Unknown Show

The small English country town had a very bad reputation for housing a lot of racist residents, anyone who was not English stayed clear of the town for fear of being attacked if they went there, the town also had a reputation for violence, the police knew who the racists were and who the violent residents were but left them alone, if there was a bad incident the police would make an appearance but very rarely arrested anybody, so the residents of the town knew they could get away with near enough anything and the did away with near enough anything. When a Bengali family moved into the town there was a lot of unhappiness among the racist residents of the town and when the family opened up a factory the unhappiness grew, sixteen year old Steve was one of the biggest racist thugs in the town and when the firm where he was a trainee fitter got a job to install machines at the new factory and he had to help he was certainly unhappy but if he did not do the work he knew that he would be sacked so he turned up for work as normal and was soon inside the Bengali owned factory. He went to a room that had been set aside for the use of his firm for changing and breaks as he went in he noticed the large mirror on the wall but did not realise that it was a two way mirror and while from the side he was it looked like an ordinary mirror and all he could see in it was his own reflection and the reflection of the room from the other side it was just like a plane sheet of glass and those on the other side could see everything that was happening the other side and nine year old Pia was sat watching Steve as he changed and when Steve took his jeans and stood wearing just a tight fitting pair of briefs with some of his pubic hair sticking out over the top Pia smiled and in the evening when Steve and the others working at the factory changed back Pia and her fourteen year old sister Pao were sat watching them. On the Saturday Steve was working on his own and turned up at the factory at the normal time. Pia and three of her mates along with Pao and her best bet were watching as Steve started to change fully unaware that there were four nine year old Bengali girls and two fourteen year old Bengali girls watching and making comments as he changed, Steve stood in just his underwear in front of the mirror flexing his muscles and when he slid his pants down and off the watching girls gasped when they saw the racist thug  naked they all admire his seven inch hairy dick and when it twitched and started to stiffen the girls watched in awe as it grew to a full nine inch erection, Pao was stood mouth wide open hardly believing that she was seeing a naked racist thug with an erection and when Steve started to slowly jerk his dick one of Pia’s friends said  ” yeah very nice” Steve stood slowly jerking his dick getting faster all the time not realising that he was being watched, after five minutes the girls saw Steve’s kneels bend and there were four long spurts of cum from his dick splatter onto the window, after a few minutes Steve had wiped his dick with a cloth and cleaned his cum off the mirror and was dressing into his overalls. The girls left the office very happy at what they had just seen and were intending to be back in the evening in the hope that Steve would give them a repeat performance.