The Village whore (Cont 2)

Not the final humiliation after all but keeping Jane

Jane was coming up to 11 years old and I ws hoping they would keep their promise. The have made sure I coudn’t have any more childre and that i have kept my figure, apart from slight welt marks on my buttocks I am as i was at 16

The next time I was called I had the full audience whih sent shivers down my spine as a full audience sometimes meant something special This time there was a double bed in the centre no bedclothes just a matress and bottom sheet. At one side of the bed stood the old woman I’ve come to think of as the witch. She was the one who ruined my holes at the doctors and caused my prolapse last tiime
Maybe it would be worth describing her
She must be all of 80
Her whole body is wrinkled her breasts hang like scrawny pieces of wrinkled flesh
Her mons is covered with sparse grey hair
Her head is also grey haired and sparse
And her face is ugly with what she has done to me and the sight of her revolts me

Frank (damn him I won’t call him First Elder) makes the announcement
Our Number 1 lady has desired to make love to you. Every move she makes every actio she
takes you must reciprocate
Yo may now take your positions on the bed.You have now as long as you need to show us all your love for each other!

She crawled onto the bed lay on her back and god forbid she took her teeth out!!!
She puled me down on top of her and kissed me, slobbery wet open mouthed kisses her tongue probed me her saliva mixed with mine She held my head away. No No dear we must exchange juices and put her mouth against mine spittin her saliva into my throat. I was close to vomiting when she gathered one of her breasts in a hand cupped it so that the flesh stretched and th nipple showed she stuffed it into my mouth Suck!! let me feel it!!
Afterwoods she sucked mine her hard gums biting my areolas

As she pushed my head down and lifted her wrinkled legs wide I knew what I had to do but didn’t expect what was to meet me. The urine smell hit me “I’ve kept it for you dear”
It was nearly unbearable but I managed to lick and suck as i thought she would like it. Her ass wasn’t dirty but the smell was there I was balking as I finished
“Now I’ll do you dear” and she turned us round and began to suck my cunt “push down dear make baby come”
I pushed and could feel her sucking and could feel my prolapse being sucked and licked before it slid back into my cunt

“Now we’ll have a cuddle to show them how much we love each other!”
So the “show” ended with us side by side kissing and cuddling like two teenagers lovers she even asked me to hand her back her teeth’

Back home I was in the shower for ages brusing my teeth mouth washing scrubbing every inch of my abused body. Jane came to see why I had been so lond I asked her to undress and took her perfect young body into the shower and held it tight”Mommy will keep you safe my daling always.

Frank called. “I promised you could keep Jane and I thought you would like to see these”
He brought out quite a number of large photos, at first I didn’t understand what I was looking at, then I realised it was Mary at different times on different occasions always in evening or cocktai dresses on the arm of a handsome middle aged man. She was beautiful beyond words and radiantly happy “You couldn’t have this dear”
I cried whether in happyness I don’t know all I knew was that to keep Jane I had to carry on.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅