Amanda Deelight sex diaries #4 How I got pregnant with my 4th child

When I turned 21,a friend of mine got me a job as an exotic dancer. I was More than a stripper,I would masturbate on the pole upside down. I love dancing and still today when I hear music I want to get up and dance. I was a professional dancer for 6 years. Pregnancy and child birth forced me to give up stripping.9 yrs ago while my husband was at the deer hunting camp for the weekend. Our 16 yr old son Bobby asked me if he could have a couple of buddies stay over Friday night. Sure I said,I love when he has his friends over,I love teasing them. I’m always braless at home and I don’t like wearing panties especially when I’m at home. I’m a natural blonde with blue eyes big breasts 38g my vagina is naturally hairless I’m 5’3″ I weigh now 155 , back to losing weight after my child was born. One of my son’s friend showed up with an older black boy maybe because Frank my son’s other friend is black. When Frank showed up he to had an older black boy. I greeted them and wearing a yellow top my nipples were hard and sticking out. One of them older boys a total stranger to me said… Those are some big tittie’s you have I love your nipples. I was caught by surprise and said that you , reached up and grabbed both of them and twins. They continued on to the game room, where they were going to shoot some pool. So I went into the kitchen and finished the dishes, when walked in Drea who I just met a hour ago. He had a blunt in his hand and offered me a hit,so I took a good pull and tried to hold in the smoke but I coughed it out. We sat there at the table smoking and coughing when the others started coming into the kitchen. So the party’s in here I heard someone say. and I was handed another blunt and took me a hit. I was starting to get stoned and my son came in with a fifth of tequila and 2 shot glasses.We are going to play quarters if you bounce a quarter into a shot glass someone has to take a shot. I took the first shot,then another and another shit 3 shots I can handle that but in about 10 minutes my body started to get hot and my insides were starting to quiver and I was wanting to move around. They put on some music and that was it someone slipped me some liquid ecstacy. Shit I’m 37 and have taken ecstasy a few times a willing date rape drug making you do horny that you want to be raped and brutally fucked.. When I started dancing my mind took me back to when I was a stripper,as I was grinding my body around. My son started saying take it off, take it off they all persuade me to start stripping. I’m caught up in the ecstacy world now past the point of no return
As I pulled my top up and took it off leaving them with big eyes and hard young dicks. As I worked my tights down to my ankles. I sat down on the floor trying to get them off. My son Bobby got down and helped me remove them,he spread my legs and leaned in and started to lick and suck at my pussy..oh fuck I grabbed his head and pulled his face in tight as I started to grind my hips.on his face. Bobby shoved some fingers inside of me causing me to start to have an orgasm..oh God I’m cumming,I arched my hips and thrusted very hard uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,my son playing in my cum with his fingers. He was replaced by Drea ,he wasted no time and before I knew it his dick was inside of me now and he was fucking me. I had just come off my period and I wasn’t on birth control and I was in ovulation. I had no intention of having sex especially with a group of 16yr olds,but it’s to late for this I just want them to fuck me as much as they possibly can. Drea had enough length that he was able to press the head of his dick up to my uterus. I felt him starting to shutter and the head of his dick getting very hard and uhhhhhhhhhh I felt his hot baby making sperm being pumped straight into my uterus, this set me off and I had an orgasm, dropping my fertile eggs down from my ovaries to my tubes where they met up with his sperm
Then the next boy fucked me also pumping his sperm inside of my womb. I had to get them to wipe me off before the next boy started fucking me. The next thing I knew there was more black guys at the house now. I was invited to get on top of a black man with a very large dick,where the fuck did he come from as I straddle him and lowered myself down on him,I sat completely down taking all of him deep deep inside my pussy. I started riding him, coming almost all the way out then all the way back in, faster and faster until someone grabbed my ass and held me still as he crawled up behind me and put his dick inside my asshole. Double penetrated we fucked in rhythm as we all cummed at the same time. They cleaned me up and we done it again and again.filling my pussy and asshole with sperm. I was fucked with 2 beer bottle at the same time ,the bottle inside my asshole formed a suction and didn’t want to pull out as it tried to pull my colon out through my asshole. For over 18 hours we had sex with I really don’t know how many people it seems like a hundred I must have fucked every black guy in Pike county Mississippi.Not at one time during did I think about getting pregnant that came the next day when I finally came down off that estacy. I missed my period and started having morning sickness and I knew that I had gotten pregnant but no idea exactly who the daddy was. My son is 8 yrs old now little Drea . 👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅