Amma gave sex as a birthday gift

My name is Seema. I am a housewife. My husband is a paralysis patient. We have our own business. Ours is a ladies garment shop. I take care of that myself. I hired a maid in the morning and evening to take care of my sick husband. That’s why there is no shortage of money. My age is 44, I have a son, his age is now 23 years. Now I have sex only with my son. We started having sex when my son turned 18, I was 39 at that time. Today I will tell you this story of the day we had sex for the first time on his birthday.

Let’s move towards the story.
It was morning, I was doing household work and at the same time thoughts were coming to my mind.

Why not Seema, why can’t this happen…
Yes, he is your son, he is turning 18 today. You too have been thirsty for sex for so many years. You are not able to have sex because of your husband’s illness. So what is the harm in this? You fulfill your sexual desire with your son only. Anyway, you have come to know that your son’s behavior has become strange for quite some time. You have seen many times stain on the bed mattress and the stain in his underwear that he has now started masturbating as well. Now he is not young but has become young.
But will this be right? I am his mother and he is my son. These were my second thoughts.

So what? Don’t you realise that for a long time he has been looking at you not from the eyes of a mother but from the eyes of a woman. When you do any work in front of him at home or live in front of him, then he looks at you from a sexual perspective.
What’s more, he also looks at your friends from a sexual perspective.

Don’t think about the limit. You want sex and so does he. Today he turns 18, today you should give him sex as a birthday gift. Don’t think that your life will also be easy Seema.

Other such thoughts were coming.
Now let me tell you a little about me.
I am 5 feet 5 inches tall. My breasts are not big but medium small, of size 36B, like those of a 26 year old girl. But it can remain in the hands of any man. My waist is 29 inches and my hip and ass are much bigger, coming out at 43 inches. This is my size.

My son Viresh’s height is 5 feet 10 inches and is quite healthy. Now I have decided that whatever has to happen, let it happen, so today I give sex to my son as a birthday gift. I gave breakfast to my husband and also gave him his medicine.
There was a sleeping pill in that medicine, give him half of that too, now he will keep sleeping for four-five hours.

After closing all the doors and windows, I now went to Viresh’s room. He was on the bed only. I also locked the room and said “happy birthday Viresh. Today you turned 18.” He said thank you to me from there while he was on the bed.
I said, “Will you lie down on the bed or will you hug me while standing? Come and hug me.” Hearing this, he immediately jumped from the bed and hugged me. I was in saree and he was in shorts. He reduced his grip a little but I held him tightly. We were like that for a while, standing there hugging each other. 5 Minutes passed and we were like that. They were standing absolutely silent, hugging each other. Now 10 minutes passed and we were like that. I tightened my grip so much that my breasts touched his chest. Then I stepped back. I took off my saree and hugged him again. Now I was wearing a blouse on top and a petticoat underneath. He hugged me and I hugged him tightly, like a magnet. I held him so tightly that my breasts touched his chest and I also held him from below so tightly that I could feel his erect penis. We then stood silently like that for more than 10 minutes. Then I looked at him and kissed his lips and hugged him again.

After some time, I opened the buttons of my blouse, took off the bra and threw it away, also took off the panty and shorts and became completely naked. I said, “Will you take off your shorts or should I take them off?” There was no. I said, “Oh my dear son, you are a virgin. Just like a woman’s pussy is sealed, similarly your penis is also sealed, today I will open its virginity.” We hugged again and remained like that for a long time. Then I made him sit on the bed and placed his face on my breasts. I took his hand towards my pussy, now he started putting his finger in my pussy. We were having fun. He was pressing my breasts in between and was also fingering my pussy in between. Then I said, “Can you feel the grain of my pussy?” He didn’t say anything but I understood that he understood what a grain is. He was sucking and biting my breasts, I was also making sounds like “Ouch” We were very quiet, enjoying the sexual intercourse. There was silence in the room but that silence seemed sensual. Now I made him stand, I moved my hand towards his penis and started shaking it. When I pushed back the soft skin on his penis, he screamed and moved back a little. I understood that today is his first time.

I said, “Don’t be afraid, son, this happens the first time.” Then I sat down, took his penis in my mouth and started sucking it. He was shivering a little in the beginning and then it became normal. I started fucking his cock with my pussy. I could feel the soft foreskin of his penis in my mouth. I continued sucking his penis by moving my mouth back and forth. I placed my tongue on the next soft skin of his penis and started sucking, licking and rotating it. The skin over his penis was very soft and due to my tongue moving over it, it was tickling him, he was moving back in the middle.
Now I stood up and said, “Come on son, lie down on the bed, now I will give you the real pleasure of sex.” I laid him down on the bed and told him, “Son, today is your first time, keep a pillow under your waist. I want to enjoy taking off your virginity, today we will have woman on top sex.” He did the same and lay down on the bed and placed a pillow under his waist. Now he was down and I sat on top of him with my legs spread near his penis. He Looked down, there was thick hair around my pussy. He caressed my pussy with his hands and smiled. My pussy was also covered in hair and his penis was also covered in hair. He said, “Amma, what is this, such a forest outside your cave?” I also laughed and looked at his hair and said, “Yes, and this little prince of yours is also trapped in the forest, let’s clean this forest so that the queen inside my cave, i.e. My cunt, and this prince of yours can meet.”

Then we shaved each other’s hair cleanly and a path was made for his little prince to enter my cave.

Now he was sleeping on the bed, I spread my legs over him and sat on his penis. I placed his penis on the hole of my pussy and started moving it up and down, he also started jerking me from below. I continued to bounce my ass up and down on his penis, while doing that I now lay down on him. He also started sucking my breasts while moving his waist up and down. It was his first time. He was not able to settle down properly but still he was trying. While fucking, I told him, “Son, from today you and I are not mother and son. From today you are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend. And from today you are my husband and I am your wife. You can call me ‘Seema’ by my name.” He Said “Okay” He was thrusting. It was his first time. He said I will name you new not Seema. He was thrusting. I said “Okay” I heard a voice from him “Aa..Aa” He tightened me. I understood that his semen was entering my pussy. I did not feel that much difference but it was okay. Then I got up and saw that the soft skin of his penis had come back and the glans of the penis was now visible. Now his penis was already there. I knew that this penis, when erect, would definitely be 8 or 9 inches long.

Then I told him, “See son, now your little prince has become mature, now after this he will enjoy the real fun.” Now we separated, it was around 12 noon. My husband Abhi was also sleeping, I knew that he would not wake up soon. Then I was down and he lay on me. We were like that a lot of the time. After some time, his penis got erect again but I did not let him fuck me. I said, “Come to the bathroom, let’s take a bath together.” We went to the bathroom, I hugged him and I turned on the shower. We stood hugging each other under the shower for a long time. He again wanted to fuck me but I did not let him fuck me, instead I sat down and took his penis in my mouth and started sucking it and drank his thick cum. And again I hugged him. His chest was stuck to my breasts and his penis was stuck to my lower part, so tightly we hugged each other. During that time we also talked. I said, “Just like a husband and wife live, the husband goes to office and has sex whenever he is in the mood, we will also do the same. Don’t forget your studies in the name of sex, that’s why I am also teaching you control.” We were standing under the shower, hugging each other. He said “Okay”. I said, “You will not do anything in front of father.” Then he said “Ok should we get married?”. I said, “Yes, why not? We will get married tonight itself, you celebrate your birthday with your friends and come early in the night, we will get married before midnight.” He said “Okay and then I will give you a new name”. I said, “Yeah, that’s fine.” I knew that my wedding night was going to happen after many years, because the tip of his penis had now come out, tonight I had to take his big penis in my pussy. Tonight my condition was going to get worse. We stood like that for a while, hugged each other and then parted ways.
I kissed him saying happy birthday and I started doing household work and he went out with his friends. My husband woke up, had his food and drinks, it was evening then I went to our ladies clothes shop. A nanny was hired to take care of my husband when
I went to the shop.

In the evening I received a message from my son on Talksup.
Viresh “Amma I am going to party with friends”
I said, “Oh well, he will do it alone, not me.”
The son said, “Why not with you too?”
Me, “Bring drinks for me too, but not in front of your friends.”
Viresh “Okay”

Our family is open minded. Whenever something happens in the family, there is always beer. We ladies also drink a little. Now it was going to happen that there would be no mother-son hesitation in my son’s heart. He will also talk and have sex freely. I came home at 9 o’clock at night. I brought a saree and blouse piece from the shop. Gave husband’s food and drink and gave him the sleep that he always takes at night. He was asleep now. Viresh came at 10.15, the party was over, I understood after seeing him but he was conscious. Had brought beer with him. Then I said, go to your room and freshen up, I am coming, wearing a red colored lungi. He went to the room where I had already prepared the bed. I got dressed and went to his room. He went crazy after seeing me. I had wrapped the empty saree and tied a blouse piece on top, just like they do on mannequins in a clothing store.

There were also two necklaces along with it. Then we drank more beer. Now both he and I were intoxicated by the beer; the intoxication of the beer was taking its toll. Then we put the necklace around each other’s neck. I said, “Come on, now give me the name you like”. Then he took out some letters and said, “Pick up any letter.” I opened one letter and there was a letter C in it. Then he took out four or five letters kept next to him and said, “Now pick them up.” I took it and opened it. He said “This is your name from today onwards”. The letter contained “Chutika”. He said, “How did you like it?” I said, “Yes, that’s a great name.” Then we got up, hugged each other and kissed each other. He said, “I love you Chutika.” I also told him, “I love you too.” We again stood hugging like that. I said, “Come on, let’s start now.” He took out the pallu of my saree, looked at my breasts, looked at me for a long time and said, “Chutika, you are absolutely amazing, I wish You would have been my real wife, I would have loved you a lot, I would have fucked you a lot.”

I said, “Yes, now we are married, we can have proper sex now”. He started pressing my breasts lightly and did not start massaging my breasts. In between, he also started pressing my breasts hard. He said, “Chutika, you are so beautiful at this age, how will you be in your youth if you are in full shape? Many people will fall in love with you”. I said, “No sir, I was like this in my youth too, I have just come out of the back a little.” He said, “Yes, it is visible, I want to enter my little prince into your palace from behind also.” I said, “Yes, now you have the right on this palace, but first you will have to free my queen pussy from the cave, she has been stuck inside alone for a long time.” He said, “Chutika, this cock will do that work first, he will take your beautiful queen with him today”. I said, “Well, Landkumar and Berirani, wow you have come a long way.” Now I was also feeling good and enjoying, now we started speaking in double meaning. The intoxication of beer had made both of us quite free. He said, “Chutika, these fruits of your palace are very delicate”. I said, “Yes, she is delicate, so take her with love and not by force.”

We used to say that Mahal means my body, vagina means cave, breasts means fruits and so on. Then he sucked the dead breasts for a long time. Now we came to the bed, I lay down and placed a pillow under me. He took out his penis with his lungi over it, also with my saree over it, his penis was up to 8 inches long. Now I said, “Haji, take both my feet on your shoulders.” He lifted both my legs and took them on his shoulders. I said, “Put your penis at the door of the cave, I will keep it here.” I caught hold of his penis and placed it on my pussy. He gave two blows lightly and the third one very hard. Due to this, in the third stroke, more than half of his penis entered my pussy and I shouted, “Aa ouch, a little slow ji, aa uyi maa ouch”. He pushed more and the speed was increasing. He said, “Chutika, I will keep your queen today, I will tear the door of your cave completely, no matter what happens.” He started driving at more speed.

I also started supporting him by lifting my ass from below and shaking my waist. Now a thumping sound started coming from my pussy and his penis, due to his body moving and I also moving, a thumping sound also started coming, his body and my body were rubbing each other, hence a thumping sound started coming. Our sex started becoming more intense. So much so that even our bed started shaking, it was being banged so hard. While having sex, we were talking and were in high spirits, it was all due to the effect of beer. I was saying, “Come on, push your penis more hard, more forcefully, please, more forcefully, please make the union between the penis and my pussy”. He was also saying, “Oh Chutika, today both of them will definitely meet”. While fucking, he put his hands from below. My feet were on his pillar. He put his hands from below and started pressing my breasts hard. I am fair, very fair. They were now turning red due to his vigorous pressing. I knew that there would be marks from his fingers and due to his thrusts, my pussy and ass would also turn red. We were having fun. Then he gave a strong push on one side and pushed me and I also pushed him. His Landkumar and my pussy queen had met. His penis and my pussy squirted a lot. We remained lying like that for a long time.

Then we separated. That he was also in lungi and I was in a saree, there was no blouse on it. Then we talked a little. Totally obscene nonveg type. Now it was 12 o’clock. Lie down like that for a while. One hour later I said, “Tell me, how did you feel?” He said, “Chutika, you are a complete disaster.” I said, “Okay sir, will you do more? Don’t be tired.” He said, “Chutika, if you have a wife and girlfriend like you, then why should you be tired?” I said, “So it becomes one?” He said “yes why not”. I said, “The effect of the drink was good, can I have some more?” He said “Why not” then we drank more beer.

We also talked while drinking beer. “He said Chutika, today is my birthday and we got married, now every year we will celebrate anniversary.” I said “yes. Sure, why not?” Then after some time we stood up and hugged each other. I said, “Why won’t you lick my pussy? I also licked your penis.” He made me lie halfway on the bed and sat down and started licking my pussy. He was licking for a long time. I was enjoying. Then I couldn’t stop myself anymore and said, “Come on, I can’t stop now, fuck me.” Then he said, “Today I will fuck you in a different way.” He told me to turn around. Half of my clothes were on the bed, he was standing on the ground, he took my legs in the air and held them with both his hands. Now I was upside down, half on the bed and half outside the bed. He placed his penis on my pussy and then started pounding. I started getting pounded harder and harder and I was shaking completely. The bed was also shaking vigorously. I was also hearing voices like “Come on or come on and fuck me more, come on please and I am enjoying it and fuck me and fuck me hard please.” The speed of the thrusts was increasing. At the end there was a strong push and then his water entered my pussy. There was a lot of water in his penis, he was not stopping. My pussy became full of water. We became calm again. We were lying on the bed, now it would be around 2:30. He Said, “Chutika dear, what about the shop tomorrow?”. Will you go? I said, “Yes, why not, otherwise other girls will come to the shop, one has an extra key and I will do one round in between. Today I want to enjoy fucking empty handed. After many years, I am getting fucked by you.”

I said, “Let’s drink some more.” We started drinking beer again. Now it will be 15 minutes past 3 o’clock. We stood up again and hugged each other. He took off his lungi and I took off my saree. We were completely naked and had wedding necklaces around each other’s neck. Then he said “Come on Chutika, now you sit on the dead cock”. I placed my pussy on his penis and sat on him. Our sex started again. He was kissing me, sucking my breasts and also pushing me from below. I was also supporting him by jumping. After a long time, his fluid started entering the vagina. I was saying, “Oh, how thick cum you have, you have filled my pussy”. Then we lay down apart. After about an hour and a half, I felt like having sex again. Now it was about 5 o’clock. He said, “Do you want to drink some more?” I said, “Come on, let’s drink. As per your wish”. Then he held my hand and took me to the bathroom. All the lights in the house were off but he had put on the bathroom light to see while having sex in his room. Now we came from the bed to the bathroom. Coming to the bathroom It was still dark outside, but after coming to the bathroom, he closed the light and door of the bathroom, due to which it became completely dark. We were unable to see each other at all. I was now standing apposite from back and he moved his hand on my ass. Then he applied soap on his penis and placed it on the hole of my ass and gave a blow. He gave it slowly and then gave another strong blow. More than half of his penis entered my ass and I screamed “Aa ouch”. Then I too. I moved back a little, took my hand on his ass and moved it forward a little, he gave another push, now more than half of his penis entered my ass and more. Then we stopped moving. Now his penis was in my ass. I was enjoying it. We were like that. I was feeling his cock very well against my ass. I was standing with his cock in my ass and he was standing with his cock in my ass. At the same time, we were kissing each other. And at the same time he was also pressing my breasts from behind. We were enjoying ourselves and stood like that for a long time.

After some time, he started thrusting and sex started again. Today I was also getting my butt fucked for the first time, it was hurting a lot. But it was also fun. Within a short while he poured the fluid from his penis into my buttocks. My ass and cunt got filled with his juice and cheeks. Then we came to the bed and slept.

Woke up the next day. Abhi was also intoxicated with beer and sex at night. I called the shop, everything was fine. My husband woke up in the morning and today I had given leave to the nanny. Husband was always in his room. Gave him food and medicine. He was sleeping in the room itself. I also took a bath again in the morning. I had to wear a Punjabi dress. But bra was not to be worn inside and the salwar was not to be worn below. Viresh woke up at 12 o’clock. He woke up and I was in the kitchen.

He brushed his teeth and drank tea. Then I said, “So tell me, how was the honeymoon?” He said, “It was great.” He got up, kissed me, pulled up my dress, took out his penis and started fucking me. We both were fucking each other while standing.

After that everything became normal. His studies were going well and he was getting good marks, so there was no tension. We both had a normal life like it happens between a husband, wife and girlfriend-boyfriend. We used to talk to each other through messages. We both lived like lovebirds. Going to the hotel, watching movies, shopping. We used to talk mostly in double meaning.

One afternoon I had a fight with a customer at my shop and I felt frustrated.
I messaged “Where are you?” His reply came “Home”. I said “Okay I am coming”. He said “What happened, it seems you are in the house”. I came home and went straight to his room. Removed his pant and started sucking his penis. He was feeling pain after sucking it so hard, still he did not say anything and I sucked the entire cheek of his penis.

Something similar happened to him too, he was angry. I came home straight from college and was sitting in the outside room. He held my hand and took me to the bathroom in his room. Took off my saree there. Took out his penis and inserted it into my ass. For a long time that penis was standing inside my ass. Then started fucking vigorously. I suffered a lot but still I was bearing it. Whenever we were frustrated, we used to have sex.

One year passed like this. It is said that when your wish is fulfilled, there is a change in your body also. The same thing happened to me too.

My 36B size breasts had now grown to 38D. My waist was 31 inches and my hip ass was much bigger than 45 inches. Got filled even more. Then after a year our first anniversary arrived. On the anniversary night we had a lot of sex, just like we had done on the first honeymoon. But the rest of the time we would always stand naked hugging each other for hours and this continued forever.

Yours Lovingly
Komal Mom ( . )( . )