Wanted nice things pt.1

I wanted nice things like the other kids

My name is Melanie . I’m now 22 . This all happened when I was 15 . At the time I was 5ft . Weighed like 45kg . I always felt like I was behind the other girls as only had AA breasts and mostly only wore a training bra . I had long blonde hair . I think I had a nice looking face . I really had only one friend her name was Stacy . We both lived in what you would call the poor side of town . We didn’t have like the new fashion cloths , cell phones , I.pods , big tvs or video game systems . My mum was a single mum and worked really hard to just keep the bills paid and food on the table . Stacy had a mum , dad and brother . Her dad couldn’t work as broke his back and her mum worked with my mum and they were the same to just make ends neat . Me and Stacy had always spent 24/7 together till recently . She often started to say she had something she had to do . She would never say what or where she was going . I started to notice her wearing new cloths . They were like short sexy tops and really short shorts . I knew they were not things her mum would of got her . Then one day I knocked and her dad said she was in her room so I went up to Stacy’s room . She was shocked when she saw me as I caught her with a brand new ipod . I could see how nervous she was looking at me . ” Damn it Melanie get in here and shut the door ” . I closed the door and went over and sat on her bed and asked ” What is going on , how are you getting all this stuff ?” She looked at me for a few minutes. I watched her face as she tried to come up with something to say to explain it all . I knew she didn’t want to tell me so I knew it had to be really bad . ” Are you selling drugs ?” I asked her . ” no of course not ” she replies . But she doesn’t say anything else . We sat in silence for several minutes and then her brother Brian just barged in . ” hey sis I’ve got your ” and stops mid sentence when he saw me sitting there . He quickly put his hand behind his back but not before I saw the money in his hands . He said ” sorry ” and started to back out of the room. I said ” hold on a minute ! Brian get in here !” They both looked at each other . Brain says to Stacy ” maybe you should tell her ” . Stacy yells at him to get out and he walks over throws a bundle of money on the bed and walks out . I look down and see a few $20 notes laying on the bed . I thought to myself I don’t know what she is doing but it looks like a good deal to me . How could she not tell me about something as important as this . I was fighting back tears as I said ” I thought you were my friend ” . I turned to leave the room I got to the door as she said ” Melanie wait ” . She got up and came and pulled me back to the bed and we both sat back on the bed . She hugs me and says ” I’m sorry . You are my best friend. That’s why I didn’t tell you . I didn’t want you to hate me if you found out ” . I tell her that I could never hate her no matter what . She said ” I’m doing something really bad . Me , Brian and 5 others from school are doing it . It all started about a month ago “. ” what are you all doing I ask ? Is it illegal? ” . She was turning red so I knew it must of been bad. ” Well I guess it is illegal if you think about it ” she says . ” you need to promise to never tell anyone if I tell you. ” . I say ” I only ever talk to you so you know I won’t” . She takes a deep breath and starts . ” Well you know the guy who moved into the old house a few streets over. Well he is paying us to come over there and do things that we shouldn’t be doing . Sometimes he gets up to strip and takes pictures of us . Sometimes we have sex with him . Sometimes we have to have sex with each other . Sometimes he has friends over and they get to watch us strip or we need to have sex with them . Sometimes he records us and puts it on the net . But every time he pays us ” . I look at her and say ‘ your doing this for money ? How could you do that ?” She shrugged and said well the more we do the more we get paid . I’m sick of being poor I want nice things ” . She stops for a minute and then says it’s not that bad you get use to it . Some of it is gross but look at what I have now . It’s worth it to me ” . I look at her and ask what type of gross things ?” ” Well I’ve had sex with males and females . Now they are starting to think it’s sexy to watch me and Brian having sex as we are brother and sister “. I ask ” what does he do with the photos ?” . She says ” he sells them on line that’s how we get paid ” . ” Does that bother you ?” I ask . ” No as the people who buy them I don’t think will ever see me as a real person in real life ” . She continues and says ” well no one is getting hurt . Well it hurt when he took my cherry and well hurt alot the first time a guy wanted to fuck my ass but the pay is good ” . I ask ” how often do you go there ?” Well 3 or 4 times a week . Sometimes it’s not all of us he decides who he wants ” . Just then Brian walks back in and says ” did you tell her ?” . Stacy looks at him and says ” yes and she has just been asking questions ” . Brian says ” well he is looking for new girls . $50 for any new girl and $100 if she is a virgin and he gets to pop her cherry ” . Stacy looks at him and yells ” get out she isn’t interested ” . He leaves but on his way out says ” he wants you there after school tomorrow Stacy ” . It was getting late so I knew I had to go home . Me and Stacy said our goodbyes and I went home . I hardly slept that night thinking about it all . In the morning I got dressed and set for school . Me and Stacy walked the few blocks to school but hardly spoke . At lunch I thought I might as well ask her . ” do you think I’m his type ?” . Yes you are but you can’t do this your to good of a person ” . I said ” I want to try this . I need money to help mum ” . Just as the bell went she said ” think really hard and we can talk more after school ” . We both went back to class . I could hardly concentrate the rest of my classes . After school we started to walk home but I noticed we were not heading home but the way to his house . She looks at me and says ” I’m not sure you can do all the things you are going to be made to do . Remember all the types of pictures he is going to make you have taken . You will need to have sex with who he says and when he says . They can fuck you any way they want in any hole they want ” I say to her ” I have been it’s all I’ve been thinking about . It’s only going to be a year or so it won’t be that bad ” . We continued to walk in silence . We finally got there and walked up to the door . I could see the smie on his face when he saw me . Stacy says ” this is my friend Melanie ” . He moved back and let us in . I went in and found myself in a small but nice looking room . He looked at us and says ” does she know what we do here ?” Stacy answered ” yes sir she does ” . He looks at me and asks ” why do you want to join our little group ?” ” my mums a single mum and I want to make money to help her ” . He walks around me and says ” so money is the only reason you are here ?” “Yes sir ” I answered . He smiles and asks ” so are you a virgin ?” I nodded . ” Has she told you about the money she made selling me her cherry ?” I again nodded . He took my bag and sat it at the door and then picked up a camera from a table and waved me further into the room and told Stacy to sit down . He put the camera on a tripod in the corner and turned it on . He come to where I was standing . He walked around me taking a few pictures. ” I want you to look at the camera and slowly lift up your skirt ” he tells me . My knees started to shake and my legs felt weak . I put my hands down to the front of my skirt and started working the front of it up with my fingers . My thighs starting to show . I heard pictures being taken as it went up . Soon it was so far up the crouch of my underwear was showing. I kept going till the front of my panties were in full view . A few more shots and he says ” spread your legs wider apart Melanie ” . ” You have sexy legs and I love the way your mound pushes against your panties . He takes a few more pictures . ” now turn around and do it nice and slow with the back of your skirt ” he tells me . I drop my skirt and turn around . I place my hands at my ass and start pulling it up . When I had it half way up he instructed me to turn my head to look at the camera . I kept going looking at the camera till my ass was in full view . After some mire photos he ” okay now let your skirt drop back down and turn around ” . I turn and face him . ” now I want you to take off your blouse . Look into the camera and start to unbutton it . No wait I have a better idea Stacy come over here ” . She gets up and comes over . ” Stacy I want you to stand behind Melanie and reach around and unbutton her skirt and take it off ” . He started taking photos as stacy as Stacy unbuttoned and unzipped my skirt and slowly pushed it down over my hips then down my legs . It fell to the floor and I stepped out of it . He took pictures of my mound in my panties . Next he instructed her to take off my blouse . She reached around . Her ha m ds shaking as she unbuttoned my blouse . She slowly slide it off my shoulders and down my arms and off my body . There I was in my bra and panties with the camera constantly taking pictures . He told Stacy to kiss my shoulders and reach around and cup my breasts through my bra . For the first time ever I had hands other than mine on my breasts . With her kissing me and holding my breasts I started to feel so much pleasure . I was embarrassed as I knew the look I was giving the camera on my face . He then asked Stacy to take off my bra . I felt the clasps unhook . As she is doing it he asks ” so you two are best friends ?” ” Yes we are we have been forever ” . He replies ” but this is the first time she has touched you or kissed you ?” ” Yes it is . It’s the first time anyone has ever touched me :” I answer . I feel my bra leaving my body . ” wow so tiny but so beautiful ” he says as taking pictures of them from all angles . He then ordered Stacy to massage them and play with my nipples . The first time she pinched and squeezed my tiny little nipples I cried out and my eyes closed . My head feel back against her shoulder and I sighed loudly . I whispered ” oh my God Stacy ” . She whispered back ” it feels good doesn’t it ” I couldn’t even reply . All the time him taking photos . Next he tells Stacy to take off my panties . She gave my neck one last kiss then went down on her knees behind me . I felt her pull my panties down over my hips . My pussy now in view to a man for the first time ever . He took picture after picture till my panties were off and with the rest of my cloths . He came up and took some close ups and sometimes the camera was only inches away from my opening . ” wow you have a cute tiny pussy . Think it’s going to be fun taking your cherry ” he says . Stacy went to get up but he stopped her . He tell me to spread my legs so I do . I shiver so much as I feel his large finger start running along my slit . It felt like a electric shock shot through my whole body . It was the most wonderful feeling I’d ever had . I could tell he knew what he was doing to me . He stepped back and said ” Stacy reach around and make your friend very happy for me ” . Then I felt her reach around . My body shook and I felt weak as her hand ran across my stomach then down through my pubic hair till it reached slit . Starting to run up and down it but not into me . Making so much moisture through my pussy . Her fingers running around my clit but not touching it . That pushed me to my final straw . I struggled to stay on my feet . I cried out as I felt myself have a orgasm . Him filming my orgasm . I was that stimulated I wasn’t even embarrassed at that moment . I nearly feel as he ordered her to stand up . She had been my support I really had no strength in my legs at all . I tried to keep standing as he swapped memory cards in his camera . The then handed Stacy his camera and stood in front of me as he took his clothing off . He was not really attractive . Mid 40s . He was heavy set . Soon as he pulled down his boxers I saw that his fingers were not the only part of his body that was large . His dick was long and fat . It made me nervous seeing how big it was . She started taking pictures as he pulled me over to the couch . She moved so the camera was aimed at us . He told me to spread my legs wide . I did it . Then he told me to to hold my pussy wide open and for her to take photos of my hymen . I could see her taking really close up photos of my pussy . His hands started to explore my body . His hands started to play with my titts and nipes and told me to hold his cock in my hands . I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock . It was hard and soft at the same time . I was scared as it was the first dick I’d ever seen let alone held . My fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around it and all I could think was that soon enough he would be forcing this thing of my body and yes I was scared. Soon his large hands were rubbing my slit . His mouth was now one one of my titts . With his tongue teasing my nipples and his hand teasing my slit I had another orgasm . I felt his liquid running along my fingers . He leans in and says ” Normally I don’t do this with girls the first time but your to damn hot . Get down between my legs and suck on my cock . I want to cum in your mouth . Get down there and fucking start sucking . I’ll tell you when I’m ready as you better not spill any ” . I dropped toy knees between his legs . I grab hold of it . I start by running my tongue around it . In my head I’m not even sure it will fit in my little mouth . He says ” enough licking time to get it in your little teen mouth ” . I place my lips on his knob and slowly start to slide them down his shaft . He sighs and says ” now your a good cock sucker for a first timer ” . Stacy is still filming but now with a smile on her face and a hand down her pants . ” now let’s see how much you can take ” he says .” I want to see it in your throat ” he says . Omg I think he will kill me it’s to big for that . I can feel my jaw already stretching to let it in . Then I felt it the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat . I couldn’t help it I start gagging . Stacy said ” just let yourself calm down it will be ok ” . I moved his cock back alittle . Trusting her words . Soon his cock was hitting the back of my throat each stroke . I was hardly gagging soon . I started to try and force it further into my throat. My mind was telling me it was way to big but I was trying to not listen to my head . I was trying and trying but it wasn’t working . Guess he knew and next thing he bit my nipple and I screamed and as I did it happened I felt his cock slide down my throat . The feeling of it going into my throat gave me a third orgasm . After a few more strokes in and out of my throat he tells me to get ready . He held my head tight as I felt his hot liquid flow down my throat . I was fighting for air . Trying not to gag or throw up . After alittle bit I felt it getting soft and slide out of my throat . ” Well you are a horny little slut arnt you ” . He pointed to a rug on the floor and said ” lay down on the rug ” . I thought well it’s going to happen I’m going to lose my virginity . But now he took the camera from Stacy and told her to get between my legs and eat me out . Stacy got undressed . Seeing her naked was a huge turn on . Her hot B sized tiits . Her nipples were fully erect . She had this perfect pale white skin . Her chest with her freckles . Her cute red little slice of pubic hair . I knew she shaved it she had told me that . I could see her pale pink pussy and it was glistening wet . She got between my legs . Her breath at my pussy . Her lips touched my pussy . They begin to move all over my slit . I started to moan in pleasure . She moved her body so that her pussy was next to me and I could not help myself and I let my tongue trace her slit . I could see him filming and i didn’t even care in that moment . I could feel her having a orgasm . I saw him put the camera down . He got next to me . I could see he was fully hard again . He moved my head slightly and I got a full view as his hard cock started sliding into my friends pussy . I watched as it slowly started sliding in . This made her cover my whole pussy with her mouth . As he forced his cock inside her she bit down on my pussy . Watching as he forced all his cock into her . She is licking me vigorously . I watched as her pussy swelled and contracted with his movements . He grabbed my hand and got me to rub her clit . I could hear her trying to scream while he fucked her . Starting to fuck her faster and harder . Soon enough he was cumming inside if her . He pulled out and got me to suck him clean . I watched as her pussy was still convulsing and still open and I watched as her hole slowly closed . He got me to get between her legs and lick her pussy clean taking photos as i did . His cum oozing out of her pussy . My head fell back onto the carpet after I finished cleaning her . After that me and Stacy sat on the sofa and he got us a drink . I saw him writing something out at a desk . He handed me a prescription and said ” it’s birth control we don’t want you getting pregnant do we ” . He handed me a mobile phone and charger and said ” most of the time I will tell you before you leave when I want you next but sometimes I’ll send you message If I need you extra time . You will need to work out a excuse with your mum ” . I nodded knowing I had no choice . Next he gave us both $50 for the day . He said we could get dressed . We both helped each other dress . Stacy said ” can you stop Brian coming into my room of a night and fucking me when ever he wants ” . He says ” stop him I told him he could and his friends can as well and Melanie once I take your cherry it goes for you as well ” . ” Well you can go now but I want you back tomorrow Melanie right after school . ” yes sir I reply ” . I will continue this with a part two if it is asked for and trust me it gets alot better

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