Babysitting Samantha

I can’t stop thinking about her, and however wrong it feels, I just can’t help myself. I’m talking about Samantha, my neighbor’s daughter.

If you Love my Stories, you are a Morally Depraved Pervert of the Highest Order… Welcome to my Reality! Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

Segment 1….
I can’t stop thinking about her, and however wrong it feels, I just can’t help myself. I’m talking about Samantha, my neighbor Amy’s 10-year-old daughter. She’s beautiful with long blonde hair, big pale blue eyes and dimples to die for. Her body is slender with long toned legs, with the cutest butt ever, and perfect tiny tittie bumps on her chest.

I’ve known her since she was a toddler, and she’s always been so cute and polite, but just recently my thoughts and desires have changed. I suppose it started a few weeks ago, when they came to visit with me a few weeks ago, Samantha plonked herself on my lap for a cuddle as her mother and I talked. It’s something she’s always done, but this time it was different.

As I wrapped my arms around her, the feeling of her cute little bottom on my upper thighs sent a tingle right through me. To say the least, my reaction surprised me, I’d been a confirmed lesbian since the first time I had sex with my best friend when we were both 14. But this was my first time ever of having a sexual attraction to a child since then, I just couldn’t ignore it, and I found myself pulling her closer. She was dressed in terry cloth shorts and a t-shirt, with her blonde pulled back in a ponytail. Her lithe body against mine exuded a warmth that took my breath away, a warmth I immediately felt between my legs…

Was I imagining it, I wondered? Then her slight, almost imperceptible sigh made me think otherwise. I was now certain I could feel her gently rubbing her crotch against my leg. I was becoming aroused and there was no denying it. I could feel my nipples hardening and a dampness spreading in my panties. And to make matters worse, her mother was sitting right next to us on the sofa.

When it was time for Amy and Samantha to leave, she hopped off my lap and after kissing her on the cheek, I was sure I saw a look in her eyes I hadn’t seen before on her angelic face. It was almost a knowing look, accompanied by a beautiful smile which made me melt.


I couldn’t stop thinking about her and her sly, suggestive smile after that day, and my thoughts were not pure. I found I needed to masturbate constantly while fantasizing about exploring her tender young body with my hands, fingers, and tongue. Oh, how my body erupted with orgasms bursting over me again and again. I had no expectation of ever even having a chance to act on my fantasies.

Then, all that changed in flash the Thursday before Thanksgiving. Amy asked me to watch Samantha for the weekend, because she was going to visit a friend in an Austin area hospital. She had been a severely hurt in a car accident with a drunk Honduran Illegal… so Samantha was much too young to go with her.

Holy Moly! I couldn’t believe my ears (of course, I was saddened by the situation… there are some many fucking illegals running around Texas and the country at large). But what a Stroke of Luck… I agreed on the spot, although I was careful to curb my excitement… and not seem overly eager, due to the dire situation.

“I know it’s short notice,” Amy said, “I have to leave around noon… I don’t have the time to find anyone else.” Then she added with a whisper, “And to be frank… I’m not sure she’ll make it through the weekend.”

“It’s no problem,” I protested. “I’d be glad to help out in any way I can. She’s such a well-mannered girl, I’m sure everything well be fine here, just go and be with your friend and don’t worry about Samantha.”

Segment 2….
Lucky for me, I normally had Friday’s and the weekend off, so I was restlessly watching the kitchen clock. It seemed like Noon would never get here. When it finally did, Samantha skipped into the kitchen happily clutching a small overnight bag, followed by her mother, Amy.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Emily,” said her mom.

“It’s no problem at all,” I replied. “Just go and be with your friend.”

Amy smiled at her little daughter. “Now you make sure you behave yourself,” she said with mock sternness. Samantha stuck her tongue out in answer, and huffed, “Of course I will.”

I laughed. “Go and don’t worry about us… you already have too much to worry about,” I said seriously before hugging her, and whispered. “I hope your friend pulls through… Fucking Biden.”


After Amy left, I told Samantha to put her bag in the spare room. I followed her up the stairs, and couldn’t help staring at her taut young butt sheathed in tight leggings. I was unable to ignore the surging tingle between my legs.

I watched her unpack her bag. I felt very distracted as she put her little nightie on her pillow and clean panties on a chair, but I managed to ask her if she’d had lunch.

“No… mom was in such a rush. Do you have pasta?” she asked as she put her book on the nightstand, and tucked her cute stuffed rabbit under the bed-spread. “Yes, I do,” I replied. “Anything in particular? How about chicken cacciatore? I have everything for it.”

“Yum,” she said, “so long as it doesn’t have mushrooms,” she added quickly. “I think they’re gross. My friend says they’re a fungus. Yuk!”

“Then cacciatore minus mushrooms,” I said with a laugh.

We headed downstairs, and she chatted nonstop as she watched me prepare lunch. She helped – without being asked, I might add – by making a side salad, cleaning up behind me, and getting the pasta water on the boil.

After lunch we washed the dishes, and we went to browse through North Star Mall, followed by the grocery store so I could stock up for the weekend. Then after put everything away, and eating a delivery pizza from Papa John’s for supper, I asked her to choose a Blu-ray. When I walked into the family room, she was holding up Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. “Can we watch this please?” she asked with a with a hopeful smile.

“Of course, we can,” I replied. I took it from her to put it in the player, thinking it was a good choice, especially as it featured the 10-year-old child actress Emma Watson… what a great movie to further my current aroused state. Then I realized how similar Emma and Samantha looked and my heart fluttered… this weekend was going to be a boost my masturbation fantasies for sure.

We sat casually beside each other on the sofa as the film started. To my surprise, it didn’t take long for Samantha to start surreptitiously edging closer to me. She sighed contentedly when I nonchalantly put my arm around her and held her as close as I dared. Then she again sighed softly, as if she were simply relieved that I didn’t push her back. As if emboldened, she looked up at me, blinking her big, waifish eyes. “Can I sit on your lap please?” she said shyly.

My breath caught at her request. Trying to keep my voice calm and natural, I said, “Of course you can, sweetheart. In fact, I’d like that very much.”

Sam eagerly snuggled back against my chest, and I wrapped my arms loosely around her, clasping my hands on her tummy. I rested my chin on her shoulder and breathed in the wonderous scent of her shampoo. I felt like I was in heaven. I lost track of the movie, instead remembering how I felt the last time she sat on my lap. The memory was enough to release a fresh surge of pussy nectar trickling out. I caught myself before an involuntary groan escaped my lips.

I started to stroke her tummy gently, she was again wearing a t-shirt with terry cloth shorts. My fingers drew little circles below her belly button, and my unspoken question was answered. Almost immediately I could feel her hips gyrating ever so slightly, and I was conscious of her breathing deepening slightly, just as my own was.

I was shaken from my daydream by her tinkling little voice. “Emily, do you have a boyfriend?” Amy, her mother knows I’m a lesbian, but she obviously hadn’t said anything to Samantha.

I wondered how I should answer. I decided to tell her the truth without volunteering any details she didn’t ask for. Still stroking her tummy, I replied “No sweetheart, I don’t.”

She looked up at me and said, “But why? You’re so pretty.”

I was slightly taken aback by her compliment. “Thank you, sweetheart,” I said with a smile. “But I… aaahh… don’t really like men very much, at least just not that way, I mean.”

She looked up at me again. “So, you’re a lesbian? Wow, I think that’s so cool. Do you have a girlfriend?”

I smiled to myself as her rapid stream of questions came pouring out without my having a chance to answer. I grinned at her. “Yes, I am, but no girlfriends at the moment… etc.” My equally rapid answers made her giggle.

“How come?” she continued as if trying to make sense of it in her own terms. “How come you don’t have a girlfriend?”

I continued lightly stroking her tummy, but when I felt her hand on top of mine, I stopped for a second… asking myself if this was really happening. I was momentarily afraid until I felt her fingers urging me to keep going.

“Emily…?” she said in a whisper.

“Yes sweetheart?” I murmured in reply.

She hesitated for a few seconds then took a deep breath. “Emily, I wish I could be your girlfriend.” Her voice was soft and almost shaky.

“Oh, that’s so sweet Samantha” I replied, “But I would get into lots of trouble if you were.”

Her shoulders dropped, seemingly in defeat. “I know, and it’s just not fair, and please call me, Sammie. All my friends call me, Sammie.” I could hear a pout in her little voice. “But you do like me, though, don’t you?”

I leaned in to playfully kiss the side of her neck and interlock her fingers with mine. “Oh Sammie, of course I do, I like you a lot.”

She sighed and leaned back against me again. The urge to slide my hand between her legs was almost overpowering, but I somehow resisted, and we continued watching the film.

When the credits started to scroll by, she let out a huge yawn. “Are you tired, Sammie?” I asked. I felt her nod, and I said, “How about I run you a bath and you can get into your nightie.”

“OK, but I don’t have to go to bed yet, do I?”

I sat her up. “No, not if you don’t want to,” I answered. I stopped the film, and I and led her by the hand upstairs, stopping at the linen closet to get her a big, fluffy bath towel. I motioned to the spare bedroom intended for her, and said, “You can get undressed in here, and wrap yourself up in the towel,”

Sammie snatched the towel from me, her cheeks flushing with not unexpected natural modesty. “I should bring my nightie, right?” she ventured.

I laughed, and gently lifted her chin with my fingertips so I could plant a tiny kiss on the tip of her cute nose. I chose my words carefully. “Unless you plan to run around naked and showing off.”

She giggled, then proceeded to floor me when she replied, “Only if you did it, too.” She judged my reaction with a wary look.

“Don’t tempt me,” I teased. I nervously waited for her reaction as I upped the dangerous flirtation ante. She simply giggled. Be careful, I warned myself. Shifting gears, I asked, “Do you like lots of bubbles?”

“Yes please,” she said with a bright smile.

“Lots of bubbles coming up, and a little lavender oil for good measure,” I said brightly as I left her to change.

The tub was filling with hot water and the air was rich with the smell of lavender when Sammie appeared at the doorway grinning, and tightly clutching the towel around herself.

I smiled back at her. “Take your time and enjoy your bath sweetheart, everything you need should be right in reach.” I said, then added melodramatically, “I’ll be in my bedroom. If you do need anything, just holler… if you dare.”

She giggled as she scurried past me, and I bit my lip as I closed the door behind her.

I flopped onto my bed, my mind in turmoil as I replayed our conversation in my head. “’OMG Sammie, of course you can be my girlfriend,’” I imagined myself saying. That was quickly followed by, “Don’t be so ridiculous Emily.” I heard the toilet flush and then the water tap being turned off, and I allowed myself to imagine Samantha – no Sammie, I reminded myself – lowering her naked body into the water.

I reached under my t-shirt and squeezed my breast through my bra. Then I pulled a cup aside so I could tug at my erect nipple. I gasped loudly as I twisted it between my finger and thumb, letting go of it with a snap. I did it again and again, until I finally allowed my other hand to travel down my body. I unbuttoned my jeans, undid the zip, and quickly pushed my hand inside my panties. I was soaked, and I had to stop myself from calling out as I cupped my aching, swollen mound.

I pushed my jeans and panties down my thighs and moaned as my fingers slid deep into my slit. I imagined Sammie naked beside me. My legs shook and jerked as I urgently pushed two fingers roughly inside me. I imagined her spreading her legs wide to expose her adolescent pussy, and I began to wildly fuck my dripping cunt with my trembling fingers. I was lost in a haze of lust and desire, and I bit my lip hard. Images of her beautiful face, her gorgeous legs, and her tight butt flashed before my eyes, and I could feel myself getting close, even too close. Imagined mages of her smile, her dimples, her tiny breasts with their pink nipples, all were about to take me over the edge.

I was lost in a haze of lust and desire, time slipped by….

A flash of movement from of the corner of my eye made me look up at my partially open bedroom door. I could see Sammie’s eye peeking at me. She’d been spying on me as I frantically fingered my pussy. Had I moaned her name out loud? I wondered, horrified at the thought.

We locked eyes for a moment, her mouth dropped open, and she bolted from my cracked open door, running down the hall toward her room.

I quickly pulled up my jeans and went to her room to find the door closed. I knocked, and softly said, “Sammie?” Knocking again, I repeated, “Sammie…. Are you ok? Can I come in?”

I heard a sniff from behind the door, then a very squeaky “Yessss…”

I opened the door slowly and found her curled up on the bed in the fetal position, with her towel still wrapped around her. I sat down on the bed and looked at her, her face buried in the pillow, and tenderly brushed away damp strands of hair from her flushed face.

She sniffed and looked up at me, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered between little sniffs.

I was momentarily confused. Why was she apologizing? I gently stroked her cheek saying, “Oh sweetheart, what are you sorry for? It’s my fault, I should’ve closed the door.”

She blinked at me, and replied, “I… I thought you would be mad at me for not knocking first.” Her bottom lip quivered, and I felt a surge of warmth deep inside me.

“I could never be cross with you Sammie,” I said tenderly.

A half-smile appeared and then a frown. “But my mom was really mad when I saw her do it.”

That was an eyebrow raiser, and I really wanted to know more about this unexpected nugget of information, but this wasn’t the right time. Instead, I held my arms out to her. “Come here Sammie” I said softly, and she sat up. I embraced her, holding her close. Her towel was still damp, and I said, “Get yourself dry and put your nightie on while I change into mine.”

She nodded slowly. “Do I have to go to bed now? I’m not tired.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “No silly, it’s still early.” She giggled. As I continued, “Listen, once we get changed, we’ll go back downstairs. We’ll can have a cuddle on the sofa, while we watch the next Harry Potter movie, ok?”

She flashed me a surprisingly flirtatious smile. “Yeah…. can we?” she asked brightly.

Segment 3….
In the bathroom I sat on the toilet and peed, wondering what on earth I should do next. She didn’t seem bothered by what she saw beyond strangely worrying that I would be mad at her. My mind was made up. I decided I had to see how far I could go with her, taking only what she gave, and going only as far as she wanted. I wiped my still swollen pussy and shuddered.

I walked back into my bedroom and took a clean nightie from the drawer, quickly pulling it over my head. I was just pulling a pair of cotton panties on as I heard a little knock at my door.

I had to smile at her caution this time around. “Can I come in now?” asked a little voice.

“Of course,” I replied while adjusting my panties. I don’t usually wear any, but I thought discretion was the better part of valor. I didn’t want to scare her off just as I sensed she wasn’t just receptive, but actively curious. Remember Emily, you’re the adult, I reminded myself. It’s up to you to make sure she really wants to go where you want to take her. And for fuck’s sake, don’t scare her off!

I sat on my bed and watched the door open slowly, until a little grinning face appeared. She walked in and I had to stifle a gasp when I saw her in her pretty pink nightie, which barely covered her butt. We went downstairs hand in hand. Then I went to find the movie and put in the player.

I turned and noticed her standing by just watching me. I smiled as I sat on the sofa, and patted the cushion next to me, and pressed play on the remote, as I said, “Come here so we can have that cuddle.”

She eagerly jumped on the sofa and clambered up next to me, as I leaned back on the armrest. She snuggled up to me and I put my arm around her. I couldn’t help staring at her long legs stretched out on the sofa. She was quiet initially, finally whispering, “I really am sorry.”

I half turned towards her and took her cute face in my hands. I was aware that my thigh was now in contact with hers. I looked into her big, soulful eyes, and I said, “Sammie, I told you, you have no need to be sorry, and if you say it again, I’ll have to tickle you to death.” I quickly kissed her forehead, and she giggled. Her giggle turned into a shriek of laughter as I poked her tummy. “There, that’s better” I said. “I like smiley faces much more than sad ones.”

She snuggled into me again, and I noticed that she kept her thigh in contact with mine. “And anyway,” I said, “I should’ve closed my door.” I added, “And your mom should’ve as well.” I waited for a response and she just looked at me, still smiling. I bit my lip as I thought about what to say next. I took a deep breath. “So, did you like watching?” I asked.

She continued to look at me, and I saw a slight nod. “It’s OK. You’re a growing girl, so it’s only natural for you to be curious about it,” I said. “It’s called masturbating, and everyone does it, in fact I was a bit younger than you when I first started.” Still, she stared disconcertingly at me. I began to think that she was becoming uncomfortable so I decided to back off. “Is there something else you’d like to talk about?” I asked.

“I do it too… but just a little bit,” she softly said.

I wasn’t expecting that, and my words caught in my throat “There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s natural to explore your body sweetheart. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She nodded again, then smiled when I added, “Especially if it feels nice.” I poked her tummy again. “Just make sure you close your door,” I said seriously. I poked her tummy again, and she started giggling wildly, her legs flailing. That gave me a tantalizing view of her little white cotton panties…. the movie was all but forgotten.

She settled back down against me and went quiet, so I decided to repeat my question. “So, what else would you like to talk about?”

She shrugged her shoulders and blinked at me. I half turned towards her again, and said, “I’d like to know something young lady,” I said with seriousness, and she frowned a little. “Who told you about lesbians?”

She grinned, and said “Tch! Emily, the internet? I was with my best friend Cindy at her house, her dad forgot to close a website on his computer with girls doing… stuff. You know, stuff and she showed it to me.”

She waited for my response….

“What kind of grownup stuff?” I asked.

“Y’know, like kissing and touching each other’s girl parts, and even kissing each other down there.”

My mouth felt dry. “And how did it make you feel?”

She blushed again and whispered, “All tingly…”

I was certainly tingling by now; a trickle of juices wetted my panties. My rational self was disappearing rapidly, overwhelmed by my growing, raw sexual hunger. “So, when you got home you thought about it and touched yourself?”

She looked into my eyes, and whispered, “Yes… how did you know?”

I stroked her cheek with my fingertips, and replied, “Because I would’ve done the same thing.” I continued stroking her thigh with mine, and felt her squirming beside me. “It really is ok to have feelings like that sweetheart,” I whispered, adding hopefully, “Do you feel tingly now?”

She took a deep breath and nodded….

“So, do I” I said hesitantly. How would she react? I could see her eyes looking up and down my body, and all traces of sensibility dissolved. “Would you like to watch me again?” I asked, as I closed a hand around my breast. My nipples were aching; in fact, my whole body was aching, pleading to be touched.

“Yes…. please” she whispered.

I leaned forward to fluff up the armrest pillow behind me. “Move down the sofa, Sammie,” I murmured. “You’ll be able to see better.”

She shuffled on her knees, ending up at my feet with her legs apart. I didn’t attempt to hide where I was looking. She noticed and sweetly grinned. “Would you mind if I take my nightie off?” I asked as I looked intently at her.

She shook her head, and almost whispered, “No…”

I pulled my nightie out from beneath me, then quickly slipped it over my head, still not quite believing that this was really happening. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her little mouth dropped open. Her eyes were fixed on my small bare breasts, and she silently mouthed “Wow…” I giggled to myself, as I cupped them, squeezing gently.

I never stopped watching her… she looked up at me, sighing, “You have lovely boobs.”

I slyly smiled, as I pulled my hard nipples. “Aww, thank you Sammie, I’m glad you like them,” I giggled.

Looking down at her chest, she said, “I hope mine will be like yours.” She pulled her nightie tight to show off her little bumps, and her hard nipples were very noticeable.

“Of course, they will be,” I reassured her. “I think you’re going to have lovely boobs. In fact, yours are bigger than mine were when I was your age.”

There was genuine surprise in her voice as she said, “Really…?”

I nodded, as I slid my hands down my body. Her gaze followed them as they travelled down my sides to my hips, then onto my taut belly. I drew my feet up, bending my knees and let them fall open. She stared between my legs, as I stroked up and down the inside of my thighs. She couldn’t take her eyes from my yellow panties, which was very damp and stretched tightly across my puffy lips. I watched her carefully, as I slowly and deliberately trailed my fingers over my mound, my legs shaking slightly as I started to massage my pussy through my panties.

I bit my lip, as I felt my heat through the thin material. Sammie watched my every move, and she gasped, as my fingertips ran along the leg elastic. She seemed to hold her breath as she waited for what was going to happen next. She let out a sigh, as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband. I brought my knees together and raised my butt off the sofa, and her breathing appeared to quicken as I slowly pushed my panties down. I lowered my butt back to the sofa, and I removed them completely.

As I let my legs fall open, I once again briefly wondered if I should be doing this, but the thrill of being completely naked to her eyes, made my pussy quicken and quiver. My arousal quickly overwhelmed any lingering hesitations.

Sammie’s eyes were glued to my naked body, and glistening wet pussy. I began to stroke the inside of my thighs again, my fingertips moving higher and higher until they teased my swollen outer lips.

“You’ve got no hair,” she murmured with wonder as she looked up at me.

“No sweetheart, I don’t,” I replied. “I shave it off because I love how silky smooth it feels.”

Her gaze went back to my quivering cunt. I used my fingers to part my lips, exposing my pink folds and erect clit. It all felt so lewd, yet so perfect. As I slid a finger up and down my slit, I deliberately stared between her legs. I licked my lips, and whispered, “You can do it also…. if you want.”

She looked up into my eyes shyly, and giggled, “Do what?”

I smiled at her, and said, “Whatever you feel comfortable with doing, honey.”

She hesitated a moment, as she watched my fingers circling my clit. Then she started to hesitantly pull her nightie over her head. “So beautiful…” I gasped, as I stared at her perfect little swelling breast buds and pink nipples, fighting the urge to reach for them. “Sammie,” I softly said, as she threw her nightie onto the floor, and shook her hair out. She looked back at me with raised eyebrows… she looked so sexy and desirable. “Sammie…” I repeated, “You know that you must never tell anyone about this.”

She nodded, saying, “Yes, I know, I promise.”

She looked a little lost, kneeling in just her panties, so I took the lead. “Play with your nipples, sweetheart,” I encouraged. She looked down at her tiny breast buds and moved her hands towards them, rubbing her nipples with her palms. She gasped…

“Feels good?” I asked.

She nodded, and whispered, “Oooohh… Yesss.”

I could see her little hips begin to gyrate.

“Show me, Sammie, show me how you touch yourself,” I whispered hoarsely.

She looked between her legs and hesitated. “Shall I take my panties off?”

I softly replied with, “Yes… but only if you want to.”

There was another slight pause, before she stood and slowly slid her panties down her slim thighs. I gasped loudly, as I stared at her lithe naked body, and sparse downy fuzz covered mound and perfect slit. My fingers automatically increased speed around my clit. “You’re so beautiful,” I gasped.

She gave me a lopsided grin, and knelt back down on the sofa with her legs spread apart. She hesitantly put her hand between her legs, and slid a finger between her puffy lips, whimpering and tilting her pelvis towards it. I had to force my fingers to slow their rhythm.

Sammie started to copy what I was doing. I was transfixed. Her little pussy was even more beautiful than I had imagined, and I wondered how long I could hold out before orgasming.

My thoughts were interrupted by her sweet little voice, now shaky from her arousal, “What’s it like, Emily?” she asked.

“What’s… what like sweetheart?” I replied, surprised at the fact I could speak coherently.

She continued rubbing at her little slit. “What’s it like being a lesbian?”

I loved her curiosity, and how she felt she could ask me such things, as we masturbated together. “It’s wonderful, Sammie” I replied, my voice very shaky. “Kissing and touching a girl… is so much sweeter than a boy, and so gentle, too.”

She looked thoughtful for a second, before offering, “I’ve never kissed anyone, well not properly… I mean.” She blinked her big pale blue eyes, as she waited for me to say something.

Not wanting to come just yet, I stopped fingering myself, and squeezed my small breast instead. I took a deep breath, and looked into her pretty eyes. “Would you like me to kiss you, sweetheart?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “Ooohh Yes…” she sighed. “I’ve never done it before, though,” she added.

I moved to kneel in front of her. I took her face in my hands. “That’s OK, I’ll teach you.”

She instinctively closed her eyes, as I leaned forward to kiss her, ours soft lips doing a sultry dance. I knelt back, and she opened her eyes. “Did you like that?” I asked.

“So nice” she replied, and I leaned forward again, and this time my kiss lingered. I sat back again. “Now this time, open your mouth a little,” I purred.

She nodded, and looked into my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her 10-year-old body. Our lips met once again, and I flicked my tongue briefly across her upper lip, before pushing it gently inside her little mouth. I felt her gasp, and I pulled her supple little body against mine, as her tongue tentatively brushed against mine. I rubbed her soft and silky back gently, then let my hand move lower to her tantalizing butt. I briefly squeezed her cheek, then moved my hand up her back again.

She broke our kiss, and looked deep into my eyes. “Emily…” she purred, “Please touch me.”

Oh God! How I really wanted to do just that, but I had to make sure this was what she really wanted. I gently laid her on the sofa, and looked at her, my face hovering inches from hers. “Are you sure, sweetie?”

She nodded, and softly said, “Yes, pretend I’m your girlfriend.” She had an impish grin on her cute face, and she blinked her eyes innocently again.

“Ok, but you must promise to tell me to “Stop” if I do something you don’t like.”

Her innocent little smile was so captivating. “I promise,” she whispered.

I laid next to her, and we kissed again, this time more urgently. Sammie was becoming more confident, and the way our tongues danced took my breath away. I laid my thigh across hers, and as my kisses moved over her soft neck, I pushed the inside of my knee against her soft mound.

She immediately tilted her pelvis upwards, and started to rock against me. “Y-Yes,” she stammered, as my kisses moved lower. I moved my knee from her mound, as I laid my hand on her flat tummy, drawing lazy circles around her belly button with my fingertips.

At the same time, I kissed her collarbone, then moved lower to the slight rise of her tiny breast buds. I took a second to stare at her hard pink nipple, then gently flicked my tongue over it. She gasped loudly, and her body jumped as I closed my mouth over it.

“Oooohh Emily…” she gasped, as I sucked ever so gently, and caught her nipple softly between my teeth. Her hips started gyrating wildly. “Please touch me,” she whimpered… and my fingertips moved lower onto her mound. I felt her legs drop open, and my middle finger twirled through her sparse downy fuzz before finding the top of her slit.

The softness of her mound was mind blowing, and her body shuddered as my finger slid easily between her puffy lips. She was so wet! I could feel her velvety wet inner lips, and explored her gently before circling her immature clit. Her legs shook, and she squeaked as I masturbated her. But I wanted… no I needed more.

I moved my hand from between her legs and changed position, so I was laid between her open legs. My kisses moved to her ribcage then slowly onto her soft belly. I savored the taste of her young flesh, and trailed my tongue onto her mound. Her chest was now rising and falling rapidly, and she suddenly held her breath as I slid my hands under her thighs, lifting them, opening them, pushing them back.

I stared at her exposed pussy. It was utter perfection, and I parted her outer lips with my thumbs. I gasped loudly at the sight before me. Her tiny pink inner lips, were free of imperfections, perfectly symmetrical, shiny and moist from her adolescent arousal. “Do you want me to kiss you here?” I asked as calmly as possible.

She let her breath out with a big sigh, and she whimpered, “Please Emily, yes! Please!”

I inhaled her rich, aroused scent deeply, then blew softly on her fevered flesh, making her whole body shudder. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I kissed her pussy softly, my tongue darting out and licking along the length of her slit. Her taste overwhelmed me… so sweet, so warm, so utterly intoxicating. I explored every inch of her with the tip of my tongue, her velvet soft inner lips, her tiny pee-hole, and her immature tight vaginal opening. I moved my thumbs slightly higher, and pulled back her glistening pink hood to expose her tiny baby clit, again blowing gently, making her legs shake. I looked up to see she had propped herself up on her elbows, her little mouth dropping open, as she craned her neck to see what I was doing. I gave her a reassuring smile.

My cunt was throbbing like never before, and I needed the release. I covered her pussy with my mouth, sucking gently, my tongue flicking back and forth across her clit. At the same time, I slid a hand beneath me, jamming it between my legs. I pushed two fingers roughly inside me, and pressed hard against my clit with the heel of my hand.

Sammie’s breathing was now short and rapid, her whole-body trembling. She suddenly cried out, “Oooohh God… Emily.” Her slender fingers pulling my hair, her body going rigid as she orgasmed. It tipped me over the edge, and I ground my cunt against my hand, still greedily sucking and groaning loudly into her swollen pussy.

It felt like an age before I came down from him climatic high. Her little body was still twitching with aftershocks, and I unsteadily moved to lie beside her. She turned her sweet face towards me, her little blushed cheeks streaked with sweat and tears. “Oh sweetheart, are you ok?” I asked with growing concern.

She turned to face me, and wrapped her arms tightly around me. “Yes,” she whimpered. “I never, ever felt anything that good before.” She sighed, contentedly adding, “You made me feel so special.” I brushed her hair from her face, and kissed her tears away. We smiled weakly at each other, then she buried her face in my neck. “I wish I was really your girlfriend,” she said in her little girl voice.

“So do I Sammie, so do I,”I whispered in her ear, as I ran my fingers through her silky blonde hair.

She sighed contentedly, and I felt her breathing become shallow as she drifted off to sleep…

I staired at her angelic face for a few moments, then I carefully got up off the sofa. I then walked into the kitchen and pored a glass of wine, I went out the back door and sat on deck chair. I sat there looking up at the few stars I could see, and drank my wine as I thought about what would come next….

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