Abused a homeless woman

A homeless woman gave us alcohol and we smoked drugs but when she passed out we decided to fuck her. A crazy afternoon after school.

School finished early on Friday so we went down to the woods to play on our rope swing for a while.

On our way through the woods we saw some red stuff behind trees and bushes, we thought it was a parachute or something like that so went to check it out, when we got to it we saw that it was actually an old tent that someone had put up.

There was a burned out campfire near it but we didn’t see anyone around, we dared each other to look in the tent, there was clothes, canned food, empty bottles and it looked like trash inside and didn’t smell very nice.

Then someone startled us coming from behind us, it was a woman, she was wearing old tatty clothes and she was really dirty, she looked quite young though, not like an older woman, she was probably in her 20’s or something, we instantly knew she was homeless and turns out the tent was her home.
She yelled at us for going in her tent so we apologised and started walking off but then she asked us our names and we all got chatting, she was pretty cool for a homeless woman and asked us if we wanted a drink, we’d never drank alcohol before so obviously we said yeah, it was a bottle of Vodka and we took turns having swigs, I kind of burnt my throat a bit and wasn’t very nice but gave me a buzzing head.

It started to rain heavy so she invited us to sit in her tent until it stopped, then she got out some tobacco and rolled up a smoke, we knew it was drugs because we could smell it, she shared it with us and we spent a good hour drinking and smoking stuff, for her it was normal and for us it was just cool because we’d always wanted to try drink and smoke but never got the chance until now.

The woman started talking funny and slurring her words and her eyes rolled in to the back of her head, then she just passed out, one minute she was sitting and laughing with us, the next she just fell over, we panicked and rushed out of the tent, honestly we thought she was dead.

We stood outside the tent, our heads were spinning as we were a bit drunk and stoned, we decided that we better check on her make sure she was alright, so we went back in the tent, we tried to gently shake her awake but she wasn’t responsive, I put my ear near her mouth to check if she was breathing but her breath stunk really bad so couldn’t do it.

My friend suggested taking her coat off so we could see if she was breathing, so we took it off her, she was wearing a t-shirt underneath but it was all ripped and we got distracted by her left boob which was hanging out of it, but thankfully we saw her chest rising up and down so she was still alive.

We went back outside and argued because my mate wanted to see more of her boobs but I wanted to get away from there in case someone caught us and we got in trouble, in the end my mate convinced me to stay and we went back in the tent, he lifted her t-shirt all the way up so we could see both her boobs, we were 13 years old and horny so it was like all our dirty dreams come true, we felt them and they were soft and bouncy.

Her hands and face were all dirty but her body was clean and you could tell she was young by the smoothness of her skin, my mate had corrupted me and he dared me to take her clothes off because he wanted to see her pussy, which neither of us had seen in real life before, she was wearing two long skirts over some tracksuit bottoms so I lifted both the skirts up to her waist, then, as my mate urged me on, I pulled down her bottoms.

Again we both ran out of the tent, we were laughing and nervous in case she woke up, after a few minutes we went back inside and stared at her pussy, it was a bump with a line down the middle and she had a line of pubes above it, we took turns touching it, it felt soft and it was a bit sticky, but totally awesome.

My mate dared me to fuck her and then called me a pussy when I refused, so he took his cock out and laid on top of her, I rushed out and just stood at the entrance to the tent looking inside, I was so scared she’d wake up, after a few minutes he got his cock inside and he was fucking her, he kept saying ‘It’s in It’s in’, then he must have come and he stood up and came outside.

He dared me to try it, he said her pussy was hot and wet inside, he wouldn’t stop daring me to do it so I gave up and went in the tent, I pulled my pants down and rubbed my cock on her pussy, it was warm even on the outside, he told me to get on with it, so I pushed my cock into her pussy and started fucking her.

While I moved my hips and pushed my cock in and out of her pussy, her boobs swirled and bounced around near my face, it felt really good but I was getting tired pretty quickly so I rested my body on top of hers and my face planted between her boobs, they kept bouncing and squashing against the sides of my face, then I came, I ejaculated really fast, it felt like I was having a long pee and I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.

I got up and sorted my pants out as I headed out of the tent, my mate gave me a pat on the back, but then he went inside the tent and fucked her again, but before he came he said ‘watch this’ he stood over her and pulled on his cock, then he sprayed his come all over her boobs.

He came out of the tent then we decided to just leave so we ran off through the woods.