Adventures with Cory – Indoctrination into Crossing Lines

You may recall Margot from a previous story (““). In case you haven’t read the story, here’s a brief synopsis.

I met Margot at a party. We had no sooner met when she mocked me, insulted me, said I looked wimpy and out of shape. Margot is a striking woman so she already had me at a disadvantage. I wrestled in high school. I work out and I’m still in pretty good shape. I’m 6’2” – 180 lbs., And I feel pretty good about my appearance, but coming from someone with her looks and her level of confidence caused me to feel insecure. I thought, maybe she’s just a mean bitch who had something against me for some reason. I was put off by her arrogance and I was about to walk away when she said something startling. “I challenge you to a sex fight – in a boxing ring – winner sexually dominates the loser.”

That was about the last thing I expected. I had never been in a boxing ring let alone a sex fight, though sex fighting has been a fantasy of mine since puberty. My nature is submissive so in my fantasies, I always lose, but in light of her arrogance, I could take great pleasure in dominating her.

I couldn’t imagine why someone so hot would challenge a perfect stranger to a sex fight, especially after letting me know she wasn’t impressed with my looks. This was crazy. I’m a lot bigger than she. I couldn’t lose. What the hell I thought, she obviously wants to have sex with me. It seemed like a strange approach, but I couldn’t imagine how anything could go wrong so of course, I accepted.

I tried to win. In fact, I desperately tried to win, but she outmaneuvered me from the second I stepped into the ring. I hadn’t even climbed through the ropes when she jumped on my back. After a failed struggle to get her off my back, she choked me out. It all happened very quickly. She ended up tying me to the ring ropes, stripping me and humiliating me in my defeat. Much to my surprise, there was an all-female audience of about 20 strong who were hidden behind a curtain, watching on closed-circuit TV. When I was near my most vulnerable point, the curtain opened revealing the crowd. They all gathered around the ring to witness my humiliation first hand. Margot and two other women had their ways with each other in front of me, then made me jerk off for the audience while one of them (Cory) worked a small vibrator in and out of my ass and the others fondled me.

As vulnerable and humiliated as I was, it was the most intense sex I’ve ever experienced. I have often jerked off to the memory of it since.

The room looked like a gym with a boxing ring, but it was a private, women only club that puts on a variety of sex fights for its members. Simply put, they are women who love watching so much, they’ve established a sex fighting club.

After my humiliation, I tried to ask Margot for a date but she interrupted saying, “Not a chance.”

Now you have an idea of my history with Margot so you’ll be able to put what recently happened into perspective.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was nearly a year ago when Margot defeated me in our so-called fight. I thought I’d never see nor hear from her again but out of the blue, I received a call from her. She told me the club members especially enjoyed watching me squirm when she, Fina, and Cory dominated me. She said they’d like to have me back to fight again.

She told me, “In light of the way I took advantage and jumped on you before you even stood up, they thought you deserved another chance.” She says, “I admit, I took advantage – but you still should have won since you’re so much bigger than I am.”

They enjoyed watching me squirm? What… they want to watch me squirm again? I was skeptical, and a little annoyed. Margot tricked me into the first match. That is to say, she kept me unaware of what I was risking. She jumped on me before I was completely in the ring for one. For another, I didn’t know Margot was a purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu until after the match, and I didn’t know there would be other women helping her humiliate me if I lost. Certainly, I wasn’t expecting an audience. When I agreed to wrestle her, I assumed it would be just the two of us. I’m really not complaining. The agreement was, the winner could do anything to the loser, but any way you cut it, she blindsided me.

What could Margot have up her sleeve this time? I wasn’t sure I should take that chance. I might not like the outcome if I lost again. I guess it was kind of a moot point since I didn’t believe her anyway.

Margot stretched her tale even further. She told me that Cory, from our previous match wanted to take me on this time. She said, “Cory has a thing for you and should she lose, she wouldn’t mind being dominated by you… but I’ll warn you,” she said firmly, “She’s a tough one.”

My heart raced. Cory has blonde hair, a beautiful sweet face and a petite, fit body with perfect, perky breasts. That body type gets me every time, especially when the face is so sweet, yet inviting. Cory’s looks left me more than just physically restrained. I was psychologically immobilized.

The red flag in my head was telling me to say no thanks and hang up, but my “other head” wanted to know more.

I said, “You took advantage nearly a year ago when you set up our match. Why should I trust you now?”

She said, “Because this fight pays, and it pays really well.”

I found her proposition preposterous. She was taking me for a fool. It was insulting. It irritated me. Did she actually think I’d believe her “club” would pay me to sex fight? If so, she’s the fool. I also didn’t believe Cory had a “thing” for me.

But…I had to ask, “No shit, how much?”

She said, “Five grand.”

Holy crap, I thought. No way. They’d pay me five grand for a night of sex wrestling? My intrigue began to outweigh my skepticism. I could use the money but there had to be more to it than what she was telling me.

“What?” I asked with great surprise.

She said, “They’ll pay you five thousand dollars to grapple with Cory in a no holds barred sex fight. It will occur in the same boxing ring with an all-female audience just like our fight. Winner will have their way with the loser in the ring. Anything goes – anything except S&M that is, although the use of restraints is permitted – even encouraged. The winner must not deliberately inflict pain on the loser. It’s about sexual degradation and humiliation in front of an all-female audience who’ve paid to see it raw.” Then she added, “There could be some incidental pain during the fight. It is a fight after all but it’s strictly grappling – no punches or kicks – no elbows or knees – no striking of any kind.”

She went on to say, “They like your clean, college-boy look. There’s something about a middle-aged man who looks youthful and enthusiastic. A lot of those women loved watching you gyrate in your helpless state after I tied you up,” she laughed. “They’re pretty sure Cory would do the same thing to you. You don’t have the biggest cock we’ve ever seen, but you’ve got a nice cock, and they loved how recklessly you responded when you were so easily controlled.”

Even though she was laughing at me, she seemed sincere. I did squirm leading up to and during my climax – especially during the post-cum torture, but I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that they’d pay me so much to sex fight. I decided to have some fun with her.

“Are you kidding?” I asked. “You don’t actually believe I’d sex fight in front of a bunch of women again for only five grand, do you?”

With a surprised chuckle, she said, “You’re joking, right? You’re telling me you won’t sex fight for five thousand dollars?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you,” I said with conviction. “I never would have accepted the fight with you had I known there would be so many others involved, and how they’d be involved – not even if you had offered me five grand.”

She giggled. “But you liked it, right?”

“Of course, but that’s beside the point. You took advantage of me sexually.”

“Oh geez,” she laughed. “First… men can’t be taken advantage of. They’re too willing. And second… you knew you’d be dominated if you lost. You lost. You were dominated.” There was a pause. “Okay… how much then? Everyone’s got a price.”

“I’m not going to sex fight in front of a crowd again,” I said. “If I win, I’ve beaten a girl – big deal, and if I lose, I’m humiliated by a girl. I lose either way.”

She says, “That didn’t stop you from wrestling me. After seeing how hard you came in front of everyone, I’m surprised you don’t jump at the chance.”

There was another pause. This time it became long and uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to break the silence. I left everything squarely on her.

“OK, ten grand then,” she blurted.

Holy shit, was she serious? My curiosity was driving me nuts. How far would she go with this charade? I said, “You’re not getting the message. I’m not sex fighting in front of a crowd again under any circumstances – certainly not for ten grand.”

Then I asked, “Where are you getting all this money, and why are you willing to pay so much to see me wrestle? Margot… this makes no sense. What’s this all about?”

“I’ll start at the beginning,” she says. “Sex Fights for Women (SFW) is a private club, founded by “Mistress Shauna” (Shauna Johnson). She’s a strong, muscular sex fighter who became well known in the genre for her sex fight videos. Shauna also hired out (and still does) for private sessions. Her clientele is primarily an elite crowd of wealthy customers (mostly men) who pay a lot of money to grapple with her. Shauna is bisexual. She’s an experienced grappler who enjoys sex fighting with either men or women. She’s been sex-fighting for 12 years and she’s only lost twice in her career. Granted, some of those fights were scripted, but a lot of them were for real. Based on her clientele which were not just challengers, but often included significant others who like to watch, she discovered there was a market for a “women only” audience who would pay to watch a variety of sex fights. A lot of women love watching sex fights but don’t want to deal with drunk men who invariably outnumber women by a considerable margin in a mixed setting. Women feel freer and safer without men who are all ginned up – in more ways than one. Because it’s a women-only club, they’re free to put on any kind of sex fights they want including lesbians and bisexuals. Gays are typically not interested in performing for women.”

She says, “Men generally tend to be more sexually charged and less inhibited when they lose in front of a crowd of women compared to when men are in the audience. Male sex-fighters love when women are watching, and they become even more aroused when they’re humiliated in front of women who are enjoying it. Anyway, after she met a lot of wealthy sex fight fans, her idea grew from there. She bought the warehouse where you and I wrestled, renovated it, and opened SFW. She received tremendous support from appreciative women who knew her, or knew of her. Since our opening two and a half years ago, our memberships have grown to exceed 300 women and we continue to grow as word spreads.”

Prior to my first match, I didn’t know clubs like this existed. Margot was offering a lot of money to wrestle a hot chick and have sex with her in front of an all-female audience. How hot is that? I lost the first time but surrendering for the pleasure of women was incredible. Win or lose, it’s still a win I guess. That’s how I saw it anyway.

She went on to tell me about how they’re paid – club dues, admission fees and a lot of stuff that caused me to glaze over, but then she said, “The members are from a whole different world. They are women the general public is rarely aware of, but they have more money than they know what to do with. Not only are outside wrestlers paid a lot of money, they can make outrageous tips as well. Tips sometimes amount to as much or more than the pay. When you get a bunch of sex crazed females together who’ve been drinking, they just keep throwing money into the tip pot.” She went on to say, “Most of the women who saw you wrestle me want to see you fight again under different circumstances, so this time you’ll wrestle Cory.”

“How do you get away with this?” I asked. “Is this legal?”

“Oh yeah,” she says. “It’s a member sponsored, private club. It’s not open to the general public. There are certain criteria that must be met. Most women can’t afford it anyway. So you’ll do it?”

She was blowing me away with her story but I was still having a hard time believing her. I didn’t know what to do so I stood my ground. I reiterated, “I told you, I’m not going to sex fight for ten grand.”

She said, “I tell you what, I’m going to make one final offer. I like you, and it’s obvious you like me. You did try to ask me out after all. I’ll sweeten the pot. I’ll get them to pop for fifteen grand and I’ll throw in something more personal. If you win, you can take me to dinner, and who knows… since she called you out, maybe Cory would join us as well. You never know where things could go from there.”

Holy shit, I thought. She was making it tough. Maybe truth is stranger than fiction.

“Who do you think would win?” I asked.

She said, “Anybody’s guess, but I’d bet on Cory.”

That gave me pause, especially since Margot had already beaten me. She knows from experience how well (or poorly) I wrestle, but we’re talking a lot of money here.

“There will be no pain deliberately inflicted?” I asked.

“Right,” she said. “Like our match, it’s about humiliation of the loser for the viewing pleasure of the audience. It’s not about pain. And by the way, S&M is prohibited for a number of reasons – liability being the primary one. It’s also to protect our fighters should they lose to an outsider. That said, I can’t guarantee there will be no pain.”

“I get it,” I said. “Other than that, anything goes?”


“I get fifteen grand win or lose?”


“And Cory wants to sex fight me… really?”

“Yes, yes,” she said impatiently.

I had to give this some serious thought. I was trying to make sense of it all and I wanted to be certain I had all my bases covered before agreeing to anything.

“Are you there?” Margot asked as I was pacing the room, pondering her proposition.

“No,” I responded.

Margot laughed.

“Well? Make up your mind,” she said. “That’s my final offer and I need to know before we hang up. I’ve offered all I’m authorized to pay. It’s pretty likely you’ll earn some decent tips. C’mon,” she said. “I’ve even tried to sweeten the pot with a dinner date if you win. I know you’ll like that. So what’s it going to be big boy? Think you’re man enough to beat little Cory, or are you afraid she’ll tie you up and shove that vibrator up your ass again while making you jerk yourself against your will?”

My thoughts were swirling. Could I go through with it again? If I decided to do it, there’d be no turning back. If I declined, I’d miss out on fifteen grand plus tips and I’d likely never see Margot or Cory again. I lived out one of my greatest fantasies when I wrestled Margot and now I’m being offered a chance to do it again… and get paid for it this time… a lot!

“Alright, I’ll do it,” I said.

Margot said, “Great. I’ll get back to you with the details. Since we’re paying you this time, we’ll require you to sign a contract. I’ll mail it to you so you should have it in a couple days.”

I said, “Okay” and we hung up.

My heart was racing and my dick was hard from thinking about it. I couldn’t wait to hear from Margot again.

Four days later, I received a package in the mail from SFW, Inc. I couldn’t get the package opened fast enough. Inside was a letter welcoming me to their club as a paid fighter. Included were instructions for gaining access to the club on the night of the fight, a contract with a return envelope, and a neon-green thong.

Though written in legalese, I understood the contract well enough to know the details were as Margot described over the phone. There were no surprises except for the thong I was supposed to wear for the match. I signed the contract, scanned it into my computer so I’d have a copy, put it into the return envelope and mailed it later that day.

I looked at the thong and imagined wearing it in front of a crowd of women while wrestling Cory. I got hard thinking about it.

Three days later Margot called and we agreed on a day and time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was exactly on time. I knocked three times on the side door of the “gym,” paused, then two more times as instructed. I wore the thong under my slacks.

I was stunned by Margot’s appearance as she opened the door. She was wearing a black leather corset with her tits exposed, black G-string, long black leather gloves, and thigh-high, spike-heeled boots. Talk about setting the tone. I was speechless. I was wishing I’d be wrestling her again.

She said, “Come in. We’re especially excited to watch you grapple again.” I entered the room and followed Margot toward the ring. My attention was focused on Margot’s bare ass as she sauntered in front of me. My cock responded. I barely noticed the increase in crowd noise as we approached the ring.

I finally took my eyes off her and looked around the room. There must’ve been over 100 women seated at candlelit tables around three sides of the ring.

My heart raced.

The tables were set up on tiers so each table had a clear view. Four muscular, cocktail waiters wearing pink bikini briefs, pink socks and pink tennis shoes were serving drinks and entertaining the members. These guys were chiseled. The women loved watching them weave through tables carrying their serving trays just above their shoulders. The waiters were treated with the same kind of disrespect men often show toward waitresses – intimidating stares at their crotches, looks up and down, a pat on the ass, an “accidental” crotch rub, etc. The waiters played with it. They knew the effect they had on the women and they knew why they were there. Everyone was having fun in a very sexually charged environment.

A little panic set in since I had no idea the audience would be so large. Fear was all I felt at that moment. Having four other guys there only served to increase the pressure to win.

I noticed the mural on that long wall again, portraying two boxers. There were soft spotlights illuminating the art piece against an otherwise dark wall. They each had obvious hard-ons that formed large tents in their shorts. One guy is throwing a body punch and the other guy is doubled over, obviously in pain. Who knows why their cocks are hard? Maybe they’re gay. Maybe they’re excited because they’re fighting in front of women. There’s just something strangely erotic about that mural – especially in a women-only sex fight club.

That’s when it occurred to me why I accepted this fight. The money was reason enough, but that wasn’t the real reason. The real reason was that living on the wild side was too exciting to deny. My fear was escalating, but so was my arousal.

We got to the ring and there was Cory, waiting for me under the bright lights just inside the ropes. She was staring down at me as she slowly strutted back and forth from one corner of the ring to the other. She wore a tattered, faux leather halter top and matching loincloth. She wore no makeup. She doesn’t need any. She’s a magnificent, natural beauty and she looked stunning in her cavewoman outfit. Any second thoughts somehow magically disappeared as a wave of lust welled over me. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her.

Cory said, “You’re not going to wrestle in that I hope. You’re wearing the thong, right?”

“Yes,” I said.

She said, “Well let’s see it big boy. We want to see you in your pretty little green thong before I strip you of it.”

She had such confidence – and that’s the second time I was called “big boy.”

With each piece of clothing I removed, the crowd let out a few hoots with applause and cheers. One of my long-time fantasies has been to be a male stripper, performing for an all-female audience and ultimately, ordered to jerk-off for their viewing pleasure – so here we go, only this time it was for real.

It was demeaning, embarrassing, and wildly erotic. I didn’t dance, but I stripped slowly and looked directly into the eyes of different women. I kept a helpless expression on my face, implying I’d do anything for them. I felt a shyness, yet I was diving headlong into the dream. I imagined having no choice but to give myself up, unable to control my lust. It was fear with an extreme element of eroticism. My cock continued to swell.

By the time I stripped down to my thong, they couldn’t help but notice my half-hard cock under the thin spandex. I climbed into the ring to enthusiastic applause.

In my fantasies, I’m always at the mercy of women, but I’m a competitive guy. This was real and I was determined to have my way with Cory. I eyeballed her magnificence. My cock was twitching as it rubbed against the silky thong. The audience was cheering. I was confident I’d win. She wouldn’t catch me off guard like Margot did.

Cory and I knew what was expected of us as we stared at each other from opposite corners. I had butterflies, like a nervous teenager about to get laid for the first time.

Margot was standing on the apron just outside my corner. She says, “Nice crowd, huh?”

“You told me there would be 15 to 30 women here,” I feebly complained.

She replied, “Are you whining? That’s an average crowd. This is a special night and a special kind of fight. We always draw good crowds when Cory fights. She rarely loses. Some of the women who saw your match with me were anxious to bring you back to wrestle again. Anyway, when Cory wins, she puts unique demands on the loser. And besides, with all these rich women, you’ll make really good tips. Good luck.”

I heard a bell. Cheers erupted. Cory walked toward the center of the ring and I responded in kind.

What were those “unique demands,” I wondered? Did the bell indicate there would be timed rounds, or do we simply continue until there is an obvious winner? No one told me how this would be run, and I hadn’t thought to ask, but it didn’t matter now. The match was underway.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We circled arms outstretched and ready to grab the other at the first opening. It was a terrible mismatch. I’m over six foot and she’s about five-two. I weigh 180 pounds and she couldn’t have weighed more than 125. I eyed her toned, slender figure with her subtly bubbled behind. Everything about her was petite and feminine. I couldn’t wait to control her.

I lunged at her legs to take her down. She quickly moved out of the way and I fell flat on my face. The crowd laughed. Cory immediately jumped on my back and wrapped one arm around my throat. Her other hand grabbed a handful of cock and the crowd erupted.

That was embarrassing but I was able to get back to my feet and she let go. She may have been much smaller than I, but she had the speed advantage and like Margot, she was stronger than expected.

I turned to engage her face to face. We circled. She faked a dive toward my legs. When I reacted, she dodged me and quickly stepped to my side. Before I could grab her, she got behind me again, wrapping one arm around my throat and grabbing my cock with her other hand. The crowd cheered again.

She leaned into my ear and said softly, “Nice cock. I love how hard you are already. It makes you so much more fun to toy with and it’s more exciting for the crowd.” “Oooo, this is fun,” she said. “Don’t you think this is fun?” And she let go.

“Funny,” I retorted.

It was embarrassing how she got the upper hand so easily, but it was also arousing. After all, it was magnificent Cory who was grabbing my cock. As humiliating as it was to be made a fool of in front of the crowd, it turned me on to be rendered helpless by her. I couldn’t help it. I liked her hand on my cock in front of all those women. It was exciting. Still, I’m a competitive guy. Certainly, I wasn’t about to simply hand her the victory.

I faked a takedown but quickly stood up instead and attempted to get her into a clinch. I veered left, anticipating the direction she’d move to get away, but she veered to my right. She was extremely quick and she was good at anticipating my moves.

She taunted and demeaned me with baby talk, “Are you having a hard time? Poor little boy.”

It irritated me. I wanted to grab her, hold her down and run my hands all over her, but every time I reached for her, she avoided my grasp. I knew if I got my hands on her, she wouldn’t stand a chance.

I charged at her again. When she tried to dodge me this time, I followed her and wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug. I quickly reached behind her neck and pulled on the knot holding her halter top up. It came untied and I got a look at those perfect small breasts again. My cock twinged at the sight of her tits and the small victory. I clasped my hands behind her back and pulled her close, holding her bare breasts tightly against my chest. I lifted her up and deliberately fell forward onto the mat. She landed on her back with me on top of her.

It was a hard fall and she let out a loud “umpff” when we landed. I was afraid I’d hurt her so I released my grip to see if she was okay. Big mistake. As I rose up slightly, she brought her left leg over my right shoulder and her right leg under my left arm.

Cory wasn’t wearing panties so as her loincloth flopped in all directions, her beautiful, hairless pussy was often in full view. I could smell her excitement and it excited me. I did my best to remain focused despite the superb scenery and bouquet.

She got her left foot behind her right knee and with both hands, she held my left wrist. I felt increasing pressure against my throat as she squeezed her legs tighter.

From the side of the ring I heard Margot yell, “Looks like things aren’t going so well Stevie. Oh… and Cory said she’d love to go to dinner with us – if you win that is.”

All I had to do was defeat this pint-sized, little shit. In addition to all the money I’d make, I’d be going to dinner with two hot chicks and with any luck, there’d be big rewards later.

I was stronger than Cory. I pushed hard against her legs, and popped my head out from her death grip. When I went to jump on top of her again, she scrambled away and got back to her feet. She was every bit as adept at this stuff as Margot.

She untied the back of her halter top and threw it on the mat. “Nice try,” she said.

I was getting back to my feet and she wasted no time, scrambling to get behind me and wrap her arm around my throat again. She was relentless with her chokehold attempts. This time, with her left arm under my chin, she grabbed the bicep of her right arm. Her right hand was holding the top of my head, giving her leverage to put pressure against my throat again. She hopped onto my back and wrapped her legs around my waist. She began squeezing my throat. I grabbed her left arm and pulled it down with all my might to prevent her from choking me. I forced her to release her grip but when she realized she wouldn’t be able to choke me, she reached down and grabbed my cock again before hopping off of my back.

She continually pissed me off with her quickness, yet I wanted her hand on my cock. I turned to face her.

While I was becoming winded and frustrated, she showed no signs of fatigue. She stood in front of me, laughing and pointing at my crotch. I was embarrassed. There was no way to hide my hard-on. It was laid sideways inside my thong. One wrong move and it would likely pop into full view. Everyone could see I was getting turned on by my situation.

Maybe it was Cory’s face. Maybe it was her body. Maybe it was how easily she took control. Maybe it was because it was happening in front of an all-female audience, or maybe it was all of the above, but as I allowed myself to fall deeper into the fantasy, my inhibitions diminished and my level of excitement began controlling me.

She said, “Mannn, you must love being humiliated by women. How many times have I had you in a compromised position, yet you’re hard as a rock.” She continued to taunt me. “I had no idea this would be so easy. I figured you knew how to grapple. I was wrong. You’re already breathing heavily. You’ve got a hard-on, and we’re just getting started.” She finished with, “Oh this will be so much fun. I’m really enjoying this and I’m glad to see you’re enjoying it too.”

“Fuck you,” I said.

She went for my legs, but I grabbed her right wrist and twisted it as we went to the mat. I had hoped to wrench her arm behind her back, but she quickly somersaulted and rose to her feet while yanking her wrist from my grip. As she tried to get away from me, I rose up to my knees, wrapped my arms around her waist, and threw her face down on the mat.

The crowd went silent. I held her down, reached between her legs from behind and grabbed her pussy. She was as wet as I was hard and she squirmed when I rubbed my finger back and forth over her clit. I thought I finally had control but it turned out to be a brief victory as she turned onto her back where she could better defend herself. She grabbed my right thumb and began twisting it toward the back of my wrist causing me great pain. To avoid having my thumb broken off, I had to roll off of her and she got back to her feet.

I looked around in surprise. “What the fuck?” I yelled. “Is that even legal?”

She smiled at me.

I slowly rose to my feet and we circled the ring again. We charged at each other. When I reached out to grab her, she pushed my arm aside, ducked under it and took my back once again.

When she had both arms wrapped around my waist, she pulled my thong down, exposing me for all to see. She grabbed my cock. I was fully erect and she was showing me off. She conquered me again. Feeling her hand on my cock weakened me. I wanted to let go. I wanted to allow her to manipulate me, yet I felt compelled to fight. I had to defeat her.

She clung tightly to my waist, holding herself against my back while I was busy trying to pull my thong back up. I couldn’t turn to face her. She twisted her right leg around mine, making it difficult for me to move. Suddenly, she leaned hard to my right. I couldn’t move my leg to prevent my fall and down I went.

She clung to my back, sliding up slowly to get her left arm across my throat once more and her legs again wrapped around my waist. She tightened her grip on my throat.

I was becoming fatigued but I scrambled for all I was worth to push her arm away and prevent the choke. I moved her arm, but she spun around and locked my arm between her legs. Again, I couldn’t keep up with her speed and she put me into an armbar. I was flat on my back while she had one leg across my chest and the other across my face. She gripped my wrist, forcing my elbow against her crotch. She raised her hips and arched her back, hyper-extending my elbow. I squirmed to rise above her so I could pull away from her grip but she had it locked up. I was powerless to get out of it. My elbow was in severe distress. I feared it might break. I was left with little choice.

“I give!” I yelled, and the crowd went wild.

She held it in place without letting up and loudly asked, “What?”

“I give up! Stop!”

“You’ll do anything I want, right?” She asked loudly so everyone could hear.

I was squirming like crazy, trying to lessen the pain but she held tight. I yelled, “Yes, yes, I’ll do whatever you want.”


“Yes, anything! I give! I give up!”

The audience was cheering and applauding Cory’s victory.

She released my arm. Pain was shooting through my elbow. I was exhausted. I bent my arm back and forth a few times to make sure it was alright as I was trying to catch my breath.

Cory stood up with her hands raised in the air, flaunting her victory over me. I was slow getting to my hands and knees. Despite the pain and exhaustion, my cock was still hard. I began crawling back to my corner to await my fate when Cory came up behind me, grabbed the back of my thong and started pulling it down. I quickly grabbed the front of it and flopped down on my belly to prevent her from pulling it off. I thought it might tear as she kept yanking the back of it.

“You’re fighting the inevitable,” Cory said. “Everyone wants to see what you’ve got. That’s what they paid for. Even though you’re fighting it, I know you can’t wait to give them what they want.”

After yanking at my thong a few times, that little shit had dragged me back to the center of the ring. I stayed on my stomach to hide my hard-on but she grabbed my shoulder, yanked on my thong, and rolled me onto my back. The tip of my dick was sticking out and everyone was yelling for more.

I laid on my back, pulling the front of my thong up to cover my cock when she climbed on top of my shoulders and squatted on my face. Cory looked around the room, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the all-female audience as she raised her arms high and bathed in her victory.

I heard their cheers, “Eat that pussy!” “Fuck his face!” Some were still yelling, “Strip him! Let’s see him naked!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A long time ago, I heard that fear and sexual arousal are in the same category of emotions. Being humiliated in front of women has been a fantasy of mine since puberty, but I was nonetheless afraid when faced with the reality of it. I had no idea what would come next. Despite my anxiety, or perhaps because of it, my cock was as hard as a rock.

Cory had no respect for me at that point. She pulled her loincloth aside, planted her clit perfectly against my mouth and yelled, “Lick it!”

I licked her. I sucked her. My mission was to satisfy her. I was so taken by her, I would do everything in my power to pleasure her. I would make beautiful, sweet love to her clit with my tongue and my lips. Humiliating as it was to lose to this tiny powerhouse, I would do as I was told. It didn’t take long before I forgot about holding up my thong. Cory was right. I wanted to be naked in front of all these women. I lost the fight and I wanted to be humiliated and degraded by her for it. I no longer cared about hiding it. I wanted the audience to watch my ultimate surrender.

Cory started to squirm. She raised up enough to pull my arms out from under her, then squatted on my mouth again. She took hold of my wrists and brought my hands to her chest, leaned her head back and bathed in the pleasure of my hands exploring her breasts, and my tongue licking her splendid, bald pussy. The crowd responded with enthusiasm.

She said, “That’s it. You’re mine now. Be a good slave for me and the girls.”

It was a privilege to be dominated by Cory regardless of the circumstances. She owned me and I would be a good slave.

Cory laid the front flap of her loincloth over my face. If I turned my head to either side, all I could see were her thighs.

The crowd noise suddenly escalated. I assumed it might be because Cory’s excitement was elevating, or perhaps Margot was doing something outside the ring. I had no clue what was happening. I just kept flicking my tongue on her.

Someone started feeling my cock. Waves of fear and anticipation ran through me. I couldn’t see beyond the flap of material covering my face but I felt Cory’s body twisting above me. I knew she was turning to see what was going on behind her.

My thong was being pulled down. My cock popped out. The crowd cheered. My rock-hard cock was being stroked while my thong was slowly being removed. Soon, the thong was below my balls. I spread my legs to prevent its removal but someone wrapped their arms around my legs and squeezed them back together.

Cory moved her pussy squarely onto my mouth and she began diddling herself.

The crowd cheered for my complete submission and humiliation. Once my thong had been pulled to my knees, the “hug” around my legs was released and my thong was removed. I was helpless to stop the assault, but knowing Cory was watching elevated my excitement. I penetrated her with my tongue.

A hand began stroking my cock again while another fondled my balls. Despite not knowing who was stroking me in front of everyone… or maybe because of not knowing, I entered a zone I’d never experienced before. Was it Margot? I hoped it was Margot but I know what Margot’s hands feel like. Margot has small hands. They felt larger than Margot’s hands, but it didn’t much matter whose hands they were. It felt incredible.

Cory continued to ride my face. Her intensity was growing as she watched me respond to the handjob I was receiving.

Margot pulled Cory’s loincloth off my face. She was standing directly in front of Cory and looking down at me. Obviously, it wasn’t Margot stroking me. The mystery intensified my excitement as I had a view of Cory’s magnificent tits, and Margot in her Dom attire.

Cory turned back around and looked down at me watching her. Her eyes fluttered from the sensations. I knew she was getting off on how much I was enjoying my efforts to pleasure her. She was losing control of herself. Then she said, “I like your hard-on,” and turned back around to watch some more. Knowing she wanted to watch excited me.

Margot pulled my arms over my head and tied my wrists with Cory’s discarded top. My feeling of helplessness only served to increase the intensity of the handjob I was receiving. I was beginning to thrust my hips, squirming as the sensations intensified and my orgasm neared. I was on the verge of cumming when my stroker briefly let go. My cock was pulsing uncontrollably but even with all this taking place, I never let up licking and probing Cory’s pussy.

Cory humped my face hard and tensed up. I knew she was about to cum so I gradually increased the speed of my tongue and raised my head to apply more pressure on her. She grabbed my hair and pulled my face even tighter into her. It hurt but I didn’t care. My purpose was to satisfy her.

Cory finally leaned over and let out a moaning scream while stroking herself hard and fast. She was shimmying and shaking her tits above my face. The woman I couldn’t see went back to stroking my cock and fondling my balls. Cory bounced on my face without a care as to whether or not she might be hurting me. Her orgasm seemed never-ending. I watched her intense stages of vulnerability as she came hard, occasionally looking up at the cheering crowd. She was humping and moaning, twitching and screaming throughout her intense orgasm and she continued to hump my face long after she peaked. I couldn’t believe my luck. I got to pleasure Cory. My purpose was served. I’d been her good slave.

Gradually, Cory drifted back into reality. I was on the verge of cumming when once again, the stroking stopped, leaving me frustrated.

Margot said, “Let’s move him.”

It began to dawn on me that everything had been carefully choreographed but apparently, I missed the rehearsal. It was as if, all I’d gone through so far was planned ahead of time and every response I made played perfectly into their plan. They seemed to know what I’d think, what I’d feel, and how I’d respond, yet I had no clue what was coming next.

Cory slowly stood up. I was excited to find out what my stroker looked like, but there was no one. Someone had been behind Cory and stroking my cock, but I had no idea who it was or what she looked like. It was a mind fuck. All I knew was, it wasn’t Cory, and it wasn’t Margot.

Cory and Margot dragged me to the corner. They sat me upright with my back against the post facing the center of the crowd that surrounded me on three sides. Margot tied each of my wrists to the post above the top ropes with satin straps. Once my wrists were secured, she tied my legs to the bottom ropes, putting me into a spread-eagle position.

Being vulnerable and afraid increased the intensity of the fantasy. Having no control over what was being done to me was erotic enough, let alone that it was happening in front of so many women. The women were getting exactly what they paid for and I was immersed in it. It had been my fantasy and now, it was my reality. I would’ve done anything for them.

Cory danced slowly in front of me in her loincloth while fondling her tits. She had a wanting look on her face I found irresistible. She was fully aware of the effect she had on me. I felt pure desire for her and she knew it. She gyrated slowly for my benefit. I was in a trance, captivated by her sexuality. Then Margot put a blindfold on me, leaving me with only my last vision of Cory dancing.

Nothing happened for at least five minutes. My hard-on wilted. The crowd had become relatively quiet. I wondered what was happening and what was coming next. Was anything coming next? I became apprehensive. What just happened? Is that all? Was it over? It couldn’t be over yet. I wondered why I had been left there so long with nothing happening.

I couldn’t stand it any longer so I asked, “What’s going on?”

Cory fired back at me, “Just be quiet slave. Have you forgotten? We’re on my terms here. You’ll be our toy when we’re ready to play with you and not before. In the meantime, just sit there and imagine how weak and vulnerable you look. You’re a naked and helpless little boy toy. We can do anything we want to you and you’ll have no say in the matter. I could have everyone here gang-bang the fuck out of you if I wanted, and you’d be powerless to stop it.”

That put a level of fear into me. I decided to shut up.

Finally, the crowd noise erupted. Extreme fear welled up in my belly as I imagined women wearing strap-ons headed in my direction. Still, my cock began to stiffen. Within a few seconds after the crowd noise escalated, someone was fondling me again. The crowd volume rose even louder than before. I didn’t know who it was or what she looked like but after what seemed like an eternity of nothingness, my cock responded immediately to being handled again.

Could it have been Shauna Johnson, the owner and founder of the club? I’d never seen her before. I never saw any of her videos. I had never heard of Shauna Johnson, yet imagining it was her, turned me on even more.

I knew Margot’s voice. She said, “You’re going to suck cock for all these women.”

My stomach rolled over and waves of fear ran through my body. Please don’t tell me there’s a man involved, I thought. I said, “That’s not going to happen.”

Margot said, “Oh yes it will,” and I felt something touch my lips.

It terrified me at first until I realized it was a rubber dildo. Once I knew what it was, my fear subsided. I opened wide and Margot pushed it into my mouth.

The women went wild, cheering me on yelling, “suck that cock.” I delved into it, knowing they would appreciate my efforts. I showed my enthusiasm and gave them exactly what they were calling for. I was their humbled sex toy, willing to give myself up completely for them. The fantasy of letting go of all inhibitions for their pleasure turned me on to the max. I sucked the dildo with reckless abandon while my stroker caused me to moan, breathe hard and even drool as I came ever closer to orgasm.

As a man who fantasizes about being sexually dominated and humiliated by women, the thought of a woman, or women making me suck another man’s cock was a fantasy I occasionally visited. I’ve always known, were I to be confronted with that situation in real life, I couldn’t allow it to happen. I’m not gay. I’m not even bi, but in the fantasy realm where women make me do it because they are turned on by it, it’s one of my especially filthy, erotic dreams.

My ecstasy increased with their enthusiasm. I was not only living my fantasy, I was acting out theirs and that excited me even more.

Suddenly, the stroker stopped and I felt a pair of lips take over. The sensation of getting a blow job while hands fondled my balls was forcing me to the brink of orgasm. I was squeezing my ass cheeks together and pumping my hips. I was sweating, breathing heavily and moaning as I sucked the dildo, but before I was granted release, she stopped. I was frustrated again. I wondered why I wasn’t allowed to cum. I began feeling overly stimulated.

My cock was wilting again when Margot said, “What if I told you it was a man who had stripped you? Would that turn you on? What if I told you it was a man who had been stroking you? What if I told you it was a man sucking your cock? Would that get you hard again?”

Oh the depravity, to be sucking a dildo while another man was giving me head in front of an all-female audience that was loving it.

I didn’t know how else to respond other than to release all inhibitions and display my uncontrollable lust. It felt a little awkward at first, but it was apparent the women were extremely excited watching a man suck me off. Some women were still yelling, “Suck that cock!” Were they yelling at me to suck on the dildo, or was it directed at (the man?) Who was sucking my cock? It didn’t matter. It became even more arousing and I was unable to resist diving into it. They wanted nothing less than our degradation as we performed before them.

The sucking stopped. I felt two bare arms reach around from behind me, then lube was squirted all over my cock and balls. Before I knew it, I was receiving a two-handed, lubed handjob – one hand stroking and one hand lightly touching my balls, my taint, and my ass. I heard Cory’s voice from right behind my head. She asked, “Do you like that?” It felt incredible. I embraced my surrender.


Cory knew when I was ready to cum and she’d stop stroking long enough for me to lose the intensity, then she’d begin again. The tease and denial was ecstatic torture and caused me to twitch and gyrate. The more she tortured me, the harder I humped. The louder I moaned, the louder the crowd became.

Margot stopped pumping the dildo in and out of my mouth but I was into it, continuing to bob my head on it. The crowd’s cheering intensified when the dildo was pulled from my mouth for a few seconds, then inserted again, only this time, it wasn’t a dildo.

A shock wave ran through my body when I realized I had a real cock in my mouth. My first instinct was to pull away despite the crowd wildly yelling, “Suck that cock!”

This was the next stage in my fantasy, yet I was compelled to spit his cock out and turn my head away. I tightened my lips to prevent further penetration. I refused to suck it. Though I’d been turned on to the max and brought to a point where I was recklessly uninhibited beyond any sexual situation I’d ever experienced, this was something I simply could not do. I had been forced to commit to do anything Cory wanted, but this was a step too far.

Cory stopped stroking me and yelled over the crowd noise, “Oh no you don’t! You said you’d do anything! I’m going to hold you to it! You’re going to suck that cock for us!”

His cock was hard as it poked me in the cheek. I felt it sliding across my tightened lips. I turned my head from one side to the other to avoid it.

Cory leaned into my ear and softly said, “You won’t get a dime if you don’t suck that cock. It’s already been in your mouth. You already know what it feels like and what it tastes like. Suck it and you’ll make fifteen grand. Don’t suck it and you’ll get nothing. It’s in the contract. Do what the winner wants and you’ll get paid, and what I want, is to watch you suck that cock. It’ll turn me on like crazy. You want to turn me on don’t you?” Cory chuckled. “I know you want to turn me on.”

I had never engaged in any kind of homosexual behavior in my life but I had already made plans for the money. Was it worth losing fifteen grand just because I couldn’t stand having some guy’s cock in my mouth? Suck cock and I’d be free of debt. Don’t suck it and my life won’t change. My inclination was to spit out the taste, yet my fantasy kept reappearing in my mind. This was what all these women wanted to see. I was the focus of their attention just like in my most depraved fantasies. My naked vulnerability was turning them on. They were excited to watch my complete surrender and they were calling for me to suck that cock.

Cory said, “Do you have any idea how sexy you look? I loved seeing you tied in the corner when Margot wrestled you but you look even sexier now. I’ve fantasized about you in this exact situation since that day. I’ve masturbated to this fantasy. I love watching a restrained man being made to suck another man’s cock. It turns me on more than you know. Do this for me. There’s nothing to fear. If you want me, you’ll do this for me.”

The pressure was off. I didn’t have to worry about what anyone else thought. No one here knew me. It was what all these women came to see and why I was paid so much. More importantly, it was what Cory wanted and because Cory wanted it so much, it turned me on like crazy. I desperately wanted her to stroke me again. She was waiting for my answer.

I closed my eyes. The reality I faced faded into a fantasy. I turned my head, faced forward and opened my mouth. When his cock entered, I tightened my lips around it and forced my tongue against the underside of his shaft.

Cory began stroking me again. She said, “That’s my good slave. I love watching you, all hard and excited to suck cock for us.”

Gradually, I was able to purge my inhibitions. I relied on one of my prior fantasies as my focus. My cock became so hard it hurt. Until now, I had only imagined giving myself up to this extent.

Margot was standing next to me. She removed my blindfold. A young, well built, dark-haired guy was standing naked before me with his cock in my mouth. He was still wearing his pink socks and pink tennis shoes. It was one of the waiters. Margot had a leash in her hand that was attached to a dog collar around his neck. She said, “meet my slave, Charlie.”

His knees were bent slightly and he was hanging onto the top ropes. His balls were shaved. As he thrust his hips forward and back, I bobbed my head opposite his thrusts, applying pressure under the head of his dick with my tongue.

Cory knew exactly how to control me. She would stroke my cock slowly, squeezing with every up stroke and barely holding on with very light pressure on the down strokes. I couldn’t help gyrating in my restraints. Every time I twitched, the crowd responded. She’d stroke me fast and hard and I’d tense up. I was desperate, hoping she’d take me over the edge… but she would not. When I was on the verge of cumming, she’d stop. Once I’d begin to relax, she’d start stroking again. I was on a tease and denial roller coaster.

Charlie continued pumping and I kept sucking.

Cory stopped stroking and climbed into the ring next to me. She untied my right arm and squirted more lube on my cock. She said, you’re going to jerk yourself off in front of all of us and when he cums in your mouth, you’re going to cum with him.

I felt completely helpless and submissive to Cory’s demands. Her beauty put me deeper into submission. I was compelled to obey her. I began stroking myself as Cory lightly fondled my balls and thrust the lube-coated dildo in and out between my ass cheeks. It was at the wrong angle for penetration but it gave me incredible sensations. My asshole felt every thrust.

Charlie’s cock was tightening and he was breathing heavily. He began moaning loudly and so did I. He was on the brink. I was on the brink. I thought Cory might frustrate me again and stop me from stroking myself, but she allowed me to continue.

Charlie’s moans increased in volume until he screamed and I felt the first shot of warm, salty cum hit the back of my throat, then the next shot, and the next. I heard his screams above the cheers from the crowd. I was trying to swallow but some was dripping out of my mouth, down my chin and onto my chest. I continued to suck his cock while bobbing my head forward and back and he continued to scream. I was overwhelmed by how exciting the humiliation was in front of cheering women.

Margot yelled, “Don’t pull out Charlie! Keep pumping!”

His knees were buckling as he clung to the ropes for support.

I stroked myself hard and fast while Cory continued fondling my balls and thrusting the dildo. I was sweating, trembling and twitching from the sensations and the scene I was the star of. I had been on the brink for so long. I could hear how much the women loved watching me take Charlie’s load in my mouth. This was the most I had given myself up for anyone and finally, I got my release.

I was still thrusting my head forward and back when I mumbled out a scream and shot my load all over Charlie’s legs and balls. I came with such intensity, I couldn’t restrain my screams any longer and I sprayed Charlie’s cum all over his cock and balls. When Charlie’s cock popped out of my mouth, Margot grabbed it and began stroking him while fondling his balls from behind. She smeared my cum mixed with his all over his balls and my chin as his cock continued to spit in my face. Cory shoved my face into his balls and told me to lick. He kept screaming as I did what I was told. I licked every inch of his scrotum and his taint, tasting his cum mixed with mine. I was screaming and cumming like never before as the crowd erupted with appreciation. They obviously loved seeing Charlie and me uncontrollably twitching and screaming unintelligible, loud utterances.

A beautiful, Native American looking woman came into my view from behind me. She was strong looking and thick waisted with big, fully exposed natural boobs. She was wearing only a g-string. She grabbed my right hand and tied it back to the top of the post.

I was immobilized again when Cory took over stroking me. The sensation became unbearable as she stroked my overly sensitive cock. I was screaming, squirming and bouncing, thrusting my hips from side to side, trying to escape her grip but she continued despite the unbearable torture she clearly knew she was inflicting. She was laughing at me and enjoying every minute of my painful, tickling torture.

The crowd cheers were louder than ever. It was an ecstatic nightmare and they were enjoying every second of my torment. I thought I’d pop a blood vessel as I was straining helplessly and screaming for her to stop. Finally, as my cock began to soften, Cory slowed her rhythm. It still was torture, but less intense. My cock eventually wilted. She gently fondled my balls, soothing me as I twitched my way back to normalcy.

Cory leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then she untied me. The crowd was clapping and cheering, showing their approval. I was glad they were pleased. Charlie and I collapsed on the mat as twitching masses of gelatin until we finally started to regain our bearings. Cory reached over to stroke my cock occasionally just to watch me twitch some more until it finally had little effect.

Charlie got up and staggered to the ropes. He left the ring and disappeared.

I looked over at Margot. She was looking at me with a big smile on her face as I lay naked and spent on the canvas. She laughed and said, “Still not a chance.”

I thought I was smart when I said, “That’s Ok. Your first offer was five grand. I got you to triple it.”

Cory pumped my ego back up when she said, “Would you still like to take me to dinner?”

I said, “Of course I would.”

She said, “Go clean yourself up. Get dressed, and come have a drink with me. What do you drink?”

I said, “Beer would be fine – any kind.”

After I cleaned up, I went back and Cory was sitting at a table by herself. She had her halter top back on. When I sat down at her table, I had a lot of women coming up to me to tell me what a good job I’d done. It was embarrassing. All I said was, “Thank you.”

Cory told me she enjoyed how I responded better than anyone they’d ever recruited off the street. She asked, “Have you ever sucked a man’s cock before?”

I said, “No. I’ve never even touched another man’s cock.”

She said, “Well, you wouldn’t know it. You went after it like a sex-crazed homo. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Charlie cum so hard – and you came even harder than when you wrestled Margot.” “Holy shit!” She said with a bit of laughter. “You spit Charlie’s cum all over him. You put on a stellar show!”

I wasn’t sure that was a compliment but I was glad she enjoyed it.

She handed her card to me and told me to call her. She said she looked forward to hearing from me. Then she got up and left.

Margot came over with an envelope filled with cash. It was too full to seal up. On closer inspection, I noticed a check in front. I pulled the check up to look at it and sure enough, it was a printed check, made out to me for $15,000. I didn’t know how much cash was there. I wasn’t about to count it out then, but it looked like a lot of money – mostly hundred-dollar bills. There had to be at least $5,000 in tips. I was elated that everything went according to the agreement. I was incredibly well paid and I made a lot extra in tips.

I felt a bit overwhelmed. I knew it was a contractual agreement, yet receiving all that money for an amazing night of sex blew my mind. Of course, I felt a level of shame and regret for sucking cock, but would I do it again for that kind of money? I believe I would. That was the easiest $15K plus I’d ever earned and I must admit, the humiliation got me as turned on as I’d ever been.

Margot said, “Well… It looks like you’ll get your dinner date with Cory. Congrats on that. I told you she liked you. It was a pleasure to have you here. Thank you. You performed beautifully.” Then she said, “After you finish your drink, you may leave,” and she got up and left me at the table alone.

A handful of women came over to make conversation while I drank my beer. A couple of them tried to proposition me. They were all wearing wedding rings so brief conversation was as much as I’d allow, although one woman asked if she could hire me to wrestle her husband. I didn’t know what to say. She handed me her card and told me to call her if I was interested. Frankly, that was the last thing I wanted to think about at the moment, but I kept her card. I finished my beer and left with the excitement of knowing I’d be calling Cory to make dinner plans. There was something about her. Even beyond her looks, I found her irresistible. I was anxious to get to know her better.

Oh… and there was $9,250 in the envelope. I made almost $25K in one night. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be able to throw that kind of money around, but I was damn glad to be the recipient of it. I thought, maybe I’m in the wrong business. I made almost as much in one night as I make in five months on my job, and this was a lot more fun.