A whore at 50, looking 40. Part 5

Sorry been locked up since February but out again. Wasn’t much fun, but hey read for yourselves.

Hi guys, I am out walking around in the 90 degree heat of Chicago so thank you Corona Virus, thanks to you and over crowding in the Women’s downstate prison I have been chucked out back into the big wild world, wwoooww hhhoo lucky me.
Look I don’t pretend to be perfect, hahaha, fuck I am a hooker, but a good hooker, but walking the streets of Chicago in the winter is no fun, temps in the minus 20’s and snow everywhere so I did a little job of delivering some bags of Blow, Pearl, Bump ,OK Cocaine and I guess there was more than a few bags ,in fact there was about 20 thousand bucks worth, but I swear I didn’t know what was in the trunk. OK I did but I honestly didn’t know how much there was in there, I though a few bags.
I pulled around the corner off of 26th street and there was 50 cops, paddy wagons and I kind of slid into a small snow bank and before I had time to put the fucking car into reverse The fucking Man was standing by the side of the car telling me to get out .
So after spending a few days in the lock up in Chicago I went before a judge who explained it wasn’t a trial but he wanted to send me downstate to an Open Prison, a nice place as he described it to wait for a trial date because of over crowding where I was in the city lock up, and because I didn’t have the bail money, blah, blah blah, so I said fine, big fucking mistake.
Second night in there some Mexican chick came into my cell and said “Pollito wants to see you.” I was sitting in the chair doing nothing which is what you do a lot of inside, and I said, ” I don’t know her think you have the wrong person”, and she said “no I don’t lets go”.
Looking over her shoulder there was two more Mexican chicks standing there, so I got up and walked along the hall , down a flight of stairs ,past a couple of guards and into a big cell where four or five women sat around listening to a woman talking on a cell phone.
The room looked more like a hotel room than a cell , turned out that Pollito was on the last 5 years of a 10 stretch and getting ready to be paroled and obviously paid someone to let her keep her room looking like the Holiday Inn. She said “Tonta is here now” and she put the phone down.
She said “sit down Tonta” ( I found out later that Tonta is a stupid person) “that was one of my cousins , he wants me to collect the 20K you cost him losing the delivery.” I laughed and said ” your fucking joking because of him I am locked up in here, he owes me 20 grand” I started to raise my voice and I said “the fucking idiot let me drive straight into a fucking police raid ” .
I had intended on going on with my tirade, but being lifted out of the chair and thrown across the room by my hair put a stop to it real quick, and a bitch standing on my hair with one foot and the other foot six inches from my face ready to stomp on me made me start shouting I was sorry.
I don’t speak Mexican or fucking Spanish or what ever you call it, so have no idea what all the jabbering was about , but I did understand what the hard kick in my ass meant, and as I went to get up someone said ” stay on your hands and knees and crawl over to Pollito,” so I did.
I felt a foot on the back of my neck so I let myself go limp and laid out on my belly on the the floor, I could feel some pulling my skirt up and someone else yanking down my State of Illinois issued underwear, and I could feel what felt like a 300 plus pound woman getting between my legs, and pushing my thighs apart with her knees.
The hands pulling my butt cheeks apart gave me a clue what would come next, but God from the bottom of my heart I will never , never, be able to explain to anyone the pain when the fat bitch behind me started inserting a fucking solid rubber strap-on into my ass, and I will make no bones about it by the time it was halfway in I was begging Pollito to make who ever was killing me to stop, but the only thing I got was my underwear being stuffed into my mouth and what felt like another six inches pushed into my intestines.
I don’t know how long i got fucked in my ass for, I was crying and I could hear the spectators laughing , calling me stupid names and every time the fat cunt behind me pushed real hard I would scream into my underwear much to every ones amusement
For a total of 18 weeks I was that cunt Pollito’s bitch, just about every day someone from her little cartel would come by my room and tell me to be in her room in thirty minutes, so I would go to the rest room, have a stand up wash, go back to my cell get a good luck wish from my cell mate, put on this stupid frilly pink nightie Pollito had given me, put my dress on over the top and wait for my escort to come and take me down the hallway and down the stairs .
Some days her cell would be empty except for her , so I would climb onto the bed get between her legs and use my tongue make her cum. When she did I would get up and go back to my cell, wash my face and go to bed plotting on how I could kill her.
Other days there would be various Mexican bitches in there ,who had bought me from Pollito. I came to find out how much I was worth, if I went down on them and they only climaxed once it meant they had paid in postage stamps or instant coffee and they got to do it with me while Pollito and her pals all stood around watching and talking about the woman, jjeezzz they must have been desperate to have me between there legs to be humiliated like that.
Women that “paid” with Dot cards got a lot more, I could be in The Holiday Inn as I had nicknamed Pollito’s cell for several hours and as soon as I went in the door and it closed behind me I knew it was going to be bad for me because only Pollito and a couple of women who were there to make sure I did as I was told and the bitch that had paid for me would be there looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat.
Taking off my Prison dress I would stand there in my stupid pink frilly nightie and Pollito would have me doing twirls and fucking jumping jacks, holding my tits up so they were out of the top of my stupid nightie then bending over and showing my ass and pussy to them.
I have never ,never understood what enjoyment women get fisting other women , I can’t tell you the number of women that after I had been told to bend over the end of the metal bed and spread my legs, would want to do it to me .
I would feel a couple of fingers being brutally pushed into my pussy followed by them being taken out and three fingers going back in, then four, and the more I aggghed and said it hurts the more Pollito and her pals laughed and egged the woman on to put her whole hand into my pussy., what enjoyment any woman get doing that I don’t know, but I can tell you without fucking lube it hurts like fucking hell.
Then I am supposed to get up get between there legs and give them a couple of orgasms all the time my cunt feeling like it had been ripped in two.
Several women used the big strap-on , hurting me till I felt like I would have to go to the doctors to get my cervix repaired, then suddenly one day around 9 in the morning after we had returned from breakfast and I was sitting there getting ready to go to my Bible Study Class, (don’t laugh it wasn’t my choice it was only class with a space for me) in walked Officer Lucas, said ” Smith pack your gear your going home, the bus leaves in two hours be down by the Assistant Governess Office at 10, “I was down there by 9.15,
We had a lecture about Corona Virus running rampant in the prisons of Illinois, and we were being sent home on condition we went into a voluntary 14 days isolation.
Sent home I didn’t have a home, I had not paid the rent in four months only thing I had was what I stood up in , my car had been towed ,my cell had not been paid, and my landlord had closed my room down and got rid of everything in it, in so when we got to Chicago and we got off the bus I asked some guy if I could borrow his phone and I called my friend Cindy, me and her used to sometimes double team a John in a hotel and once I told her the problem she said stay there, “I will pick you up in an hour,” and she did.
I wanted to go to work that night but she said ” no were going to see my friend Drexel, I have been working for him for a while and he has been looking after me ” ,so on the way back to her place we stopped at the Thrift Shop and she loaned me a $100 and I bought a couple of outfits for 20 bucks and then we went to Walgreens and I bought a flip phone and a $20 phone card and that evening we went and saw Drexel .
I hate working for a pimp but he said he would only take 40% until I was back on my feet …if I blew him , so he got his BJ and the very next day he had me visiting a guy at a hotel that wanted an older woman and he has kept me in work for the past week or so ,good old Drexel.
So if anyone has a small apartment on the North side of Chicago , and an old car I can pay weekly for give me a shout please , I will give you ” the works ” free anytime you want, in exchange lol.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅