The Lesbian Double or Nothing

In Les Spirites City, CA, as grads moved back in for school at a local university, the local lesbians hooked up with lesbian newcomers.

The outlyer lesbians hooked up in a series of games, often to gain money, pay bills. When sex itself wasn’t enough, some lesbians sponsored contests. They put down 8 dollars and get back double their money, if they win. In a sex game of finger sparring, if one lesbians won that context, she took back her eight plus eight more (usually from her sparring partner).

Notorious independent, and indominable, such were the self-directed nature of lesbians: even a few broke a rule in their personal book of guidelines for life. They hustled over to a dormicile: all hushed and quiet. Assured of not being watched or overheard, locked doors and from their pursues, dug out their deposit. Each pair took a ticket, tore it in half, and went to a private room. Sometimes a third lesbian watched, as referee. On the floor, but sometimes on the bed, they laid but face to face. They grunted rhymatically, each trying to bring the other to burst first.

On victory, left with the half of the ticket and left with an extra 8. In higher bid games, the stakes went up to 25 or 50. Sometimes stayed all night: left 100 hundreds richer. All it took was rhymatically fingering the other to a point of orgasm: nothing inherently violent, but not inherently easy either.

Eventually they called themselves Yizi Bozi. No one contracted them, or directed them. They had their singular focus, to get extra money. In Les Spirites, some, most settled for satisfying friendships and sex. Others convertly made a sport of their normal sex games and left for home a little richer, if a little tired. Some even lesbians be startled at the sight of lesbians within their own dormiciles, some well-built, like panthers, or sculptured greek goddess in their throes of passion.

How this game started: some remembered an ad detailing the game. Who first started it, no one remembers. A few lesbians picked it up and hosted their own games. The rules varied from group to group, with lower or higher stakes. Sometimes they played for strings or markers for favors: such as rent-free housing within some of the lesbian work subcultures.

Groups formed in Les Spirites, and broke over time. But every so often, lesbians would still host the Yizi Bozi games, 8 for 16.

*** Copyright Free ***

Retrieved and shared with permission from local LBGT Writers. Written by Grace LeBrock. All copyright or ownership renounced at the time of sharing.