a kid to fuck in jail 3

The days passed quickly, Dad was relegated to the role of a rag doll, having to watch Mom being fucked by the inmates. To make matters worse, Mother took a lot of satisfaction and pleasure when her tormentors blew out her orifices pushing in more and more cock. She wriggled each time and Father had to accept 2 cocks in the ass, screaming loudly in pain. I sat not far away and rubbed my pussy and balls looking at all this, at that moment one of the guards came up to me and announced that Father and I had a hearing in 10 minutes. They led my father out naked and handcuffed, I followed them and masturbated wildly. When we got to the courtroom I couldn’t stand it, I ran up to my father and immediately started fucking his bitchy anus. I pounced on him like a monkey, slamming his dick with all my might. It must have hurt him terribly because he howled out loud. The judge looked at us with an expression of disgust, the verdict came quickly. Dad was to undergo a special operation to become a hermaphrodite like me. I moaned loudly and listened to the verdict with delight. I slid off my father and inserted my nylon-clad foot into his asshole. My father was all alone by now, he suddenly began to moan as piece by piece my foot plunged into his anus. Overjoyed, I spewed my dick and clit and began to insert my other foot into his asshole. I heard a hard slam and the old man’s sphincter let go. I pushed both feet into him until I finally plunged my dupe and cock into him as well. The judge banged his gavel and ordered us to be led away, with only my top half sticking out of my Father’s asshole. When we reached the cell they led my Mother over to us. She stank of cum on the kiletr. they started stuffing her cunt on my head. Slowly my head and shoulders plunged into her cunt from which they had once emerged. After an hour I was stuck in her pussy, licking the juices from the walls, with one hand cradling my father’s cockhead with the other riding inside my mother. Until I can’t wait what the next few days will bring.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅