Amy Tale/s – Janet’s Ruse

Janet takes all my clothes off, and we are laying in the back seat of her SUV naked and kissing.

I have not seen or heard from Janet since Sunday, and it is Thursday, and I am at work. I daydream about Janet, and I miss the excitement she brings to my life. We are going to Janet’s party Friday, so I have that to look forward to. I am doing my job, and it is late afternoon, and I catch someone out of the corner of my eye moving as I move around the department store. What drew my attention was their outfit, and I knew it was a girl. She was wearing long baggy grey knit pants with most of her hips sticking out the waist. A black and gold hoody with the hood over her head and sunglasses, and black and gold high-top sneakers.

I could see she was a blonde because her hair was down and hanging out of the hoody, but it was teased. I moved in to get a closer look, and she moved away. I thought, okay, and I went back to my normal walk around. There she was again, mirroring me from a distance as I moved. I moved toward her again, and she retreated. It appeared that I would have to chase her to catch her, and I was not going to run. I knew it was Janet, I just could not figure out what she was up to. This went on for about 30 minutes, and I approached the shoe department, and a customer asked me for help.

This customer was demanding of my service with helping him find a boot in his shoe size. I told him I would get an associate from this department to help, but he placed his hand around me on my ass, and he pulled me toward the shoe department. He said, I need you to help me. I moved his hand and stepped away, and said, okay, I will help you. He was black and tall like, basketball player tall, maybe 6’ 6”, he even had basketball shorts on and a tank top. He was looking for a size 14 boot. I looked, and 13 was the largest. I kept telling him it would be better for me to get an associate, but he was adamant about me helping him.

The hip hop girl was watching out of the corner of her eye from a distance, and I got to thinking, this is Janet’s doing. She has set this up. I spoke loudly to the girl in the distance, Janet, is that you? The girl did not answer and walked away, but I could not follow her for this obstinate customer. The guy said, I will just try the size 13. I am standing there as he tries to put this boot on, and the guys fucking cock drops out of the leg of his shorts. He acts like nothing is wrong, but he has got a big fucking black dick.

He messes with the boot, and I am standing there starring at his cock and thinking, he is Ethan big cock big, another 12 incher, for sure. I look around and the hip hop girl is close again watching. I say again, Janet…Janet, you better not be messing with me. She giggles and I move toward her, and she leaves again. The black guy says, ma’am can you see if you can get the boot on me? What the fuck (is what I am thinking), and I say, well if you can’t get it on, maybe we do need to find your size. He has one of the curtesy shoehorns in his hand, and he says, it is almost on, but I am having trouble with the shoehorn, can you hold the boot still?

He convinces me to bend down and hold the boot why he uses the shoehorn, and this guy’s big cock is like, in my face, and he is shaking his leg around on purpose, and I am afraid he is going to hit me with his dick. That’s it, that’s my limit, and I said, sir, I cannot do this, and I start to stand, and he grabs my hand and puts it on his dick and says, I think this is the reason the boot doesn’t fit. I let his cock go and I just walk away. I said to myself, fuck it, I don’t care. I watch from a distance and I see hip hop girl, but she does not interact with Mr. big dick, and I watch Mr. big dick leave.

I watch hip hop girl, and she walks to women’s apparel and I follow her. I get there, and she is fumbling around on a rack, and I move in and she grabs something and goes into the dressing room. I make my way into the dressing room (because she is cornered now), and I see her at the last door, and she steps in. I know it is Janet. I walk to the door and I open it, and she grabs me and pulls me in and shuts the door. Janet pulls my skirt up and removes my panties and pushes me down on the bench and starts eating the shit out of my pussy.

Janet got me off in like 5 minutes while I bit my hand to stay quiet. I was scared to talk in the dressing room, so I put my panties on and walked out. Janet came back out to the racks laughing. I said, you put that guy up to that, didn’t you? Janet said, yes, she said, it took me a while, but I found a black cock as big as Ethan’s. I was thinking, the guy was tall, and decent looking, then I told Janet, that guy’s cock might be the same size as Ethan’s, but he is not a hunk like Ethan. Janet agreed, but she said, he did have a big cock, didn’t he? I said, yes. I asked Janet, did you fuck him? Janet said, no, not yet.

It was getting close to 5pm, and I told Janet I needed to finish up at work. I broke down and asked Janet, will I see you anymore today? Janet says, you never know. I completed my workday and headed to the car, and I see Janet’s big SUV parked beside mine. I don’t see Janet, and I walk up to it and look, and the back-seat window rolls down. Janet says, you owe me girlfriend. I say, owe you for what? Janet says, a pussy eating. Now the way Janet is sitting I can only see her head.

Janet opens the door, and she is totally naked. I look around, and I say, are you crazy? Janet says, get in, and get in and shut the door. Janet takes all my clothes off, and we are laying in the back seat of her SUV naked and kissing. She gets on top of me and we 69 until I make Janet orgasm. She turns and lays on me and we kiss and hold each other for a bit. Janet then dares me to drive home naked, and I say no, and I get dressed. Janet climbs into her front seat, naked, and says, where’s your adventure, and I get out. I tell her bye, and she says, see you tomorrow baby, and she leaves with nary a thing on. She did it again, she brightened my day with her antics.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅