The Midnight Lesbian Thief

Twilight falls in Fier City.

A bar near closing left lights twinkling to those afar.

A listless lesbian (‘Kera’) lingers. Finished with class, she frequents the gay bar, hoping.. just hoping for something..

Her gaze searching the room.

It alights on a lithe feminine form, resting in a chair.

Kera makes eye contact, then looked at feminine lips which smiles.

How they come together, there were no thoughts or words to knit the occasion. It just happens.

They glide together up to her room. The other woman – Fera – for this story – lies supinely on the bed, as Kera brings the wine to the bedroom.

Fera slides off her pants revealing unusual underwear, knitted with cord-like strings at a seam that concealed the outer lips of her lower nether region.

Looking intently at Kera, she unfastens the strings that conceals the seam, hiding her lower lips.

Kera normally immune as were all women to things common to them: their assets, only looked on with either polite detachment or a measure of envy. But Fera intently draws Kera’s eyes to her lower region. She nods to it.

Kera sips wine, then obliges. She applies thin, but beautiful lips to Fera’s pearls. They were already moist, practical wet: that’s odd.

She starts tentatively then vigorous on Fera’s lower lips, with her soft lips.

But a buzz sets in. She only sipped a little wine. Her heads spins. Something is not quite right. She stands, toitering with a sense of vertigo. Fera looks up at her with a slight smile.

All goes black. Dreams – psychedelic – goes through her head. Buzzing, pounding, then nothing. Through the hours, a faint pulsing throbs in her head. She stirs, she awakes. Kera finds herself on the floor.

She rubs her short-red hair with tinges of blue and purple strands. Her mouth feels dry, like sandpaper. Her mind feels like a thousand stallions pounded through it.

The light hits the ground with an intense hue. Her heads throbs – she stares at it, to get a measure of relief from her head throbbing.

Like a zombie walking through the room, Kera trudges to her kitchen sink.

Her roommates returns, notices Kera.

She hands Kera a tomato drink mixed with citrus juice and vinegar, the ultimate wake-up drink. Consciousness pours into her with each gulp.

Kera describes the night. Her roommate, Natalie, remarks. It sounds like you were drugged.

But how? The wine was hers. Fera had no access to it. She sipped Virgin Margaritas all night – alcohol free. No one paid for her drinks. She still did was.. give Fera oral sex.

She searched her purse and her drawers. She has, no, had wads of cash in both places: gone.

She grasps Natalie shoulders: I want you to do something.

That night: Natalie dollies up and went to the bar to suss out Fera. For hours: nothing happens. No sign of Fera.

But that following morning: Kera hears a similar story from a lesbian classmate. Lesbians live in a small world: with a number of a dozen or two in her immediate area, the connections are tight, and news travels fast.

A good-looking woman with a distinctive set of underwear unlaced for a lesbian the night before. The lesbian starts to give the woman sex. Within minutes, the lesbian passed out, awoke to find valuables gone.

Fera is a thief, Kera thinks. A lesbian no less: targeting lesbians with her precious pearl.

Natalie, Kera, and the lesbian classmate, Kimberly, ride out together. Kera drops them off at 2 different gay bars. She scopes another.

Kimberly calls them: they found her. Fera picked up another girl, a lesbian, and they’re going back to the girl’s apartment.

They wait: but Kera starts. I have to tell her, she starts. They runs up the stairs to the second floor: to the room. It is ajar. Too late?

Kera impulsively breaks a personal rule and darts in: Kimberly and Natalie follow. In the room, they find Fera with two women. One with Fera grasped from behind, and the other applying a cloth to Fera’s mouth. Fera faints, from sedative no doubt.

Kera blurts out a warning: Fera is a thief?

The two women – Kim and Janice – look each other knowingly. Fera was known by now to a few lesbians – charmed and knocked out, too. Kim fell victim to Fera’s lower midnight kiss and woke up to find her valuables gone. Janice hatches a plan to recover her things: so they put her out as bait. It worked. They search Fera’s purse, found an apartment key.

They usher unconscious Fera to their car and drive to the address they find in Fera’s purse. At Fera’s place, they find a closet full of things, Kera’s included.

Janice inspected Fera’s vagina: it is rubbed with kind of sedative or knock-out lotion. Clever: she can’t apply it to her lips for risk of knocking herself out. But rub her vagina with it, and invite a lesbian to give normal lesbian lip on lower lip action, she could knock out her target – without lifting a finger.

They could call the police, except they don’t. So they leave. (It isn’t loyalty that motivates the decision. The local police were dominantly men, and talking to them for an hour or so is not something they’re up to – not tonight, anyway).

They slip into their car, with their recovered possessions, and drive to Janice’s place. It turns out that Janice was only bi-sexual and she was the woman who made a shrewd judgment on where to find Fera’s next likely haunt, which follows a simple migration patter, from West to East. She confiscates Fera’s knock-out vaginal lotions, snaps a picture of Fera, and posts it online to her lesbian network: no one in her group would fall to Fera’s charms (at least).

Word travels among lesbians – including Kera’s partners. As it happens, Fera wasn’t even a lesbian. She was an opportunistic woman with knowledge of sedatives and compounds. She targeted men, but because they were stronger and more influential in the city, she switched to targets with lower social profiles: lesbians – more secretive, isolated, and less likely to out each other to authorities.

Fera was not exceptionally beautiful, but she had charm and knew how to use it to commit almost victimless crimes: no one was physically injured, as typical in crimes of theft near the victims in question.

Kera thinks she sees Fera one day, looking slightly flustered. She imagines that every lesbian on her block now know of the formerly:

The Midnight Lesbian Thief

Submitted by Kelly McBrock, West Coast, USA.


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