Attention Campers ;)

How working at a huge summer camp for kids made me the perv’ I am today.

As the kids walked thru the door, there little friend in tow, I could tell tell the girl probably had a broken arm. She was about 11ish, curly brunette hair, the kind not often seen on little girls today. She was a real cutie. I could see she was in pain. I lead her to an exam room where I’d take a X-ray and set her bone, then after a pain pill or two, Id show her my bone.

I’m Tim, I’m 23 and have a degree in sports medicine, along with being a certified EMT, I’m on the medical staff at a huge kids summer camp in the Mount Diablo Mountain range near San Francisco. I got this job not because of my qualifications but because I “look the part” , young, fit, the kinda guy that looks good on a camps website, The kinda guy that you would feel comfortable with if your little spoiled ass kid needs medical attention.

And this lil ass cutie that I put in one of our 10 exam rooms was fast asleep, and needed my attention. I had her take her tank top and shorts off and put her in a paper hospital gown, I tell them its to make it less pain full to set the broken bone. What a load of shit . the gown makes it easier for me to play with there little cunnies.

Before I got this job, I never thought of kids in a sexual way, Hell I never thought of kids at all, but that changed one day when after coming to work early I walked in on another staff member, a LPN names Ashley. She was a trans girl saving her money to go fully into women hood, as she puts it. she has a great body and no expense was spared on her or her impressive set of tits, after all it is San Francisco. The little boys drooled when she was around, they would fake injuries just so she would work on them, This one wasn’t faking anything , he had a very impressive cock for a 13 year old black kid and he was ramming Ashley’s boy pussy like a porn star, She was moaning reaching under herself and stroking her boy clit for all it was worth

I was shocked, stunned but I couldn’t look away, it was hottest thing id ever seen, I just watched her tits bounce and her face in her “fuck me” makeup in total bliss, Now I knew I should have reported it to my boss, but I didn’t. when she came out of the room she passed by me setting at my desk, she just smiled as she adjusted her bra.

I soon found out that 4 of the 5 medical staff where teaching the campers skills not covered in the brochure.

Ashley kept this shitty job because the camp had a 4 week drama camp, full of the kinda lil boys she liked. and being near SF had the camp was full “Queer babies” she she called them. Kids of rich gay couples, Kids not shocked by a hot trans bitch.

An EMT named Chris was into lil fat girls, and we had a 3 week camp for overweight kids, with the kinda girls that have tits already at 10 and no self esteem. He would befriend them and show interest. Sneak them off to his cabin and inject a little of his own “nutritional supplement” down there willing throats, the girls loved him, he had like a harem, the girls would try to impress him by showing there sex skills, more that one I’d go to his cabin to find a cubby teen or preteen on his bed, ready to show Chris how mush she liked him. More than one gave me a blow job at Chris’s request.

The 3rd perv’ in our band of merry pedo’s was Tom, His story was well a kinda weird one. As he tells it, His sister used to molest him when he was kid, that there dad molested her. Tom was 8, she was like 15 when his sister would dress him in her old cloths, put lots of mommies makeup on him, then use various “toys” to probe his ass. Thinking on it now. she probably hated her dad and lashed out at tom. The thing she didn’t know was…he liked it , he loved to be dominated. the medical staff would use him like a bitch, and if we had a kid over at our cabin , Tom would dress up like a girl and let the kids fuck with him, fingering his ass, jerking his cock, swatting his balls, it was weird but it was very hot.

The forth and final perv’ was Lisa, Lisa liked little girls..Alot, She had gotten fired from a job in Mexico working for a non-profit agency after she was found to have 3 lil street girls living with her. She said she loved the girls, would bring them to her bed, pretend to nurse from her big tits, she wanted a daughter so bad but couldn’t conceive, so she bought little girls from poor Mexican family’s. She’s what got me started on little girls. I’d take a bottle of wine over to her cabin. She would have a young girl, 10 or so, after some wine Lisa would start to make-out with me, heavy petting that kinda thing. Soon she would invite the girl on the couch, and Lisa would show her how to stroke a man’s cock how I liked my balls kissed ,then she would gently show the girl how to lick my shaft, Lisa would make a game of it with the girl. Lisa used me a prop, she would French kiss the girls, almost make love with them, not just sex. Lisa had Alot of problems I could tell, but I was not going to turn down a sexy 28 year old showing a hot little slut how to please a man, using me as a teaching tool.

She had a 12 year old once at her cabin, The girl had told Lisa that she and her boyfriend who was older had sex many times. Lisa ask her if his cock looked like mine, as she looked into the girls eyes and took my whole shaft down her slutty throat, the girl looked on in awe, Soon Lisa had the girl beside her fingering her lil cunt as she sucked me , the girl was good.. very good. She was Lisa’s type, trampy, slutty and in need of a mother figure. I fucked that kid that night twice. She was a tight little thing, Lisa would whisper words of encouragement as i guided my man meat in her baby cunt, Lisa told her how proud she was of “mommies baby”. Lisa laid beside her as I slowly worked my cock in her, Lisa on her stomach , tits resting on the little girl. When I was with Lisa it never took me long to cum. I flooded that girls cunt that night. Before I left. I gave Lisa a “morning after” pill to take care of anything my seed may have started.

At the second week in July we had a camp for kids suffering from addiction. this was a real money maker for the camp, many of the kids where being sponsored by the state of California. It was also a real windfall for the medical staff, early to middle aged teen kids with drug addictions, and us, the staff having access to the pills those lil cum dumps craved, I fucked so many girls for pills that camp I thought my cock would fall off. We had a toga party one Saturday night in my cabin, the kids, boys and girls all fucked up on oxy. Tom dressed up like a Roman god with 3 teen boys filling all his holes, just fucking abusing him. Lisa playing with the boys as they fucked Tom, fingering there tight lil asses petting there boy balls with her sexy long nails. I had Ashley that night, 5 boys and I surrounded her and took turns fucking her boy cunt. cum running down her thighs, sucking her fake tits, she loved it, I’m not bi, well at least I didn’t think so but now I’m a changed man. I think tomorrow night I want Ashley to “slut-up” a little boy for me, I think that would be fun.

But like all good things, Summer came to an end. The camp owner ask if I would be returning next year, I assured him, I would be. He said it make him so proud of his staff , for them to return year after year, I told him , I do it for the kids. lol

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