Aunt Carol – Part 8

We were driving along a winding coastal road well off from the freeways. Aunt Carol had on a blue bikini top and a wrap skirt while Alicia was wearing a long white sun dress that was bare at the shoulders with an elastic neckline that flattered her modest cleavage. She had on flat beach sandals made of rope and cork that cradled her slim, pink toed feet. Her makeup was a bit overdone as if she were going out on a date rather than going to the beach and included eyeliner and shadow, lip gloss, and blusher. It made her look more mature than I had ever seen her. She also wore the simple gold hoop earrings I’d bought for her last summer.

Aunt Carol was also stunning even down to her designer sun glasses which must have cost a ton.

Suddenly, she pulled off down a dirt road which led to a clearing behind a row of trees. There were ten or so cars parked there but it was far from crowded. The overcast had burned off by now but it was still partly cloudy and cool by the ocean.

Although I had a fair tan from being out and swimming, Alicia was not a sun worshiper and was a uniform translucent white except for her nipples. As we got out Aunt Carol suggested we put on our sun screen right there and leave our things in the car.

She was the first, dropping her bikini top and untying her waistband letting the wrap skirt fall open to reveal her nude form beneath. Even with all her poise it was clear that she was both excited by and terrified of her exposure especially the absence of her pubic hair. There was no shred of modesty possible like this. Her every arousal would be visible and the disapproval of the more conservative nudists would be awkward.

Alicia got out and took a deep breath, then looked back at me and grinned somewhat sheepishly at what she was about to do. She reached down and gathered the hem of her white dress in her hands lifting it up in folds and pulling it over her head.

The cool air perked up her tender nipples and I pressed my hand against the left dimple of her back above her buttocks. She winced a bit and I knew she could feel the bruises that striped her otherwise smooth, flawless skin. They were just dark enough to be identifiable as due to only one possible cause, corporal punishment with a thin rod or strap. Alicia had not tried to cover them with makeup almost as if she were… proud of them.

I dropped my shorts just as two elderly ladies came up the path walking back to their car. They must have been in their 60’s and were wearing nothing but large brimmed hats and sunglasses. My eyes couldn’t help glancing at their breasts and pubic patches just beneath their protruding bellies. One woman was uniformly bronzed with no tan line but the other woman had the white shadow of her missing bathing suit contrasting with her tan thighs and shoulders. They looked my way and smiled but frowned and made a whispered comment when they glanced at Alicia’s stripe marks and shaved vulva.

Aunt Carol put on a large straw sun hat and tied it under her chin. I was already smearing Alicia with sun screen literally from head to toe in hopes of keeping her from burning. It also hid the stripes just a bit which made me feel better since I didn’t want to get arrested for abusing her.

As the three of us made our way onto the sand I was surprised how comfortable I really felt. There were a couple families having a picnic near the entrance with mom, dad, and the three teenage kids all as naked as the day they were born. Further up there were several women who were certainly model types from the perfection of their figures. I felt my penis begin to swell as I gazed at a gorgeous woman sitting on a towel with her one leg up giving me an unimpeded view of her delicious vagina. She had no tan line and was obviously not new to this experience.

From the corner of my eye I could see a couple behind the screen of a temporary cloth cabana. They were rocking away and locked in intercourse oblivious to anyone.

There were also a lot of single guys who were wearing bathing suits and walking around with cameras around their neck. One guy with black hair and shades saw Alicia and Aunt Carol and almost tripped over himself as he snapped their pictures without even introducing himself. This happened two or three times which pissed the hell out of me but only seemed to make the women bolder.

We eventually settled on a spot and set up our umbrella and blanket. Alicia and Aunt Carol went down to the water while I sat watching the scene. The mixture of older types with young, sexy women and couples, was interesting. Several older couples said “Hello” as they strode by arm in arm, beautifully and unashamedly naked in the warm sun. When the ladies got back they toweled off quickly and sat on either side of me. After a moment Aunt Carol spoke.

“Now, Alicia I wanted to show you the road to a man’s heart and it ain’t through his stomach. Just relax Chris, I want to give Alicia her first lesson in sucking a man properly.”

I felt a hot flush of excitement and my heart started pounding wildly. Right here, she was going to suck me and have sex with me in plain sight. I was still soft when I felt her fingers glide over my sensitive tip.

“Watch as his penis begins to unfold and swell when I touch the tip. Men are so sensitive there it hurts unless you touch it correctly. Look how strong and firm it’s getting as he starts to get turned on from my touching. Now, I’ll just start to lick the little slit with the tip of my tongue. Not too fast. Just enough to taste his delicious come welling up. Are you enjoying this, two women totally focused on stimulating your beautiful penis?”

I tried to control my erection but she was just irritating the tip and I couldn’t have stopped it if I tried. There were two guys with cameras getting set up just down the beach but I was beyond caring even as I heard the first shutter clicks.

“Here’s the secret, Alicia, listen carefully and watch. Keep your fingers down here at the base. Press firmly but don’t squeeze or you’ll cut off his erection. Just stroke down here starting out slow and building up. Whatever you do don’t slip up over the underside of his shaft or he’ll come too quick.”

Alicia had taken over stroking the base of my penis with her fingers while caressing my balls with her other hand. Occasionally she would dip her mouth over it and lick the pool of preseminal fluid as if it were sugar syrup.

Meanwhile, I had reached behind Aunt Carol and was running my finger up and down her labia which were wet and open. It was more than my stimulation, she was overwhelmed by the perverse exhibitionism of what we were preparing to do.

She let out a moan and then raised her leg over my shoulders and straddled my chest facing away. Her fragrant, shaved vagina gaped inches from my face and I lifted up, spreading her with two fingers, and began to tongue her from her clit to her asshole.

“Ohhh… yessss… care… careful Alicia, not too high up… ahhhhh… I… I want him really wound up… oh god you eat pussy great Chris. Oh shit… Ohhh… I want to com… come… ohhh noooooo… I’m… comingggggg… ahhhhhh”.

Here crescendo carried up the beach and the camera clicking was continuous by this time. She kept thrusting her pussy down onto my face and had two more shrieking orgasms which squirted her fluid onto my chest and chin. I was ready to come and Aunt Carol knew it.

“You have to feel his first spasm. Its just a little spurt but that will tell you he’s just about to come and can’t stop. Wait for that moment”.

“Oh man… oh Alicia that feels so fantastic. I want to come so bad. Its close yeah… ohh shit I’m going to… to come… AAAAAHHHHHHHH”.

“Now quickly Alicia, slide up over the shaft underneath and stroke him very quickly and lightly. Get your mouth over the tip, sweet, and… that’s it, quickly, up close… he’s coming… yes, isn’t it beautiful. OH CHRIS!”.

It’s really hard to accurately describe the sensation that I experienced when I was in the throes of this wonderful, impossible orgasm. My penis was hypersensitive from the subtle stimulation that laboriously had brought me close to climax. The urgency, the inevitability and complete surrender to the desire to come would have happened if she had just continued to stroke my base. But when her slim fingers slid up onto the underside of my shaft, where the sensation is 100 times greater than at the base, and I felt Alicia’s wet lips wrap around my tip, with the unique, pissy, woman scent of my aunt filling my nostrils from her intimate vaginal outpourings.

I experienced such a total convulsion of sexual pleasure that I… I… Started to cry. Not really balling or anything but it was just such a release, so total and spiritual that, even with the jerks with cameras, and the other people on the beach watching, I just welled up with tears and it took a few deep breaths and Aunt Carols soft kiss to bring back my composure.

“Whoa… that was… incredible… God Alicia, I… I love you so much”.

She moved up next to me and we embraced, my own semen spattered across her face in white smears that I licked off and shared with her as we twisted our tongues together.

“If I hear one more fucking click from you assholes, I’m going to bust your fucking cameras over your heads”, I said to the four or five that were snapping away.

“It’s a fucking public beach. Go fuck in the bedroom if you don’t want your picture taken, asshole”, a big, black guy in a white T-shirt and black shorts shot back. He had a small video camera and was taping everything.

Alicia was incredibly horny by this point and was eager to do something even more outrageous.

As I recovered from my orgasm, Alicia and Aunt Carol got on all fours on the blanket and were positioning themselves for some mutual oral sex. Alicia was on top with her shaved vagina over Aunt Carol’s face while Aunt Carol was spread open by Alicia’s fingers as she lay below. The sound of slurping, sighing, and snapping of cameras continued for several moments as first Alicia and then Aunt Carol were overtaken by their very expressive orgasms.

Fully restored, I slipped behind Alicia and entered her from behind with my balls brushing on Aunt Carol’s nose and mouth. She loved it and was rubbing Alicia’s clit from below while licking her juice off my shaft as it plopped onto her face. At the last moment I pulled out shooting a full load of semen onto Alicia’s crack and down over her vagina.

Aunt Carol spent the next ten minutes cleaning her with her tongue and making her to come twice more.

Not wanting to be the last one out and reveling in the exhibitionist orgy, Aunt Carol entertained the last of the camera guys by masturbating herself to orgasm with her fingers and coming so loud that an older women nudist in her 60s actually came over and asked her to quiet down or leave.

Aunt Carol seemed almost apologetic once she regained her composure saying she was sorry but adding that she hoped the woman understood from her own experience how good it feels to really let go like that. The woman looked a moment and said nothing, returning to her male partner sitting on the blanket nearby.

We were refreshed and invigorated by our outdoor orgy and Alicia would have like to fuck some more but we needed to get back. As I was heading back to the car I looked over at the older woman that had reprimanded Aunt Carol. She was on her back with her legs up and open wide and her right hand sliding up and down over her clit as her male partner, a man with gray hair and beard in his 60’s or so looked on with a swelling erection. She suddenly arched up off the blanket and let out a gut wrenching,


And promptly came for about ten seconds. As I passed her panting and flushed on the blanket I gave her a big thumbs up sign and she smiled back.


After dressing beside the car we prepared to leave for home.

“Chris, I’d prefer if you drove this time and Alicia and I will ride in back if that’s ok?”

We wound our way back to the freeway which by now was getting into rush hour. There were cars on either side and we were down to about five mph due to an accident. It would take nearly an hour to get back at this speed. Aunt Carol was not upset.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to try with Alicia and this seems like as good a time as any. Alicia, why don’t you take off that pretty dress and move over next to me?”

“Right here on the freeway? Are you sure the cars can’t see in even if they’re right next to us?”, Alicia replied somewhat sarcastically it seemed since I could already see her lifting the white skirt of her sun dress over her waist and pulling it off over her head.

Her shaved pubes and erect nipples made my penis stiff against my shorts so I unzipped my fly and let it stand free.

“This may take some time and I need you to focus on what I say, ok Alicia? The first time finding your G-spot is always the hardest because you can’t see it real well and have to go by feel mostly.”

Aunt Carol had Alicia sit forward on the car seat with one leg across my aunt’s lap and the other against the door. She started stroking just the outside of her labia getting her fingers nicely wet before easing two of her digits into Alicia’s young, tight, vagina. She was pressing in and up slightly.

“Now, this is where I need your help. You have to relax a bit and not try to grip me just yet. That’s it, just let yourself fit around my fingers. I need to feel for your little love spot. Its a little pad on the upper part of your vagina just behind your bone. How’s that? Do you feel anything kind of like a little sharp twinge?”

“Oooooo… mmmm… yeah, you… you just hit something that hurt a bit. And it really feels like I have to pee just now.”

“That’s good. Don’t worry about having to pee. You’re sitting on your towel so it won’t stain anything. Now, it has to build up so don’t rush, Alicia. Just let me keep pushing and stroking it till it swells up some. It’s actually a little sponge that fills up with your juices when it gets irritated. Does it still feel like you need to pee?”

“Ahhhh… no really, not… its… its more like a cramp or itch way inside… I can’t… oooohhh… it really is feeling good. Can I just touch my clit?”

“Only touch it but don’t start stroking. You’ll come too quickly and won’t build up to it so you get the best ejaculation.”

I could hear a rhythmic, wet, churning sound as Aunt Carol thrust her fingers more and more vigorously inside. Alicia’s breathing grew suddenly shallow and I thought she was going to come. My aunt’s fingers and hand were wet with Alicia’s juices as she massaged away inside.

“Ohhh… yeah, right there… push up, harder… HARDER damnit… mmmmm… It’s… It’s… com… ohhhhh… DON’T FUCKING STOP, Shit, what are you doing?”

She’d taken Alicia right to the edge then stopped abruptly.

“The more times you go to the edge and stop before you come the more you will squirt, believe me. If you can take it a few more times it’ll be worth it. You’ve really got a big spot, Alicia. Just take a breather.”

Alicia just caught her breath when Aunt Carol started in with the churning sound. Having found her spot Alicia quickly got right to the edge of orgasm again when Aunt Carol stopped. Alicia’s chest was flushed pink over the tops of her heaving breasts and her face and belly were drenched in sweat.

“Just once more should be enough without wearing you out I should think”, Aunt Carol said not mentioning her rather tired fingers and cramped hand.

It had been about half an hour since Aunt Carol had first entered Alicia and Alicia was going to come this time or go nuts. Once again she began the churning as Alicia, now complexly lost in ecstasy, was thrusting up her hips and screaming in pleasure while just on the other side of the car window there was a car with three girls patiently waiting in the traffic jam and oblivious to her fervent display. She squeezed her thighs together which were quivering in nervous energy as her orgasm, intensified beyond her wildest expectation, was about to overtake her.

“When you start coming, push like you want to really pee hard. It won’t be pee you feel coming out so don’t hold back. Let it go all at once. You can start stroking your clit as hard as you want now. Just go for it girl… That’s it… rub that sweet pussyyyy… ohhhhh… yeah, so sweet… rub that big hard clit while auntie makes you come inside… yeahhhhh… that’s it… push it… PUSH IT…”

Alicia suddenly stopped the almost continuous moaning and murmurs she had been making and her mouth formed a silent, big round “o”, then curled into a spectacular series of expletives and unintelligible sounds that only made sense inside her exploding female animal brain.

As my aunt withdrew her now cramped fingers from inside I looked directly at Alicia’s now gaping opening. As she came the pink, inner membranes seemed to turn inside out and overlap her inner labia in a series of short spasms.

At the same instant jets of liquid spurted a full two feet from her opening, splashing on the leather console and draining onto the car’s carpet. Her face was contorted and dripping with sweat as she started screaming at the top of her lungs with each spurt,


I looked down at my erection and realized I had ejaculated in sympathy with her without touching myself. My come was running down my penis and over my balls. Rather than let it stain my shorts I scooped it up on my fingers and licked up every salty drop.


Alicia was still wiping herself off with the beach towel as we pulled into the driveway. Her cheeks were streaked with mascara from the tears that had flowed at the peak of her wet eruption. Aunt Carol was busy wiping off the carpet and console of her expensive Mercedes which had received the bulk of Alicia’s torrent. Alicia didn’t even both to put on her dress as we got out of the car in the driveway but just walked, a bit unsteadily, up to the portico ahead of Aunt Carol and me.

The house had been completely cleaned in our absence by Mrs. Grubmeyer’s lady friends. I went up to my room to wash up and relax. Alicia had already gone before me and was face down on the bed, sound asleep. I put the comforter over her nude form and laid down next to her for a quick nap.

The next thing I remember Aunt Carol was tapping on the door and telling us to get up come downstairs so we could decide where to go out for dinner tonight. And we needed to talk with Uncle Jerry. He had some incredible news for us. It was just past six.

Alicia came down in just her silk kimono looking refreshed and ready to enjoy a night out. She sat next to me on the large sofa and I put my arm around her neck as Uncle Jerry, just back from LA, began his news.

“I’ve been talking with Carol about this since you came down, Alicia, and I think I’ve finally set it up. We weren’t sure you would… respond… to… being watched and even photographed having sex. Carol says you really got off today at the beach?”

“I had totally never even thought of doing something… you know… fucking, with people… like… taking pictures of me and stuff. It was outrageous. They were so hot and wanted me but I was like behind this glass and I could do absolutely anything I wanted and they could just watch me. It felt so… powerful… They were people I’d never see again and I wanted them to see me just come… God, I’m getting wet again.”

Sure enough as she got up she had a growing wet blotch on the back of her kimono.

“I think she can handle it Jerry, don’t you?”, Aunt Carol said smiling at Alicia’s unintentional demonstration of her arousal.

“Well, here’s what happened. I met with an old friend who told me about a porn shoot they are doing across the border tomorrow. The girl they had scheduled to star in the scene got her period early this month and now they need to find someone to fill in fast. I told him about Alicia and showed him your school picture. He said you looked perfect but he was reluctant to use a virgin. That’s a trade term for a girl who hasn’t made a commercial video yet. I told him that Carol had been with her and would vouch for her gladly. It’s a big risk because even though it’s just video it’s still expensive to shoot and they can’t have the talent, that’s you Alicia, get scared and bail on them.”

Alicia took a moment to think about what she would be agreeing to.

“Would I be famous and… Would my mom and dad and friends see me too?”

“These videos sell to a special clientele but you have to expect they’ll find out so you need to tell them something to prepare. It’s really up to you how you handle it. Each girl is different.”

“I haven’t been with a lot… of guys… I mean… Chris… I don’t know if I’d like it with someone… just a complete stranger.”

She was looking at my face not sure how I would react to seeing her fucking other men and women when I couldn’t be with her.

“I love you Alicia. I love coming together, feeling you under me, tasting you and… But when I watch you, like with Aunt Carol today, it’s like I’m inside you. Feeling what you feel and wanting it to feel as good as possible for you. The more you get off on it the more I feel and… want you.”

“You’re so awesome!”, Alicia said bringing her mouth to my face and kissing me while her hand brushed over my bulging shorts. “This is just too wild… God, I just have to get off, and everyone will be watching me.”

“Its an incredible chance. Some girls fight like crazy just to get a walk on and you’re going to be in two major scenes first time. Its not all fun though. There’s a director and usually two or three cameras and sometimes you have to stop in mid scene to move the cameras. It’ll be a closed set but I think they’ll let you on Chris as her boyfriend.”

“They better let Chris be there or I’m not doing it”, Alicia pouted.

“Also, I called Alicia’s mom, Samantha, when Jerry told me. She’s going to be flying down as well for moral support. You can call her tonight. She sounded really excited that her little girl was going to be famous. She’ll tell your dad when he gets back from Europe. No sense causing a big stir right away. She hoped Chris wouldn’t get crazy or jealous, either. It’s really a business and good actresses can do really well. I think she was just a little envious, too.”

Aunt Carol had worked another miracle.

Uncle Jerry and I looked over the model release forms and contract. Because it was outside the country she wouldn’t need a union card to work and the local folks had “greased” the way on the work permit. As Alicia signed the forms Aunt Carol got her mom on the cell phone and handed it over to Alicia. From the conversation it appeared the three of us would all be staying in the same hotel room due to a room shortage. After an exchange of excited “I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it” she gave her mom a big kiss of thanks over the phone and hung up.

“Well, now that its settled why don’t we go get some dinner at a really nice place and celebrate the new star”, Aunt Carol said.

With that she and Alicia trundled upstairs holding hands and chattering excitedly about her video debut. Uncle Jerry and I washed and dressed quickly and waited for our “dates” to join us. Aunt Carol was first and had put on a very elegant black brocade evening dress that plunged down the front and revealed the full extent of her voluptuous cleavage. Her skirt hugged her ass like a thin black skin and was slit well up her thighs showing just the hint of her black stocking welts when she let the hem fall open.

“And now, I give you the next superstar of porn, the fabulous… Alicia Aronesti.”

Alicia stepped into view like a phantasm of erotic perfection. Her soft blond hair was piled high on her head in an elegant sculpture. Her makeup made her appear much older than her 19 years. She had on dark eyeliner and daring faux lashes that framed her sparkling gray-blue eyes. Her blush and eye shadow reflected the erotic passion that I’m sure Aunt Carol had felt as she lovingly applied them to her budding protege. Her mouth was carefully done with lip liner and a pale but bawdy reddish-pink that captured her inner mixture of innocent girl and worldly woman.

She wore a black dress with a velvet bodice and built-in bra that pushed up her young breasts into a deep cleavage that threatened to spill out at her next breath. The skirt was light and tightly pleated swishing seductively against her mid thighs as she descended the stairs. Its was dangerously short and sheer considering she was wearing only black seamed stockings and a black garter belt underneath.

She stepped from the last stair in her stiletto pumps with rhinestone adornments and very proudly lifted her pleated skirt to her breasts to display the red bow on her black garter belt which contrasted so starkly with the smooth white of her bare buttocks, thighs, and her newly shaved pussy. She made a complete turn holding her skirt and modeling her charms for her three transfixed onlookers. I completed the work of art by tying a velvet ribboned cameo necklace about her throat and kissed her bare shoulders in an act of complete submission to her sexual power.

Dinner, conversation, all the rest were a blur as I could only keep my eyes on my beloved Alicia, the little high school senior that I had invited only a week before and who was now about to break a thousand hearts as the next porn star of the decade. Fucking her tonight would have been a sacrilege and we slept in separate rooms to make sure we were both rested for her erotic premier tomorrow.

Uncle Jerry went over the directions with me over breakfast. Alicia would have to be there for makeup and rehearsal about 3:00. Her scene would start around 4:30 or 5:00 depending on whether the previous scenes were completed. Meanwhile, Aunt Carol was getting Alicia ready and explaining some of the things she should expect so she wouldn’t be totally freaked out. One was that she would get a pelvic exam by a doctor before she would be allowed to do any scenes. This was to protect the other actors from any diseases and also was reassuring to know that everyone goes through it each shoot. The second was a even more delicate and she tried to break it to her gently.

“They also may want you to do a scene that involves… anal sex. You have to be really clean… you know… back there and wash yourself out before and especially after. Have you ever had… an enema?”

“Just from those bottled things I think. Once, when I was little and constipated. Mom gave it to me but I don’t think it was so bad.”

“Well this is just like that only a little more… thorough”, Aunt Carol said as she folded the red rubber bag with the white hose and plastic nozzle and placed it under her panties in the suitcase. “I know you seemed to enjoy the candle… the other night when we were… playing. Real anal intercourse might… hurt a bit… if you’re not stretched… you know… used to it.”

“I’ve played with my ass, you know with fingers and such when I played with myself but Chris has never… done it. How long does it take to get used to it?”

“Let me see if I can find something that might just make it easier.”

Aunt Carol packed Alicia’s suitcase which included her school uniform and undies. They would be her costume for the first scene. Alicia had really gotten dressed up in a white wrap dress with a blue collar and trim. It wrapped around her and tied at the waist making it easy to undress. Underneath she put on a pair of suntan suspender hose that fit her legs all the way up like pantyhose but just snapped across the waist with no panty part. This left her shaved pussy and inner thighs bare and, given the way the wrap skirt fell open when she sat, was incredibly erotic.

I put on a white fitted shirt and hugged my swimmer’s torso snugly and black casual pants with no briefs underneath. I took along a single change of clothes since we’d be back in two days at the latest. We were just about to go downstairs to leave when Aunt Carol came out of the master bathroom with one of her “toys”.

“I knew I still had one of these.”

In her hand she had a flesh colored piece of spongy plastic that looked like a small disproportioned penis. The middle was wide and quickly tapered to a blunt end like the tip of a finger. She told Alicia to undo her dress and hold it to one side. Alicia bent forward and spread her luscious cheeks exposing her puckered pink anus. After daubing her with clear lubricant, Aunt Carol eased the plastic plug into Alicia’s rectum.

“Ooooooo, it feels cold and slippery.”, Alicia said taking a quick breath first.

“It’ll warm up and you won’t notice it after a bit. Once it plops inside your body will keep it in you. Just take it out if you need to… go. I would like it back!”

Alicia laughed as my aunt wiped her cheeks scrupulously clean of the excess lube. Then she tied her dress around her and we headed downstairs.

I had rented a car for the trip knowing that vehicles tended to get “misplaced” once they cross the border. We packed the trunk and Aunt Carol gave Alicia a last good luck hug and kiss in the driveway. Then she came around to me and in a tender voice said,

“This is going to be hard for you, darling, even if you don’t really think so now. Just remember she wants to go home with you when the filming is over.”

She gave me a very wet French kiss and squeezed my penis through my pants. Uncle Jerry was less affectionate and just shook my hand. I noticed Alicia was acting reluctant about getting in the car and it worried me.

“Hey, Alicia. Are you… getting… nervous about this. I mean you can still…”

“God Chris! I’m not nervous, I’m just so horny thinking about doing it… and with this thing up my ass… it’s making me real… wet. If I sit on my white skirt all the way down its going to have one big wet spot on my butt.”

“Well, either go in and put on panties or… just sit right on the seat. Lift up your skirt and sit on the leather upholstery. I’m sure the next guy who rents the car will be eternally grateful for your unique auto air freshener.”

She tried hiking up the back of the wrap dress but it pulled the front open exposing her stockinged thighs right up to her shaved crotch.

“This’ll do for now. Just try to avoid taking too long to pass truckers, ok? These windows aren’t like your aunt’s car.”

She sat back and started reading one of her school books.