All Seen

Steve was a sixteen year old boy who played football for the local youth team and lived with his parents in a mansion on the edge of town, he was very stuck up and posh in his ways but was kind to people and helped anyone if he could. spin was a ten year old Indian girl who had been nicknamed spin by her granddad because she was always turning around on one foot. Spin lived with her mum in a small house on the edge of the estate where Steve lived, her mum worked as a cleaner in the mansion where Steve lived, spin was going to the mansion to collect her mum’s phone her mum had left behind by accident when she had finished work Steve had been playing football and had just arrived home he knew that his parents were away and that the staff had finished work for the day so knew the mansion was empty, but unbeknown to him spin was in the mansion and on one of the upper walk ways that over looked the main entrance and saw Steve walk in through the main entrance, spin watched Steve take his football boots and socks and after he had done took his jumper off, spin smiled when she saw his muscular upper body thinking that Indian boys did not have muscles like Steve had, spin saw Steve lower his football shorts and kick them off standing naked, spin thought wow I can see his dick and it is big, Steve started to walk away from the entrance door but stopped when the house phone rang, he turned and went back to the phone picked it up and started to talk into the receiver turning slowly as he did, spin sat on the walk way looking down at the older naked white boy and admiring his six inch hairy dick, Steve was talking to one of his mates over the phone as he did his dick twitched then slowly started to grow, spin watched in awe as Steve’s dick grew to a full eight erection, spin was smiling at the sight of a naked Steve with a stiff willy and when he started to stroke it spin could not believe what she was seeing but carried on watching, spin watched as Steve stroked his dick slowly at first then getting faster and when Steve’s knees buckled and his cum flew from his dick in four spurts spin’s eyes went very wide, spin watched as Steve’s dick slowly shrunk, then heard him say into the phone” come round tonight the place is empty before he replaced the receiver and walked out her sight. Spin quickly got her mum’s phone and left the mansion, as she walked home she saw her twelve year old mate July and told her she had seen Steve naked and doing it, July said ” you mean having a wank” and when spin nodded her head July asked her if she had seen spunk, again spin nodded her head, July said ” your lucky wish I had been there to see it” spin told July that his mate was going round to see him that night, later that night July was creeping round the mansion looking through the windows and keeping to the shadows s that she would not be seen, when she got to the swimming pool she saw Steve and his best  Mark in the pool after watching for ten minutes July saw Steve climb out of the pool and smiled when she saw he was naked and thought yeah and Mark climbed out and July saw he was also naked she thought better still, July loved seeing the two sixteen year old boys walking around naked and saw that Mark’s dick was bigger than Steve’s and when Steve got an erection July though nice, and after a few minutes when Mark a nine inch erection July thought even nicer, both boys sat in sun loungers their dicks fully erect and after a few minutes Steve got up and walked behind a screen and started to stroke his dick, July watched eagle eyed as Steve stroked his erect dick and when he squirted his cum in three spurts July thought cool, after a couple of minutes Steve walked back to sun lounger then Mark got up from his sun lounger as he did July heard him say ” I hope you have not left any spunk on the floor for me to trod into” then walked behind the screen and started to jerk his dick, July watched as Mark jerked away thinking this is awesome and after five minutes when Mark squirted his cum in four long spurts July thought well cool man, after another ten minutes July saw both boys get up and leave the swimming pool and after trying to see them through other windows and could not headed for home and the following day told spin what she had seen, that night July, spin and spin’s nine year old sister were watching from the shadows as a naked Steve relaxed in the swimming pool and were not disappointed when Steve jerked off and squirted his cum in five long spurts.