Backyard Swing

I missed the bus, because I took the long way around, but if I hadn’t, I never would have gotten my neighbors’ mom.

There’s a shortcut between the streets. It’s blocked off, but when I first got up, I didn’t want to climb over the guard rail thingy. Then again, I would have made it to the bus stop easy that way.

So, I decided to cut through on the way back, and that’s when I heard this loud clang. When I looked over, I saw these chains fly up over the fence, then the seat flip all the way over. Of course, I’d done that, lots of times.

The third time, I’d found a tree branch I could climb up, and look over. What I saw was Mrs. Clarke jump up to throw the swing on last time. Again, it wrapped over the bar, but she was dressed weirdly.

She wore this dress that looked like a schoolgirl’s, but her daughter was too young to wear it, and all she had was older brothers. I mean, that it wouldn’t fit her daughter, and it barely fit her. So, she only buttoned it up as high as she could, and her bra was showing out the middle.

Then, she buttoned up her jacket, and that had a coat of arms on it? I couldn’t make it out, but the letter H, and S were on either side. So, I guess she went to a private high school, but even with that buttoned. She had to take a deep breath, and suck in her gut, but then she bent over, and got on the swing.

That squeezed her belly even tighter, but really made her tits bulge out, too. Then, she pulled her skirt up the sides, and her thong down her legs. Hanging so her knees were just off the ground, and her toes dragged in the dirt, but then she picked them up, and pulled her underwear off.

I knew it had to be something sexy from the moment I saw her, dressed up like a naughty cheerleader. She even had stripey socks pulled up above her knees, but she wasn’t wearing any mask. I felt my breath in mine, and of course a boner throbbing in my pants, but I had to climb up to sit down on the branch.

Then, she amazed me by putting the thong on over her head, like a face mask. I realized that she was wearing a wig, because she wasn’t blonde, but she could have bleached it since the last time I saw her. With the lockdowns, and social distancing, that had been quite a while, but I’d never seen her like this.

“Uh!” Some breath mist blew out of her lacy mask, and she turned her head sideways to look right at me. “Huh, you just want to sit up in a tree, and watch? You know what I want, don’t you?”

“Yeah, is that why you came out in the cold, dressed up like that?” I was pretty sure that if I hung back down again, I could get my feet on the fence. The branch wasn’t that close, and it was kind-of diagonal too. So, I had to swing kind of sideways, and climb over next to the trunk, but that let me put my shoulder against it, and throw a kick up to hook my heel on the top of the boards.

“Ngah!” I got my other leg up, and my knee over, so I could put both knees down, and then my fingers slipped on the branch. “Ah!” I fell off, over backwards, and almost hit my head, but I managed to catch the ground, and flip over.

On my hands, and knees, Marge scrambled on the fence and pulled herself up to look over. just her eyes, and the G -string up her nose, but the waistband held the wig on tight with the braids pulled out the sides. Pigtails, like a blonde little schoolgirl. “Are you okay?”

“I’m not hurt.”

She laughed, “Only your pride, but why don’t you come around the side yard, and I’ll let you in the gate?”

“Huh,” I dusted off my hands, and wiped them on my pants, but that sure killed my excitement. By the time I got around the side yard, I remembered that I was about to get laid. Again, I’m not a total virgin, but I’d never been with an older woman. Just younger girls, and she is kinda fat, but also super busty, and dressed like a teenager.

It’s just so weird that, I know there’s kinky housewives, and stay at home moms, but another thing is how she dressed up. How she used the swings in her back yard, and then she called “Over here!”

“Crap,” she didn’t say which side yard, so I had to go all the way around the front of the house to the side with the driveway, and the trash dumpers. She opened up the gate, but stepped back behind it.

“Huh, hurry.” She was shaking, and real red in the face, but even with the long bangs, I could see the wrinkles around her eyes, and they were dark brown. Almost black, but I’m a teenager. Still too young to have a driver license, I have a permit, but I haven’t really gotten a chance to practice, without being pulled over for curfew. Driver’s Ed was canceled, and all this stuff is probably boring you, so I’ll stop.

If I could drive, then I wouldn’t have missed the bus, and this never would have happened to me. “Aren’t you cold?”

“No, I’m hot, and horny.” She practically skipped over to the swing set, only this time I had a better view from behind. From the tree, it was more sideways, but as soon as she lay down, she started giving me directions. “Huh, pull up my dress. Yeah, and touch my puss.” Okay, she was shaved bare down there, so I guess you wouldn’t tell she wasn’t a natural blonde, unless you looked at the wig, and saw it was made out of plastic. “Feel how wet I am? Uh, give me the finger.”

“This one?” I figured the longest one, but even through the gloves, she felt so wet. I didn’t see the point of wearing fluid proof gloves, and warm ones. They made my hands sweaty enough inside, but outside, they were just warm enough, and bumping her fat pussy lips with my knuckles.

I was getting hard, and hot again too. “Huh, pull it out, and swipe it up. My butthole, get my asshole nice and wet.”

“You want me to finger it too?”

“Uh, huh!” She grunted, and I’d never touched one before. I mean other than to wipe after taking a dump, but even then, i used plenty of toilet paper, but when she grunted like that. I think she puckered, and pushed it out on purpose. “Uhn, ihn!” She nodded, when I got my fingertip in. “Ihn thumb. Uh thumb fuck me. Stick your thumb in my hungry hole. Ah Huhn!”

I had to twist my finger, and wiggle it in deeper, just to touch her with my thumb, but now I had to unzip my coat, and my fly. Dig around in there, left handed. “Pinch it!” She was really loud, and excited, but I rubbed my finger, and thumb together without her even asking. “Pull them out, and switch holes. Stick your thumb up my ass, and fingers.”

“Two fingers?” My girlfriend used 3, but her fingers were so skinny, I had to use 2. 1 to start, and while I could get 3 fingertips in her, the way they crossed under the middle finger made them widen out.

“Morauh!” She was really kicking her knees up, “Ah, huh! Fuck huh!” Struggling like I was raping her, and the chains scraped on the bar, but they didn’t jangle much. Pulled tight like that, but I was up to my second knuckles in her. That’s all 3 second knuckles, and she just kept getting loser. “Huh!” She went limp, and I waited for her to start squeezing my fingers together with her love muscle, but she just breathed, and sucked at my thumb. “Huh, pull out, Nghm!”

She nodded when her pucker kissed at my thumb tip, but now my fingers were good and slippery. A little ran down the back of my hand, and there were even steaming drops running down her legs. in the dirt between her knees, she was literally dripping wet. “Buttfuck me.”

That’s all she said, but she pulled her skirt up again to stick her fingers in her steaming twat, and I mean it was. Wet enough for the moisture to condense, but I just had to unbutton my pants, and wipe my thumb off. Okay, there was a little shit on the tip of my thumb, so I wiped it on her skirt, and pulled it up to hold my dick down.

Slip it up, and down her wet crack, and find her pucker. Now, I didn’t have any rubbers on me, and of course she could get pregnant. I think, from behind, it’s hard to remember it’s her, and not just some teenager playing out on the playground. “Push me up.” She put her feet down, and walked out, high enough that she was right at dick level, but then she flared her asshole, and even farted a little.

“Uh, pound me full of your hard young cock. “Uhn!” Her knees gave out, and my pants fell down, but my coat hung low enough in back to cover my butt. “Uhn, ngh! Inh!” She grunted, and did that butt thing, but her knuckles kept bumping my nuts, and I couldn’t believe that they didn’t shrink up. Not just from the cold, but here I was, buttfucking Mrs. Clarke. “Uh UH AH AHN!” So loud, I didn’t care if anyone could hear us, but honestly. First thing in the morning, who would. “NYAH NEAH ANGH!” She clenched tight, and then started squeezing me with her love muscle.

I didn’t even know the sphincter did that too, but she was cumming, and splashing what turned out to be piss all over my pants. I’d never made a girl gush, or squirt before, but it was so hard, I could hear it hit the dirt, and she went limp again.

“Uhn, huh! Let me go.” She just hung there, swinging slightly, while I pulled her skirt down, and wiped my dick off with it. “Huh, leave me. You can leave me alone now.” She just kept talking to herself. “Huh, I just need to be alone, now.”

I left the gate open, then jumped when Mr. Clarke stood up behind the trashcans. “Oh shit.” He pulled his underwear up, and buttoned the top while I just ran off, but when I looked back, he was closing the gate. Inside, in the back yard.

“Oh, huh.” Maybe he was just waiting for her to be ready to come out, and do her. Then, I showed up, so he hid and watched me cuck fuck his wife. What’s the deal with that, anyway? “Ah, shit.”

I’m going to have to tell Stephany. “Huh!” Well, she should be in class right now, so I can send her a message. She’ll have her phone off, that’s the rules, but I smacked my head, realizing that I’m going to see her son, Mark again some time, too. [I’m sorry. I’ll understand if you want to break up with me, but I don’t want to lie to you…]

I sent that, and immediately regretted it. Read it over, and over again, on my way home, and then got in the shower to rinse off, a lot. It wasn’t just the crap, but also. I felt so dirty, inside, ashamed that I cheated, and it was a stupid bone-headed thing to do. The hot water ran out, so I had to check my messages.

“Huh!” Of course, there weren’t none, but she probably wouldn’t get the chance to call back until lunch. [It just kinda happe;] <<<<<<<

What am I going to say? Well, I better figure out something before she calls me back on lunch…

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