99 cent store

His mother sat there watching me suck it, laughing and giggling the whole time.

I was at the 99 cent store. It was a great place to find what I was looking for. I was in the store for about 10 minutes before I found her. An overweight black woman, with a boy of about 10, trailing behind her. She was irritated with the boy, and she kept chewing him out for something about grades.
I waited outside the store for her to emerge. She finally did with her groceries and the boy. She started walking towards the bus stop when I approached her. I was going to proposition her, but it was a dangerous proposition. If she freaked out, I would have to leave the area quickly.

“Excuse me Miss?” I asked her. She turned around and snapped, “what?”

“My name is John. May I ask yours?” I asked.

“Andrea. Now what you want?” She replied.

“You look like you could use some extra money and I have a proposition for you.” I told her.
“How much money and what I got to do?” She replied.

“I’ll give you $1,000 in cash, if you let me have some special private time with your son.” I said.

She looked at me for such a long time, that I started to feel uncomfortable and that maybe I should leave. Then she grinned and said “what you want to do, suck his dick?” She laughed.

So I figured, why not. “Yes, I do want to suck his dick.” I told her.

“Okay, $2000, cash up front.” She said. “And I have to be there.”

“Sure, let’s go. My car is right over here, we can go back to my place.” I said.

“No, we’re going to my place” she countered “I don’t know you and we’re not going to your place.”

“Fair enough” I said “where do you live? I’ll give you a ride.” I told her.

We all piled into my car, and she took me to a place that was very run-down and ghetto. We got out and went into the apartment.

She turned to her son and said, “Laquan, take your pants off. This man given us a lot of money to suck your pecker.”

Laquan got a big smile on his face, stood up and said “really mama?” as he took his pants off. He walked over and stood in front of me. I reached out and took his penis between my thumb and finger. I watched in utter amazement as it grew to at least 6″. It still had that pre-puberty thinness to it, but it was a good 1 1/2″ longer than mine. And the kid was only 10 years old.

Once he was fully erect, I got down on my knees and started licking his penis like an ice cream cone. I got it all wet and shiny and then took him into my mouth. His mother sat there watching me suck it, laughing and giggling the whole time.

“Does that feel good Laquan?” She asked her son.

“Yes Mama, it feels really, really good”. Laquan said.

As I sucked his penis, I started to undo my pants. I was so hard, it was uncomfortable and I needed to jerk off. When I had my belt loose and my zipper down, I pushed my pants down to my knees and started to masturbate.

Laquan’s mother started laughing hard. She finally calm down enough to say “look at how little his pecker is Laquan.”

Laquan Giggled saying “it sure is a little one, ain’t it mama?”

Just then, a girl of about 15 or 16 came out of one of the back rooms, “what’s all the laughing about?” she said as she entered the living room. “Oh my god. Mama, why this fat, old white guy sucking Laquan’s pecker?”

I turned my head to look at the girl, but kept the boys penis in my mouth. She stood there, eyes bugged out, watching me suck the little boys big black penis.

“He give us $2000 to suck your brothers pecker. Laquan really likes to too. Look at the fags little pecker.” Andrea said. “Sit down and watch. Old man really knows how to suck a pecker.” The girl sat next to her mother and watched me bring her little brother to his first orgasm.
He was too young to squirt, but that was ok by me. I kept sucking while he moaned and groaned, saying how good it felt.

Then his mother said, “okay that’s enough.” I felt my heart sink, but then Laquan said “no please mama, let him do it some more”

“Okay, 10 more minutes” his mother told him. I intensified my efforts, moving my head up and down on his hard penis, taking him as deep as I could, and doubled my stroking.

As soon as she announced, “two more minutes”, I exploded. I kept his penis in my mouth as I came, squirting my sperm all over the place. I didn’t take his penis out of my mouth until he pushed my head away, saying it tickled. As his penis slipped from my mouth, all three of us sat there staring at it, still hard, glistening with my saliva and pulsing with his heart beat.

I noticed how intensely mother and sister were checking out little Laquan’s enormous penis, and realized this family could be a lot of fun.

As I got up and started to dress, I asked Andrea “so, would you be open to making some more money?”

Without taking her eyes off her son’s hard penis, she replied, “yes, we would.” The fact that she said, “we” didn’t escape me. I gave her another $500 and left, with the promise of coming back Friday night.

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