Baby girl

I am only a young preteen but I have spied on my brother jerking his cock off many times and seen his cum shoot way out into the air. At first I was surprised and not sure what was happening but now I know it is his pleasure ritual. Last night his girl friend was here and I spied her rubbing his cock with her hand as he kissed her and played with her tits. She was moaning and he kept asking her to suck it, but I didnt know what he wanted sucked but she did. She knelt down between his bare legs and pulled his cock into her mouth, then began to bob her head up and down his big hard cock. They were both making noises and she was rubbing her pussy as she sucked him. I started rubbing my pussy to just like his girl friend anad I pretended that I was sucking my brothers cock just like her. It was so hot my pussy started to tingle and I was gasping in leasure. Then my brother shouted that he was cumming and she still kept her mouth on his cock, I saw him grab her head and thrust his hips up off of the bed and I knew he was squirting the cum into her mouth and I could hear her swallowing it. His girl friend and I both orgasmed at the same time and I fell onto the floor nearly past out from the pleasure.
Now I want to know do you think my brother would let me suck his cock like his girl friend did and let me swallow his cum?

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