Alone and Watching

It was in the early hours of the morning on a warm summer morning, Abdul was sitting on the balcony of his parents flat in the middle of a very large housing estate in East London, from where he sat he had a good view across the estate, he had sat in the same place on many an occasion and had seen a few very interesting sights which had got his pulse beating faster, the night before he had seen 16 year old July who lived in the tower block of flats opposite in her bedroom completely naked he had admired her nice firm boobs, he had also seen her younger sister topless but her boobs were only just starting to develop, As a bi sexual boy he liked looking at both male and female as he put it he liked the best of both worlds. The tower block was in near darkness most of the residents of the block had either gone to bed or were still out enjoying the night life, he looked at his watch and saw it was showing 3 o’clock he knew that in about half a hour those still out would start drifting in and that is when the things in the block of flats would start to happen. After another twenty minutes Abdul saw a light go on in a bedroom and saw 16 year old Steve enter the room, Steve was a local homophobic racist thug who was well feared, Abdul knew Steve would draw the curtains blocking out any view but wished that just one night he would not. Steve started to undress, Abdul thought my wish has come true and picked up his binoculars and trained them on Steve’s bedroom window watching as Steve who now seemed just a few feet away undressed and stood in just his boxer shorts, Steve left the room Abdul saw the bathroom light go on then after a few minutes go off again, Steve reappeared in his bedroom and stood with his back to the window in front a mirror, then slid his boxers down and off . Abdul smiled as he looked at Steve’s bare bum, his smile got wider as Steve turned giving Abdul a good view of his hairless dick which was about 7 inches, Abdul watched the naked straight boy as he stood looking over his shoulder into the mirror, then could hardly believe his luck as Steve’s dick grew and stuck up solid like a flagpole, Abdul’s smile became broader when Steve started to stroke his erection slowly and starter to get faster and faster before slowing down, Abdul saw Steve’s knees buckle slightly then 4 long spurts of cum shot from his dick, after a few minutes Steve left the bedroom, Abdul stood up looked down at his own solid dick and went inside the flat knowing he had a hard problem to sort out. On the balcony above Abdul’s Steve’s stepsister who was a couple of years younger than he was said to her 2 mates ” wow 2 cocks in one night but it is a pity Abdul did not wank off” her mate Sharon said he did last night.