A Man Need Help

I’m Anna I’m 15 and I’m very shy. My father has contacted the local government across our town. They have people who stand up for young people who have various problems. I’m a geek who loves computers and computer games; my big passion is aquariums and fish.

I have an aquarium of 1000 liters with Malawi cichlids. However, I have become more interested in small aquariums. In any case, I left a wish for someone who wanted to be my support person.

After 4 weeks there was an answer, the problem was that I was a girl. He refused and after much discussion, the father asked the guy directly, please, why don’t you want to be a support person for my daughter?

He said it’s not your daughter it’s wrong it’s the new rape law. The Feminist law basically says if the girl says I did something I go to jail no matter if she’s lying or telling the truth. I can’t put myself through that.

Dad asked if we could meet to talk and he agreed. We met and I got to see his premises, an old industrial premises in two parts, one part was rented out to a workshop and the other part was his hobby premises.

There were 2 changing rooms one for girls and one for boys. We looked at all the fish it was wonderful. We sat down and started talking over some coffee. Dad said how can we solve this because you don’t look like a man that raped.

He laughed and said the only possible no, no, What Then said Father. Well, let’s say we write a contract that says, I get to squeeze her breasts and rape her and all that so no one can say I didn’t do anything that wasn’t agreed about.

Before Dad and he could say no, that is crazy and he can’t do a contract like this, I said, I do it. I trust you and I would love to be here to help you. I don’t care if you look at my body or squeeze my breasts.

They look at each other and Dad looks at me and says are you sure Anna? I ask Dad “Does he look like a bad man? The government checked all the people too, the website said it. I didn’t know if it was true” and he said NO he looked like Grandpa.

The Contract

Can I start on Monday? I will sign the contract send me an email and I and Dad will sign it. The email with the contract arrived. First an apology from Frank I’m terribly said for writing this contract that violates everything I believe in.

Anna must obey me, she must undress naked if I want, Or I have the right to undress her if I want. Finger, Oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex are allowed. Rape, or any other form of reluctant sex is allowed as long as I want it. Anna must use contraceptives such as P pills, P sticks, or similar. It is okay to squeeze the breasts, buttocks, and other parts of the body.

The list was long and I asked Dad about some like Oral, Dad got red in his face and he said go and talk to Mom. I take the contract and ask Mom. Mom looks like she didn’t believe the contract are you sure my daughter?

I say I trust him and Dad and I understand is the stupid new law that makes him do this. I say he doesn’t have that horny look as guys have so I trust him. Mom says okay you want the Mom and Daughter Talk? Yes, I say.

Mom and Daughter Talk

Mom says what you want to know? Oral sex? Is when you suck on his cock that he comes inside your mouth and swallow his sperm. Guys like this.

Mom how it feels to have a man squeeze your breasts? What do men like to do? They like to suck on them and kiss them. Take off your T-shirt and your bra. She calls Dad and he comes. She says to Dad squeezing Anna’s breast.

He was red in his face and said NO. Mom looks at Dad just do it he comes close to me and he squeezes my breast and Mom says kiss them too. Dad says NO just do it Mom says and he kisses my breast. So, now you know what it feels like.

Oral sex she says, what do you know about a cock? I say not much it is hard when the man is horny. I looked at Mom and I felt my face turn red. Mom says to Dad come here. Dad looked like he wanted to go.

Anna, this is our secret what happened here is what my Mom did with me and Grandpa when I was 15 and before that my Grandma’s Grandma, It is better to know things so when it happens you know is nothing bad.

Mom pulls down my Dad’s Jeans and underwear and I see Dad’s cock for the first time in my Teen years. His cock was hard and Mom say look now. You move your hand up and down and you can pull the skin down so you see the red top.

Anna stand on your knee, I obey my Mom. I look up and Dad’s cock is in front of me. Mom says this I do to teach you so you can never blame Dad for this as I forcing him.

YOU are doing a contract with a man and you must understand what this contract is and what you must do with the man if he wants. I look at Mom and Dad and his cock.

Mom says put your hand around your Dad’s cock. I look at Mom but I obey and put my hand around Dad’s cock and Mom says pull your hand up and down. I obeyed her and she said good my Daughter kiss your Dad’s top.

I look at Mom but I see I have no choice and I kiss my Dad’s cock. Dad moaned lightly as I peed his cock. Mom said now Anna open your mouth and let your Dad’s cock slide into your mouth.

I looked up and I saw Dad’s panic in his eyes. Mom said you two have negotiated this contract so you two will be responsible for this contract and above all Anna you are the one who has to understand the contract.

I open my lips and let Dad’s cock slide into my mouth. Mom says suck like an ice cream up and down. I begin to suck my Dad’s cock and I suck for a short time. I felt Mom’s hand in my hair and I heard Mom say come now in her mouth. I panic and Dad comes into my mouth and Mom says Swallow.

I swallowed my Dad’s sperm and I felt Mom let me go. Good My Daughter, my Mom begins to pull off my jeans and my panties. I was naked with Mom and Dad and she say suck your Dad’s cock hard.

I look at Mom and I know those eyes are Dark, Hard, That tells you Hell will open if you do not obey her. She gets them sometimes and I will always obey her when she is like that. I begin to suck Dad’s cock hard.

I suck and soon his cock is hard. Mom says to stand on all four I obey and Mom says you know what to do. Dad looks at Mom but he obeys Mom. I felt my Dad’s hands on my hips and he stands behind me.

I felt his cock against my pussy and before I knew it his cock was pushing against my pussy and his cock begin to slide into my pussy. My pussy opens up and more and more of his cock slides deeper inside me.

Soon it was all inside me. Dad begins to fuck me. He pulls out a bit and pushed in and out and in and soon he was fucking me. I felt Dad come inside me. Mom says good my daughter.

Dad was fucking me and he come inside me. But I was on the pill so I was not worried about being pregnant. So, My Daughter now you can sign the contract. Go and shower with your Dad.

Dad and I go to the shower together. I turn on the water and I say Dad can you squeeze my breast a bit? He begins to play with my breast. He begins to play with my breast and he says Anna can you suck my cock one more time.

I look down at his cock and I go down on my knee and I slowly take his cock into my mouth. I begin to suck his cock as I have already done it one time so I can’t say No to Dad.

I begin to suck and Dad says Oh so good. I felt the first load of sperm come into my mouth and I swallowed his sperm that came time after time. Dad says Thanks Anna we shower and after Mom says now you can sing it with Dad and send it over to the man.

The Night Come

I went to my room early that night. I heard Mom and Dad Talk and Dad was not happy, but not angry. She needs to learn, She is a Big Girl, It’s just sex Mom says. Anna will be good with a bit of experience. It was some of the things Mom said to Dad. I felt my pussy hurt a bit.

I understand my Mom wanted to protect me so I know what can happen to me. I was grateful for my Mom teaching me. I was okay with my Dad as he just did as Mom told him to do.

I close my eyes and try to remember the feeling of Dad’s cock sliding into my pussy. I take my finger and let it slide into my pussy. It was not the same feeling but it was all I had. I fell asleep and I woke up the next morning.


Dad asks me when we eat breakfast if he can send the contract to Frank. I say yes. Mom asks are you sure now? I say yes. Okay, she said to Dad let us all Sign it and send it. She signed it and Dad did too.

Mom gave it to me I Signed it too. She says I must go. I was alone with Dad. He had his underwear in him and I was in my bra and paints. Dad looks at my breasts, I have never seen that before.

Dad says Anna can you do something for me? Sure, I say, what Dad? Can we do it like yesterday? I look at Dad everything? I look at Dad. He pulls down his underwear and takes out his cock.

I go down on my knee and I take his cock in my mouth. I begin to suck my Dad’s cock and he unbuttoned my bra and I let it fall on the floor. He squeezed my breast as I let him play with my breast.

I suck his cock slowly up and down and I felt his cock get harder and he come, lode and lode of sperm come. It was still new for me but I swallowed his sperm. I stand up and he lifts me up on the table and I see Dad pull off my panties.

He was still hard and I felt his cock against my pussy. I felt my pussy open for his cock and he pushes it all inside. He begins to fuck me and I see Mom in the window, Mom waved and smiled at me and disappeared.

I thought about Mom and wondered if she was angry with me and Dad. I woke up from my thoughts when I felt him come inside me. Dad, I must shower and go to Frank. Okay, go my girl. I hope you will love the fish tanks.

He kissed me and said to be home at 18.00 I went to the shower and I felt Dad’s sperm drop down on my legs so I ran fast into the shower. I begin to shower and clean my pussy. I think will I be Dad’s girl all the time.

Frank, The First Day

I call Frank, and I say I have the contract and ask if is it okay for me to come over. Hi! Anna sure if the contract is okay then you are welcome. I smile and say I come in 10 minutes so see you soon. I end the call and go to my bicycle.

I was soon outside Frank’s place and I rang the doorbell and I waited. Frank soon open and I gave him the contract. He smiles and looks at me. He says welcome to my place and he let me inside.

You can take the girls to the room and put your clothes there. You will find an old T-shirt that I think will be better for you when you work with me. I go to the changing room and I find a pink towel.

I find a white T-shirt with a big fish on it. I take off my top and I put on the T-shirt and I go and look for Frank. I found him cleaning the window of his biggest tank it was amazing 20 x 5 x 5 Feet He had 4 big RedTails catfish and Frank said do you like them? Yes, they are so big.

So, Anna do you like the T-shirt yes but it is a bit too small but is okay. I think it looks okay on you. He smiled and said do you want to help? He gave me a long brush so I could clean the window of the large aquarium.

Frank told me that it was built in wood and fiberglass and he explained how it was built while I was hanging on the Aquarium to reach the bottom. I felt the shirt getting wet when I leaned too far down.

One of my breasts got wet and I got up and said oops. Frank looked at me and then he said only things like that happen. That’s why I wanted you to change your shirt. I felt my bra wet too.

I looked down and I saw that the shirt was translucent so you could see the shape of my breast. Frank looked at me but he didn’t show that he saw my nipple and the shape of my breast.

I relax and I continue to clean the tank. We talked and had a fun time. He showed me the place and all the tanks it was an amazing day. He says I think is time for us to end this day.

He says you see the pink towel is yours. You will smell bad after a day’s cleaning so you can shower before you go home. He smiled but today, I think it was a slow first day but fun.

When we begin to clean the filter inside the tanks it will be different. I go to the changing room and put up my bra and the T-shirt to dry and I put on my T-shirt and I go out and say goodbye to Frank and hug him and say Thank you.

Back Home

I was so happy it was amazing to spend time with Frank. Mom had the dinner ready and we ate, I told Mom and Dad about my day. Mom looks at me and says you don’t have your bra on Anna? Yes, it was wet from cleaning the Tank.

I smile and say Frank was a gentleman Mom. He didn’t even look at me. Mom smiled and laughed a bit. So, he sees your breast? Yes, I think so but he didn’t care what I saw. We all ate and Dad took a beer and we were alone.

I help Mom to clean the kitchen and Mom says Anna if Dad is horny is okay to say No if you don’t want to do it. But is okay to make your dad happy too, is up to you. I did it many times with Grandpa as a young girl.

We talk a bit about old men and Frank. It was a good talk and Mom talked about guys and life. Her experience as a young teen girl. I went to bed early because it was a long day with Frank.

The follow Weeks

Frank and I start to get to be good friends. He gave me a lot of new fish and I was happy. I learned Frank had a small Sauna in his changing room. I was a bit jealous of Frank but what can I do?

I was cleaning the big tank as Frank was working on the small tanks on the other side of the room. I stood on my stool and leaned over the edge and then it slid away and I fell head over heels into the big aquarium.

All of a sudden I was swimming with the big Red Tail catfish. Frank came running and he saw me standing on the bottom of the aquarium. I tried to get up but my clothes were so heavy that I had to take off my pants and my shirt.

It was the first time I was almost naked with Frank. Frank helped me up and lifted me over the edge. Frank was looking at me and I remember I had my white bra and pants on because Mom had not cleaned the ones I had just before.

I look down and I see my breast and I know he sees my breast and the black spot in the G-string I had on me today. Frank laughed and said, “Anna you are not a fish”. I smiled and said I’m a mermaid I laughed.

I looked down and I decided to take off my bra to wring all the water out of the bra. Frank looked at my breasts I smiled and say Frank you see them in my wet bra now you can see them without my bra.

My First Time with Frank

I say to Frank I go and shower and Frank says me too is Friday and I will take a beer and go inside my sauna. He follows me and then he goes to his changing room. I go and I take off my clothes and I go into the shower.

I start to shower and I think about what just happened Frank sees me naked. So, Now is done and he sees me naked. I was jealous of his sauna. What will happen if I go into his changing room? To be completely naked with Frank will he do like Dad and fuck me.

I was done and I put the pink towel around my body. I walk over to Frank’s changing room I open the door and go inside the room. I carefully knocked on the shower room and I walked inside he was in the sauna.

Frank was naked and he looked at me and he said Anna if you want to be here you must be naked. I take off my towel and sit down beside him. Frank looked at me and he said so…

I look at him and I say So… You see me almost naked today and I am jealous of you that can have a sauna at the end of the day. So, now you have me naked here and We have the contract so…

Mmmm, I don’t think you are in any dangerous place as we agree you can squeeze any body part you like. Mom tells me about boys and what they can do. I look at Frank and I look down between his legs and his cock is hard.

I see Frank was thinking of something and he says Anna… You want the contract and my rights to come true? I was quiet and I saw his hand coming closer to my breast and I felt his hand squeezing my breast.

He kisses me and he begins to play with my breast. I sit there and let him play with my breast and I see his cock get harder and bigger. I say Mom says guys want girls to suck their cock and the contract says that too.

I look at him and the time stops. I bend down and I take his cock in my mouth and I begin to suck his cock. He says Anna, Hoo God Anna and I suck some more and he says ANNA like he was desperate.

He comes in my mouth lode after lode and I swallow his load of sperm. I suck his cock hard as my Dad teaches me even if Frank’s cock was already hard it gets a bit harder as I suck his cock.

I sit up and look at him and say Frank is it something more you want to have that is in the contract? He looks at me and he says I think you know what I want and I stand up and I ask here or in the bed you have outside the changing room?

He looked at me and say I think the bed is the best but you think you can sit in my lap a bit? I see his hard cock and it was standing up. I do as he wanted and I felt his cock against my pussy and I felt his hand helping his cock.

I felt it happen his cock open up my pussy and it slides inside my pussy as I sit down in his lap. I look at Frank as I felt his cock go all the way inside. His cock was much bigger than my Dad’s.

I felt him push his cock in and out in a small push and he says ride Anna on my cock. I begin to move my body up and down and he sounds happy. I felt his hand on my breasts and him kissing me on my shoulder.

I felt him come inside me and he looked at me and said is it sure you take birth control pills? I say yes all is in the contract. I was still riding his cock slow and his cock begin to be harder again.

He kisses me and says Anna you are beautiful like an Angel he squeezes my breasts as he says it. I say I think you have been looking at my breasts. I do he confessed and I laughed, why have you waiting so long?

I am not like that he says. I say, Mom has warned me about this. So, I am curious and I want to see what is like. We go and shower and we go to the bed and I lay down and he come on top and I felt his cock slide inside me.

He begins to fuck me I was fucking with a man old like Grandpa. I felt his big body on top of me. He was heavy but I hope he is done soon. I feel the last hard push and he says Oh, Oh, God and I feel the feeling of him coming inside me.

He rolls off me and he says You, Anna, can you keep this a secret right? I looked at him and said yes if you let me be with you and your fish I love to be here. He kissed me and said of course.

It was time for me to go home. So I said to Frank I must go home now. I kiss him and he rolls off me. I stand up and I go and shower. I stand in the shower thinking about what I did with Frank.

The Next Day

I come to Frank’s place early and I find him cleaning the Big Tank. He looks happy and I hug and kiss him. He says I miss you, Anna. I laughed and said me too. He was more happy in a crazy way it was like he was 10 years younger.

I go and change my clothes but this time I put on my bikini top and jeans shorts and go down to Frank. He looks at me and his eyes look hungry. I begin to clean the small aquarium windows from the algae.

He came up behind me and I felt his hands slide inside my bikini bra. His hand squeezed my breast and he kissed me on the neck. I was standing on a small stool, you know, the round one that rolls around and you move it easily.

I felt him unbutton my jean shorts. He pulled down my panties slowly. I felt his hard cock against my ass. I knew what was going to happen and as we had the contract and I opened the door to it I knew it was just to accept it.

I felt my pussy begin to open as his cock was pushing harder against my pussy. He and I felt his cock slide into me. He begins to move his cock in and out so he can come deeper inside me. His cock is so big.

He pulls off my bikini top and he begin to fuck me harder and he put my hand around my breasts. I stood there and I was completely naked with Frank behind me enjoying my body.

He begins to fuck me and I felt time after time his cock slide in and out of me and I was waiting for him to come. I heard him say Oh God, Now, Now, Now, I come and I felt it happen.

He says Thanks Anna I ask Frank are you done with me and I smile. He looked at me and I knew he was not done. So I let the cloth lay on the floor and I continued to clean the tanks. It was exciting in some strange way.

To have a man looking at my body to be naked and walk around naked as he was looking at me. I know he was horny and wanted more. I was waiting for him to take me one more time.

I didn’t need to wait for a long time. He comes and he says Anna, hummm can we do it one more time? You are naked and it makes me crazy. I was still standing on the stool and I smiled and he took up his mobile.

He takes a photo of me naked. I was surprised and I said Frank and I smiled sorry Anna I must have some memories from this time of my life. He continued to take photos of me and I didn’t say No.

It was a new feeling to be photographed by a man naked. My Mom’s voice screams to me don’t let it happen in my head. But more and more photos were taken of me. He gets more comfortable taking nude photos of me.

He said slowly and carefully, can you suck my cock while I film? I tried to understand and before I could say no, he pulled me by the hand so I got down from the stool and he said come now.

I got down on my knees and started sucking his cock. He was filming me now and I was wondering how this was going to end. I suck and I felt him come inside my mouth as lode after lode comes.

Frank looks at me and I say what more Frank? He says can you ride on my cock. I ask you want to film it too? Yes sure he says I look at him and I say I don’t know girls in school say it can come online.

I ended up doing as he wanted as he wanted. He films me sucking his cock and riding his cock. The days went going and Frank enjoyed my body as I enjoyed his fish tanks but in the end, all good ends and I stopped going to Frank.

My experience with Frank was a good experience and he was a good teacher. I was his toy and I was happy in one way in another way it was a lot of work to keep him happy.


Grandpa and Mom was another story maybe I tell it later. I go to Grandpa one Dad he was hugging me a lot and then he kisses me as I sit in his lap. Then he started to unbutton my blouse and his hand slid inside. It was the beginning of a new life with Grandpa. I maybe tell you more if you want it. Hug Anna

Dark Dreams