A Christmas Tale – Chapter 2 – Gladys’ story

I am sure that Frank has told everything about our little family and about our private swingers’ club (). I can trust Frank that he did it accurately, without changes and additions. Whatever else he might have written about his family and early memories, I cannot add. I only know what he told me and have no individual knowledge.

When I received the two phone calls, one from Mother and the second from Stephanie, I got a bit of a shock. Stephanie’s call did not disturb me, she is a nice girl. I like her and I know that Frank loves her. If the relations between them are similar to my relations with Jim, I cannot know. I haven’t seen any signs of it yet.

I am aware of her domestic problems. I do not like her husband and am not surprised that she prefers to spend the holiday with us, away from him. In my opinion she does not need him and she ought to get a divorce, or at least a trial separation. Anyway, I am glad that she will be here. I hope Jim will try to entertain her.

The second phone call was the one which gave me the shock. I knew that Frank ought to be at home very soon. I decided to take a bath, so I could be alone. I was afraid that Frank would see the worry on my face and attempt to find the reason for it. I needed some quiet time for reflection. A hot bath is an excellent place for quiet reflection.

Mother’s impending visit disturbed me. Of course we had met many times since me marrying Frank, but always for short visits, in her or our houses, never more than one day, and for the evening, returning home. Now she will stay with us for 3-4 days, and nights.

I shall tell my story backwards, starting with me visiting Mother, together with Frank, to receive her blessing and ending four years before that visit when it all started. Of course, Jim and Mother have a lot to say about the story and in due time they will have their chance to do so.

We were invited to Mother’s, she wanted to meet Frank, because by then we were talking seriously of getting married. I was then 20, just finished my second year in college. We arrived and Mother received Frank with a show of affection. She prepared a guest room for him. I had my room of course. I would have preferred to sleep with Frank, but if she made these arrangements, well knowing that most of the time we slept together, she must have had some reason.

After dinner we were all sitting in the living room, including Jim, who arrived in the meantime, and chatting about the marriage arrangements, future prospects and plans in general. The evening was innocent enough, exactly as it should be when a family wants to meet a prospective husband to the daughter of the family. After 11 Mother got up and decided to retire for the night. On the way out, she turned around and said:

“Frank, you know, there are a number of points I would like to talk about. Why not have breakfast with me in my bedroom and we shall discuss them.”

With that she went out. I felt a bit uneasy. There was nothing more to discuss. She knew everything that she wanted to know, and anyway I was 20 and had no need for her blessing. Still, she is my mother, I love her and saw no point in not going along with her wishes.

Deeply in thought I went to my room, accompanied by Frank. Of course, Frank wanted to sleep with me but I sent him to his room, feigning indisposition. I decided to try to get to the bottom of this surprise invitation. I took a bath and put on a nightgown. I decided to visit mother and ask her what she wanted. On the way to her room, I saw light under the door of Jim’s room, so I went in.

Jim was sitting in an armchair before the open window, already in his pajamas and dressing gown. He had a tall drink in his hand. I made myself a drink, went to his chair and sat down on his knees, embracing him with my free arm, kissing him on the lips. I love my brother.

“Hello, big brother, long time no see.”

He looked up, put down his drink and drew me to him, returning my kiss and at the same time caressing my breast through the nightgown.

“Hello Princess, I missed you. I see your tits did not grow much. Maybe you need my special treatment for them?”

“Down boy, down,” said I. “I did not come here to receive treatment. If I wanted to I have Frank here and he would only be too willing to make treatments. I came here to have a talk with you, before I visit Mother asking her about that funny invitation.”

“I was thinking about it too. I like Frank and I think that you are lucky to find a guy like him. What he sees in a flat-chested girl like you, I do not know, so please grab him before he changes his mind.”

He grinned at me, showing that he is pulling my leg, clasped me to him, kissed the tip of my nose, my nipples pushing through the nightgown. I love Jim. He is a wonderful brother and superb lover.

“I do not know what Mother wants. I am afraid that she will want to enroll him in her menagerie too,” said Jim.

“I thought of the same, but then we shall not live here and she will have not much contact with Frank or me. I intend to ask her.”

“You will not get an answer from her, but try it. You go ahead, and I shall follow you in about 15 minutes. She knows about my coming, your visit will be the surprise.”

He pushed me off his knees, got up and kissed me on the lips.

“Good luck,” he whispered.

We loved each other very much and understood each other even without talking. We loved each other as sister and brother, and as sometime lovers. I admit that until the creation of our little swingers’ club, there were two men in my life, Jim and Frank. I learned what I knew about sex from Jim, and from Mother.

With that I left and went to Mother’s bedroom. I went in, the door was unlocked, she was waiting for Jim. The bedroom was half dark, only the clear starry night and the moon lighting it through the open window.

“Jim, is it you?” She asked.

“No, it is I, I want to talk to you,” I answered and went up to the bed.

“Good, hop in with me, we shall talk and have a good time as before.”

With that she opened the covers, inviting me to join her, which I did. Of course when I saw that she was stark naked, I dropped my housecoat and joined her naked. I did not want to have sex with her, or with Jim either, I wanted to talk to her about Frank. But I knew that she would order me to undress anyhow.

She took me in her arms, kissed me on the lips and then started playing with one my nipples. It was one of her favorite games. I must explain here that I have no lesbian tendencies at all. However, with mother it is different. In the last 4 years we were together so many times, with or without Jim, that I could fondle, kiss and lick her without having a second thought. I am her and she is me. She is my mother and I love her dearly, so feeling that she is squirming and moaning under my tongue gives me great pleasure. However, this evening I wanted to talked to her and not make love.

“Mother, please stop. Don’t make me hot. I came to talk to you and not to make love. Anyhow, Jim is coming soon. What will he say if he sees us making love?”

“Most probably, he would join the party, as he did many times before. But what you want to talk about?”

“You invited Frank for breakfast in your bedroom. I have some ideas about your breakfast. Please Mother, I love Frank and I would not like you to do anything which might disrupt our relationship. I love him, I want to be his wife and I want to bear his children.”

“Before making me Grandmother, please tell me why an innocent breakfast would disrupt your relationship. I can assure you that I shall be very considerate and will not do or say anything to which he might take offense.”

The door opened and in Jim walked. He went to the other side of the large bed, dropped off his clothes and disappeared under the cover on the other side of the bed. Mother still held on to me and whispered to my mouth, as she continued kissing me.

“Do not worry, little Princess, you will have your Frank, I can assure you.”

Suddenly, she stopped as Jim started to kiss her from behind. I did not know where he kissed her, but knowing Jim, I assumed that he covered all the bases. After a few minutes, while Mother held me, kissing my lips, Jim moved up and entered Mother from behind. I could not get out as she still held on to me, and now Jim’s long arms went around her and around me. Jim was caressing my back and my ass. Her hand was playing with my clit. We were so near that I felt Jim’s every move. The end was, of course, that we all three came together. It was a beautiful lovemaking. It was mother’s favorite position. She loved it when she and her two children came to orgasm at the same time.

After getting my breath back, I went back to my room, leaving Mother and Jim in each other’s arms. I fell asleep, hoping that Mother would keep her promises.

Next morning I got up, went down to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast and took my tray out to the garden. Jim was already there having coffee with toast and listening to some radio with earphones. I sat down next to him and said:

“Good morning big brother. How come you are up? I thought that you had a long night and would sleep late. Now you are already having coffee and listening to some music. By the way, since when you like listening to radio early in the morning?”

Jim removed the earphones and started grinning from ear to ear.

“I really did not have much to sleep. We had a wonderful time together, but then you know we always have good time. In fact, it was a special night. You see, I worry about you and Frank. I thought that if I satisfied Mother at night she would send him away after the breakfast. Believe me, little Princess, I made a superb effort on your behalf. I am sure that Mother will remember this night for a long time. And I am not listening to radio. I put a small radio transmitter under her bed, and now I listen to how things are going.”

I forgot to mention that Jim had just finished his studies as Electronic Engineer and radio transmitters were his specialty. He removed the earphones and turned up the volume so that we both could listen. We heard a very well-known voice.

“I love my children and wish that they should have only the best. Don’t you agree?”

It was faint, as the transmitter was near the bed and they were near the window. After this sentence there was a near silence, with only occasional rustlings, and we heard, again faintly:

“Stop worrying. You got the message.”

After this sentence we heard much stronger, as they reached the bed. We heard the unmistakable noises of a wild lovemaking. It was so noisy on the radio, and so wild, that Jim shut down the radio. He was right, we knew exactly what was happening. As I saw it, Mother had kept her word. She did not propose anything, she only put him in a situation where he had to make a choice and he had chosen to make love to her. I could not be angry with him. I knew Mother. She could seduce a plaster saint from the church if she really wanted to. I only hoped that all that Frank would have from this surprise encounter would be erotic memories and a guilty conscience.

We returned home late afternoon. We both were very quiet. Frank because of his conscience. I was afraid that if I should start talking I would disclose that I knew what had happened in the morning. The worst part for me was that I knew what happened but not why. Mother certainly had some intentions but I did not know then.

Now, as I promised I have to go back a few years and explain how it all started. I was 15 when Daddy died in a car accident. We loved him very much and the whole family was in a deep grief. Mother was still a young woman, about 35, with 2 children. We all were stricken with grief, but she had to take charge of the situation. She had two children and was responsible for them. She was wonderful. She was strong, considerate, tender and loving to us, resourceful and decisive in the family business. She did not have much social life, only we children. What brought her to it I shall leave her to tell in her turn. To us children, she was our mother, our father, friend, companion, teacher and eventually, our lover.

Mind you, we had then no sexual feeling whatsoever toward her. She was our Mom and we loved her. That she was a young, beautiful and very attractive woman played no role with us. Especially not with me. I was a shy girl, at the very beginning of sexual awareness. I started masturbating only after the age of 15, which is very late indeed. I loved Jim very much, she was my big brother and I was his little Princess, he helped me in my studies and came to my rescue whenever I needed a rescue, which was very rare indeed. I did not go out much and did not participate in social activities. Jim was different. For his 17 birthday Mother gave him a car. He used it to go to school and to parties in the evenings. I am sure that he made good use of his car and its back seat.

Mother had very little social life, and if she had any sexual connections I hadn’t noticed it. Not that I was looking for it. My quiet life went on until after my 16th birthday, when my life changed irrevocably.

One afternoon I went out to see one my schoolfriends. We decided to study together for a coming mathematics test. I told Mom that I might be home quite late. When I arrived there I found that my friend had gotten suddenly ill, so I returned home. I went in through the garden to the kitchen entrance. Before opening the kitchen door I saw through the glass pane of the door that the door between the kitchen and the living room was half open and on the glass pane of that door I could make out that there was some movement on one of the sofas of the living room. I could not make out what was there from this double reflection, so I tiptoed through the bushes to one of the windows of the living room, took a peep inside and saw Mother and Jim, sitting next to each other and kissing.

It was not exactly a kiss between Mother and son. Jim had his hand in Mother’s bra, cupping her breast and Mother’s hand was inside his jeans holding his penis. I could see that they were exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues. Jim’s hands were moving too. He released one of Mother’s beautiful breasts from the bra and with his second hand he separated her knees and put his hand under the dress. Obviously he must have done something very good to her because she went wild. She opened his pants, released his cock and started pulling it up and down with her hand. Suddenly, she put her head down and took him in her mouth. Until that I did not even know that such a thing is possible. As I said, I was a shy and withdrawn girl. I heard stories in school but most of them I did not believe. Anyway, it was not the last that I learned from the exhibitions of Mother and Jim.

I was rooted to the ground, could not move. It was the first time in my life that I saw lovemaking. I heard from girls in school who had some experience in the matter but what I heard from them was about fumbling, uncomfortable encounters on back seats of cars or park benches. This was very different. It was beautiful. I witnessed the whole scene, when he entered her, pushing his enlarged cock into her, and she accepted it with eagerness, clasping him to her with arms and legs. I stood there watching the rhythmic in-out movement before my very eyes, and her countermovements, straining against him, I heard his laborious breathing and her small sounds, between whining and moaning, which became stronger and faster, until he slammed into her and both collapsed. They remained so for a few minutes, until I saw his shiny red cock sliding out of her and she jumping up to prevent his come dirtying the sofa. Instead of that I saw the white liquid flowing out of her pussy down her leg.

She was happy, and so was Jim. She cleaned both of them, and they sat down back to the sofa, holding each other in their arms. It was obvious that it was not the first time they were together. They did not have to talk much. Each knew what the second wanted. They were a beautiful couple. Jim is tall, he is about a head taller than I am, and I am about the height of Mother. She is beautiful, with a smashing figure, he is good-looking, with short close-cropped hairs. The difference between them is a bit more than eighteen years. Mother married very young, but if you did not know the fact you could take them for a couple, with the woman a bit older than the man.

I crept away from there on tiptoes and went up to my room. This time I went in through the main entrance, and took good care not to go into the living room. Mother and Jim kept very quiet. In my room I had to change my underwear as I was all wet. I must have had an orgasm without knowing it. After a few minutes I heard them coming up the stairs and going into Mother’s bedroom, locking the door from inside. It seems that they wanted to continue the encounter and did not want to be surprised. I laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and listened to the rhythmical squeak of the bedsprings in Mother’s room. Of course, I started to masturbate like mad, and probably came together with them in the other room.

Since then I try to recollect my memories from that day. What did I really feel, when I saw my mother and my brother making love on a sofa in broad daylight, and from the sight of it, it was a lovemaking of two equal partners, with very much love between them? First of all, surprisingly, I wasn’t shocked at all. On the contrary, I had a feeling that things are as they should be. All three of us were so close that if that closeness got a physical expression then it was all right by me. My second feeling was that I got left out. I felt that I would have gladly joined them on the sofa or in the bedroom. And mind you, I was a shy and withdrawn virgin.

It was the first time but not the last. I never noticed the signs before because I had a habit of reading or watching TV in the living room, and going up to my bedroom only to sleep. I am a very good sleeper, so when I put my head on the pillow, I am already sleeping. I had no reason to suspect anything, therefore I had no reason to remain awake. Now, every time Jim was at home, I waited until he joined Mother in her bedroom and for the earthquake to start in the other room. Later on, I found that Mother loved to make love in light, so sometimes I could see them through the keyhole, in all possible positions, starting from the missionary position to sixty-nine. Once I even saw Jim turning her on her stomach and kissing her ass, fucking her with his tongue first, and then with the real thing. From her reaction I understood that she enjoyed it very much. He put his hands around her, fingering her clit, while fucking her with long strokes. I was afraid that his long and thick cock would harm her, but obviously Mother did not think so. She pressed back to him with all her strength. That was the first time that I even had a notion that such a thing is possible. Every such an encounter gave me material for my sexual fantasies to masturbate by.

Now, I know that when I saw them first it was not the first time for them. It all started a couple of months before that, but I shall leave the details to Jim to tell. Now he was away studying but still attempted to be home for most weekends. The university was about 70 miles away. Every time when he was at home, he slept with Mother. I could judge from her happy face when he was coming home, and when I would have my fuck vigil. This is how I called the thing. Luckily, he came home only for weekends, so I could properly sleep during the week.

Then I got my surprise. It was about a month after it all started, for me I mean, when one evening Mother took my arm and said:

“You know Princess, when you were a little girl you used to come to our bedroom and snuggle to me. It was beautiful. Why don’t you do it anymore?”

There was nothing much which I could say, so I said the truth:

“Then I was an innocent little girl, now I am over 16. How do I know that I wouldn’t disturb you?”

“You know that it is not true. First, for me you are always my little Princess, and second, you never disturbed me when Daddy was alive, why would you disturb me now?”

“But then I always came with Jim, not alone.”

“Well, Jim now is away studying, but when he comes home for the weekend, I won’t mind if you both come to my bed. As he is not at home today, you come alone and sleep with me tonight. My bed is big enough for the two of us. It is about time to have a girl-to-girl talk.”

“Mother, we have sex education at school. You don’t have to give me the birds and the bees stuff.”

“Maybe there are other things I want to talk about. Come on little Princess, let’s go up.”

So she took me by the hand and went up the stairs to her bedroom. I wanted to go to my room, to take my pajamas, but she said:

“Come into my room, I have a surprise for you.”

We entered the room and spread on the bed I saw two identical gorgeous, very short, nearly see-through nightshirts.

“You see, there are things that they don’t teach you at sex education class. How to be beautiful and desirable for the night. Believe me, this knowledge is worth more than all your lessons. Come one, undress and I shall teach you a basic lesson.”

So she did. She undressed me completely until I stood before her, naked as I was born. She looked at me with an appreciative look, and said:

“You look very inviting. If I would be a man, I would fall in love with you.”

She kissed me on my lips and continued preparing for the night. She combed out my hair until it fell on my shoulder, put some exciting perfume on my hand, breast and my pubic hair, and put on my nightshirt. It barely covered my hairy triangle.

“Now show me how you learned your lesson, and prepare me for the night.”

With these words I started a completely new phase in my life. Until that night I was a young girl, from that night I was a young woman. I undressed her, as she did and combed out her hair, put perfume on her and put the short nightshirt on her. She was so beautiful naked that I could not take my eyes off her. She had a beautiful face, full but not hanging breasts and beautiful hairy pubic triangle. When I put perfume on her slit, I could not help but caressing it a little, under pretense of spreading the perfume. If only I could, I would have spread the perfume with my tongue. Of course, she noticed it.

“Did you forget something, Princess?”

I looked at her, questioningly. She came to me, put her arms around me and kissed me on the lips. I felt her tongue opening my lips and intruding into my mouth. That was the first time somebody kissed me with a French kiss. It was wonderful. I felt a tingle between my legs.

“I kissed you after undressing as an appreciation to your beauty. You should do the same.”

It was easy. I took her in my arms and kissed her as she did, with open mouth and my tongue. She liked it and led me by the hand to the bed. We slid under the covers and she put out the lights. She turned to me, clasped me to her, and gently kissed me on my lips, leaving her tongue to play with mine. Suddenly she whispered into my mouth:

“Do you know how to masturbate, little Princess?”

I became all red. Luckily she could not see me. Then I answered:

“You embarrass me Mother.”

“I did not ask you whether you masturbate. I know you do, so do I. So I rephrase my question. Do you know how to cause pleasure to yourself, or to another woman?”

“I believe I do,” I whispered.

“Do you want to show it to me? I mean do to me what you usually do to yourself, so I can judge it. In plain words, make me come as you make yourself to come. If you want to I can do the same to you.”

I froze. I suddenly realized that she was asking me to make love to her and she wanted to make love to me. Did she realize my fears of being left out of her plays with Jim? Every time I saw their happy faces, overflowing with love, when they reached a simultaneous release, when they sought each other’s mouths to give a thank-you kiss, I felt that I remained in second place in both their affections. I was their daughter and sister, they were happy lovers to each other. Now she was offering me a chance to be her lover too. I was too confused to answer. She understood my confusion and, knowing quite well what my decision would be, took my hand, kissed the tip of my fingers, and guided my hand between her legs.

“Go ahead, Princess, make me happy,” she murmured.

I was still confused a bit, with my hands between her legs, when I felt that her hand was creeping down between my legs. She raised my shirt and started to caress me, gently, very gently. It felt wonderful. She had light hands, and the perfume which we sprayed on ourselves was intoxicating. I started to do the same to her. It was not really much different than what I was doing to myself, nearly every evening, certainly on nights when Jim was sleeping with her. Suddenly she removed my shirt altogether, and started teasing and kissing my breasts.

The bed started to come alive and I heard the telltale squeaks of springs. Without knowing it, we started to make love. We were playing with each other’s clits, and moving in rhythm with caresses. Suddenly she stopped kissing my breasts, slid down the bed and I found that instead of her fingers she had her tongue on my clit. It felt wonderful. I thought that I should go out of my mind. She kissed my labia and went on to kiss my ass. Just as I saw Jim doing it to her, she started tonguing my ass.

I could not stand any more. I turned around and did the same to her. I started licking her clit, put my finger up her ass which was already wet from her pleasure and then raised her legs and put my tongue deep into her. We were jumping on the bed, holding to each other and not stopping to lick each other for a minute. It was wonderful. In all my masturbations I never had an orgasm like this. She enjoyed it too. She was moaning while licking my clit and pumping my ass with her finger.

Suddenly we became quiet. We both came at the same time. I still had enough energy to open her vagina with my fingers and stick my tongue in as deep as I could. She convulsed once more, and then we were lying exhausted with our heads in each other’s lap.

After a while she turned around, embraced me and gave me small butterfly kisses on my lips, face, neck and breasts.

“I love you, now you are not only my daughter, you are my lover too,” she said, and continued kissing me until we returned to our lovemaking. We were insatiable and could not have enough. At long last we fell asleep in each other’s arms. When I woke up in the morning, I was not sure whether it was a dream, or we had really become lovers. Only when I felt that I was laying in Mother’s arms, as I did when I was a little girl, did I realize that it was no dream.

Mother woke up too. She smiled when she saw me beside her, pulled my head to her and kissed me on my lips. Not a mother’s kiss but of a lover. She felt my arms tightening around her, but it seems that he decided that the first lesson was enough.

“We have to get up little Princess. We might meet again tonight, if you want to.” And she got out of bed.

Of course I wanted to. All day I couldn’t think of anything else, but the coming night with her.

At long last night came. We went up to her room and did the ritual of undressing, anointing with perfume and dressing the short shirt. Only this time she left the light on after we slid into the bed. She took me into her arms and said that she wanted to teach me a new position. With that she pulled up both our nightshirts, laid on me so that our legs were inside our other legs. This caused each of our clits to come into contact with a leg. The ensuing friction gave a strong sensation, much stronger that the butterfly kisses of the night before. The climax was like a sledgehammer, compared to the slow buildup of climax caused by her tongue.

After recovering my breath I told her about the difference in feeling. She laughed. She said that she knew it very well, but this type of lovemaking was much more similar to lovemaking with a man than the other form.

“Mother, I am still a virgin and do not have a boyfriend. I am still far from that type of lovemaking.”

“First, I do not think that you are a virgin anymore. If I remember last night we made love at least 3 times, and tonight you already had a beautiful climax. Your hymen might be still intact but it is a technical matter. You don’t want to become a nun, do you?”

I started to see what direction she was heading but I kept quiet, only shook my head.

“Yesterday you told me that you used to come to my bed with Jim and I said that I do not mind if you both come. I meant it, I thought you did too.”

I suddenly realized that she knew my little secret and yesterday’s invitation and the sweet, love-filled night was a prelamination to the next night. Jim was coming home for the weekend. I hid my face in her breast.

“How did you find out that I know about you and Jim?” I whispered to her.

“Oh, I knew it all along, and so did Jim. You should remember that if you see somebody’s reflection in a mirror or a windowpane, most probably that person can see you too. But all this is not so important.”

She pulled me up to her mouth, kissed me on the lips and continued:

“Little Princess, I love you very much and you know it. I love you as a mother since the time I kept you in my arms as a little baby and I love you as a woman who made love to you last night and to whom you made love to. Just so, I am a loving mother to Jim and also a devoted lover. I do not see any contradiction. If I want to make you both happy, I do not see any reason to withhold something which truly makes us happy, you as well as me. When I felt you shuddering last night from the strength of your orgasm, I felt proud as a mother that I have such a beautiful and sensual daughter. This, in addition to the orgasm I had. The same with Jim. When he is coming deep inside me, and spouting his seed, I feel proud as a mother that I have such a son and I feel happiness as a woman that I have such a beautiful and strong lover. Did you know that whenever he is at home, he makes love to me 3-4 times a night?”

“I did not know the exact number but I knew that it must be a lot. You know that whenever he is with you, I keep awake and I participate in your lovemaking in my thoughts. Oh Mother, you cannot know what a beautiful sight it is to see you and Jim making love.”

“I think that we should do something so that you will be with us not only in thoughts,” said mother.

With that we became so aroused that she put out the light and we fell at each other, making sweet love, nearly to morning. It was wonderful. We both had multiple orgasms. Before falling asleep, I murmured in her ears:

“Will you not be jealous seeing me with Jim? After all, he is your lover and I might take him away from you.”

“When you saw me making love with Jim, did you feel jealousy or a wish to participate, not to be left out? Don’t forget that you are both my children. If I shall see you making love to each other, I shall be truly happy.”

She mused and then added with a smile:

“I think that Jim will be so excited with us around, that he will be able to satisfy both of us. Do you know that he wanted to seduce you from the beginning? I stopped him, I was afraid that you would be frightened by the huge weapon he has. With me around I shall take good care that you will have only pleasure and no pain.”

And so it happened. Next day Jim came home for the weekend and Mother told him the news. During supper we did not say much, after the meal we were sitting with Mother on the famous sofa, in sweet anticipation. We were sitting quietly, holding Mother’s hands, like two small children, and watching TV. I do not know what we saw, I am sure that none of us knew. At long last Mother got up, smiled at us and said:

“Children, isn’t it time to go to bed?”

The rest of the night went as a blur. We went up in a cloud of sexual tension so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. In the bedroom we just tore off our clothes and fell into the bed. If Mother would not have kept a bit of her sense, Jim would have attacked me at the beginning. He was terribly aroused at the thought of taking my virginity and at the sight of my naked body. I was also aroused from seeing his huge penis jutting out, thick and red. I was proud that his arousal was done by my body and by the thought that we would make love.

First, Mother put me on my back and started kissing my clit, quickly bringing me to orgasm. Then she changed places with Jim and he continued licking me and Mother sucked him, until he nearly came in her mouth. She stopped before that stage and let him rest on his back. She helped me to sit over him and gently guided me on to him. I was so delated from the previous orgasms, and Jim was so hardened from Mother’s ministrations that he clasped me to him with such a force that he passed my hymen without me feeling anything but pleasure. Mother had kept her word, but then she always did.

It was a night which I shall never forget. Jim became a raging superman. Mother had succeeded in creating such an erotic atmosphere that Jim had a practically constant erection. Mother was right. My inclusion in their love life did not deduct anything. If anything it added to it. I do not remember the exact details of that night, I only remember a trio of twirling bodies on the large bed, enjoying every moment of it, until we fell asleep, utterly exhausted. By then already the first lights of the morning intruded through the open window.

This is the story of my deflowering. Since then I have heard from many of my friends how they lost their virginity. If I compare their stories with my memory then I should be eternally grateful to Mother for providing me with a beautiful experience, and not go through fumbling, inexperienced groping, with sharp pain and feigned pleasure. I had not pain, I had only pleasure.

I can only add one more sentence. Life with Mother and Jim was so beautiful that I did not look for outside contacts. Nothing could have compared with our meetings in twos or threes, no pain, no jealousy, only love and pleasure. It went on until I started studying and met Frank. I still love Jim, as a brother and lover, and I adore Marylin, as mother and lover. But I have Frank and I want to build my life with him. I know that Jim understands me and since my marriage he behaved correctly, in a brotherly way. So did mother, but we never had opportunities to behave differently. Now, we shall be under one roof for 3-4 days, and nights.

I got out of the bathtub, dried myself, dressed and went to meet Frank. At least I wiped the worry from my face, if not from my mind.