The Show

Pao was a fourteen year old Bengali girl who lived on a rough rundown council estate, Pao did not feel safe living on the estate due to there being a lot of racist families on the estate who caused major trouble and problems for the Bengali community, Pao was a bisexual girl but kept it quiet as she knew that her community would disown her if they knew about her sexuality. Pao was walking home from school one Friday evening knowing that she had no school for a few days but was thinking it was not going to be a quiet weekend as the next day there was a wedding between a racist couple and knew there would be a lot of racist thugs about and the wedding reception was being held at the hotel where she worked on a Saturday, as she got to the street where she lived she saw seventeen year old July who was getting married with some of her mates so quickly went into her house before they started giving abuse. The following afternoon Pao arrived at the hotel for work and found that the reception was in full swing and went to the staff room where she was told to try and avoid the top floor where the reception was being held after a couple of hours Pao went to the hotel attic to put some files into the cabinets and knew it would take about a hour in the attic Pao looked through the skylight and saw the party had a lot of youths there she saw July with her new husband Steve who was seventeen, Pao then saw July’s sister Mandy leaning over a chair her naked boobs on show with a boy thrusting into her from behind Pao looked closer and saw that the sixteen year old Mandy who bullied her was naked, Pao thought nice, Pao then saw her next door neighbour Martin who was sixteen stood his trousers wide open with an eight inch erection being jerked by a girl who she did not know Pao smiled and watched and after a couple minutes saw Martin squirt three spurts of cum Pao the saw Tina who was her age and in her class at school walk across the room completely naked her ample boobs fully visible her nipples erect, as she looked round the room Pao saw other racists naked the boys with full erections, Pao looked back at Mandy and saw her sucking a boy’s dick while another was pounding into from behind, Pao watched she saw more and more of the youths becoming naked, she then saw July and Steve snogging and watched as Steve lowered July’s gown revealing her large boobs that had erect nipples July’s gown slid right to the floor leaving her naked Steve was now standing with out a shirt showing his muscular body as she watched Pao saw Steve’s trouser slide to the floor and watched as he took them off then remove his underwear, Pao looked at his naked bum and when he turned Pao gasped as she saw his nine inch erection thinking what a monster, when Steve laid July on a table Pao smiled and smiled even more when Steve slid his dick into July’s love tube. Pao watched as Steve thrust in and out of July’s love tube and after ten minutes Steve pulled his dick out and squirt cum in four spurts over the floor, Pao saw the everybody in the room was naked having sex, she saw Kerry who was two years younger than herself was sat on a chair fingering herself, Mandy was sucking another boy while another pounded her from behind Pao thought bet she will have a sore bum, Pao started putting files into cabinets stopping every so often to watch what was happening below and by the time she had finished putting files away had seen all the racist thugs in her street naked and having sex and thought the footage on my phone is going to be loved by all my mates and the Bengali community will love it and I bet that it will go on line as well.