A whore at 50 looking 40 (last weekend)

Black my friend that posted on here this is for you.

Things had been looking good in the couple of weeks since left Prison , I have not got a car yet or a place to live and call my own, but the woman who’s apartment I was staying in has taken a long bus ride to Denver to spend a couple of weeks with her family, so I have got the place to myself.
The guy who is now pimping me was an ass hole over the weekend, he called me on Friday said he had a request for a “few” girls to work a party Saturday night and was I interested. I said sure, and he said he didn’t know anything about the party other than it was on the North Side of Chicago, and he was doing a favor for a friend who ran girls across the State Line in Indiana, and he could not get girls to travel 100 miles for a nights work.
Then he dropped the big red flag that I was too stupid to see, he said I tell you what honey ,just keep everything you earn it will help you get back on your feet. Oh joy of joys this is going to be worth a couple of hundred bucks ,probably more, and it would all be mine, the next day he texted me an address and to be there at 8 Saturday night.
I had no idea where the place was had to look it up on Google maps, it took me a bus ride, a train ride and a cab ride to get there ,so that was 28 bucks gone, but never mind I was there.
Where there was I have no idea, it was somewhere between Lake Michigan and Great America, an old house standing on it’s own not another house in site and outside there was about 10 cars and the front door was wide open so I walked in.
Music was coming from a room at the back and when I looked around the door all I could see was a bunch of mainly guys, drinks in hands gathered around a table where two naked women were doing 69 on each other. Someone came over and grabbed my arm and shouted look what I have got, Granny Porn and everyone was laughing.
OK ass hole I thought ,go fuck yourself, and some kid who looked about 20 came over handed me a drink and said drink that and ignore him, I like old women,there fun to fuck. OK how about lets forget the age bit ,there are guys in this room older than me I thought to myself looking around but suddenly the women on the bottom of the two laying on the table started to make a lot of noise and everyone started to go quiet as she began to climax, and when she did the AAGGGHHHH I am cumming bit they all broke out cheering and laughing clanking there glass together like they had done something wonderful themselves.
Some of the guys started lifting the woman on top off the table and standing her up,some guy took hold of my arms above my elbow and almost marched me over to where the woman lay on the table, and he started to push my head towards her cunt and said clean her up Granny and everyone thought that was so funny, I wanted to say hey ass hole we have heard that one before,but I let it go.
The woman on the table looked young, probably early 20’s but it was the size of her belly showing she was about 8 month pregnant that was the thing I was looking at, she was laughing saying come on cunt, lick my pussy clean,I need to get up and go for a piss, so hurry up or I will piss in your mouth and everyone was laughing.
Mr.Dick head who was holding my arm tight pushed my head down hard towards her cunt so I put my mouth on her pussy and started licking her , she tasted what I call a a bit irony , bit like licking an old spoon,but as I stood there bent forward my boobs on the table licking the iron lady, I could feel someone lifting my skirt up and pulling down my panties, I lifted one foot up so they could take them off over my heels, and then lifted the other one up and I was pantyless with my dress up around my back.
I could feel someones foot pushing my right foot to one side, then my left foot, and I was now standing with my legs open and I expected to feel a cock pushing against my cunt lips, but it wasn’t a cock it was something ice cold that made me stand up and squeal much to everyones amusement, and when I looked over my shoulder there was the woman who had been on top of the one I was now licking standing with a fucking great can of beer, it was that she had pushed against my pussy lips.
The woman on the table was now screeching about she wanted to pee and she had her arms and legs waving around in the air telling the guys to help her up or she would pee on the table, so three or four of them got her sitting up and helped her off the table, and someone got an empty ice bucket sat it on the floor and told her to piss in that so she squatted over it , held up by a guy on each side of her and peed in the bucket, and peed and peed and peed.
God I knew pregnant women peed a lot but that was a river she peed, and when she finished someone gave her a napkin from the table and she wiped her cunt threw the napkin in the bucket and picked it up and waddled off to pour it away.
What the hell had I got myself into here, both of the women I had seen on the table looked like crack whores , my dreams of picking up a few hundred in tips was quickly fading in the rear view mirror , I had this horrible feeling a few rocks of crack and a pussy full of beer was all I was going to walk away with from here .
I went and picked up my drink I had put down on a small coffee table, and my new boyfriend came over and asked me if I was having fun yet, I could not decide if he was fucking with me or he was a complete moron but it didn’t really matter because someone turned the music up so loud the house vibrated to the beat, and some woman in jeans and tee shirt climbed up on the table and started stripping off her top, I guess she was proud of those big old 40 inch tits that almost touched her belly button, jezzz if they has been mine I would not have wanted to show anyone but this bunch seemed easily pleased and when she jumped down and fell flat on her ass they were shouting for more.
Prego came back and they were pouring Jack down her throat, hope that kid is strong swimmer or it would have drowned in Jack, the woman who had been having sex with her when I arrived was standing in the middle of the room smoking a stogie that one sniff of the air and I knew it had been turned into a big ole sixty or seventy dollar blunt and as she adding flavor to it by pushing into her cunt before she handed it out each time it got passed around.
I came her worried about the possibility of catching Corona Virus, now I was scared of catching anything these two crack whores might have, but I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it, because this guy took hold of my drink, put it down and started dancing a slow dance with me while he slowly unzipped the back of my dress and then tugged it over my hips so I was standing there naked.
I said to him can I ask you a question and he said sure I said who is paying me for tonight and he said Dave don’t worry he is loaded he will look after you, and with that he led me off to the stairs and followed me smacking my butt, we went into a bed room, I got on the bed, he pulled his shirt and pants off , got on the bed and his idea of foreplay was to say open your legs and after missing my hole with two or three thrusts he nailed me, and in two pushes had me screeching because he was all the way in, and probably 30 seconds later he was pulling out of me and climbing up my body spurting cum everywhere and telling me to open my fucking mouth.
He got off the bed went into the bathroom,I could here the water in the sink running,he came back and threw a wet hand towel at me, said wait there, pulled on his tee shirt and pants and went back down the stairs.
A minute later up the stairs comes two guys, striped off and were on the bed in ten seconds flat, one of them got between my legs and started fucking me, then he rolled over so I was on top and his friend decided to butt fuck me, but between the two of them they made a complete hash of it, one or the others cocks kept slipping out and they started blaming me, then the bastard on top got off me pulled me down the bed off his friend climbed on me and tried to choke me with his dick.
Then his buddy got pissed off and the next thing I knew they were standing up going to fight, I slid off the bed and ran down the stairs grabbed the first person I saw and told them there was two guys fighting up stairs. He shouted fight, fight ,fight, and everyone ran for the stairs and left me and prego looking at each other.
There only having fun she said what the fuck did you do that for, now they will all be fighting, but she was wrong, a couple of guys came down holding the towel I had used to wipe the cum off my body to this guys nose,which was bleeding nicely all over the floor.
I don’t know how I ended up being the bad pussy cat,but when the World Heavy Weight Champion came down he started shouting at me, saying why don’t you mind your own fucking business bitch, and he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me over to the table , and he told two of these guys to hold my arms and the bastard used his belt on my butt till I was screaming in pain, that fucker must have beaten me 20 times,I have still got some bruises on my butt.
When they let me go I just laid there crying and the prego came over to offer words of sympathy, I think she said I told you to mind your own fucking business didn’t I ,you stupid bitch. By the time I stood up everyone’s attention had turned to some man mountain that had come in the front door, he was like 6 ft 6, muscles everywhere ,wife beater shirt on, and everyone wanted to be his friend, turned out Vince was everyone’s buddy, including Prego he was the Father of her child .
I was looking for my bag and I went up the stairs to get my clothes, quiet where I was going I don’t know this house was in the middle of nowhere but I knew one thing, I was leaving.

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