The Lorry Park

The lorry park was a place where lorries entering England from abroad would park up over night after coming off the ferries then in the morning would set off on their journey to where ever their destination in England, it was common to see the police as well as the cross boarder agency patrolling the lorry park looking for illegal immigrants who had stowed away on board one of the vehicles. Seventeen year old Steve had just arrived in the port and was now parking his van up in the lorry park he knew that in the back of the van was a couple of Indian girls he had gave them food on the crossing from France, When the two racist thugs who were often in the lorry park asked Steve if he had seen any immigrants Steve told them no and after they had gone he drew the curtain round the windscreen and side windows then switched the cab light on and slid the door between the cab of the van and back of the van open he saw the two girls ontop of the large crate he had in the back he had learnt from them earlier that one was ten the other twelve and that they were sisters who had got separated from their parents, the girls were looking at Steve and had agreed that he was friendly and when Steve took his tee shirt off revealing his muscular upper body both girls smiled and when he undid his jeans and along with his underwear slid them down the girls looked wide eyed at his seven inch dick, Steve looked at the girls and smiled, the girls smiled back and when Steve’s dick started to thicken they smiled even more and watched as it grew into a full nine inch erection, the girls stared at the white erect dick and when Steve started to stroke it they could not take their eyes off what Steve was doing and just watched spell bound as Steve stroked his dick and after five minutes both girls gasped when Steve squirted his cum in four spurts, after a few minutes Steve cleaned up and after adjusting his clothes got out of the van and headed towards the cafe to get food and when he returned he saw that the girls had gone. Steve got in the van and went to sleep knowing that the two girls had had a bit of happiness. Cindy and her best mate July who were both sixteen were walking through the lorry park they belonged to a group of people who would help the illegal immigrants get past the police and boarder force patrols and also help them how ever else they could they saw the young Bengali boy hiding in the bushes and could see that he was scared and looked about twelve, Cindy looked around and saw nobody else then raised her jumper revealing her naked boobs the young boy stared and when July raised her jumper revealing her naked boobs the boy smiled a set of headlights suddenly came on and the boy ran, July saw the cross boarder agency patrol van and when it stopped by her and Cindy July said to the driver of the van that she had seen a man run in that direction pointing the opposite way to which the boy had gone and after the van had quickly been driven in the direction that July had pointed she went with Cindy looking for more illegal immigrants to help and make happy and were soon at the back of a truck with their boobs fully exposed as a group of immigrants looked at the girls in great awe.