Well, that was a shocker

I have no problem with trans people, but you never can tell who is one. I was shocked at what I saw 2 of my students doing in the toilets.

I’m a female Maths tutor at a college for 14 to 17 year old teens haven’t been doing so well at public school.

One afternoon I was in the toilets, doing my business, and I heard two girls enter, they were giggling and talking loudly, as most of them do, I knew who they were from their voices, I thought they were going to use the facilities and leave, but then I heard the sound of kissing lips.

The cubicle door next to mine banged open and then closed, I heard the sound of the metal lock being pushed in to place, then more kissing, more intense, followed by occasional moaning and groans.

It made me a little uncomfortable and I thought about announcing my presence to them but then I heard one of the girls say, “Screw me with your big cock, baby.”, and that really threw me, I knew their voices and I knew who they were and I was confused as to why one of them would say that as they were both girls, or so I believed.

The cubicle wall shook as one of them banged against it, it shook so hard it knocked the toilet roll holder loose and it fell swinging to one side, the sounds of kissing, moaning and groaning continued, my curiosity got the better of me, when the toilet roll holder came loose it left an open hole in the wall were the screw had been in place.

So I leaned across and looked through it in to the other cubicle, to my horror I saw one of the girls pulling down the other girls trousers and panties, then she was bent over with her hands on the closed toilet seat, the girl behind her lifted her skirt and pulled down her own panties, and I was shocked to see a cock and balls spring out from between her legs.

Clearly the girl I thought was a girl, wasn’t, she was a he, a boy, a trans, the cock was erect, and rather large if I’m honest, the girl/boy held on to the other girls hips and pushed it inside her, the moans got louder and I watched as they had sex.

The girl that was bent over lifted her right leg up and pressed her foot against the wall, I now had a clear view of her pussy getting fucked by this huge cock, they went at it for several minutes until they both moaned with so much pleasure, as the cock came out of her, semen dripped from the tip and out of her pussy.

I watched them redress themselves and then they opened the door, stopped to wash their hands, which was good of them, then they left, still giggling at each other.

Well, that was an experience I’ll never forget, I never told anyone at the college about it, but I can’t look at either of them in the same way anymore.