A Police Case

My travels through the ranks of the police force

Even before I went to uni I had decided on a police carear. Not one of the policemen that they dress up as if they are going to war these days. But one who eventually sits in a smart uniform at a large mahogany desk.
Got my degree, passed Hendon with flyin colours ended up as PC Ray Allen in a small town in the south of Engrand I was to accompany a Sergeant to aquaint me with one of the “beats” He was obviously well known in the area popping his head in shops acknowledging people in the street . Then we went into a tobbaconist who gave us a nod anf we past the counter to the back upstairs and into a sparesly furnished room he sat me down in an armchair and stood in front of me
“Now young Allen some young keen lads like yourself need a little help up the ladder and I am just the man to do it so how about it?”
And he unzipped his pants and brought out a flacid penis
I took it in my hand licked the mushroom and sucked it in, as it grew it took it deep and sucked its full length as hard as I could he was holding my head and gasping his hips thrusting before he jerked and I took his full load managing to swallow most of it spitting onto the floor and wipeing my chin on his shirt
“Oh my god lad that was good”
“Got to be a guarentee Sarge we can improve on this if my chances do”
“”I can speak to somebody I know who can helpCan you come to my place after shift tonight”
We left the shop and carrid on walking before getting back to the station

Knockng off I phoned his number and he gave me ab address and it wasn’t far and was obviously a block of flats I was soon let in he was in a dressing gown there was only one bedroom he led me in and stripped me I kicked off shoes and socks and we were facing each other naked he fondled ny cock and me his his eyes widened as mine grew I am big 9″ when fully hardened he was i guess no more than 7″ He knelt and greedily took it sucking for dear life I was in his throat, he was gagging his arms around my athletic thighs
My hands holding his head eventually he pulled away and knelt against the edge of the bed
“There’s a tube in the drawer there”
“I found it and liberally lubed his hole then my head then finding my way through his quivering cheeks found the bud and gently pushed it didn’t take much and I was in my shaft sliding easily against his ass walls. 6” in and he was screaming I had my arms around his waist wanking his stiff cock, the final inches he was sobbing and then i began to fuck him harder and harder faster and faster until he was limp just as I spunked into him. I withdrew and lay as he eventually lay beside me
“That in the shop was a kind of trial this is the real me”
I stroked his head “thats fine you keep your promise and It can be wonderful”
“Will you punish me for being naughty?”
“Of coarse what do you use?”
“The cane is in the cupbored I hid it in case you didn’t agree”
I retrieved it a long rattan cane and swished it getting the feel of it inspecting his buttocks I can see very faint welts
“do you want to discuss the the discipline”
“Yes yes”
“No I am going to give you six stroke across your bottom for being naughty do you understand ”
“yes master I understand”
I brought down the first stoke leaving a red welt
“did you like that?”
“Oh yes master”
Stroke after stroke asking him if he understood his punishment asking him if he accepted the pain
Leaving his buttocks with 6 straight welts 2 red and 4 blue all six raised
He turned over “thank you do you want to stay”
I was on lates so agreed he made a quick meal and we we went to bed in the 69 sucking each others cocks

Shifts and other matters meant we didn’t see each other for weeks and I was beginning to worry when he rang be ready Sunday civilian clothes ar 2.00 a taxi will pick you up
Sure enough everything on the dot and I was dropped off at a expensive looking house in what was obviously a upper middle class district.
The door was opened by a slim handsome man i would say in late forties
We sat in the lounge and he introduced himself as Chief Inspector Adams
“You will be taking the Sergeants Exam these are the Q & A’s so don’t fail!!”
“This is my favour for Sergeant Aimes now you do a favour for me”
Expecting it it was quite easy as I hadn’t much on and soon stood naked and flacid I was he took a photo
“Now bring yourself full hard”
“I could do with a little help to reach full sir”
He reached forward and wanked me to my full 9″ stapping back he took another photo
“Excellent follow me”
W e went upstairs to for what was for a house like this a sparsley furnished bedroom
He kicked off slippers and dropped of a dressing gown and boxers and we were facing each othe naked. For a brief moment we paused then began to fondle each others cocks then he put his arms around me and we kissed, passionately, one arm around each other the other hand working each others cocks
Our tongues were probing each others mouths whe we parted for a second and he gasped “I think its cock time don’t you?”
And as if wecould read each others mind we backed to the bed lay in the 69 and replaced our tongues with cocks.
He was average but a very good suck he was very experienced as he had mine down his throat. We had been passionate loveing even but I knew what was coming but which way?
We eventually parted and sat on the side of the bed
He had his arm around me
“Well which way PC Allen?”
“Well I’m big sir could you manage?”
“Good point the sergeant says you nearly knocked him out”
“Well a little more than nearly sir but I will do whatever you either demand or ask”
“Very well young man
the lube is under the pillow and if you can lay me over a couple of pillows”
I soon had him arrangd and lubed he reache back and pulled his cheeks apart allowing me easy entryhe allowed his cheeks to close and reached forward to grip the headboard. I was in him before he could draw breath inch by inch fucking as each inch deepened now I was there my balls slapping his buttocks now I could really control! He was sobbing his slim body trembling ‘this is wonderful sir” “Oh…..yes ugh my .. lover!!!”
I couldn’t last with one last thrust I came my spunk pouring into him

Later he explained to me that this was a different district from mine and he was in line for promotionto Superintent and had plans for me but must get me on the ladder which what my very early sergeants exam was for
He wouldn’t tell me what the plans were nor would the sergeant
So I passed of course as everybody expected a clever graduate would
Meanwhile as a couple of years went by I was fucking the sergeant silly as a reward my promotion came through
And I was told to prepare myself for a transfer but when it did it was to who was now Superintendent Adams District
I kept my head down for another year. got a bit of a nickname DESK JOCKEY but my work rate and results then the opportunity for Inspector came up and of course Superintendent Adams was on the panel
It took a while but it came through and to celebrate I was invited to the Superintendents home Only it wasn’t a celebration I was welcomed by Mrs Adams who was on her own
We got on very wellI didn’t ask why this had dome about but here we were drinking tea and eating cakes and chatting away.She was a lady of about 50 rond about the Spers age very small I towered over her she must have been about 5.0 foot but she was what I politely call tubby that is she was large breasted and hipped we gave the impressio of a very attactive ball because she was facialy a very beautiful women and of course with their money dressed inpeccably
We were on first name terms so when she lay her hand on mine until she began to explain
“I know about my husbands sexual preferance and i know he has picked you as a partner and I know that your promotions and ones to come will because your his partner”
I was stuttering I knew about the promotions of course I wasn’t stupid
“Now heres the difficult part dear My husband owes mea lot climbing this ladder requires networking entertaining etc you will learn that as you begin your climb”
“But he has never given me sexualsatisfaction, I wanted a child but had to adopt, in other words i haven’t felt fulfilled as a woman
She looked into my eyes “Can you?”
“Mary you are a very atractive woman but how can you think about it when you know what I do with him?”
“Thats just it Ray I do know I know he trusts you”
“Ok If I even think about it two things YOU have no other lover and HE has know other lover
I wont be used any more than that and I won”t expect any other preference than I won’t be transfered so i can settle down”
Her face lit up she grabbed the phone and went into the Hallway the conversation went on for a good 15 minutes’
When she came back “we agree with everything Ray every single thing and thank you so much” she bent down and kissed me
I kissed her back just a peck stood up and took her by the hand leeding her up the stairs, which one i asked she nervously pointed to a door. It was sumptious i shut the door quietly ‘do not at any time in anyway mention him”

I then began to undress in minutes i was naked and in the bed on my side. “Now show me she blushed and slowly ubuttoned her blouse revealing a pretty half cup bra wriggling out of her skirt showed a matching pair of high leg panties
She hesitated then reached back to unhook her bra and a wonderful smooth dropped but not drooped she had obviously had the done but not one of those stupid celebrity type leaving them looking like melonss these wonderful things had the slightest lift making her the same size and shape as in her youth
She stepped out of her panties and as she did her breasts looked so wonderfu
Discarding her panties thank god her vulva was totally smooth her labia lips smooth and plump.

i beckoned her and she came we kissed I held her breasts cupped one and nibbled her nipple
I began to slide down the bed she held my head and said falteringly “I’ve never done it nobody has ever been down there well not like that”
“But you have prepared it so well it is beautiful” and I continued down parting her firmly and gently my tungue found the perfect shaped lips before searching the slit she is kind of squeeking her buttocks trembling as I pull her lips apart to reveal the pink and search for the cliterous it is pronounced like a tiny penis I nibble it she is shaking and I can feel she’s ready I slide up and on top of her kissing her lips whispering love as my thick long cock finds its way between her labia lips and finding her urethra. Now I can fuck its crude but thats what it is. She’s a pretty lady a nice lady but now she’sa cunt to be fucked and fuck we do she’s screaming words she would normally never use she pummelling herown breasts her whole body is jerking to my rhythym I slow it down forit isme in control look down into her eyes kissher closed eyes her lips the with one movement my love juice poures into her.

Lying naked we dicsuss the future We wonder

Please wonder with me comments advice or critisism

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅