A whore at 50 Part 4

I guess one of the real problems of being paid daily , or rather by the BJ or Fuck , is you always assume the next day is going to be a pay day as well, so you tend to spend what you have made as soon as you make it ,go a couple of days without any work , and things become pretty desperate real quick.
I had put the card with the phone number of one Mrs Veronica Sterling somewhere safe , so safe I could not find the fucking thing, so after searching for an hour I decided I would spend my last 10 bucks and buy enough gas to get me to Lake Forest where she lived, and fingers crossed she would be home.
I had only sat in the driveway of the Sterlings mansion for 15 minutes when a pretty dark blue police car came down the drive, and a nice young policeman who looked about 14 years old driving it. and he showed how smart he was by asking me what I was doing. What does it look like I am doing, painting the sistine chapel ceiling officer. I might as well had said that ,no matter what I was going to say I could see a ride in the back of a police car on the horizon, my cars tags were out of date and the cars title was ,er um who knows where, and really officer ,you do have to have insurance in Illinois, I swear I thought it was optional ?
I did a pretty good job of BS’ing Kojak, told him I did waitressing work at their parties and Mrs Sterling had told me of a party coming up but I had lost her phone number and could not remember when the party was ,so while I was in the area, I had stopped by to see if she was in.
He seemed happy with that, and as he was shaking the front door to see if it was closed a nice new Caddy pulled into the drive with my new best friend Veronica at the wheel and she greeted me with a nfriendly WHAT DO YOU WANT, and each word seemed to get louder as she said it.
Everything OK here Ma’m said our hero to Mrs. Sterling, yes she said giving a big sigh, lol, everything is fine thank you and with a smile he was gone leaving us standing looking at each other on the driveway.
I said I lost your number, and she looked at me, said OK so, and I said I kind of wondered if you or your husband needed me to ….well you know?
She said nothing, I was thinking OK lady come on help me out here , I am fucking broke and need some money , work with me for fucks sake. I said is there anything you want me to do , and she said anything, and I said yes, and she said are you sure, YES I am fucking sure, YES,YES,YES and she said OK, be here at 10 o’ clock Thursday for my coffee morning , I will probably have a couple of friends here and I swear missie if you let me down thats it were through, and I sure as hell won’t pay you a dime and she turned to go in the house.
I said I am going to let you down, and she stopped turned and said WHAT, WHY , I said I don’t have the gas money to get up here , and she looked at me in what could only be described as complete amazement, opened her bag ,took out a couple of twenty dollar bills, a couple of tens and a five chump change to her, two days of watching TV and not working for me , said here , and what size shoes do you wear , I said a 6 and she turned ,opened the front door , BANG ,it closed and she was gone.
Next two days were great, I sat indoors ,watched Oprah and Judge Judy, dam that bitch is ruff on us poor fuckers, and Thursday morning I was up and about , out the front door by 9, and sitting outside her Ladyship’s house by 9.55.
She opened the front door wearing a long flowing floral silk house coat ,after I had knocked maybe 5 times, God she looked fucking rough, stood looking at me and said I have just got up what time is it and I said 10 ,you told me to be here by ten so here I am , and she said so I can see .
We went into the kitchen and she made coffee, we sat there drinking it in silence, I said do you need me today ,are you OK , I wanted to say you look like shit, and she said I had a drink last night, , yeah, OK, A DRINK, like a Jeroboam of Champagne would be my guess, but she said come with me. We went up to her bedroom and she said get undressed and sat on the bed watching me strip naked. WWOOOWW HHHOOO I am going to get paid, she stood up said go and turn the shower on, so I went into the bathroom turned on the shower turned round and she was standing there behind me taking off her housecoat, opened the sliding shower doors, said get in and she came in after me.
She gave me the soap and a sponge, said wash me, and stood under the water putting shampoo on her hair, with her eyes closed while I washed her arms and back , then after she washed the shampoo out of her hair , she turned around to face me and I washed her boobs and legs , and she said on your knees, and wash my cunt please.
Hey I am doing good, at least she said please, lol.I went to get up and she put her hands on my shoulders , so I stayed on my knees so what are you going to do to amuse me and my friends today she said softly their looking forward to your performance.
Oh well in that case I’ll do some juggling, make an origami bird, makes some animals out of condoms, that’s always good for a laugh, lol. I said what ever you want me to do I will do, well I tried to say that but with water bouncing off her belly and boobs into my mouth I don’t exactly know how it sounded more like gurgle gurgle splash splash and she said I intend paying you well , and I said in that case I will do whatever you want me to and a bit more, and she said kiss my cunt lips like you were kissing your lovers mouth, you do know what a lover is don’t you, and she opened her legs and pushed her hips forward and I kissed that womans pussy like I had never kissed a pussy before.

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