6 month dating anniversary

Jake was the average 19 year old shy country boy . At night he goes the the local gym to work out , that’s where he meets Amy . 18 year old Amy works the night shift at this gym that her family owns . She takes it to her advantage working there to keep her already stunning figure in shape .

Jake and Amy hit it off right away and started dating , there dates consisted of working out together at the gym it was winter time in Michigan and Jake had the idea of planning a snowmobile trip with Amy because there 6 month dating anniversary was coming up . Amy was very excited to here about the trip and was looking forward to getting way and have a good time .

The time has come , less than a week before they go . Amy wanted to make it special for Jake . Amy has been going to the tanning salon for a nice tan , to the hair salon to get trimmed up and then she did something she has never done but always wanted to do . She went and got a full body wax . She arrived at the place , where a middle aged woman took her to the room, told her to undress and lay on the table . The lady starts and with small talk , she can not help but to comment on how she has a nice body . When Amy rolled onto her belly . The lady rubbed her hand across amys butt while saying ( you have the sweetest little adorable butt ) Amy felt embarrassed but quickly forgotten about it .

The next morning morning , Jake drove to pick up Amy and headed north for the 5 hour drive . When they got to there destination . They rented 2 snowmobiles and rode them for the day . After meny miles on the trail . It was getting late . They returned the sleds . Amy was excited to get to there room and slip into more comfortable clothes . But Jake didn’t reserve any room in advance . After about an hour later and several No-vacancy they came to this run-down out dated plan ( it will have to work ) said Jake .
The checked in and put there luggage in the room before going down to the lobby which had a dinner . Where they got some much needed dinner . The two had dinner and a few drinks that you had to walk up to the bar to get . Jake got the first round the Amy got the second that’s when 2 guys at the bar smacked her ass and told her how cute she was . She didn’t tell Jake because she didn’t want any trouble .

So the time has come . Jake and Amy went back to there room . They both showered and got ready for bed . When Amy walked out of the bathroom completely nude Jake got his first look at Amy’s body and better yet bald pussy . He was so excited . They began their love making . Slow and gentle is the only way she wants it Due to her inexperience , Jake takes it nice and slow , they both enjoy there love making and drift asleep .

A few hours later , there awaken by the room door opening and 2 large men coming towards the . Jake yelled didn’t you lock the door ! Amy was to scared to say anything . The men slammed the door shut just as Jake jumped up and began fighting the 2 large men . Amy watches in shock from fear while holding the blankets at her neck . Her fears have grown more intense when Jake was loosing the fight . And with one more hard punch he passed out falling to the floor.

Now one man sits at the stair and lights up a cigarette while the other jumps up on the bed at Amy’s feet . He pulls at the blankets and reveals Amy’s naked body . At this point Amy is calling out to Jake but he’s out , laying on the floor . The guy pulls down his pants taking out his already hard cock . He grabs Amy’s legs pushing them all the way up to her head . She try’s to say ( please be gentle ) before he rammed into her . She lets out a loud wimper/ moan/scream. As she is being fucked rougher/harder than she has ever experienced she tried calling again for Jake . He was unresponsive . As she tried to tell the man not to ejaculate in her . Wack he slapped her face . Then punch her in the mouth as he pumped the last of his cum in her protected body .

As the men trade places , that guy begins by slapping and punching her around but she had little fight left in her and that made him angry too . He grabbed her legs forcing her to roll onto her belly . He sparked her ass vary hard and now you remember the slap on your butt back at the diner . He cups her small butt cheeks , spreading them apart to take a look . ( I bet you have never been fucked up there ?) he said . She begins to fight and plead Whithead the man to not hert her that she has never done something like that and that for how small she was – it wasn’t possible .

Now hearing that he started laughing and slapped the side of her head vary hard . Now roll the FUCK BACK OVER. He shouted . Crying hysterically she rolled back onto her belly He yelled stick you ass up now . She keep her head on the bed and lifts up her butt . He climbed up behind her and began his torture. He gets it into her tight ass and starts thrusting . From all the loud screams for her , Jake begins to regain consciousness but only can stare and watch his sweet Amy be butt raped but that large man because he’s still unable to move . Several minutes go by before the man blows his load into Amy . He slapped her ass again pulls away from her

He walks over to Jake kicking him in the head before saying that your girlfriend had a tight ass . The 2 guys walk out into the light . Within minutes , paramedics rushed in because a couple in the next room over could hear what was happening and called

13 years later Jake and Amy are still together.