave buried his face in Rachel’s hair his movements became convulsive and he gasped for every breath and tightly hugged Rachel’s arms to her body, and a few moments later they both quietly lay on top of the bed. Dave found the spare blanket at the foot of the bed, unfurled it covering them with it. Dave slid his legs over Rachel’s and then squeezed both of their legs closed, and went to sleep with his penis steeping in his semen and Rachel’s vaginal juices.


Rachel was roused from her sleep by the cell-phone vibrating on her upper arm; she lifted her head and tried to get up when she found Dave was still sleeping on top of her and most of his flaccid penis was still inside her. She jumped when the phone vibrated again then she heard a quiet voice coming from it.


“Just whisper into the phone I will hear you; Hi I am Carol.” She directed and introduced her self then asked, “How was your first night with ‘my…!’ husband?”


“Heavenly I had no idea having a penis so far up inside could feel so good!” Rachel excitedly hissed into the phone straining to be quiet.


“It looks like he is still inside you?” Carol observed.


Rachel’s head bobbed up from the surprising information and asked, “Can…can you see us!?”


“Just be still I don’t want him awaken until he is ready and yes I watched you all night long.” Carol explained with a laugh in her voice and then she added in the same humorous tone, “We are going to archive the entire day and night in fact today as well so we can watch it all again.”


“Does he always keep his penis in you too?” Rachel pried.


“Of course he does that is one of his favorite things to do.” Carol answered and with a giggle Carol asked, “So those were your first orgasms right? How many did you have?”  


“Oh god I don’t know at some point they just blended together.” Rachel answered and paused then said, “Yes that was the first time I have ever enjoyed having sex.” Her answers were sincere but tentative, as she had become self-conscious at the thought of being caught on camera.


“We won’t be filming you all the time just the hallmark moments.” Carol consoled, but Rachel found little solace but was resolved to being a good study in order to make the contract’s end.


“I think Dave enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed him.” Rachel Said nearly bragging and with a strain in her voice added, “I really do have to go pee.”


“Well you know what to do. Right?” Carol teased just like Dave did.


“In the bed too?” she asked in a puzzled voice.


“Of course. There is a protective cover on the mattress.” Carol assured and laughed at Rachel’s shyness.


“Oh huh wha…” Dave muttered as he woke up and then asked, “Who are you talking to? Is that you Carol honey?”


“Hi Dave did you feel your ears burning?” Carol asked with a laugh adding, “Rachel says she has to pee.”


“I have a raging hard-on and don’t think she can do much more than a trickle.” Dave disclosed and started working his penis inside Rachel’s vagina.


Rachel grunted and bucked Dave off wrestled him to his back then straddled him and started covering him with her urine. She parted her swollen labia with her two fingers and directed her gushing stream covering him knees to neck. As her stream slowed to a trickle she scooted to his face opened Dave’s mouth with a finger and shot the last few squirts right into his mouth.


“Way to go girl!” Carol gayly cheered her voice much louder now because it was coming from the speaker in the wall.


Rachel slid back down and grabbed Dave’s throbbing hard-on and with a wriggle of her hips, it vanished into her vaginal well.


“Ride me Rachel Ride me!” Dave excitedly begged as he gripped the bed cover with both hands. Rachel rocked her buttocks back and forth in a fast but even speed; causing Dave to ejaculate in just a few minutes as his body relaxed, she slowed her movement until she was still and lying on top of him. The room was silent only the two lovers quiet breathing could be heard.


The lingering silence was cut by the high-pitched ring of a phone some where in the room. Dave’s body jerked with the second ring, rolled Rachel off, and sat up. Rachel’s face twisted in an ugly grimace as Dave withdrew his penis and she laid face up holding her genitalia in her hands and watched Dave go into the closet closing the door behind him.


“What is wrong Rachel?”  Carol asked sounding sincerely concerned.


“Oh my privates feel like they are on fire.” Rachel groaned out her reply.


“Well honey you probably rubbed them raw.” Carol explained in a sympathetic tone and added, “We have the perfect remedy for you we’ll get Dave to put some on if you want.”


“Í was really wet all the time we were making love.” Rachel whined and then a deepening passionate voice said, “I had no idea a man ejaculated so much sperm…” she paused and mused and then said, “my boyfriend barely had any in him when he came.”


“Well Rachel honey he probably masturbated twice that day maybe even three times before he came on you.” Carol informed, then after a long pause added, “Then Dave really ‘does…’ release a copious amount sperm more than most.”


“Yea I knoooww…!” Rachel playfully acknowledged and then added, “Even when he cums for the third time I can feel his sperm gushing inside.”


Dave came from the closet carrying a large labelless black jar and said, “Carol says you need some of this. Would you like some?” And he pointed at the jar in his hand.


“Ye yes I would.” Rachel answered while sitting on the bed hugging her knees.


“Well Rachel honey lay back and spread your legs wide for him.” Carol directed.


As Rachel lay back Dave brayed, “Wow can you see that honey!?”


“Yes I can!” Carol quickly responded. There between Rachel’s spread legs was a long thick rope of spent sperm stretching from the top of the covers back into her gaping red vagina with another large gelatinous mass sliding down her anus.


“Rachel I want to slurp that sperm up and drink it.” Dave excitedly said.


“Well sure go ahead…it is your sperm. I belong to you, I want to keep you happy.” Rachel warmly replied.


“Save some for Rachel Dave honey.” Carol ordered and in a lascivious tone said, “I want her to taste your sperm and her vaginal juices.”


“I will Carol.” He replied. Dave showered Rachel’s thigh with kisses as he moved closer to her sore looking sperm soaked vagina. She let out a loud giggle when Dave started slurping up their juices.


“As sore as I am that sure feels good.” Rachel purred and cupped the back of Dave’s head with both hands spreading her legs wide. When Dave looked up his nose cheeks and chin were covered with the thick gelatinous juices. When he leaned down to kiss Rachel she sucked the juices from his lips and chin then opened her mouth and watched as a long stringer stretched from his mouth to hers and then they enjoyed a lingering kiss.


Dave broke the kiss and began to explain, “This salve will make you feel a little groggy, maybe dizzy and light headed; but it will stop the burning and heal the chafing.


“That is fine I still want it please.” Rachel eagerly indicated she exaggeratedly spread her legs and watched as Dave applied a generous amount. “Oooo That feels all warm and tingly.” She salaciously described. After a few minutes, Dave began to work it into Rachel’s every little fold of her chafed genitalia, daubing some onto and into her rectum. She looked on as Dave produced a large cotton swab on a long stick soaking the swab with a generous amount of salve. Rachel wriggled her buttocks as it slipped a little ways into her vagina. Dave had an impish smile as he swirled it around inside Rachel’s vaginal sheath and then daubing her urethral opening.


“Ooohaaa…! That is wonderful.” Rachel cooed as she stretched her arms over her head and under the pillows closing her eyes and started breathing deeply sounding increasingly relaxed. Her legs were still raised but were slowly drooping.


“How is that?” Dave quietly asked as he slathered more of the salve onto the swab and slowly slipped it into her rectum.


“The burn and itch are gone and my insides feel all warm and squishy, and that soft sliding into my butt feels good too.” Rachel replied in a pleasingly hypnotic voice. He slowly moved the swab in circular motion while he listened to her answer. “Oh my…! My body feels so heavy.” Rachel purred a warm smile beaming from her face.


“That is the way it is suppose to feel…” Dave said then quietly suggested, “You can sleep now if you want to.” And after a few more slipped the swab out.


Rachel awoke to a dark empty bedroom; her head was swimming and she was trying to figure out where she was, and how she got there. She found her self under the covers wearing only here panties or so she thought. When she sat up and looked around the room it all slowly came back to her in broken images a warm smile began to beam. Rachel threw the covers back saying out loud to her self, “My god I’ve been diapered! And tugged at the rubber panties.” Rachel saw that she had been fitted with a real cloth diaper and rubber pants, and then tried to get up but her knees warbled and she fell to the floor. After working half way onto the bed, she felt pressure building in her bowels and had to urinate. Rachel was unable to stand and too tired to crawl so she just lay across the corner of the bed waiting for her strength to return. Rachel let out a loud groaning grunt when she was suddenly over taken by convulsions that swept through her bowels, her back arched with each one. The diaper began to sag from the weight of the feces filling it; and then she sighed and started urinating, the sound of gushing urine filled the room causing the diaper to sag even farther.


“Oh good girl…!” Carol cheered her voice emanating from the phone on Rachel’s arm.


“Your Carol right?” Rachel asked still dazed from the narcotic in the salve.


“That is right you remembered.” Carol pleasantly reinforced Rachel’s memory and then added, “I am Carol and I own you lock, stock, rectum, and beautiful pussy, all you live for now is to satisfy my every whim and fancy.”


“Do you want me to wait for you to change me?” Rachel asked.


“That was perfect darling.” Carol sang then with a somber voice added, “I am afraid I am going to be away far too long for you to wait. My family needs me here for a while longer making arrangements. I will let you clean your self after we finish talking.”


“I’ve never cleaned a diaper; what do I do?” Rachel asked her voice filling with discomfort.


“It’s in the booklet Dave gave you read it ‘before…!’ you take your diaper off.” Carol directed.


“Are you the diaper lady Starr told me about?” Rachel pried.


“No. I’m not the person Starr told you about but I did diaper Starr several times, and I will diaper you too.” Carol coolly replied and then added, “I’ve sent you an e-mail and Dave has left you a note on the kitchen table so be a good girl do what I tell you and we will get along famously…and oh yes I will be checking in on you to make sure you are okay while we are away. Talk to you again soon by for now.”


“Good-by Carol… Carol…?” Rachel looked around the room waiting for an answer and noticed her booklet sitting on the dresser read the two-word post-it note from Dave ‘pantaloons only’ and then quickly read the chapter dealing with her dirty diaper. She pre-washed it in the toilet first then started it soaking in fresh soapy toilet bowl and jumped into the shower washed her bottom and the rest of her. She stopped when she realized she was eagerly racing to read Dave’s note and then let the hot water splash on her body for a long time. She again started to race when she put on her Pantaloons then with deliberate intent walked down the stairs stopping on each one. She found the note where they had eaten their soup and sandwiches and read it.


Dear Rachel sorry I had to leave before you woke up from your long nap. It is two in the afternoon and you have been sleeping around the clock. You had a real work out for your first day and a half and earned the extra several hours of sleep. You were really good, very good and I will eagerly await you fruits, till then be good to Carol. Dave. PS I just heard from Carol and she is going to be detained by her family for a few more weeks. We will both be checking in on you while we are away for so long. Stay busy for now Dave.



                              The end

The Interview chp. 3


I had a lot of fun writing this story I hope this part made up for the detail oriented first two parts. If you want to send a comment please e-mail me at ‘[email protected]’ all reasonable e-mails will be replied to. Thank you for your time writermike