Battle Flame In Korea (Asian on White interracial, violence)

A group of five U.S. nurses are travelling with an escort in South Korea. Elements of an enemy division surprise-attack the convoy and capture it!

Disclaimer: Rape in reality is despicable and wrong; the author of this story does NOT condone real-life rape in any shape or form. Rape in fiction can be a fun way to explore one’s fantasies.


January 23rd 1951. Country road about 30 miles West of Yongdok, South Korea.

Ann found this was a calm morning as she was given a ride by a Corporal on a winding, bumpy road somewhere in Korea’s back country. Along with three fellow US nurses and a female UN aid worker, 1st Lt. Ann Kimberly Willies was on her way to Chunju, were there was a critical shortage of trained nurses. They had more than 100 miles to go in this hilly country, at elevations ranging between 1,500 and 3,500 feet. The weather was fierce and cold; no snow was falling though. The winter-barren countryside came on display with each passing hill, under a heatless sun.

They couldn’t drive much faster than 20 mph on such a bad road, with bumps of cold-hardened dirt. They had set out in Yongdok with the first light of dawn almost two hours ago. They still had five or six hours of these rough bumps and bends. At least, there wasn’t any risk for their convoy to be ambushed. They had an escort, but it was just a platoon with a young Lieutenant.

There was intense and bitter fighting up North. But at no point their route would take them closer than 15-20 miles to the frontline. This would be an uncomfortable, albeit safe ride.

At one point, Ann and her driver heard a loud roaring sound from the sky. Then, four Sabre F-86 fighter jets swooshed above them at low altitude, flying at a blinding speed and quickly diminishing into the northern sky, soon to be observed as small dots in the cold blue sky.

Capt. Mary Higgins was the senior nurse of the group. She shared the jeep with 2nd Lieutenant Harvey Jeffries, a fresh-out-of-West-Point officer who had been given this simple task of escorting the nurses from point A to point B well off the fighting.

1st Lts Jodie Bathgate and Irene Chandler were the other nurses, each of them a young, attractive brunette with features almost as striking as Ann’s. Margaret “Margie” Simmons was an aid worker and a war correspondent for NY Times; she was a strikingly beautiful woman, with an alluring figure, remarkable brown hair and green eyes to die for. She also was the only woman dressed in civilian clothes.

As the one blonde in the group and the ageless beauty, 30-year-old Mary received lots of furtive glances from the young Lieutenant. She was a decade older than him and it positively excited him. He was pretty sure that if they decided to make a halt and suddenly rush at the nurses and gang-rape them, the vast majority of his men would go along with it, but then he’d be court-martialed and sent to jail, perhaps worse. He better forget about it! Still, the thought of these gorgeous women stripped out of their uniforms and gang-raped in this hilly countryside gave him a massive boner that he hid under gloved folded hands.

The women felt the soldiers’ glances on them and their uniformed and winter-coated bodies. They felt the tension! Some found it inappropriate and felt a little disgusted and creeped out. Margaret felt this tension and it secretly aroused her. She even felt some swelling in her breasts underneath her uniform shirt as she pictured herself being mounted by a G.I. on the hood of a jeep! She knew she was going to fap to this once she was in her new quarters in Chunju.

As the convoy kept bobbing along the hilly countryside, Ann wondered if she was going to see any dogfight between Sabres and Migs before the day was over.

The attack caught them unawares, sudden and with extreme violence.

Ann saw the foremost jeep coming out of a bend and then the driver and the soldier on the passenger seat gestured in a very bizarre way as she heard sounds like fireworks. It took Ann several seconds to realize it was gunfire; to her horror, she realized these soldiers had just been KIA right in front of her eyes. She felt a big mass of fear growing and swelling in her stomach and everything around her unfolded in slow motion, like in a dream.

More fireworks-like sounds!!! Then several deafening detonations as the Sergeant sharing her jeep began firing at an enemy she had yet to see.

Ann and the other women were quickly told to stay down and take cover. The young Lieutenant was panicking while his Platoon Sergeant was calling the headquarters when a bullet hit him and he fell to the ground motionless.

Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki was part of elements of a battalion spearheading a North Korean Division who had made a surprise breakthrough. They had received intelligence that other Divisions had broken through the frontline as well. They were acting as scouts and would disrupt supply transport and comms lines if the opportunity arose.

When surveying their surroundings with his senior sergeant from a vantage point, he had spotted the convoy… GIs with supplies and other personnel. He had quickly picked a perfect spot for the ambush, at a place where the convoy was to take a sharp turn at the very top of a steep hill, thus forced to drive slow in a place with many surrounding trees, boulders and other hiding places.

As the first jeep had cleared that sharp bend, they had opened heavy fire with a machine gun and instantly killed the soldiers in that jeep, forcing it to stop. At the same time, the last jeep was similarly attacked and stopped. Soldiers had thrown grenades on both ends of the convoy as well. Seeing the convoy trapped between the two stopped vehicles, Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki gave the order to assault!

As he took his pistol and moved forward with his men, he saw a woman run and climb to hide in the back of a military supply truck. Then a brief and extremely violent fight ensued.

The 20 GIs were outnumbered at least three to one and were taken by surprise. They quickly surrendered after taking heavy casualties.

The young American Lieutenant was disarmed, had his wrists painfully tied up behind his back and was severely beaten up with rifle butts by jeering enemy soldiers. He recognized their uniforms to be North Korean and not Chinese. His surviving men shared the same fate.

Margaret let out a shrill scream when she saw a wounded soldier being forced down to his knees and then shot through the head by a laughing enemy soldier.

They spotted her!

She felt hands catching her ankles and she was roughly dragged out from under a jeep, where she had been hiding. The military supply truck suddenly resonated with female squeals. The soldiers had found more women.

As he was surveying the spoils of his quick victory, Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki saw that there were five women among the prisoners. One sergeant was already force-kissing a strikingly beautiful woman with dark hair, while a blonde one who looked somewhat older was loudly protesting as laughing soldiers were tossing her between them and taking turns in force-kissing and groping her.

The three other women — all beautiful with dark hair — were similarly catcalled, jeered at and groped by his troops. Some others were pillaging the supplies for food and let out cries of joy as they found some; they immediately opened some cans of corned beef and began to eat.

Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki knew that his men were starved for food. And for sex. He himself kept looking at one of these American women and felt a raging erection growing and starting to push against his uniform pants.

He had to make a quick decision. He knew that the rest of his battalion would be moving by him about one kilometer on the west and other elements would be moving up and occupying that road a little off to the east. Watching the state of arousal of his men, he understood he had not much of a choice in the matter; if he ordered them to leave the women alone and walk them as POWs, he knew they could mutiny just to have their way!

Ann recognized the officer by the insignias he wore on his shoulders and by his demeanor. She felt his gaze on her… On her body… Then an enemy soldier took her in his arms and his bronze face was against hers as he imposed his kissing mouth on her. She felt hands cupping her breasts through her winter clothes. She heard her fellow nurses screaming and pleading while these men surrounding them just couldn’t be stopped. She started to cry, knowing the inevitable aftermath that was about to take place. She prayed that at the very least, they would walk them to some camp and spare them the horror of being gang-raped right next to dead American soldiers.

She felt her hopes die within her, as she heard the officer give a sharp brief order, with a grin that made her understand and she started wailing frantically as she felt men grabbing her and forcing her to walk near this tall officer.

“All right! Bring this woman to me! You can have the others! Make it quick!” Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki snapped at his senior sergeant, who cheerfully relayed the order.

Then the entire place erupted with the women’s shrill screams as the North Korean soldiers started assaulting their winter clothes. “DON’T TAKE THEIR COATS OFF!” the Lieutenant shouted. He wanted to keep these female POWs alive and thus gave this last order to avoid the dangers of hypothermia, as the temperature was about freezing cold.

Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki had Ann brought to him. The American nurse, wearing her Lieutenant’s uniform under her winter coat, spat at his face as soon as he stood close to her. He saw the silver bar indicating her rank on the collar of her khaki shirt.

He wiped her spit from his cheek and tasted it, smiling. The other men laughed. Then Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki grabbed her and forced himself on her mouth, kissing and taking a long whiff of her fragrance while avoiding darting his tongue inside her mouth. He felt the wildly protesting woman trying to break free and uttering a muffled scream against his mouth… “MMMmhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” He also heard the wails and screams of the other U.S. women about to get raped.

Then he moved back and violently slapped Ann, and almost immediately he quickly unzipped her winter coat and opened it wide to discover her uniform shirt. She forcefully wriggled as she tried to break free from the soldiers restraining her arms. She managed to kick the officer, who punched her twice for her insolence. A thin rivulet of blood streamed down the corner of her mouth as the Lieutenant ordered two men to restrain her legs and untie her military boots.

Then he grabbed the front of her uniform shirt and violently ripped it open, making Ann squeal loud; he felt his erection growing into a raging pillar of bronze veiny hardness as he saw her bra-covered breast shapes dancing in front of his eyes as she desperately screamed and squirmed, trying again and again to break free from the jeering men’s clutches.

Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki realized this will be the first time he would see the bare breasts of an American woman in the flesh. With wild anticipation feeding his erection and making his expression looking both fiendish and lewd, he delightfully heard the snapping sound of the tearing light fabric as he yanked off this white woman’s bra…

Ann’s shrill screams of protests echoed Margaret’s, Jodie’s, Mary’s and Irene’s. Each of the five women were surrounded by a swarm of bronze-face jeering soldiers who tore at their clothes and gleefully uncovered their female charms. Irene and Jodie got quickly bent over and had their winter coats tucked over their backs and their pants brutally pulled down… then they screamed their lives out as soldiers yanked their panties off and they felt the cold winter breeze directly on their suddenly naked butts; then, they were raped doggy-style by two sergeants who lost no time in formalities.

“Noooooo!!! … Nooooo!!!! … STOP!!!!!! …”

Irene and Jodie begged and wailed, but it only made their jeering rapists pound them harder!

The surviving US soldiers — the Platoon Officer among them — watched the scene appalled, yet many of them felt secretly aroused and had a tell-tale bulge growing in front of their pants, and they couldn’t hide it since their hands were tied behind their back.

Margaret and Mary “enjoyed” the same delay as Ann, since soldiers were taking the time to untie and remove their field boots in order to then remove their pants and rape them as they’d lie down on the cold ground.

While his men were untying and taking off her field boots and pants, Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki cupped Ann’s perky breasts, squeezed them, took a lick at her tender pinkish nipple and felt her concentrated distress while tasting her salty fear in girly cold sweat, felt her other nipple standing erect from the wintery breeze and let himself become inebriated by her hypnotizing curves and her blinding paleness so beautifully pushing away from her chest between the khaki curtains of her torn-open shirt, flanked by the wide sweeping opening of her violated winter coat; he cupped, kneaded these fleshy orbs, felt how their firmness softly yielded under his gun-powdered hand, how silky her sensitive skin truly was… He sucked her nipple, tasted it again under his tongue… He took great delight in hearing the bawling woman’s protests as he enjoyed her intimate perky mounds of pale flesh, his raging erection feeding from all he sensed through his hands and mouth. He had a young sister whom he loved dearly, but this woman was different — she was the enemy; she personified all he had learned to despise and hate; she deserved to be used for his men’s entertainment.

Ann was shocked and horrified at the sheer brutality of actual war. There was nothing at all common with anything she had seen in the movies. Wounded soldiers had been wantonly executed in front of her. While she was restrained and she felt soldiers taking her boots off as the officer played with her breasts, she saw Irene and Jodie getting raped doggy-style by jeering soldiers. They were raped right there on the spot! No walking unscathed in a nice prisoner’s camp to wait for friendly troops to save their honor like she saw in a movie; no invisible Hollywood shield protecting the white women from the unthinkable!

Just sheer violence and unrestrained horror!

As soon as they had these field boots off her feet, the soldiers quickly forced Ann — constantly screaming and begging them to stop — to lie down where they made short work of her uniform pants and undergarments. Before long she was stark naked from the waist down and feeling the cold, barren ground under the soles of her dainty feet.

“NNNNNooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!… NnnooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

Ann could just scream and squirm in panic as these bronze-face men pinned her arms and legs and that odious officer knelt in front of her and unzipped his pants. She saw his dick — fully erect, about average size, veiny and uncircumcised. He spat in his hand and coated his cock with saliva, before lying down on top of her, giving her a surprise kiss and then pushing his cock against her entrance, forcing himself inside her womanhood! Grunting as he felt himself entering some of the way…

Ann frantically shook her head and kept wailing as she felt the painful intrusion inside her most intimate self. She kept trying to free her arms and legs in panicky jerky motions against the forest of arms pinning her, all to no avail as the unstoppable pillar kept filling more and more of her protesting womanhood.

Lieutenant Myo Hyun-Ki let out a loud grunt of satisfied lust as he felt himself all the way inside the American officer. He immediately began pounding her with unrestrained abandon, burying his face on the nape of her neck amid her disheveled black hair, and enjoying her screams of pain and distress as he raped her under the jeers of his men.

He raped her savagely and quickly reached his climax. She felt him twitch inside her and then he emitted a loud roar as he blissfully felt his dick exploding inside her and shot several bolts of jizz, depositing his sperm and releasing millions of small heads that began to swim up her vaginal juices and curious to meet any egg this foreign womb might have in store for one of them…

Ann wailed and sobbed out loud as a second North Korean soldier laid on top of her. She felt her heart sink in a black abyss of shame and debasement as she understood the full horror of her predicament. There were so many men jeering around her! As the second man began raping her with loud grunts of vulgar copulating bliss, she knew she’d be used like this by a dozen men before this ordeal was over…

She could do nothing but wail and endure.

Mary stoically endured the same abuse, lying down naked with her coat and shirt wide open and taking an endless succession of jeering rapists inside her womanhood. She did her best not to scream and remained mostly silent during this unspeakable ordeal; as the senior in rank, she made a point of remaining strong for her younger fellow nurses.

After the heat of the battle, the victorious North Koreans greatly enjoyed the rapes. Several American POWs had a massive erection from watching Irene’s beautiful round butt getting repeatedly slammed by each of these successive soldiers who took her standing from behind as she shook wildly and begged them to stop from time to time. Presently, a corporal was forcefully driving her hips into his lap while ramming his dick and making her whimper under the frenzied barrage. Then he let out a prolonged groan as his dick powerfully exploded and flooded Irene’s cunt with his biblical-scale load of Communist jizz.

Jodie’s ordeal started out doggy-style. The Korean men being shorter than Americans, they were just at the right height to bang Jodie, who stood 5 ft. 2 in. As one rapist followed another and Jodie’s shrill screams of protest turned into tired whimpers, soldiers pulled down her pants more and more to reveal her shapely legs. Then someone took the time to unlace her field boots and discover her alluring feet — so pale and feminine! At one point, Jodie ended up laid down with her arms pinned on either sides of her head as a larger corporal ripped her shirt apart and tore off her bra while grunting with intense lust as he discovered her snow-pale B-size boobs with darker wine-red nipples. This corporal raped Jodie missionary style and his eyes never left her quivering breasts as he pounded her with growing force and louder grunts until he finally erupted with jizz galore inside her. Then another man took his place. Another… And yet another… By this time Jodie endured her never-ending rape in silence, her head bobbing and turned sideways toward Mary, her superior officer, who shared the exact same fate.

Those who were mounting Mary took great delight in watching her perky breasts jiggle with her distressed vanilla nipples on top in a savage display of Geneva violation amid the wide V of the US Captain’s ruined khaki shirt as her beautiful blonde head of hair kept relentlessly bobbing against the cold, hard ground. They raped her urgently while grunting their utter satisfaction at gaining such highly prized spoils. Each of her new rapist had zero regard for her; he polluted her ears with his animalistic grunts and then polluted her body and soul when he cummed hard inside her.

Margaret shared Mary’s fate with added humiliation. Since she was so strikingly beautiful and these North Korean soldiers never had an intimate look at such a foreign woman, they took the time to undress her completely! Against his Lieutenant’s order, the senior Sergeant took off her winter coat and then ripped her turtleneck shirt open. Margie helplessly felt their hands ripping at her civilian garments and undergarments until she was freezing and Eve-naked amid this dirty dozen of bronze-face demons!

They all marveled at her beauty as they forced her to turn around and round for their entertainment! Her curvy butt, shapely legs and dainty feet were mind-boggling to look at in their girly firmness and subtle pale complexion. Her breasts were very similar to Ann’s except Margaret’s nipples and areolas were somewhat puffy. She had to endure their revolting hands and mouths all over her! Then, on the Sergeant’s orders, they had her down on all fours and their senior Sergeant knelt behind her and cupped the pale moons of her alluring butt — enjoying her off-limits nakedness as he unzipped his pants to unleash his eager dick!

He took her cold from behind, making her scream in pain as he brutally entered her. Margaret sobbed and thought of the lover waiting for her in New York while the North Korean Sergeant was raping her kneeling, from behind like a rutting Asian stallion! The rape was brutal, very painful and mercifully short…

The senior Sergeant groaned and dumped a massive load of cum inside the gorgeous American aid worker.

Then a second man quickly took over and before she knew it, Margaret had another bronze Asian man filling her vagina and making her body shake under the savage force of his satisfied lust. Then came the loud scream of relief as he shot his seed inside her, and was quickly replaced with a third rapist.

When he noticed the woman was shivering from the cold, the Sergeant had the men put her coat back on her and then the rapes resumed, this time with Margaret lying down; she took a countless number of soldiers inside her! The Sergeant decided to sample her in this position as well. When he cummed, he was pleasantly surprised to feel the thick warm shots of jizz spurting out of his dick just as if he had spent a year without sex!

The soldiers raped the five nurses with gleeful abandon. The post-battle adrenaline rush fueled their sex frenzy and made most of them cum very fast. Each nurse would receive a good dozen men inside her.

The captive US soldiers could only look at the appalling scene.

US soldiers sometimes did this to female North Korean prisoners. They were horrified, but they found such a battle aftermath grimly logical. Armies of all nations did such things on the field.

As she was being repeatedly raped by a throng of jeering and laughing enemy soldiers, Margaret saw a picture falling from a side pocket of her coat. Looking sideways through the bobbing motion of her nonstop rape, she recognized the snapshot her fiancé had taken of her in Malibu, only days before she was flown to Japan, then to Korea.

On this picture, she was smiling in radiant happiness under a cloudless Californian sky, wearing her fiancé’s too-large plaid shirt with her legs and feet bare, offered to his gaze as she knew he loved them so much. The photo was very recent, yet to her it felt like a piece of lost paradise from a distant past. She bitterly sobbed as the enemy soldiers kept raping her. Her life was now nothing but broken shards of misery.


Note: All my rape scenes are written on the first draft. After this, I only check the spelling and adjust a detail here and there, but I leave the scene as it is. I like the way it replicates the chaotic spontaneity of a collective rape.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅