The Stand In

Tina was the sixteen year old daughter of the owner of two pubs in the large English town, Tina was known as being a trouble maker and racist but the regular male customers of the two pubs that her dad owned liked her very much, when her parents were away Tina would run the pub and after closing time Tina’s tee shirt would come off leaving her naked ample boobs free for the men who stayed behind to view and play with and many a time Tina had been completely naked with one lucky man getting to service her. One evening Tina’s dad had taken a phone call from a neighbouring party venue who were in desperate need of a bar maid for the night and were offering five hundred pound if Tina could work there. The party was for a Bengali group of women who were out casts from their society because they were lesbians. Tina’s dad accepted the offer and sent Tina to work at the venue. Tina reluctantly agreed to go and turned up at the venue and after being shown round by the manager and told she would be on her own Tina set about her work and at nine o clock in the evening the venue opened. For the first hour Tina was very busy serving drinks then thing started to get a bit more less busy. Tina saw a couple of girls from her school sat drinking orange juice she knew one of the girls was called So a nickname her brother had given her because she kept saying so Tina also knew that the girl was two years younger than what she was. Sara who was Tina’s best friend turned up at the venue to give her a hand, Tina got Sara to work behind the bar while she went to the cellar to change a barrel, in the cellar Tina was leaning over a barrel when two Bengali girls from her class at school held her down by the shoulders, Tina cried out ” what the fuck” tried to break free but could not, she felt hands slide up her skirt and pull her panties down and off the hands start to rub her bare bum and love tube, Tina struggled but could not get free she felt her skirt being removed and her jumper being pulled up and over her head, she was now naked, she felt hands start to rub her boobs then she was lifted off the barrel and laid on the floor where she saw So smiling, Tina was still being held down and unable to move, So was rubbing Tina’s love tube while the other two girls were playing with her boobs and pinching her nipples which had become erect, after five minutes to her surprise Tin was starting to enjoy herself and when So slid her fingers into the older white girls love tube she found that it was moist, So started to thrust her fingers in and out of Tina’s love tube while the other two girls were licking and sucking on the now very erect nipples of the now panting Tina, after ten minutes Tina groaned out loud and as she did So felt her cum, So said ” yes she has just cum” and carried on thrusting her fingers in and out of Tina’s love tube while the other girls carried on giving her boobs plenty of attention, Sara was standing at the bar and like Tina was naked her clothes in a heap on the floor a girl was rubbing her boobs while another was wriggling her tongue around inside her love tube making her groan, Tina had just had her third orgasm and was laying on the floor, So and her two friends were going up to the main room with Tina’s clothes, after five minutes Tina went up to the bar still naked as she went in she saw her naked mate Sara being paid a lot of attention to, Tina was very quickly surrounded and taken into the middle of the room where after a few minutes was climaxing again, after a few hours both Tina and Sara had climaxed multiple times each after their first night of lesbian sex. The following afternoon Sara was still in bed when Tina arrived at her house and after knocking on the door was let in by Sara’s sister Dawn    who was two years younger than what she was, Tina saw that Dawn was naked and her nipples were fully erect, Dawn smiled at Tina and told her that Sara had told her what had happened to them at the party venue, Tina smiled and said to Dawn ” are you jealous” and as she did cupped Dawns boobs in her hands,  Dawn replied ” getting your fucking clothes off bitch and I will show you if I am jealous or not” Tina heard some one say ” hurry up with her I want some of her” looked and saw a naked So with a naked Sara standing behind her, after a few minutes Tina was laying naked on the lounge floor with Sara licking her love tube while So was sucking her nipples and Dawn sat astride her kneeling with her knees either side of Tina’s head and Tina licking her love tube. Two hours later the four girls were all sat naked in the lounge of where Sara lived all of the four girls were smiling. That night Tina went into the small corner shop near to where her dad owned one of the pubs and saw the two friends of So in there, one of the girls went up to Tina and told her to go out to the back of the shop rubbed her bum and told her to go in to the back room of the store once in there the girl told Tina to strip naked Tin saw Abdul the girls twin brother standing smiling the girl told Tina that that she was now their little sex pig and twenty minutes later Tina was laying naked on the floor with a very happy Abdul putting his clothes back on while his naked youngest sister who was four years younger than what he was sat smiling as Tina licked her love tube.