A Christmas Tale – Chapter 1 – Frank’s story

“Hi dear, I am at home” – I know it sounds corny but it is our private joke. We heard it so many times on TV or films that we decided that it should be good enough for us too.

It was a late afternoon on a typical November day, which means drizzle, fog and general gloomy atmosphere. At least it is so in our part of the Midwest.

“I am taking a bath, I will be out soon. Have a drink in the meantime,” came the muffled answer from Gladys and then she continued:

“Mom phoned. She wants to spend the holiday with us. She intends to bring Jim too.”

Before this sentence sank in she continued,

“Stephanie has phoned too. She is having domestic difficulties again. She would like to spend the holiday with us in order to have a breathing space to think things over.”

The two sentences, one after the other, made me mix a very stiff drink and sit down to digest them. However, before I explain why the messages stopped me in my tracks, I must introduce us:

My name is Frank. I am 27 and have been married to Gladys a bit more than 2 years. We live in my hometown, where I inherited from my grandparents a comfortable large house. I work in a junior executive position and by and large do not have many problems. We do not have children yet. We decided that we deserve at least a couple of years of unrestricted fun, before settling down to family building.

I met Gladys in my senior year at college. She was a quiet withdrawn girl, with a good sense of humor and a habit of scathing repartees. After I got over that habit I found that she was an extremely attractive girl and a very nice person, and of course I fell in love. Luckily, it was mutual. Gladys is attractive, rather than picture book beautiful. She has long auburn hair and a good figure, although her breasts are on the small side. She likes to tease me that whenever I kiss her breasts and suck on her nipples I hope that it will make her breasts grow. It is a lie; I would not like to have her in any other way. She is sure to draw attention when she enters a room and heads turn whenever she passes on the street. She certainly gives me a huge erection whenever I see her uncovered charms, or even think of them.

After we got to know each other I found that under the quiet and withdrawing attitude there is a sexual appetite which would put to shame even Catherine the Great of Russia. This appetite was accompanied by a measure of sexual sophistication. I thought of myself as an experienced man, but I must admit that I have learned a lot from her. Apart from small but very important technical improvements, of which more later, I learned from her an extremely important fact:

In sex it does not pay to be selfish. A selfish person makes love to someone, an unselfish one makes love with someone. It always pays. If you think of your partner’s pleasure at least as much as you think of yours, this attitude is usually reciprocated. If not, then get the hell out of the situation. If both partners have this attitude then both will have a better time than those who think only of themselves.

As I said, we are happily married. We love each other dearly and have a very satisfactory sex life. We do not have sex 5 times a day, we have to work for a living, and moreover we are not sexual athletes, but nature permitting, we love to fall asleep in each other arms, after making love. This is of course apart of our swinging activities. Which needs a bit of explanation.

One lazy Sunday morning after a particularly stormy lovemaking session, when we were laying in each other’s arms, basking in the warm afterglow of lovemaking, two happy and tired people who could not even find the energy to get up and wash the sticky goo from our legs, Gladys started to whisper in my ear…

“If only it would remain so all our life.”

“And why would it not remain so? I love you, you love me. Apart of our glorious sex life we are good friends and have a lot of fun together.”

“Today we are still young and full of energy. We look at each other and from the look itself we are halfway to orgasm. In a while it will become monotonous and dull, and we shall look for new excitements. New excitements mean complications in marriage.”

“Yes ma’am, you are right… But today we do not bore each other yet. So, please, be a good girl and let me prove to you that we are very far from that stage.”

I tried to turn her so that I could prove my thesis but she got hold of me, you know where, and sweetly whispered in my ears:

“You are making idle threats but you come to fight with an empty gun. At least wait until your ammunition is loaded. Listen to what I want to say. We have a number of friends with whom we spend our social life. We are in the same club, we entertain each other, go to shows and dinners, and generally we like each other’s company. Why not make a swingers’ club with our friends? We wouldn’t dare to swing with strangers because of fear of AIDS. With friends we could trust each other.”

“You mean Fred and Gwen, Andrew and Judy, Paul and Felicity, and Francis and Pam.”

“Of course I mean them. They are nice people, we like them and they like us. We are at the same age. We spend a lot of time together. Why not have more fun? I know for a fact that all the boys, including you, would gladly undress the girls but are afraid to start, because they fear their wife’s possible reaction.”

“We are only human,” I objected…

“So when Pam bends over so that you can practically see up her crotch, of course you try to catch a glimpse. At least you want to see whether she is blonde all over or merely her hair is rinsed. You are a dirty old man. To set your doubts aside she is blond all over. You are curious just as I am curious about the size of Andrew’s cock. Sometimes, when we dance I feel his cock pressing to me. It feels huge.”

I forgot that we and our friends belong to the same club, with sporting facilities. Of course, Gladys has seen all the wives naked, just as I have seen all the husbands in the dressing room.

“You are right my dear. Thanks for the information about Pam. I can assure you that Andrew is really big, nearly as big as I am. To prove it I would need Judy’s judgment.”

“You are a conceited man but I still love you. Why do you need Judy’s judgment, don’t you trust my judgment? Let me fuck Andrew and I shall report on the size.”

Now of course, the subject had excited us and I started to prove to her that my gun was indeed loaded and she happily surrendered, impaling herself on my big shaft (much bigger that Andrew’s, of course).

It was our third lovemaking on the Sunday morning, which meant that the pressure of my semen was less and we could enjoy each other longer, with no danger of sudden ejaculation. Gladys was tremendously excited, suddenly she turned around, spread her legs wide and took me in her butt. Usually I have to tongue her first, to loosen it a bit, but she was so excited by the subject of the conversation that she took me to the hilt without flinching. It was so exciting for both of us that our lovemaking continued with a veritable earthquake, threatening the legs of the bed, if not the foundations of the house. I slammed into her with force, fingering her clit and one of her nipples at the same time.

She squirmed and squealed under me, responding to my thrusts, the two of us arriving together to a very noisy satisfaction. Enjoying anal sex was one the subjects she taught me; there were others. When we returned to consciousness, we were lying quietly, she with face down and me on her, still half embedded. Her soaked auburn hair was before my eyes. I nibbled gently her left earlobe. I loved her very much. She murmured gently:

“You see that I am right. Even the thought of sticking your dick into Pam’s true blond pussy has driven you crazy.”

“Maybe the thought that you are under Andrew and he is sticking his big cock into your ass has driven you,” retorted I.

She pushed me off, and turned to me, kissing me gently and lovingly.

“I love you Frank, and I want to continue loving you as it is now. I prefer having sex with Andrew and thinking of you than the other way ’round.”

“Let’s assume that you are right, and I tend to agree with you, but how do you want to go about it? I wouldn’t dare to turn to Francis and say, ‘Hey Francis, I would love to screw Pamela, what about it?’ After all he was quarterback on the university’s football team.”

It seems that the girls had already talked about the subject and Gladys was sounding me out, just as the other girls did the same, most probably in the same situation. Sunday morning lovemaking is a good time to convince husbands. Women are certainly different from us in many ways. Anyway Gladys assured me that she would organize the club. All I had to do was agree (reluctantly).

Of course, the girls convinced the husbands, and within a week the new club was in operation. For the first time, we met for a weekend at an out-of-the-way resort hotel. Gladys put the names in two wastebaskets and drew pairs, one after the other. I do not know how she did it, but she drew Andrew as a partner, and for me of course Pamela. I mentioned already that she is an extremely resourceful girl.

So, I had a very good chance of finding out whether Pam is really blond all over, which she was and whether she is a good lay, which she was indeed. She loved being fucked by me. She enjoyed it when I licked her blond pussy and even accepted it when I inserted my finger into her butt, reluctantly at first, with enthusiasm later, when she found how it increased her pleasure. This was one of the tricks I learned from Gladys. At the end, she became an anal enthusiast, as did all the other girls. For me, it was very exciting. I satisfied Pam that night many times. She became convinced that I was the best stud in the town. Of course, to have a fresh partner brings out the best in each man. Gladys told me next morning that Andrew did wonders with her, and she was really happy that she organized our little swingers club.

That was the first time. Later on we came less bashful. Instead of pairing into separate bedrooms, we met at one of the houses, curtains drawn and lights dimmed. I must admit that the first time I saw Gladys riding on someone’s cock and sucking another one, his come spilling out of her mouth, I felt a pang of jealousy mixed with pride. Maybe she felt the same thing seeing me fucking one girl and licking a second.

Anyway, we have developed a habit. At the end of each orgy, we returned to our bedroom, telling each other the details of the orgy, stroke by stroke, orgasm after orgasm. It usually excited us so much that we finished the orgy in each other arms, having a quiet, nice and loving fuck. Again, she was right, our swinging life did not remove anything from our love. It only added to it.

Now that I have introduced us, I can return and explain my problems about the unexpected visits. It was not all problems. Jim, for instance, did not cause any second thoughts. I met him a number of times, and rather liked him. He was a tall, serious boy, 2 years older than Gladys. When I first met him, he was still studying; he got his degree since then. Indeed I thought that his presence would help me with Stephanie.

I had a problem with Stephanie. Don’t get me wrong. She is a sweet girl and I love her greatly, just as she loves me. The problem is that maybe she loves me a bit too much. She is a year younger than I. We grew up together and I can say that we received our sex education together. We spied on each other in the bathroom. I saw the first strands of down on her pussy at the age of 12. I saw her masturbating in the bathtub a year later, and as she told me later, she did the same. She saw me masturbating and my cock, sticking out of my pubic hair and spilling come out of it, became one of the mainstays of her sexual fantasies.

And, we were both spying on our parents. Our parents were normal and healthy people, who liked to have sex as much as possible. As they were then in their forties, it was 3-4 times a week. Both us children tried to remain awake, waiting for the telltale rhythmical squeak of bedsprings. We both had empty water-glasses hidden in our rooms, on both sides of our parents’ bedroom, to use them as sound amplifiers. Not that we needed them much. Our parents, especially our mother, were noisy lovemakers, with sweet nonsense whispered by Dad and loud moaning by Mom. Sometimes we even tried to look through the keyhole of our parents’ bedroom, but they usually made love in the dark. Luckily, we never bumped into each other until one night it did happen…

One night our parents came up to their room after having a few drinks. Very soon after that I started hearing accustomed noises from the room. I looked out of my window and saw that light was gleaming out of their window, which meant that they left the light on. I opened my door softly, and to my surprise I saw Stephanie, kneeling before the door, with her eye on the keyhole and with her hand stroking her pussy through her nightgown. She had seen the same gleam from the window and had beaten me to the exhibition.

I went to her softly, put my hand on her mouth, to stifle any possible outcry, and whispered into her ear.

“Remain as you are and whisper into my ears what you see.”

She nodded and started to report of the scene. The short whispered sentences were extremely arousing.

“I see Mom lying on her left side. She raises her right leg in order to let Dad push his huge cock into her. He is really very big. They both breathe heavily and Mom’s face is distorted by the pleasure. I do not see Dad’s face, it is hidden in Mom’s hair. He pulls her to him. His left hand is passed under her, strokes her tits and his right hand is playing with her clit, just as I play with mine. I see his huge red cock sliding in and out of Mom. Each time when he pushes in he heaves Mom up, so she has to push back to remain there.”

“Now, he pumps her faster and faster. She is straining to him, trying to engulf him more and more. Dad is pulling his cock nearly outside and slams back again. For each slam, Mom’s body is convulsing, and you can see on her face the pleasure. It is the most beautiful picture ever.”

“Now he slams into her and both cry out together. It seems that they came together. He pulls his cock slowly out of her, I see the come flowing out of her pussy and his cock all red and shiny.”

Of course, during the reporting we changed roles. I started to stroke her pussy and she started to pull my cock. When our parents finished we were so excited that we rushed on tiptoes to her room, laid down on the floor, in order not to make any noise, and continued exciting each other. Only now I started kissing her pussy, licking her clit, and she took me in her mouth.

I admit that we had no intention whatsoever to make love. However, we became so excited that there was no force on earth which could have stopped us making love to each other. She was virgin, and so was I. We could not think, just attacked each other. It must have hurt her, but I do not think that she felt any of it. She breathed heavily into my ear, whispering constantly: “More, more, stronger, stronger.” We clasped each other so hard that we became nearly one body. At the end I came into her, could not even think of withdrawing in time, we just remained intertwined in each other arms, half unconscious but very happy. Later on, Stephanie told me that she was so excited that she did not even notice that I broke through her hymen and deflowered her. When her friends told her their stories about the pain and blood of their first night, she wisely kept quiet.

Since then we repeated this experience many times and made love at every opportunity. As we both had separate bedrooms, we could meet unobserved practically every night… We never had the intensity of the first experience, nothing could repeat it, but we always enjoyed each other. Of course, we also have learned how to take care of unforeseen results. Mom knew soon that Stephanie was not virgin any more, she was nearly 16 then, and arranged for her to be on the pill. Of course, she did not know that I was her first, and probably only, lover… I do not know how she would have reacted, had she known.

I have thought of the first experience many times since then. I am not sure whether it was morally wrong to spy on my sister and on my parents’ lovemaking. I think that it is part of a sex education and most people get their first sex knowledge from examples, played out in the same or neighboring room. I certainly did not love my parents less or have less respect for them, after that night, than I had before. On the contrary.

On the first night I had only whispered information from Stephanie, but there were other occasions when I was the voyeur and I whispered into Stephanie’s ear. I can only add that since then I grew up and saw many pornographic films, etc. Nothing can compete with the eroticism of the lovemaking of two ordinary, loving people. My parents are still around, now in their fifties, and I hope that they still enjoy each other as they did then.

Sometimes I wonder whether Mom knew about our spying. She must have known, although I never noticed any sign of it. I remember one evening, I heard noises from the bathroom. As I knew that Stephanie was out, only my parents could have been there. I crept to our secret chink to look into the bathroom, and I saw my mom’s face, about 2 feet from mine. She was on all 4 in the bathtub and Dad was fucking her from behind. From that angle I could not see Dad actions, I only saw her heavy tits swinging as Dad has slammed into her and her beautiful face, distorted by the pleasure and gently moaning. We were so near that if she would have extended her arm she could have touched me. Of course, there was the door between us. I was convinced that I saw in her eyes a recognition with a small smile.

Sometimes I think whether I would have been capable of making love to her. She was then, and still is, an attractive woman, with heavy breasts and wide hips. Otherwise, she was slim and sportive. For me, she was a goddess on earth. If she would have indicated somehow, I would have gladly made love to her, even if only to cause her as much pleasure as possible. I hope she will never read these lines, although I don’t think that I did anything of which I have to be ashamed.

I studied anthropology at college and I know the basic biological facts behind the strong taboo against incest. I know that incestuous offspring tend to be retarded and malformed. But when I fucked Stephanie, I did not think of offspring, on the contrary, we did everything to avoid it, and I did not see then and I do not see now that we did anything wrong by expressing our deep love to each other in a physical way. I feel the same way about our “sex education.” Since we pass the stage of “birds and bees,” we all know that married life is sex life too. We also know that we ourselves, each one of us, is a result of some sweaty and grunty encounter. Anyway, I am convinced that I haven’t done anything that any other boy, or girl for that matter, at the age of 15-16 is not doing, in any family anywhere.

Stephanie and I drifted away eventually and went our ways. I met Gladys and married her. Stephanie has married too. The problem is that she never got over the first experience. I came to learn about it last year. I had to travel on business to the town where Stephanie and her husband were living. As they had a very big house I decided to stay with them, instead of staying at a hotel. Her husband had left in the morning to his job. I still had a couple of hours so I remained in the house.

After her husband left Stephanie came to my room, stripped off her house-gown and nightdress, and jumped into my bed. I was really confused. By mutual agreement we never mentioned our past relationship, but her sudden appearance, naked in my bed, aroused me again. I love her greatly, certainly as a sister and also as a woman who took my virginity and to whom I did likewise. Of course I made love to her. She cried out in her lovemaking that I am the only person who can satisfy her, and she can come with her husband, and with her other friends, only if she closes her eyes and thinks that I am the one who is fucking her. I tried to soothe her as much as I could. I did certainly satisfy her many times. I must add here that she is very attractive, with a full body and large breasts, much larger that Gladys’. I love her as my sister but I also adore her as a woman. During the years of our growing up she learned how to satisfy me, just as I learned how to satisfy her. We loved to make sixty-nine together. We became so expert that we could carry on for a very long time, playing with each other, with our lips, tongues and fingers. She kept me on a permanently high level of pleasure, without ejaculation. Of course, she had orgasm after orgasm. Well, this is the advantage women have over men.

I haven’t seen her since then. We talk on the phone occasionally, but never on that subject. Now she is coming for Christmas. I love her, but I love Gladys very much and I would not like to endanger my marriage because of Stephanie. To fuck someone in the swingers’ club before my wife’s eyes and with her enthusiastic blessings is not the same as fucking my sister behind her back.

Now I want the tell about my experience with Marylin. I try to tell the story as I remember it, although I am not altogether sure about it. I am sure of what happened but not how it happened and much less why it happened.

I was already talking marriage with Gladys, when she said that I was invited to her home to meet her family. I had gladly agreed as I saw it as a perfectly normal thing. I knew that her mother was a widow, her father having died about 5 years ago in a car accident, and she lived alone. She had one brother, away in college, but he would also be back for my visit. After all I should be his brother-in-law, if we got married.

We travelled together to her hometown and arrived at the house. It was a large colonial type house, with 2 floors and a garden behind the house. It was a lovely place. They prepared for me a guest bedroom. Gladys of course had her own room, and so had Jim. Marylin, the mother, was about 40 then, which was 2 and half years ago, and she was an exceedingly beautiful woman. She took great care of herself, kept a diet and had her daily workout… In short, she was forty, looked much less and was a dazzlingly attractive woman. In addition, she was tough and capable. My Gladys has inherited from her the pragmatic nature. After her husband’s death she continued to manage the family business, and was very comfortably off. Not that it affected me. I loved Gladys and had no intention of touching her money. Anyhow, my family is also not exactly destitute.

We spent the evening in the living room, chatting. They asked me to tell about my family, education, prospects, etc. I assume that it is only normal in these circumstances. If I have a daughter and she wants to get married, probably I shall do the same. Round about 11 she decided to call the day, but before left she told me that in the morning she would like to see me alone because she would like to discuss with me a few additional subjects. As she usually had breakfast in her bedroom, she invited me to have breakfast with her. I didn’t see anything unusual in the place of the breakfast. After all, she lived alone, both her children are away in college, so what did it matter where she had her breakfast?

I accompanied Gladys to her room, hoping to spend the night with her. However, she excused herself, claiming indisposition. Anyway, she told me that I would need my full night’s rest to stand up to Mother next morning. She did not look so frightening to me, but maybe Gladys had her reasons and I was not inclined to argue with her. The whole situation intrigued me. I felt that there was something in the air but could not put my finger on it.

Next morning, I got up and presented myself at Marylin’s bedroom for breakfast and interrogation. I knocked on the door, and entered after hearing a muffled “Come in” from inside. Marylin was not in the room. She shouted to me from the neighboring bathroom:

“Make yourself comfortable, have a cup of coffee. I shall be right out.”

After a few minutes she really appeared. Her appearance took my breath away. She wore a long, and nearly see-through, house-gown, with nothing underneath, and generally looked gorgeous. Gladys is her daughter, but where Gladys is attractive, she is exceedingly beautiful. I must admit I felt very uncomfortable. However, she sat down opposite me and started pouring coffee for the both of us. We had coffee, toast, butter and jam. A simple breakfast.

She was asking questions about me, about my family, prospects etc. All subjects which we discussed the evening before. I did not really understood the meaning of this breakfast, when she suddenly asked:

“Are you man enough to be the husband of my little daughter?”

I must admit that I became confused. I did not exactly stammer, but was not far from it.

“I think that I am man as the next fellow. Anyway, shouldn’t you ask this question to Gladys?” I tried to brazen it out, knowing quite well that Gladys had told her that we practically live together.

“I do not mean to imply that you cannot get an erection and cannot put it into a woman.” – She was certainly direct and outspoken – “What I mean is whether you are knowledgeable and sophisticated enough to satisfy my little girl, as she deserves it. I know that you are clever and hardworking, and you will be able to provide for your family, but it is only part of the story. I saw many broken marriages without financial problems. The secret of a good marriage is to satisfy all needs together.”

Now you can see where my Gladys got her pragmatism and ideas for a good marriage. Suddenly, she stood up and went to a narrow window, turning to the garden. She leaned out to look down and gestured to me to come to the window. So I did. I tried to look down, but the window was so narrow that I had to lean over her to look down. As I said before, she had on a sheer house-gown with not much under, if anything at all. I leaned over and she showed me Gladys and Jim, sitting in the garden, having a morning coffee.

“I love my children and wish that they should have only the best. Don’t you agree?”

I certainly did agree. The problem was that I had a huge erection, which I could not hide and which pressed against her. Indeed, it was nearly into her. I do not know what caused the erection, the subject, her words, the nearness of an extremely attractive and desirable woman, her smell, something she put in my coffee or a form of hypnosis. I do not know, you can take your pick.

Anyway I was there, terribly embarrassed and completely without words. I felt lost. After all, it is not an accepted practice that when a suitor comes asking for the daughter’s hand, he starts by fucking the mother. I already saw myself being thrown out on my ears. The problem was that even these gloomy thoughts did nothing to reduce my erection.

Marylin added to the confusion. She did not say a word about our situation, only continued chatting about her children’s happiness. At the same time she pushed back to me in an unmistakable sign of encouragement.

In the meantime, I had a new predicament. It was a narrow window and I had to lean over her. My legs were behind her but I had hands too, which had to find some place. With one hand I embraced her from behind, cupping her breast under the gown and the other I put up the gown and started to feel her slit. I was right, she wore nothing under the gown. She was all wet. It seemed the erotic atmosphere had influenced her too. I continued to knead her breast, stroking her pussy from behind and kissing her nape. I waited for her to make the next step.

She turned her back, kissed me on the lip and whispered:

“Stop worrying. You got the message…”

I did not need more. In a second I was inside her, then I raised her up and took her to the bed, with my cock still inside her.

She was so beautiful, so desirable and such an expert lovemaker, that I showed her my capabilities at least five times. I am sure that I could have shown her more, but even her strength had limits. Frankly, I do not exactly remember what we did, but if a woman has four erogenous zones, and a man has 3 means of satisfaction, then we must have made all combinations and permutations.

At the beginning I was excited and she had the air of a schoolteacher. As we got along, she became hotter and hotter, until at the end she was a disheveled, exhausted woman who just clinged to me, weaving her arms and legs around me, whispering sweet nonsenses and shuddering with the effects of multiple orgasms.

At the end, we just rested in each other’s arms, holding each other. The morning had ended for me in a very unexpected way, but I think that it was so for her too. Very probably, she wanted to test me, but it ended differently from her plans. After a while she opened her eyes and said:

“Now you better get dressed, get to your room and have a bath. You cannot meet Gladys and Jim in such a condition. I also must make reparations on the ravages you made on me.”

When she said that she smiled and pulled down my head and kissed me on the lips, in order to show that she was not really angry about the ravages. I dressed and she accompanied me to the door, naked as she was. At the door she turned, kissed me on the lips and said:

“You are a sweet boy. Welcome to the family. I hope we shall meet again.”

With that she opened the door and I was out. I went back to my room, took a bath and was very confused. I looked down into the garden and saw Gladys and Jim walking between the trees. Somehow I did not feel like joining them. I was sure that the morning’s lovemaking was etched on my face. The more I thought about that morning, the more confused I became. She was a beautiful woman who could have any men she wanted, and most probably she did indeed. What was the reason that she initiated our encounter? I hoped that one day I would find out. Now, I am a bit anxious that I shall find out this coming Christmas.

I met the family at lunch. The discussion was very matter-of-fact about different subjects, no personal matters were mentioned. Gladys was unusually quiet, only Jim was cheerful. Late afternoon we drove back to our lodging near our university. Gladys was very quiet during the whole trip. I had the feeling that she knew about my escapade, but I could not figure out how. When we arrived to her flat, she turned to me and said:

“Mother told me that you are a very nice, promising young man, and she is glad that we are going to marry.”

Suddenly, she embraced me and whispered:

“Frank, I love you very much and I also love my family. I am glad that you and they like each other.”

With that she kissed me and ran up to her flat, shouting back that she would see me next day at the campus.

Since then, I met Marylin at the wedding and a few family occasions, but never alone and never here. This is the first visit she is going to make. Maybe now I shall solve the riddle.