And Baby Makes Four – Chapter 17 – Ginger Sees the Light


The four of us snuggled together in the big bed after another incredible session of amazingly satisfying four-way sex. I love this closeness after we love each other almost as much as the acts themselves – almost. As it turned out, Lexi and I were next to each other in the middle, with Sarah behind her and Will behind me. We shared tender kisses as we came down from our delicious high.

“You understand, don’t you?” I asked her. It was still bothering me that I was keeping her from enjoying being with other men.

“I don’t understand, Ginger,” she said. She kissed me, “But I respect your wishes. I don’t think you would ask me to do anything that I’m not comfortable with, and I certainly won’t ask you to. I hope someday you might change your mind about it, but I love you too much to go against your wishes.”

“Thank you, Lexi, you have no idea how much that means to me!” I said and we kissed some more. We looked into each other’s eyes and smiled for a moment.

“You think you love Will more than I do, don’t you?” said Lexi. I felt Will shift behind me, and the bed shifted as Sarah propped herself up on one elbow.

I thought for a minute, “I don’t know Lexi. All I know is I cannot imagine anyone loving him more than I do.”

“Just because you can’t imagine it doesn’t mean it can’t be so,” countered Lexi.

“I know that,” I said. “That’s what makes this so hard. “I love you, Lexi, and I want you to have the things you want and do the things you want to do, but I just can’t get my head around the idea of sharing our husband with anyone other than us. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel.”

“I know,” said Lexi. “I don’t get it, but I know. I felt Sarah’s hand reach across from behind Lexi and touch my face.

“You know, Ginger, Gloria isn’t especially interested in being with Will. She’s not trying to steal him from us.”

“How do you know that?” I asked. “If she doesn’t want to be with Will, then who?” Then it dawned on me. “Oh. That can’t be.”

“It’s true,” Sarah said. “She wants you. She told me as much.”

“I can’t imagine that’s true,” I said.

“There are a lot of things you can’t imagine are true,” Sarah said. “But I’m not lying, Gloria thinks you’re hot, and she wants to fuck you.”

“And what do you think about that?” I asked.

“I think I’d like to watch the two of you and maybe join in if it’s in the cards.”

“Oh, that changes things,” I said. “I’m such an idiot!”

“No, Sweetie, you’re not!” soothed Lexi. She kissed me and held me tight, “You’re just a giant ball of emotions, and sometimes that keeps a girl from thinking straight.” She kissed me again, and soon, we were making out as a prelude to bringing each other to another series of gut-wrenching orgasms. We shifted into a sixty-nine, and our spouses on either side of us used their hands and fingers to facilitate our arousal and their voices to urge us on. I lost track of time, and before I knew it, our bed was one giant wet spot as we both squirted our love over each other’s faces.

“We need to get another big bed just for fucking!” Sarah giggled as she extricated herself from the angle of bodies to go to the washroom and clean up. Will followed her and left Lexi and me alone.

“I’m sorry, Lexi, I just couldn’t get it out of my head,” I said.

“Does that mean you’ve changed your mind?” she asked hopefully.

“That means I’ll think about it,” I said. We smiled at each other and kissed to seal the deal.

“I’m calling that a win!” Lexi said excitedly. “Come on, I’ll clean you up while your husband and my wife change the sheets!”


The idea of us being with Gloria and Eric was never far from my mind for the next few weeks, but it never came up in conversation. I made that appointment at the salon to get my haircut, and as I was walking up the street from my car to the shop, I spotted Gloria coming toward me. “My God, she is gorgeous!” I thought to myself as I admired her mocha skin and perfect body.

“HI! GINGER! What are you doing here?” she called as she saw me. She rushed over and we hugged.

“Getting my hair cut,” I said. “I’ve decided to chop it off!”

“Wow, are you sure?” she asked. “I love your hair; I wish I had red hair!”

“It’ll grow back if I don’t like it,” I said. “So, not long now!”

“Yes, three weeks, and I’ll be a married woman!” she gushed. “I’m so excited and a little nervous!”

“You’ll be fine!” I assured her. “Eric is a lucky man!”

“You know it!” she giggled. “Listen, can we get together sometime soon? I want to pick your brain about, you know.”

“Of course!” I said. “Let’s hang out this weekend, I’m taking the baby to my mom’s on Saturday morning and spending the day there, why don’t we have dinner, just us girls?”

“I love it!” she said. “Listen, I have to run, I’ll call you!” She moved in for another hug, and I moved my head to kiss her cheek, but she must have had a similar idea. Our lips brushed together as our heads turned. “Oh my!” she whispered.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Don’t be!” she replied. “I’ll call you!”


I was nervous when I sat in the stylist’s chair, not because I was thinking about cutting off my long red hair but because of the momentary brush of my lips against Gloria’s. I shifted in the seat and realized that I was wet, not just a little-turned-on wet like when you’ve seen an arousing scene in a movie but full-on wet as though someone had been fingering me for a half hour. The stylist snapped me out of my reverie when she came over.

An hour later I walked out with my head and face feeling very different from when I had gone in. Gone were my waist-long tresses replaced by a short and styled look from one of the magazines I had looked through while I waited. It was layered and fluffed and curled and I thought that Will would love it! I had little concern over what my wives thought.

When I got home, Sarah was there alone and she looked up when I called her. She came over to me and ran her fingers through my newly styled hair, “It’s different!” We kissed and then she leaned back, “Lexi’s going to hate it!”

“Will’s going to love it!” I replied.

“That’s why Lexi will hate it!” she giggled. “You know, she already thinks you’re trying to steal him from her; why do you have to throw gas on the fire?”

“I’m not trying to steal him from her!” I protested.

“She believes that you are, and that’s what matters,” said Sarah.

“I don’t know how to change her mind,” I said.

“Stop fussing over him so much; stop asking his opinion on things before you ask hers. Concentrate on her more than him. That’s how,” she said. She kissed me again. “Tonight, after supper, ask her to take a bath with you. Make love to her and make her feel like she’s the most special person in the world to you. Put in the effort.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I said.

Sarah was right. As soon as they came in the door with the children, Lexi took one look at me and frowned while Will was all smiles. “You did it,” she said. I just smiled at her and said nothing. “It’s cute!” she added.

Will was oddly silent about it, and I was tempted to ask his opinion, but then I remembered Sarah’s comment about throwing gas on the fire, so I just thanked Lexi and hugged her before going to retrieve Rose from her car seat.

Dinner went smoothly, aside from my inability to keep my hands out of my hair. “It’s just so different!” I said when I noticed Lexi staring at me. She just smiled and said nothing. After dinner, we played with the kids for a while and then started getting them ready for bed.

“How about we do that?” Sarah said as she motioned to Will. She looked at me and nodded her head toward Lexi. “Go!” she mouthed silently.

I moved beside Lexi and hugged her, “I’m going to take a bath; I’d love it if you’d join me!”

“Really?” she asked. I leaned in and kissed her.

“Really,” I said. It took her hand and led her to the washroom. I started the bath filling while she got some towels and laid out the things we’d need. I went to her and started undressing her, kissing each bit of skin as it was exposed. She smiled and said nothing, and when she was nude, she did the same to me.

“This is nice,” she said. “We don’t have as much alone time as we did before you and Sarah got pregnant. I miss this!”

“Me too!” I said softly. “I know you and I have not seen eye-to-eye on a few things lately and I just wanted to make sure we were okay.”

“We’re okay,” she whispered. We kissed softly and then I held her hand to steady her as she climbed into the steaming water. I wedged myself in behind her, took a cloth and some body wash, and began drawing lazy circles around her breasts.

“Lexi, I get the feeling you’re worried about something,” I said, trying to start a difficult conversation about my feelings for Will.

“No, not really,” she said. “I am still disappointed about you not wanting us to get together with other people, but I understand. I remember what it was like the first time I saw Will with Sarah. It bothered me, but he came straight back to me and made love to me and reassured me that his feelings for me hadn’t or wouldn’t change.” She moved her hands over mine to guide them lower over her tummy, “Like I said before, I respect your feelings.”

“About that,” I said as I lowered my head to kiss her neck. “I’ve learned a couple of things.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“I thought that Gloria wanted to be with Will,” I said.

“I don’t have a problem with that,” she replied.

“The thing is, it’s not Will she wants to be with,” I continued.

“I know,” she said. She craned her head around and offered her lips to me, “She wants to be with you!” We kissed again, “And I don’t have a problem with that either!”

We continued kissing for a bit and then she looked at me, “Are you having a change of heart about this?”

“Maybe,” I said. “But right now I just want to try to show you how much I love you, how special you are to me.” We kissed again for a bit and she shifted around onto her knees to face me. “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have Rose, we wouldn’t have Will Jr, and I wouldn’t have so much love in my life.” She smiled and we kissed some more.

“You were my first,” she said. “The first woman to make love to me and make me feel all the things that only a woman can. I think we both have a lot to be thankful for!” We kissed again and her hand slid down between my legs.

“Not yet,” I whispered. “I just want to hold you for a while longer.”

“Warm up the water then,” she said. “If we stay in here much longer, we’ll turn into prunes!”

“Then we turn into prunes,” I laughed. “Some things require sacrifice!”

“Loving you is no sacrifice,” she whispered and we kissed some more.

“That might be the corniest thing anyone has ever said to me!” I giggled.

“Doesn’t make it not true,” she said. We cuddled and kissed some more and then she got up, took my hand and we steadied each other as we got out of the tub. We left a wet trail to the shower door as we padded over. She got in and got the water warmed up and I stepped in beside her. “I love you, Ginger. I love your heart and your soul. I even love your new haircut, which you are going to ruin in this shower!”

Our kisses became more urgent as our passion rose and then I stopped her. “For the record, Alexa, I don’t think I love Will any more than you do and I would never even try to take him away from you. Honestly, I don’t think anyone could.” We kissed again and I continued, “I am in love with your husband, our husband, desperately so and I want you to promise you’ll never try to take him away from us. Promise me you’ll never do that, Alexa!”

“I made that promise to you already, if you’ll recall,” she said. “But I’ll make it again. I love you and I promise that my husband will be your husband and Sarah’s husband for so long as you’ll have us.”

“Thank you, Alexa,” I said, and we kissed again.

“I like it when you call me that,” she said. “Nobody calls me that anymore.”

“Then I will call you that every day if it makes you happy!” Our lips met again and we made love standing up in that shower. Thank goodness for waterproof toys! I’m certain that Will and Sarah heard our moans and cries as we loudly professed our love for each other above our orgasms; hell, maybe the neighbors heard us, but I didn’t care. I wanted the world to know how I felt.


When we emerged, we dried each other off and applied moisturizer to each other’s bodies. Lexi complained that her skin was all wrinkly. “I have never seen you look more beautiful than you do at this minute!” I said. She smiled and continued applying moisturizer to me. “Can it just be us two tonight?” I asked. “Will and Sarah won’t mind.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said. “It’s been a while since it was just us. I’ll go ask them.”

We kissed some more, then she put on her robe and left me alone. I finished moisturizing and then dried my hair. I tried to style it the way the stylist had but it was evident I was no expert on short hair styles. Full marks for trying, though. I applied a little makeup to accentuate my eyes even though I knew it would be running and smudged all over my face in a little while. The first time that Lexi and I had made love, we joked about how it messed up our makeup.

I considered putting on some lingerie but that too would not last long so I decided not to bother. I went into the bedroom and Sarah was there getting her nightclothes on. She came over to me, “Good job, kiddo! Have fun tonight!” She kissed me and we both said, “I love you,” at the same time. She giggled and left the room.

I took our toy box from the big armoire and carried it into the washroom to make sure everything was nice and clean. As I rubbed the toy cleaner over the large dark brown dildo, I got an idea that I thought Lexi might like.

I took the harness and loosened the straps a little to better fit her hips then I took it, the large toy, and a smaller vibrator and set them on the nightstand. As I checked my face one more time I heard Lexi come back into the room.

“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble for me,” she whispered as she drew near. “But I’m happy you did. Hold on.” She disappeared for a few minutes and came back with her hair pulled back into a bun. She had also applied a little lipstick and mascara. “Now I have short hair too!” she said quietly. She came to me and we kissed for a bit while our hands massaged each other’s breasts and tummies.

“Harder!” I breathed and she squeezed my breast a little more firmly. “Mmm, yes! Like that!” She continued pawing me with one hand while her other slid between my thighs.

“We need to go to the spa soon!” she whispered. After Rose was born the three of us had started going back to the spa about once a month for a day of pampering. When we returned home, Will was very pleased at the smoothness of our pussies.

“Next week, for sure!” I breathed. Lexi’s lips found my neck, and she suckled on it a little. I remembered the marks that she had when she got home from her tryst with Davina and Jean and was fascinated by the look of rapture on her face as she described the feeling when she had gotten them.

Mark me!” I breathed.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Mark me!” I repeated more loudly and I felt the sting as her lips clamped down on the lower part of my breast below the nipple and her tongue pulled the flesh inward. She sucked hard for about a minute and then leaned back to take in her handiwork. Then she smiled at me before leaning back down and placing her lips on my other breast and leaving a symmetrical mark on the other side.

She brought her face back up to mine and we kissed some more. “You didn’t have to do that,” she breathed, her arousal rising.

“Yes, Alexa, I did,” I said. We looked into each other’s eyes and I said, “My turn!” I bent down, latched onto her breast just above the nipple, and sucked as hard as I could. I repeated on the other side and when I finished, she turned us to face the mirror on the dresser.

“I love them!” she said. “I told you it was hot!”

We kissed again for a bit and then I disengaged. I turned and picked up the harness and held it in front of me. “Put this on,” I said. She smiled broadly in anticipation of getting fucked into the next week with the big dildo. She took it from me and held it out for me to step onto the leg openings. I shook my head, “Not on me, on you!”

“Oh, okay!” she giggled and she stepped into it. Having never worn one before got onto my knees in front of her and helped her adjust it so it was sung around her hips. I handed her the dildo and flopped back onto the bed, my thighs apart.

“Fuck me, Alexa! Fuck me like Juan fucked you! Like you want Eric to fuck you! I want to know how it feels!” She climbed between my thighs as I picked up the little bottle of lube from the nightstand. She made a show of drizzling it onto my pussy and I flinched with the cold as it touched me. She paid special attention to my clit as she rubbed it in before slathering the rest over the toy.

She and I both reached at the same time to position the head of it at my opening. I was a mixture of horny and nervous, I had never taken anything that large inside me but I wanted to experience it the way she did. “I’ll go easy,” she said as she smiled at me. “You are going to love this!” Her hips came forward and I felt my pussy stretch wide as the head of it penetrated me.

“Ooohh, so tight!” I moaned as the broad flange of the glans slid past my G-spot making my hips twitch. Lexi pulled back a little then slid it in and out a few times to tease it. Her thumb found my clit and drew slow circles around it.

“Oh fuck! That feels so nice!” I exclaimed. “More!” She obliged, sliding the big tool deeper into me, stopping when she felt the resistance. “Hold there!” I said as I felt my cunt adjust to its girth. “How much?”

“A bit less than half!” she said as she massaged my clit. “We can stop if you want to.” I shook my head and put my hand over hers, guiding it so that she had one finger on either side of my clit. I moved her fingers in an up-and-down motion and nodded my head. She pulled back a little and applied more lube to the shaft and my opening before leaning forward again.

“Oh, WOW!” I cried as the toy slipped in deeper than any man had before it. I placed my hands on her hips to halt her forward progress for a moment and then pulled them toward me to urge her in deeper.

“OH, GOD, YES!” I screamed as I felt it slip in and brush up against my cervix. “How much?”

“Just a little more,” she soothed me. “Almost there!” She leaned down and kissed me, “Stop me if it hurts too much.” I nodded my head and pulled hers down toward me.

We kissed again, “I want it all!” I begged. “Put it in all the way! Fuck my pussy with that monster!” She smiled and pushed forward again.

The pressure against my cervix built as it slipped in further and then I felt Lexi’s hips against my bum. “Is it in?” I asked.

“All the way, baby!” she purred into my ear. “You did it; you took it all!” She kissed me softly, “Are you okay?”

“I’m perfect!” I said. “I get it now, Alexa; I get why you want this!”

“You don’t get it yet, but you will!” she said as she raised herself up onto her arms and drew the massive phallus back until only the head was still inside me.

“Nooo!” I pleaded, and she giggled.

“Relax, I’m not going anywhere!” she said softly as she pushed it back into me.

This time it slid in smoothly until I felt her hips brush my butt cheeks once more. Out and in, out and in, a little faster each time, and as she pushed her hips bumped me a little harder.

“Oh, Sweet Jesus, I love this!” I cried. “Why didn’t you tell me it was this good?”

“You didn’t ask!” she teased. She pulled back again until just the tip was touching the outside of my pussy lips. “ready?” I nodded my head and she pushed forward until her hips slapped into me.

“YES! FUCK, YES!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “FUCK ME HARD! FUCK ME DEEP, ALEXA! POUND IT INTO ME!” Each time she drove it in, I screamed an expletive. My fingers found my clit, and I rubbed it harder than I ever had before, and believe me, I liked it rubbed hard!

I was almost there when she stopped. “WHAT THE FUCK ALEXA!” I screamed.

“Hold on, you’ll like this!” she said. She got off me, “Keep playing with your clit!” and she detached the big cock from the harness and handed it to me. “Roll over!” I hesitated, “Trust me, you’ll love this!”

I rolled onto my tummy, “Put it back in!” she instructed, and I slid it in and held it there with two fingers.

“You’re not gonna…” I said.

“You better believe I am!” she said. She hesitated, waiting for my objection, but hearing none, she fished the shorter, thinner dildo out of the toy box and clipped it onto the harness. “Raise your bum up!” she commanded, and I did as I was told. I was putty in her hands by this point, and I knew that whatever she told me to do, I would do it without question or argument.

I felt the cool of the lube once more but I doubted it was necessary by this point. “Stop me if it hurts too much!” she said, but I doubted it would. Will had fucked my ass many times, and the toy she had was smaller than him, so I figured it would be no problem. I didn’t stop to consider that I was already stretched to the max with the best part of ten inches of fake cock.

I felt my bum spread open ass he used her hands to part my cheeks. “God, your ass is perfect!” she cooed. “I wish I had your ass!”

“My ass is yours for the taking!” I replied and then I had an evil thought. “FUCK MY ASS ALEXA! FUCK ME WITH THAT BIG COCK!” I screamed loudly enough that Will and Sarah surely heard me. The house was well built and insulated but it couldn’t contain my voice at full volume!

Lexi giggled,” You’re so mean!” she said as she pushed her hips forward and the smaller cock slipped into my ass.

Now I thought that I had been completely full before but the combination of the two cocks inside me stretched me further than I thought possible. I hadn’t even felt this stretched while giving birth to Rose but I knew in my head that wasn’t true. Lexi’s hips flattened my ass cheeks as she pressed forward until both toys were inside me as far as they could go. I whimpered and she stopped, “Feel so good!” I moaned.

She continued moving slowly but picked up the pace a little as the resistance to her thrusting eased. Soon we were making loud slapping noises as she drove forward. I grabbed a pillow with both hands and screamed into it as she pounded into me. “Take it all, my love,” she grunted as she repeatedly sunk it into me. It was all I could do to hold the larger cock inside my pussy as he fucked me.

All this new feeling brought my orgasm quickly and I didn’t hold back. Each time she drove forward, I screamed for her to fuck me harder. Then it hit me.

“AAAHHHFUUCKYESSS!” The noise came from my very core and I could no more hold it in than I could hold back the tides. Again and again, I hollered, but Lexi wouldn’t let up. I had asked her to fuck me into next week and she delivered with gusto! Finally, my body gave out and I flopped onto my stomach, my whole body heaving. The cock had slipped from my ass as I fell forward and Lexi laid on top of me and brushed my now-soaked hair from the side of my face.

“That’s what I want,” she whispered. “Now, do you understand?”

“I understand!” I panted.  I twisted to roll onto my back and pulled her down on top of me. “I’m sorry!”

“You have nothing to be sorry for!” she whispered. “You didn’t know, but now you do.” She kissed me, “Information is a good thing!”

I started laughing, which started her laughing, and we quickly turned into a mass of jiggling laughing flesh as we roared. After a minute or so we calmed down and I looked into her eyes, “I love you so much, Alexa! Thank you!”

“No need to thank me!” she purred. “I had as much fun as you did!”

I sat up and motioned to the giant wet spot under my ass, “I rather think not!”

“Oh, but I did!” she said. “Haven’t you learned by now that it is more fun to give than to receive?”

“I guess that’s why Will always has that shit-eating grin on his face!” I giggled

“Indeed, that and the fact that he has to wear himself ragged trying to keep three perpetually horny women happy!” We started laughing again.

After we calmed down, she looked at me, “We sure fucked up your makeup!”

“You said we would!” I replied. “It was worth it!” We shared soft kisses for a few moments before she got up and took off the harness.

“Shower?” she asked.

“We’d better! We’ll be stuck to the bed in the morning if we don’t!”

Twenty minutes later, we emerged but not until after I had masturbated her clit and finger-fucked her until she begged me to stop.

When we re-entered the bedroom, we noticed that the bed was freshly made and a note was on the pillows. Lexi picked it up, “That sounded like fun! You’ll have to tell me all about it sometime! ILY, S”

“God, I love that woman!” Lexi whispered.

“Me too!” I said. We climbed into bed naked and cuddled in tight. “Alexa?”

“Yes, my darling?”

“I’m having lunch with Gloria on Saturday.”

“Good!” she said. “I love you, Ginger! Good night!”

“I love you too, Alexa!” I pulled her in close and listened as her breathing slowed. Just when I thought she was asleep, she spoke softly.



“The real thing is better!”

“I hope so!” I pulled her close and held her until we were both asleep.