After School Pickup

I don’t know why I said “I need to pick up my brother,” but my friend Linda made a joke about it.

“Well,” she laughed, “I better come help, because he’s probably too heavy for you to pick up.”

“Oh, ha ha. How long you been working on that little stinker?”

“A couple months,” she was proud of herself, but then she went on, and on, talking about my brother, while I did the math. A couple months ago ment on summer, so she waited for me to say that again. She’s funny, but it’s hard to laugh when you’re the butt of her literal jokes.

Like calling it the girl’s Bath-room, when there isn’t a bathtub, or even a shower. You get the idea, but she knew that, ever since last year I started walking over to the Jr. High. To “Pick up my brother,” when really we just walked home together, because they let out over an hour later than us.

“He’s probably beating off now.”


“Well? Is he growing hair on it, or not?” I hit her arm, “Ow, what was that for?”

“Making me imagine my brother’s junk, you sick nympho.”

“Well, that’s how you can tell. All the boys do it, if they got any hair on it.”

“How would you know?” I regretted asking, right away.

“Because that’s when I started doing it, too.” I just shook my head, and tried to keep a straight face, but I knew that, because she showed me. No, not all of it, but when she first sprouted, she showed the little hair sticking out, and it was long enough to play with.

Look, I guess I was a little sheltered, only I didn’t know it, yet. I had some idea what sex was, and even how grownups went about it, but it was kinda grown-up stuff.

“Huh, well?”


“Uh, I haven’t. Really tried it, yet.”

“You got hair on it?”

“Yeah, a couple, but I’m not pulling my panties out right here to show you.”

“Maybe later,” but then we got to the fence, a little early, but she got up on her tippy toes, and pressed her bra up, on the top of the fence.

“Huh!” I rolled my eyes, but let me tell you about Linda. She’s more than a little flirty, and yeah. I liked it, I liked her, or I wouldn’t keep hanging out with her, but I couldn’t tell whether it was maybe bicuriosity, or just her being Linda. Horny, dirty minded, and flirty Linda.

She never kissed me or anything, but she could have, and I even thought about her. More than just kissing me, on the lips. She was a year ahead of me, and a little taller. A lot more developed, and oh yeah. That ment she’d be starting middle school next year, which was almost a year off.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” I giggled, “You’re gonna saw your tits off if you keep pushing them up on the fence like that.”

“Oh,” She stepped back, on her heels. Even in flats, I thought about putting heels on this morning, or wished I did, but she even had enough to push together. Make a little cleavage, but the school fence was just like any school fence. Chain link, about that high, and the tops were just cut off crisscrossed so the pigeons would land on it, or whatever.

It sure didn’t stop the boys from climbing up, and over it with their shoes to bend it down. Over in the corner, but not here, in the middle.

“I guess not,” she felt the front, “But why didn’t you warn me?” It poked little holes in her top.

I giggled, “Well, I didn’t think that you’d prop your bra up on them like that.”

“Well, now this top’s ruined.”

Finally, the bell rang, and the boys came out. So we made our way over to the corner where they could climb over.

Imagine that, just forgetting you had them, for so long that you don’t even notice the points, poking the bottom of your bra like that.

Then, Greg came out, with a few of his friends, a couple of them were girls, and they talked on their way across the multipurpose sports field. It had a track around it, and soccer nets with the ends sticking up for goal posts, so they could put down lines for football, or soccer, but it was too early in the year for either.

“See you later.” The girls wandered off together, and some of the boys followed them, “Hey wait up!”

“Uh! Who was that?”

“Uh, Linda.” I realized that she hadn’t come along with me, to pick up my brother before, and I never stopped to wonder why that might be. he looked back, “Oh, some girls from class.”

“Hey, Sherry.” Bob waved over the fence, nervously, but it wasn’t Bobby any more. Just Bob, but he’d been friends with Greg for years now, and I knew him from when he used to go to school with us, a couple years ahead, of course.

I thought he had a crush on me, lately. Because he started acting differently, nervous, and not really knowing what to say, so he got quiet. Like boys do when they like you, but he hadn’t made any moves yet.

“Hi, Robert.” I liked Robert, it sounded more mature to me. Then, my brother climbed up on the fences, the diagonal pole they had on one side, made it easier to put his foot up, where the tops of the fence were already bent down.

“Robert?” Linda looked at me, knowing. Because we talked about boys, and his name came up, but I mouthed No, silently, so she didn’t embarrass me.

“Oh, hey. Bob, this is Linda.”

“Oh, hey Linda!”

“Uh, Robert.” I got jealous, instantly, when he turned to her, looked her up, and down. I know, my best friend. She’s flirty, and sexy, and Robert liked me, before he met her. So, why did she have to tag along, and ruin it?

Then, Karl helped Robert up, and climbed over after him. “We’ve heard so much about you.”

To Linda. “Uh!” I took Robert’s hand, and pulled it over my shoulder, behind my neck. “Robert.”

“Sorry, uh. He grinned.”

“Hey,” Karl offered, “Why don’t you all come over and hang out, in the workshop?” His mom, and dad had this business, where they bought old antique furniture, and restored it, but instead of having a store, they did it all in this workshop, in their back yard. “My mom just upholstered this chesterfield.”

“What’s that?” Linda walked on ahead, but I was just happy to have Robert’s arm around me.
Even though it was hot, and he was so sweaty I could smell it if I just turned my head, and tried not to sniff too loud.

“Well, it’s a big leather sofa, but the leather’s new, and she doesn’t have all the buttons sewn on…”

“So, what did you hear about Linda?” I wondered, since the rumors around our school. At least in the bathroom, when she wasn’t there. Well, like I said, she was in 6 grade, and flirty, so. The girls came to me to ask if she was still a virgin, and I honestly didn’t know.

“Oh, nothing.” He squeezed my shoulder. “Never mind her anyway. Uh. You got a boyfriend yet?”


“You want one?” Wonder how long he’s been thinking about how to ask me that.

“You want to take me out?”

“Yeah, maybe later. I’ll have to go get some money from dad to take you out right, but you want to go catch a movie, or something?”

“Yeah,” or something. It was just kinda nice to get the old Bobby back. The one I remembered, who was always so confident, and outspoken. Back before he started stumbling over his words, and acting nervous around me.

I hugged him closer, and just tuned out the other 3 walking ahead of us, and laughing. I didn’t even know what about, I was just happy to get it over with. All the awkward sexual tension, instead of flirting, but I’d seen her flirt.

This was different, because Greg had his arm around her, too. Until Karl said “Yeah, but Anal?”

“Uh?” I looked up at Robert, but he shrugged.

“I heard about that.”

“I can’t get any rubbers,” Greg made excuses, “Can you?”

“Uh?” Something didn’t add up, so I stopped, let them get a little ahead.

“Yeah, maybe.” Karl said. Maybe he could get rubbers for my brother, so he could stop having unprotected sex with my best friend.

“Wait, how long have you known about this?”

“Well, they’ve been going out a couple months.” The same couple months she’s been. Holding onto that stinker, to break the ice, and talk to me about my brother. Ask me if he was jerking off yet, or he had any hair on his dick, as if she didn’t know.

“Be right back.” Carl ran right up the front steps, and in the door.

“Right this way,” Greg held the gate open, “Ladies first.” So I hit him in the arm, as hard as I could.

“Ow, what was that for?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What?” Linda got between me, and my brother. “That I like it up the butt?”

“I knew that,” of course, who do you think she told about the stinky pinky?

“Well, Sheryl.” Robert held my shoulders, and rubbed them. To help me relax, but he was ready to pull me off if I started pulling her hair, and trying to claw that lying tongue out of her mouth.

“Huh!” I just tried not to hyperventilate.

“You know, that’s why I waited until I knew you’re ready to ask you out.” He turned me around, and hugged me, until Karlo came out the back, and ran down the stairs to the workshop.

Okay, I tried to understand. When exactly is a good time to talk about your honestly underdeveloped friend about having sex, with her older brother? I just felt betrayed, and lied to, but having my boyfriend there, holding my cheek against his shirt, where I could smell his sweat, and feel his arms around me.

He kissed the top of my head, and held me out. “You all right?”

I bit my lip, and nodded, but he didn’t take a hint, so I had to tell him to “Just kiss me.”

So, I missed a lot, until I heard Linda say “Jesus it’s hot,” and saw her pull out her top. In front, then all the way around so she could pull it off, and stand there in the door in her bra.

“You better go in,” I pushed her, “So I can close the door?” I grabbed the door handle, but Bobby came in behind me, and Glen sat down on the brown leather sofa.

I wasn’t ready for all this. I knew that, as soon as I closed the door, and felt the little latch in the elbow. One of those hook handles, I guess it kinda looked like it could go on a cane, but I pinched it, and pushed it in to turn it with a twist, anyway.

“You are only 10.” Robert held me under his arm.

Then, Linda looked back, over her shoulder, to correct him. “Eleven.”

“Oh yeah. I’m sorry I missed your birthday, this year.” He put my head back on his shoulder, “I didn’t know what to get you.” He shrugged, but all a sudden, I felt like. Well, he felt like my mom covering my eyes when I was a little girl, and the kissing started.

In a movie, which is just plane dumb, if you asked me. Nobody asked me, but come on. Even when I was, I don’t know, let’s say 7, it’s not like I’d be scarred for life if I saw a man and woman kissing, after they’d been leading up to that all movie, but she covered my eyes anyway, until the credits started rolling.

“Huh, kiss me again?”

“Okay, smooch. How was that?”

“You get the rubbers?” Greg interrupted us.

“No, my old man only gave me one. I just told him I had a girl over, but not about the rest of you. Sorry.”

“Huh!” I braced myself, and turned around. Already wishing he’d kissed me deeper, but I braced myself, and he rubbed my shoulders some more.

While Karl got it out, and rolled it on, Linda stepped out of her underwear, and stood there naked, except her socks. Padded bra, which explains how she couldn’t even feel the fencetops dig into it, hard enough to poke holes in her top. Of course, she padded her bra, to make them look at least 1 size bigger.

Now, I guess I better take the time to describe her. She’s named after Linda Hamilton from the Terminator movies by her father, but the old Beauty and the Beast TV show. Well, her mother showed us that, because it’s not R rated, but you know Linda Hamilton has a twin sister, named Leslie? She was even in one of the Terminator movies at the end, when the T-1000 impersonated her to lure John Conner out, and then she came up behind him with a shotgun?

Yeah, I forget which one was Linda, and which was her sister Leslie, but I only mention it, because her dad thinks her mom looks like Linda Hamilton, and while Linda doesn’t look like her twin (Unless you’re trying to give her a compliment. Like she’s young enough to look just like her 11 year old daughter) you can definitely see where they got that from.

So, try to imagine a younger Linda Hamilton, with perkier breasts than she had in that 1 love scene from Terminator, and no feathered 80s mullet, either. The first one, she never buffed up like Sarah Conner in the second one. If anything, I was always the more rough, and tumble girl.

Like hitting her in the arm, or my brother because I’m upset, but still control my temper enough that I don’t want to hurt them. I was never afraid that punching someone in the arm wouldn’t be girly enough. Okay, I guess it was kinda butch, and cute until I didn’t want to be cute any more, which was right about then.

Not in a gay way, it has nothing to do with being gay, or bisexual, honestly I always did it. My brother just laughed it off, and he never hit me back, but sometimes he dared me to hit him harder, or made fun of me for being so weak. I hit like a girl, so I stopped hitting him like a girl, and didn’t hold back. So, I guess that’s why I started doing it.

And then I started talking about picking up my brother. Because he was my big brother, and had to be at least 100 lbs. Not that I could lift even 100 lbs, but you get the idea, right? I never really bought into the weak woman, damsel in distress thing, and I guess that’s something my mom got right. She took me to boxing lessons, even as she was sheltering me, so I wasn’t scarred by the sight of a man kissing a woman, and I still liked to be kissed. Not the kisser, but it took Robert a while to get over it, and start kissing me without having to be asked.

“Huh, why don’t we sit down?” The chair creaked, because it didn’t have a cushion, Karl’s mom was probably upholstering those too, but he helped me sit in his lap.

I had to look away, I didn’t want to but finally, he turned my head, and kissed me, without me having to ask.

“Huh!” I stuck my tongue out, and licked his lips, so he’d open up, and kiss me deeper.

“Dude, you don’t have any hair on your balls?”

“No, he shaves it, so I can do this.”

Suck his balls. I looked back, to see my brother bent over, and Linda pull his balls out between his legs. To suck them one by one, and let them drop. Wet, and bouncy from her mouth, so she could go back, and forth, taking turns sucking them.

“You told me she was nasty, but.”

“Uhm, Karl? She’s my friend, and his girlfriend, so try to have a little respect? If you want to do anything with that rubber, besides play with it.” Hanging loose on his little middle schooler dick, so he had to hold it on, or it would probably slip off.

“Huh,” Greg turned over, and sat back down, so his bare butt rubbed the leather loudly, and his wet balls probably rolled between his legs, but sure enough he had a boner, with hair on it. He didn’t shave that, he just shaved his nuts, for Linda.

“Huh!” She turned around. “Come here.” And waved Karl over, to walk with his pants down around his legs, so they fell down over his shoes, but she grabbed his hips, and stuck her face in his crotch.

“Huh!” I listened to them breathing for a while, Linda through her nose, and Greg sure was quiet with her sitting on his face.

I didn’t hear any sucking, or slurping, but I didn’t have to. Then, he pulled out. “Suck my balls.”

“Shave them first.” She pushed him back, and laughed, but then she stood up, and Greg wiped his mouth.

With a shit eating grin on his face.

Literally, or almost, but his cheeks were wet, and so were her’s, from rubbing them together with his spit. “Huh, you ready?”

“Yeah,” he held it up, and she squirmed, but it went right in, without any trouble. She didn’t even make a face.

“Doesn’t that hurt?”

“Huh, Karl.” She rolled her eyes, “You didn’t invite us over to play 20 questions. Come on, man. Don’t be shy.”

“Uh!” I just turned around, and hid my eyes, in Robert’s neck. This time, I don’t know why, honestly. “Snh!” Maybe it was just Bobby’s sweat, and licking it off my lips when I kissed his neck, but that helped.

It’s just weird, how Linda fucking my brother up her butt, and even Greg eating it out. Somehow, I couldn’t look away from that, but when she pulled Karl in by the hips, and dug her fingers into his butt. I had to look away, and try to feel.

Something, I didn’t know what to feel, I just blocked out the group sex the whole time they were talking about it. They knew what they’re talking about, I should have put 2, and 2 together with her, but I didn’t want to. Finally, I realized that I was disappointed in him, most of all.

My brother, Greg. Not because he finally took a hint from all her flirting, but he bragged about it, to his friends, and somehow let Karl talk him into a threesome, when I didn’t want to think of my brother like a swinger? I don’t know, I just got my first boyfriend, and started necking, she’s only 11, and yeah she’ll be 12 in a few months, but still. No matter how mature, and developed she looks, she’s still my best friend.

Linda, I know her, exactly what she’s like, and I’m not even surprised that she kept this from me. All of this, the first clue I ever had that she even had the hots for my brother was when she asked me if he had any hair on his. Dick, I guess. She didn’t say balls, because she knew damned well he didn’t have any hair on his balls. She made him shave them, so she could suck them, without getting any pubes in her teeth.

“Hah ahn!” That sounded like it hurt.

“Huh, you’re a virgin?” Karl couldn’t believe it.

“Ahneah. No uh! Not any more.”

“Uh!” She lied to me about that, too?

“What’s wrong?”

Karl just backed up, and grabbed his pants, then the rubber hit the floor.

“Huh, it’s just a little blood on your dick.”

“Get out, get the fuck out of my house.”

“Fuck!” Robert looked as shocked as everyone to hear me drop the F bomb, with authority. “What? I just saw you 2 double dicking, buttfucking, and eating ass, but I’m supposed to watch my fucking language?”

“I can’t. I just cant.” Karl fumbled for the door, while Linda, and my brother grabbed their clothes, and started getting dressed.

“Huh, we better go.” I took Robert’s hand, and led him out, to the back yard. It almost felt cool after that stuffy smelly furniture shop, or whatever. “Huh, thanks.” I turned around, and took his other hand, just to hold them.

“For what?”

“For waiting, and for giving me my first kiss. No, wait,” I turned away, “I’m not finished. Most boys would have at least run for second base in there, but not you?”

“Well,” he grinned, “I don’t know, if you’re really got any second base to go for. Huh!” His eyes went wide, when I held his hands up, to my chest. He let go, and turned them around to get a better grip, but his hands shook..

“Of course. I know I don’t act like Look everyone, Boobies!” I tried to shake them in his hands, but that just shook them out of his hands “Is a fashion statement.” I took them back, and held them both. “Are you all right?”

“Huh, fine?”

“You didn’t just. Mhnhm!” I bit my lip, when I realized why he made that face.

“Huh, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You’re a teenage boy, you’ve got needs too, and these things happen.” I hugged him.

“Well, not quite. A teenager yet.”

“Oh yeah.” I didn’t miss his birthday, not yet. “Well, maybe when you are, I’ll give you something PG 13 to look at.”

“Aw,” My brother, and Linda held each other in the doorway. “Aren’t they cute?”

She wiped that smirk off her face, when I waved my fist at it. Then, we both broke down into giggles.

“We better get out of here.”

“Yeah, come on. You want to double date?”


“Don’t even think about double dicking with my boyfriend.” I hugged his waist. “He’s mine.”

“All right, all right.”

“You guys want to go watch a movie? I have to go home real quick, and ask my dad for money.”

“You better change your underpants too.” He looked embarrassed. “Sorry, don’t laugh. Okay, don’t hurt his feelings.”


“Don’t mention it.”

“Well, what about lose rubber Karl.”

“Yeah, he’s fair game, and what did he have to worry about? If he can’t even keep it up, let alone fill a rubber.”

“Guys,” Greg didn’t see it coming, “Ow!”

“Karl? Really, what did you think was going to happen if you had a threesome with him?”

“I don’t know?”

“Well, he’s your friend, so you should’ve.” I looked right at Linda.

“Friends don’t lie to each other.”

“Uh, I sorry. God.”

“Apology accepted. So, who’s seen Moonrise Kingdom?”

“I have,” Greg admitted, but I knew that. “But it’s PG-13.”

“So, you can get a ticket, and let us sneak in the fire exit.” Again, wouldn’t be the first time we’d done that.

“Yeah, that’ll save me some money.”

“For drinks, and popcorn.” I slapped his ass, “Go get it.” He ran off, and Linda giggled.

“Good makeout movie?”

“Yeah, you’ll love it.”

“Well,” She hopped up, and kissed him, “I’m gonna run home, clean up, and change my underwear.” She ran off, so I hit him in the same spot, hoping there was a bruise by now.

“Anal, really?”

“I didn’t have any rubbers.”

“Well, you like it?”

“Yeah, I guess. She sure does.”

“Yeah, me too. Ow!”

“I owe you, more than that. Now, can you stop hitting me, or move over to the other arm?”

“Okay, sure.” Just because he knows I don’t hit as hard with my left, so I decided to work on it.

“So, who’d you try anal with?”

“Nobody, just a little stinky pinky, but how the hell did you let Karl, of all people break your girlfriend in for you?”

“I didn’t know she was a virgin.”

“You’re too busy kissing her ass to check? Ow! Okay, I deserved that.” At least he got over not hitting me back, because I’m a girl.

“Damned right. Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that. Show a little respect, huh?”

“Sorry. So, Robert still a virgin?”

“I don’t know. Look, guys don’t talk about it like girls.”


“I mean, being a virgin isn’t something they brag about, like girls do.”

“Well, most girls. I guess. Huh, it’s just hard to believe she kept her cherry longer then I did.”

“Who popped your cherry?”

“I did? It makes it quicker to get my period out.”


“Sorry, but what’s with Karl, and. What happened in there? Most guys should be proud of taking a virgin, right?”

“I don’t know, I’ll have to ask him later.”

“You don’t think Robert’s got his heart set on it?”

“I don’t think he’ll care, no. But you might want to hold off on the. Stinky pinky?” I nodded. He shook his head, with a grin. “Hard to believe you. Well, look at you all grown up, and talking about butt sex with your first boyfriend.”

“Why not? I mean Bobby, he got a problem with buttfucking?”

“Huh, he still thinks it might be gay.”

“Hihihihn no. You’re serious? It’s only gay if you do it with a boy. Which reminds me, he’s not, too big.”

“How big is too big?”

“I don’t know, I’m a virgin?”

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not like I’ve ever seen it hard, and he might be a grower, not a shower.”

“Oh,” I hadn’t thought of that. “Circumcised, or natural? Never mind, don’t answer that. It’ll just spoil the surprise, but boxers, or briefs?”

“I don’t know, boxers, briefs, sometimes boxer briefs? Even if I saw what he wore this morning, he just went home to change his underwear.”

“Hhihn! Yeah. He just got excited. Second base.”

“Huh, like you’ve got a base to stand on.” I hit him, but he was expecting it, and I have to work on my left handed punches anyway.


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