Amy Tale/s – Miranda

Amanda, Janet, and Clair are watching like this is something out of the twilight zone, and that is what it felt like.

It was the summer break before Paige and Lisa started their senior year at high school. Lisa was off work one Saturday, and her and Paige wanted to invite some friends to Janet’s to swim in her pool. Besides Paige and Lisa, there were about 20 other kids. Lisa had befriended a new transfer student a year behind Lisa and Paige, and she had transferred about 3 months before the school break. Her name was Amanda, and she had an identical twin brother named Mark, and they would be starting their junior year at the school after summer break.

To look at their faces they were identical. Amanda had long blonde hair, and Mark had short hair the same color. Amanda was older by a few minutes, and she was about 5’ 3” and Mark was about 5’ 2” and they both were skinny. Of course, Amanda was a girl, and she had nice hip definition. Amanda’s measurements are approximately 28B-22-33. Mark did not fit in with the other six boys that came at all, and he was keeping to himself on the side of the pool.

Amanda was wearing a bikini, and she had the palest skin, and she used sunblock like crazy. Mark had trunks and a swim shirt on, and t-shirt over that. Mark was not swimming, and he had the same skin tone as his sister. His sister was rubbing sunblock on him too, and she was very attentive of him. Mark was along for the ride to his sister’s invitation, and for a brother and sister, they were really “close” to each other. Me, Janet, Clair, and Courtney were in loungers on the patio watching the kids play, and we were sipping drinks. Janet had ordered food and there were refreshments under the gazebo.

Lisa was showing off to her school mates, and she came over and French kissed the pee out of me, and I liked it, because she is such a good kisser. Lisa was showing them that Maria was her girlfriend, and she was proud of sharing that fact. Lisa walked back around the pool, and her and Amanda were talking, and Mark shouted, YOU BITCH! He then pushed Lisa into the pool. Mark fell to the ground and was holding his head like he had an aneurism or something. Janet and I rushed over, and others soon followed, and Amanda was bent down holding Mark.

Amanda was holding him and saying, Mark…Mark, are you alright? Mark said, what are you talking about Amanda? Who is Mark? Amanda exclaimed, Oh my god! Amanda looked at Janet and said, we need to call my parents, and I need to move Mark inside away from everybody. Janet said, there is a phone right here in the pool house apartment, and Janet opened it, and Me and Janet helped Amanda move Mark inside.

Amanda did not know the number off the top of her head, and I opened the door and told Clair to go get the paper with the phone numbers on it from the house. Mark stood up and said, I am alright now Amanda. Mark looked at me and said, it’s Maria, and he put his arms around my neck and kissed my lips, and I kind of pushed him back. Amanda said, what are you doing Mark? Mark said, who is Mark, Amanda? Amanda said, oh my god, again. Amanda said, what are you doing Miranda?

Mark said, I am kissing my girlfriend Maria. Amanda said, oh my god, a third time and Janet said, what the fuck is going on? Amanda said, my brother has a multiple personality disorder, but it has not shown itself in about two years. He has undergone a number of hypnotherapy sessions, and Mark is his dominant personality. Mark never remembers anyone but me or my mom and dad when he has an alteration. Mark has never acknowledged knowing anyone else after an alteration, but he knows Maria. Mark says, who is Mark, he sounds sick, I hate him, I wish he were dead.

Mark is holding me, and I am looking at Janet, and we have no fucking clue about what is going on. Clair comes in with the paper and gives it to Amanda, and Amanda says, I want to see what Mark does first, this could be the breakthrough we have been looking for. Amanda says, Miranda, do you know Maria? Miranda (Mark) says, yes, I love Maria, she is my girlfriend. Amanda says, I believe when Lisa was bragging about kissing you and you being her girlfriend, that Mark had an alteration. Then, Miranda got mad and pushed Lisa, and he now believes he is Maria’s girlfriend Miranda.

Mark (Miranda) says, if you talk about Mark one more time, I will kill him. Amanda says, okay Miranda, we won’t talk about him anymore. Miranda says, I won’t to make love to Maria, she is my girlfriend. I look at Amanda and say, I am not fucking your brother to cure his sickness. Miranda says, I am Amanda’s sister Miranda, Mark is dead. Miranda leads me to the bed and sits me on the edge. Amanda, Janet, and Clair are watching like this is something out of the twilight zone, and that is what it felt like.

Miranda pulled my straps to my one piece down, and I grabbed at them to stop it. Amanda said, see what she does. [Just so you know, Lisa has already seduced and fucked Amanda]. Miranda exposes my breasts and rubs them, and then licks and sucks my nipples. Miranda pushes me back on the bed and pulls my bathing suit off and I am naked. Miranda kisses down my body and spreads my legs and starts to eat my pussy. After about 10 minutes, I was not at all aroused because of the situation, Miranda started to get undressed. [Mark/Miranda apparently had eaten pussy before, and later I pressed Amanda to know why, and she admitted to having sex with Mark, and that confession is in Amy Tale/s – Amanda & Mark which is two postings away from this one].

Miranda (Mark) removed her/his t-shirt and swim shirt and had some kind of neoprene velcro wrap around his/her chest. He/she removed the wrap, had she had tits, not big, maybe 28A’s, and pink nipples. This was a revelation, but when the trunks came off, Miranda was definitely a girl, with a hairless pussy that she probably shaves. As Mark, Miranda tried to talk like a boy, but when she had changed to Miranda, a more natural female voice was heard. [I would have shared that above, but I did not want to give it away entirely]. Miranda laid on my breasts and kissed me and said, I love you Maria. Janet says, what the fuck Amy! Now you are curing people of their dissociative mental disorders with your pussy?

Miranda turns in a 69 on top of me and she eats my pussy again. She looks back at me and says, please make love to me Maria. I wrap my arms around her 32” hips, and I rubbed her ass and ate her pussy until she orgasmed. Miranda goes back to eating me after her thrill, and I finger myself until I got off. Miranda turns and lays on me and kisses me and says, please don’t ever leave me Maria. I look around puzzled, and Amanda is happy, but then Amanda says, oh fuck, how am I going to explain this to my mom.

I sit up and Miranda is hanging on me with her head on my breasts and her eyes closed. I say, what does all this mean? Amanda said it started when Miranda was 6, (and Miranda is her real name). Amanda believed the trauma was from an abusive uncle who probably molested Miranda, but they could never prove it. Mark had been Miranda’s only alter ego. Since they moved, Miranda has been seeing a new therapist, but Miranda has trust issues. She did not have the same trust as she did with her old therapist, which is probably why Mark snapped, but the Miranda ego is the one they really want to stay if they can get her to control her violence.

Amanda said, Mark is the dominate personality, the one who protects Miranda, but Miranda hates Mark. Miranda has problems with personal feelings and emotions. This is why Amanda doesn’t know what to do. I said, what does that mean for me? Amanda said, Miranda loves you now, she has never said she loves anyone. Janet starts laughing and says, girly, we are not a clinic to cure your sister of her being your brother complex, maybe you should call your parents and your doctor.

Amanda says, can we just wait please? Miranda is violent. She wants to kill herself and anyone who is around her. When my sister is Miranda, we have to rush her to a therapist, and it is usually an emergency, because she is threatening people and herself. Miranda is not doing that right now. I say, and what happens when I try to leave? Amanda says, I don’t know, shit, can’t you all see that this is hard for me too? I don’t know my sister; I have not had a sister since we were like 7 years old. Whenever she would become Miranda, she was violent and taken away and drugged until she reverted back.

Miranda says, I am alright now Amanda, I am in love with Maria. Janet says, call your parents, and Amy, get dressed. Miranda screams, I will not leave Maria. Amanda says, please don’t provoke her, it is not pretty to have to try and restrain her. Janet says, well, they cannot walk around naked. Amanda says, let Maria talk to Miranda. I say, I need to get dressed Miranda, and so do you, there are kids here and their parents will be coming to get them. Miranda says, okay Maria, and we get dressed. Miranda does not put the velcro wrap back on (which Amanda found extraordinary). I say to Amanda, what now? Amanda says, let’s go outside and see what she does.

We leave the pool apartment and I go over to the loungers and sit, and Miranda follows me and sits upright on my chair in between my legs. Courtney says, is everything alright with Mark? Miranda says, Mark is dead, and I say to Courtney, don’t say anything else, and call Lisa and Paige over. I tell Clair to take them aside and explain what is going on. Eventually the kids start to leave, and Amanda’s mom arrives to pick them up. Miranda sees her mom and says, hey mom, I am in love with Maria. Miranda’s mom goes, oh, who is Maria? Miranda turns and lays across my bosom and kisses my lips and says, this is my girlfriend Maria. Miranda’s mom barks Mark…and Amanda grabs her mom and leads her off to the side and tells her something.

Miranda’s mom comes back and says, that’s nice Miranda, are you ready to go home? Miranda says, no, I want to spend the night with Maria. Miranda’s mom says, can I talk to Maria alone Miranda? Miranda says, I guess.

Her mom asks me, what did you do, all Amanda will say is Miranda reverted and became attached to you? I said, you can take your daughters at any time, I don’t know why Miranda attached herself to me, but after hearing Amanda talk about Miranda’s problems, I don’t believe I need to get involved. I start to walk away, and her mom grabs my arm and says, I’m sorry, I know this is not your problem, but would you mind letting Miranda and Amanda spend the night, to see if Miranda continues to act normal? This turned into a lengthy discussion because none of it was normal to me, but I agreed to let them spend the night. This tale is continued in Amy Tale/s – Miranda v. Kelly.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅