The Petite Meanie

A girl who was perfect in everyway that got away. But I was still somewhat able to do weird things.

In my younger days, there was a girl that I had a crush on. She didn’t have a curvy body that many men desired. But instead she was a petite girl with a cute ass and tiny breasts. Although she had a small figure with a small height, she was feisty. Her personality was tuff and confident like any tomboy but she also had a sweet side. And to give a mire better description on how she looked liked, she was a latina with a light skin tone. The times that I was able to brush against her were magnificent. I was even lucky enough to brush against her ass with my crotch one time during a party. But the problem was that she only viewed me as a friend. In middle school, she would tell me her deepest secrets and desires. She tells me that when shes bored in class, she would tease herself with a highlighter and then raise that highlighter to her noise although she knew it was a dirty and shameful act. She would tell me that she would masterbate so roughly that she would cry in pain and pleasure, but eventually fall asleep in her white goop. I would always rub one out to her every night thinking about that scene while scrolling through her instagram. Then she asked me what I did when I was horny. Of course I lied and said I would fap to hentai and that’s it. Sometimes we would play fight and she would throw her body against mine and grabbing me in sensitive places. I would do the same but “accidentally” get a feel of her small figure. One time she invited me to her house for a party and once I had arrived, we would go to her room and play with her other friends. Most people knew that I liked her but she would just say that they were being stupid and that we were just best friends. Well after everyone left her room for cake. I purposely stayed behind to finally get something that I always wanted. One pair of her panties. It was a cute small pantie that had a cartoon character on it. It was Eleana of Alvalor or something. And most excitingly, I got it from the dirty bin. Of course once I got home I used that fucking dirty pantie. I would hold it against my nose as I jerked of, thinking of her as I sniffed her dirty scent. But of course at post nut clarity I felt awful and disgusted in myself for doing something so creepy and disgusting. One time she took my phone and took a funny picture of herself to mess with me. The photo was her sticking her tongue and middle finger the camera. I loved that photo so much because it matched her personality so much. And of course I fapped to only that photo for weeks. Each time that Im with her, she would always tease me. She would do this by talking down to me and calling me baby. She would even joke about breast feeding me but couldn’t cause she got no boobs. Even though she was laughing about. I really wished I could have sucked her small breasts. Well I would’ve gotten the courage to ask her out in Highschool, but sadly she moved and we lost our friendship because I sucked ass at texting. I still follow her in instagram and I must say that she has become even more hotter and beautiful to me when she had became a goth in highschool. Fuck me For being slow and shy, and fuck her family for moving away.