A Simple Life Part 8

I was saved from my raging libido when the twins arrived on the pool deck. Rich and Jeff were as hot as always. A rush of longing swept through me. I had missed them so very much. They were right in front of me, and all I wanted to do was throw myself at them. I’m sure that Linda was fighting her own desire when she stood and approached them.

The two smiling beauties with them soon had our attention. They were both gorgeous and though it was obvious that they knew that, they didn’t act like princesses. They didn’t pose, strut, or stand there waiting for their appreciative audience. They walked right up to Linda and hugged her.

After that, there was general pandemonium as people swam, drank, ate, and snuck lascivious looks at each other.

I meandered around, poking my nose into as many conversations as possible. I started with Beth and Stew. They were laughing when I walked up to them and still laughing ten minutes later when I moved on. Beth’s eyes were sparkling with humor and attraction for the young man. I hadn’t done the math before that moment, but the fact was that Beth was only a bit more than a year older than Stew.

Dan was talking with Steve and Penny when I approached them. Dan and Steve were quickly becoming friends. Penny was pretty much taking in the eye candy and gave me a mischievous grin when I walked up. I winked at her and motioned for her to join me. I walked a short distance away, and she followed. She looked at me a bit apprehensively, and I smiled to reassure her. “Will you be honest with me, Penny?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

“What have the twins told you about us.”

She blushed, then giggled. “I don’t know where to start. Okay, well, probably most importantly, they love Linda so much. They love you, too; I can tell by how they talk about you. That, and they actually said they love you. That should be weird, considering they are both in relationships and Linda’s like their stepmom and all. I thought it would be at first, but then I met you guys. Now I get it.

“Uhm, what else… Oh! You, Linda, and Steve are in love and live together! That’s so hot!”

I had to chuckle at her happy acceptance of a situation her parents never dreamed of explaining when they had ‘the talk’.

“Anything else?”

“Well, no details or anything, but they sure gave us the impression things were fun around here. I have to say I agree with them. I love being here. You and Linda are so nice and beautiful.”

I looked at her happy face and pulled her into a hug. “You left somebody out.”

The apprehension was back on her face.

“You like my husband a lot, don’t you?”

Her eyes got big. “Yes, but I won’t do anything, I promise.”

I gave her lips a peck. “Penny, if he wants you and you want him, I’m good with it. I love my husband and want him to be happy. I think you would make him happy. I know he would make you happy. As long as you don’t do skank stuff, we’ll be good.”

She looked puzzled. “Skank stuff?”

“Yeh, nasty bitch stuff like try to steal my husband or wreck our marriage. You know, skank stuff.”

Her face was so innocently honest. “I would never do skank stuff. That’s just gross. I do have a question.”

I took a sip of my beer while I waited for her question. This conversation was more fun than I’d had in ages.

“Does Steve feel the same way about you? I mean, like, say, I thought you were really hot and wanted to maybe kiss you or something? Would he be okay with that or not?”

I caressed her cheek with my hand. “Oh, he would have absolutely no problem with it. Nor would I.

“But, as much as I would like to do that, how about we put a pin in that and return to it later? We’re having so much fun, and I would hate to miss anything.”

She looked at me, puzzled. “It’s just a kiss. It wouldn’t take that long.”

I couldn’t help myself. I leaned in and ran my tongue up her neck. “You’re correct. The first kiss wouldn’t take that long. It’s the second, third, and all the stuff I will do to you after that takes time. I never like to rush things.”

She shivered against me. “Oh, God! This is going to be the best spring break in the history of spring breaks!”

I gave her another peck on the lips, then turned her toward the grill and my waiting husband. “I hope so, too. You should help Steve with his meat. You’re not a vegetarian, are you?”

She grinned at me. “I love a good tube steak. A big fat Kielbasa is just yummy!”

She snorted, and we both lost it for a minute. She went back to watching my husband be hunky, and I continued my rounds. The twins were in the pool with Linda, Beth, and Stew. Rose and Anne were relaxing on lounges, sipping beer, and taking everything in. They both smiled when they saw me walking toward them. It was kind of weird. They were looking at me like I was a celebrity or something.

“Rose, Anne, I am so happy you are here.”

I leaned down to hug Anne, and she welcomed me with open arms. She hugged me close and looked into my eyes as the hug ended. Her big green eyes were so beautiful, and I ached to know what was happening behind them.

I could see the tip of her tongue at the corner of her succulent lips. There was a moment of hesitation, just long enough to realize my welcome hug was turning into something else. Whatever her reasons for hesitation, they lost sway, and she kissed my lips. It shocked us both that she did that, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying it. Our lips were touching in a sweet kiss that was perfectly acceptable in a let’s-be-new-friends kind of way. Assuming two women that just met kissing is at all normal for you. Thinking about it, it probably isn’t for most, but there you go. I guess I’m different.

That was all well and good, except the tip of her tongue had migrated from the corner of her lips to trace mine. Oh, what a rush that was!

She started it, so I escalated it. I opened my mouth and let my tongue say hello to hers. She melted in my arms, and I kissed the hell out of her for half a minute or so. When I released her lips, her eyes were half closed. “Welcome to our home, Anne. Please let me know when you want to do that again. I’m here all week.”

Rose chuckled nervously, and I turned my attention to her. I stood from Anne’s lounger and moved to sit down on Rose’s. She looked at me so honestly. “You don’t have to kiss me like that.”

My hand cupped her beautiful face. “You are absolutely beautiful. What if I want to kiss you like that? Because I really do want to kiss you like that.”

She rubbed her cheek against my hand. “Then, please do.”

Our kiss was similar in mechanics to the one with Anne, but it’s what you feel that counts. When I kissed Anne, I felt a growing heat between us, and I wanted more. When I kissed Rose, I felt those same things, but something more as well. Kissing Rose was romantic, and it made my heart swell.

I let her go, and she relaxed back. We took a second to drink some beer, more to give ourselves time to take in what had happened than for the thirst. That’s when the three of us saw them. The twins, Lisa, Beth, and Stew, were in the pool. My husband, Dan, and Penny were by the grill. All of them were looking at us. I immediately looked at Rich and Jeff to see how they felt about what they had just witnessed. I immediately relaxed when they high-fived each other. Rich threw a fist in the air, celebrating something. “You owe me ten bucks, Rose!”

I turned my head toward Rose and arched an eyebrow. “What was the bet, Rose?”

She blushed deliciously. “Uhm, well, Anne started it!”

I crossed my arms and gave her my best fake stern look. “And what did Anne start? Spill it.”

I could see she was embarrassed, but I will give her credit for courage. “We were all talking, and Jeff dared Anne to kiss you. Rich dared me to kiss you, too, and I said there was no way I could do something like that with someone I hadn’t even met yet. He bet me ten bucks that I would, and I was glad to take his money. Well, you see what happened. Best ten bucks I’ve ever spent.”

I smiled at her fondly. “Next question. What have Rich and Jeff told you about me?”

Rich pulled himself up out of the pool and walked over to us. Jeff was right behind him. Rich leaned down and kissed Rose softly, then turned toward me. “I’ll answer that question, please.”

I couldn’t help but reach up and touch his face. He was so close, and I wanted him so badly. “Please do.”


I looked at him in confusion.

“We’ve told them everything, Ginger. I love Rose, just like I love you and Mom. I won’t hide things from her or anyone else I love. I don’t want to live one life at college and another at home.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked into Jeff’s eyes. “I feel the same as my brother, Ginger.”

He looked over at his friends. Penny was still firmly attached to my husband and Dan while Stew was in the pool with Beth. They could see us just fine, but they couldn’t hear us. Jeff smiled in his sweet way. “We can talk later and tell you anything you want to know.”

That made me think. “So, how much do your friends really know?”

Rich shrugged. “Not much, really. We always talk about you and Mom, but not the details.”

I was skeptical, to say the least. “You never said a word to Penny?”

He shook his head, sincere as all hell. That’s when Anne entered the conversation. “Well, I did.”

Jeff looked at his girlfriend in shock. “You did?”

Rose quickly got our undivided attention. “Me too. Coming here was so exciting. We had to share that with Penny.”

I was cool with that. Very cool. “What about Dan and Stew?”

Universal head shakes. Jeff chuckled. “Not a clue.”

I grinned at him. “Well, for a couple of guys without a clue, they sure are making their presence felt.”

Anne and Rose nodded their agreement, and I wondered if the two women were more than friends with Stew and Dan or if they were still in the fantasy stage.

Steve hollered that the food was ready, and our conversation broke up for the moment. We enjoyed our meal, and afterward, I helped Linda and Steve clean up the mess. The three of us were alone in the kitchen when I shared my tentative plan. “Linda, I will entertain Rose and Anne while you spend time with the twins in their old room. Steve, can you keep the rest busy for a while? Is that okay with both of you?”


Steve chuckled. “Of course, I’ll plan on an hour. Linda, make sure you leave them a little energy for their girlfriends.”

We strolled back onto the deck. The twins were still sitting with Rose and Anne. Linda and I made our way over to them. Penny pretended she hadn’t been waiting for Steve while the other super friends were in the pool. 

The twins stood when Linda walked up to them. I could see how much they wanted her in their eyes. She put a serious look on her face that I’m sure everyone knew was fake. “I need to talk with you two in private.”

I sat down on Rose’s lounge chair. “I’ll keep you two company.”

Neither girlfriend minded at all. Linda walked inside with the twins following close behind, with their eyes firmly on her behind. I talked with Rose and Anne for ten minutes, then stood. “You need to come with me. I’ve got something very cool to show you. Try not to let the others know.”

I went inside and waited. Rose was first to arrive, followed a few minutes later by Anne. I led them to the library. I locked the door while they took in the room. They were suitably impressed, but I put a finger to my lips before they expressed it in words. “No talking from here on.”

I walked over to the closet, opened the door, put my finger to my lips again, and motioned for them to follow me inside.

I’m sure they were as confused as I was the first time I walked into that closet. I pulled the panel off the two-way mirror and moved out of the way so they could have the best view. In the twins’ old room, Linda was getting her knees weakened by Jeff’s hot kiss. I put a hand over Anne’s mouth before she could let out what I was pretty sure would be a moan.

We watched as Rich took his turn kissing Linda. I didn’t need to put a hand over Rose’s mouth. I decided to be on the safe side. I would snuggle up behind them and put a hand on each hip. You know, all supportive and stuff.

Jeff stood behind Linda and kissed her neck while releasing her bikini top. Rich was in front of her, kissing her deeply while running a hand between her legs. Linda, for her part, loved the attention. Rich peeled her top down her arms and tossed it aside. He kissed and sucked on her nipples while his brother squatted and slipped her bikini bottom off. Linda now had both hands on Rich’s trunks, pushing them down as fast as she could. Her hand wrapped around his raging erection while he kicked the trunks off his feet.

Linda pushed Rich back onto the bed and climbed on between his legs. Her hand gripped his cock, and her mouth captured him. She looked into his eyes while she blew him slowly. She was savoring the moment and wasn’t about to rush anything.

Jeff had lost his trunks and gave Linda a little slap on the ass. “Straddle my face while you do that.”

He laid down on his back, and Linda straddled his face. Rich stood on the bed and fed his cock back into her mouth. My hands had left Rose and Annes’ hips and were now rubbing their bellies gently. Both young women were watching their boyfriends with fascination. Their body language screamed arousal, and that removed any remaining hesitation I had. I kissed Rose’s neck from behind her, then nibbled her ear. I whispered, “Aren’t they beautiful together?”

She quivered and nodded. “So fucking hot.”

Anne had heard and nodded her agreement. She couldn’t take her eyes off the room in front of her. I ran my hands up their stomachs and cupped a breast to my right and left. My thumbs played with a nipple on each breast. I ran my tongue up Anne’s neck, and she leaned back against me.

Rose was enjoying my nipple play as well, but I decided that it was time to escalate things a bit more. I let go of the breasts I was enjoying to release the catch on Rose’s bikini top. I quickly did the same to Anne’s top and soon had a breast in each hand.

The scene through the mirror had changed. Linda was now on her back, with Jeff preparing to penetrate her with his rigid cock. Anne was breathing hard, her nipple a stiff nub under my fingertips, as she watched her boyfriend slide his cock slowly into his stepmom. I let go of Anne’s tit. Trying to maneuver two hands on two different nipples was getting a bit distracting. I had other plans for that hand anyway. I slipped it down Anne’s belly and into her bikini bottom. My fingers found the wet lips of her bald little pussy, and I began to spread her moisture on her clit. Her knees went weak, and I barely managed to keep her standing.

“Rose, come stand behind Anne.”

I moved, and Rose quickly stood behind Anne. I didn’t have to ask her to put her arms around Anne, or play with her tits, or kiss her neck while watching through the mirror. Those were choices she made all on her own, and it didn’t look like it was the first time she had held her in that way.

I moved in front of Anne, making sure I didn’t block her view, lowered my head and kissed her pert tit. I licked her nipple and got a moan out of her before I began kissing my way down her stomach. I grabbed my blowjob pillow off the shelf next to me and knelt on it. “Rose, hold her up, please.”

I lifted Anne’s right leg and settled her thigh on my shoulder. Her pretty little pussy was inches from my lips, then I closed the distance. I ran my tongue up her slit, and her body quivered. I looked up at her body and saw her lust-filled gaze, watching her boyfriend through the mirror. I could tell that she was having a wonderful time, and I smiled against her pussy. It was time to put my tongue to work.

It didn’t take me long to figure out how she liked her clit licked or where her g-spot was with my fingers. I wished I could see Jeff in the other room because I so much wanted to make her cum when he did. I watched her face instead and did my best.

I realized, much too late, that while Anne was well on her way to a screaming orgasm, Rose wasn’t…